Twitter revokes verification badges from offensive accounts (CNET News)
Twitter revokes verification badges from offensive accounts (CNET News)
Twitter makes changes to its
verification policies on Wednesday
November 15th Twitter started taking
away verification badges from accounts
that violate its policies twitter posted
a series of tweets on the twitter
support account explaining its reasoning
the company said verification has long
been perceived as an endorsement
we gave verify to council visual
prominence on the service which deepened
this perception Twitter went on to say
it's working on a new authentication and
verification program Twitter is also not
accepting any public submissions for
verification additionally the company
outlined what can cause a loss of
verified status in a post for example an
account that promotes hate and/or
violence against people on the basis of
race or ethnicity can lose its badge
twitter removed verification badges from
Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler who
are associated with white nationalists
Spencer tweeted verified no more is it
not okay to be proudly white Kessler
took Twitter's move personally saying
Twitter has changed their verification
policy just to be able to censor me okay
then did you think the verification
badge implied in endorsement let us know
for more coverage check out
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