On January 24 Apple computer will
introduce Macintosh and you'll see why
1984 won't be like 1984 what's great
about the iPhone is that if you want to
check snow conditions on the mountain
there's an app for that if you want to
check how many calories are in your
lunch there's an app for that
I was writing paper on the PC and it was
like a 50/50 with me and then like half
of my paper was gone and I was like hmm
hello I'm a Mac and I'm a PC you know we
use a lot of the same kinds of programs
like Microsoft Office but we retain a
lot what makes us us you should see what
this guy can do the spreadsheet
it's insane Oh shucks we are more like
my friends than we are on a night we are
more alike my friends than we are
unalike so merry little Christmas let
your heart be live
here's to the crazy ones The Misfits the
rebels the troublemakers the round pegs
in the square holes ones who see things
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