Twitter co-founder apologizes for Trump, Arnie is back (Tech Today)
Twitter co-founder apologizes for Trump, Arnie is back (Tech Today)
this is CNET and here are the stories
that matter right now Twitter co-founder
Evan Williams says he's sorry if the
social networking site helped elect
Donald Trump the president stated on Fox
News in March that he wouldn't be here
in office if it wasn't for Twitter
during a New York Times interview
published Saturday Williams said that
Twitter's role in Trump's popularity was
a very bad thing the chief executive of
let echoes ting has stepped
down a month after the company scrapped
a two billion dollar bid to buy US TV
manufacturer Vizio the Chinese company
had planned to make a big US debut but
has since tightened its belt after
Chinese regulators announced in November
that there would be heightened security
of Chinese capital leaving the country
and finally talking to screen at Cannes
Film Festival Arnold Schwarzenegger said
he will be returning to the Terminator
franchise following discussions with
director James Cameron and he said that
Cameron who directed the original first
two terms in the series has good ideas
for the continuing franchise stay up to
date with the latest by downloading the
CNET tech today app available for iOS
and Android
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