well thanks to technology and
electronics you can option all kinds of
amazing tech into affordable cars these
days yet some tech options are still the
domain of the very wealthy
I'm Brian Cooley and these are my top
five technologies in cars that I think
really set the serious luxury rides
apart from what the rest of us can
afford number 5 is big name Audio and I
put this down at 5 because high-end
audio is popping up all over different
priced cars with meridian beats fender
be a no-name and others getting into the
cabin but the really expensive audio
rigs that add 5 to even $10,000 to a
car's price that's still top-shelf
ironically most buyers who can afford
such cars are at an age where they can't
even hear a high-pitch doorbell but
those speaker grilles are sure
impressive number 4 a v12 engine the
trend these days is to get more power
from fewer cylinders all the way down to
3 even ford's new supercar only has six
so what are some of these luxo barges
doing with 12 because that says I make
more money than you do oh and it also
has a certain innate smoothness number
three is night vision 10 now head-up
displays are moving to the mainstream
but these James Bondy and night vision
screens still remain in your financial
planners dashboard not in the one in the
mid cebiche he said you can afford
number 2 lounge rear seats still the
very emblem of class warfare because
they're all about luxury and repose
while not even driving your own car and
they'll always remain in this vaunted
position because you can't install them
in a car that isn't already huge before
you to number one here's a luxury car
option that isn't even in the car when
rich folks have bought the most high-end
car they can find they then raise the
stakes further with where you keep it I
hate it when I envy a car's bedroom
number 1 is of course the fridge the
back seat cooler it takes the cake
because it's just as
Hritik as those lounge seats but even
less necessary I mean come on there's a
7-eleven full of cold drinks every three
blocks across this country you'll make
it but you probably don't want to emerge
from behind your privacy screen it's
gonna add of those to the list or top 5
lists to wake the car lover go to see
net on cars.com click on top 5
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