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Top 5 things the next Apple Watch needs

these are the top five features we want to see in the next Apple watch at number five android supports got an Android phone and you want an Apple watch you can get them both but they're not gonna work together I know this sounds insane because Apple is such a closed universe but Apple does have Apple music running on Android so maybe this will happen question mark at number four waterproofing the current generation of Apple watch is water resistant however it's not officially waterproof it's happening up the Apple watch by making sure it could survive swimming or taking a shower could be a great addition number three a redesigned interface now this one can be done with a software update but the Apple watch's interfaces very unlike other interfaces bubbles everywhere that resizes you move your finger why was a simple grid not simple enough to understand at number two more screen less bezel Apple did a pretty good job in the design of the first Apple watch however this sure is a lot of bezel around that tiny screen hopefully Apple can figure out a way to get more screen and remove some of that dead space I asked you folks on Twitter what features you wanted to see in the next Apple watch here's what you had to say Richard wants the watch to still work as a watch even when it runs out of charge Randy wants iPhone independence and Christopher wants a lower price you hear that Apple now on to number one better battery life this is the most important feature we want to see in the next Apple watch what good is a SmartWatch if it's not running right now the Apple watch lasts a little bit more than one day the less you have to charge the device the more you'll actually use it since it's on your wrist what an idea for more top fives like this check out top 5.2 Netcom I'm is and we'll see you later
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