hi I'm Andrew Gebhardt for CNET today
I'm taking a look at the shark rotator
powered lift away not the shark rotator
professional lift-away this is believe
it or not brand new back they look very
similar the brushroll looks very similar
the shape the dustman very similar there
are some minor tweaks I like the color
on this one a lot more than the red and
white old one all of the controls are
now right at your fingertips
up on the handle all of that though
probably wouldn't be worth a whole new
line and the extra 150 bucks but there
is one big new change that actually
feels really worthwhile to me and I know
that's weird to say about a vacuum but
it's a transformer it's a vacuum in
disguise each piece attaches
individually from every other piece so
what that means say you're vacuuming a
room and you're vacuuming the main part
of the floor and then you need to reach
under the bed just detach the canister
and then you've got a thin stick back
that can reach under there then pull it
back out keep vacuuming the floor
reattach the canister so you have the
full upright then oh let's say you need
to get the upper corner pull out the one
and do it and you can do all of this
without ever stopping the vac it's
awesome so not only can it transform but
this $350 model comes with a bunch of
attachments to let you clean just about
anything it has a hard floor genie with
a Swiffer like add seasoned dust while
you clean it's really really versatile
and that $350 price point is of the $700
list price of the Dyson cinetic big ball
animal allergy now the cinetic had a
neat trick to it - it wasn't a
transformer but it actually did away
with vacuum filters this one still got
the filter but it is more versatile it
is more easy to use that said Dyson deep
cleans a little bit better than this guy
don't get me wrong this thing is still
really good on carpets it doesn't pet
hair well it does Cheerios well Dyson
just got a little bit more sand as than
it did and this guy actually struggled a
little bit on hardwood floors even with
the hard floor genie it pushed around
Cheerios he's still gonna want to have
the broom in the dustpan around
especially for big articles
otherwise you're getting at the premium
vac at a mid-range price it's a good
I recommend it it's definitely worth
your consideration with the shark a
rotator powered lift away I'm Andrew
Gebhardt for CNET for more be sure to
check out my full review and all the
rest of our vacuum reviews on cnet.com
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