Turn your Legos into actual robots with Lego Boost
Turn your Legos into actual robots with Lego Boost
LEGO robots you can officially make your
own lego robots with lego boost lego
boosts is a set of programmable motors
that work with existing Legos to bring
your bricked creations to life so you
can make your own motorized Lego
Batmobile or even a dancing Dino since
the motors are programmable you can use
the accompanying lego app to create
motion sensitive toys will even record
voice effects
aka you can make that Lego robot cat
talk meow meow and if you're excited
about making a robot but don't have a
grand vision there are instructions to
design and build five LEGO robots right
out of the box including Bernie the
robot multi-tool Rover and Frankie the
cat lego boost will cost one hundred and
sixty dollars us and will be available
the second half of 2017 it's geared
towards kids seven and older
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