Top 5 ways to fix the Fantastic Four franchise (CNET Top 5)
Top 5 ways to fix the Fantastic Four franchise (CNET Top 5)
these are the top five ways to fix the
Fantastic Four film franchise so by now
you've probably seen or heard how good
Logan was the studio behind the fill box
did an excellent job with it the weird
thing is Fox also has the rights to the
Fantastic Four without a doubt no
Fantastic Four movie reaches the level
of Logan so here's how the FF can be
fixed at number five make a deal with
Disney no I'm not suggesting that Fox
gives up all the rights of the Fantastic
Four what I'm suggesting is making a
deal with Disney which has the rights to
all of those Avengers movies why not
allow some Fox characters to cross over
on loan from Fox is it because I want to
see Wolverine me Captain America yes
absolutely but the Fantastic Four also
benefits if we could get access to a lot
more Marvel characters at number four no
origin stories the Fantastic Four's
origin story is nowhere near as famous
as batman's or spider-man's however it's
pretty straightforward team gets
bombarded by cosmic rays and gets powers
they don't always get along and they
figure like a family but they are a
family at the end of the day explanation
/ you don't need 90 minutes for that and
number three adapt something from a book
the Fantastic Four comic book series
started in 1961 and luckily there are
ton of great stories to pull from as
source material may be fantastic for
issue 48 with the introduction of
Galactus yes i know they tried that
already but that can be done better
where maybe grab a story from john byrne
or mark waid at number two let dr. doom
be dr. doom the versions of dr. doom
that we've seen on screen have been
terrible the 2005 costume looked about
right the 2015 version looked like some
kind of foil covered mannequin let's
just make Doctor Doom the ruler of the
fictional country of Latvia and just go
with it and that number one rebuild the
world the x-men live in a very real
world at is dark and full of death the
Fantastic Four wear blue matching
costumes by the guy named dr. doom fight
a spaceman with a purple helmet who eats
planets and occasionally hang out with a
refer a new Fantastic Four movie would
have to embrace all of that crazy stuff
and build a world where all of it is
amazing but also completely normal so
thank watch men but with a much more
hopeful outlook please of course a great
script director and excellent casting
would also help if you've got ideas of
how the FF could be saved let me know
I'm a tie us on Twitter and I'll see you
online 90 minutes for an origin story
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