
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Unboxing Hasbro's Marvel Legends Infinity Gauntlet and Review

what's up guys Brian Tong here and as you can see in front of me I'm super excited about this we just got this in read the word up here it says toys and this is going to be our unboxing first look at Marvel Legends Infinity Gauntlet from Hasbro it's coming out on March the 3rd 2018 so I'm just gonna that's okay alright let's just whip this thing like this is kinda this has got to be the collectible of the year I'll just do this my way here we go look at this oh this is beautiful this is beautiful alright so you know this is a replica of the Infinity Gauntlet from the inventor Avengers movie infinity war coming out now bumped up to April 27th crap this is awesome all right so I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna crack into this box very carefully because I want to preserve the packaging so later I can resell it on eBay for twice the value alright we're gonna open this up and just see what we can get inside here you guys don't see what I'm seeing right now this is amazing alright should I pull it out I'm gonna pull it out I'm gonna pull it out here oh man let's just be very careful with this okay look at this thing look at this thing how do I get this off I should be very gentle with this alright look at this beast right here this stands 19.5 inches tall I'm getting giddy right here you can see the design here it's beautiful you have all the gems one of the keys of this is that you have to add three Triple A batteries so I'm gonna improvise and kind of figure out how to do this it appears I need a screwdriver does anyone have a screwdriver oh right here the magic of video all right so I'm not normally a lefty but I'm gonna unscrew this panel here like if you could smell this right you know that that smell of like fresh plastic kind of like a new Mac smell or like your fresh car smell like like mmm smells good smells good all right listen let's get this give me just bear with me and my screw driving capabilities all right so I'm gonna unscrew that and we have right here you can see triple double A batteries keep on sayin triple a double a boom boom all my childhood fantasies are gonna be complete in a second all right I'm gonna put this panel back on there screw it on oh yeah nice and tight nice and tight okay come on come on let's play with this thing okay well let's put this panel back in place and you may or may not be able to see this but inside this gauntlet I'm gonna show it to you will have to get a little better light in here but there's actually a grip for my hand and then if you feel around here there's actual rings that control the different fingers what are you are you listening to that wait what just happened okay this is awesome I just turned on the Infinity ah how do i how do i flex my hands out now oh okay so you put your hand here and I like squeezing them down here and there's actually there's a there's a release right here so it appears that if I put this release down it locks the fingers down and then when I when I come back up so you can do some creative things like we're gonna blur that out right now you can't see this right if indeed gauntlets this I know you jelly right now alright also some cool details here that you may not notice not only is it a nineteen point five inch replica if you look at this the actual infinity stones are shaped differently from each other so you obviously have the mine stone its envisions head over here we have the time stones the eye of agamotto that is in the possession of Doctor Strange we have the power stone that the Nova Corps is holding on to after Gardens the galaxy a volume one then we have the space stone where it appears that Loki has recovered it from a thor ragnarok and it's in his possession hold on a site let me turn this back on oh yeah also um this is the reality stone this was in the possession of the collector and then this guy here this is a big deal this is the soul stone we haven't seen it yet but um I just wanted to show off this this is the Infinity Gauntlet even the thumb moves like yeah every finger has a loop this is so awesome I'm gonna walk around and like I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try different things with this but there you have it the first unboxing of the Infinity Gauntlet for Marvel Legends and this thing is boss you
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