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Unboxing the Apple Watch Series 3

inside this box there's an Apple watch Series three now this year you had two options you could buy the LTE version or the non LTE version and since it's the new feature this is the LTE version we're going to see if there's anything different inside the box now I've bought a box cutter but it doesn't seem like I'll need it Apple has made it pretty easy to open this shipping box looks a lot like what we've seen before I'm wearing the series two on my wrist right now try not to damage the box you'll notice it says what watch it is on the front and here's the instruction manual let's see as if they have different bands as usual here's the other size which is what they would include in the previous models as well I'm gonna put this to one side and continue on this is the Space Gray series 3 watch with a grey band as well the crown now has a red button on the side which is what indicates that it's the series 3 with LTE now we're gonna take off plastic to reveal the Apple watch series 3 looks nice it doesn't seem to be any thicker than the series 2 just at first glance it might be a little bit heavier but that's don't quote me on that I'm not quite sure this is the 38 millimeter watch face and we're gonna put it to one side to see if there's anything else inside this box actually yeah the wall connector and the cable everything looks other than that pretty much the same as in other models I would not know that this is the LTE version had I not known I ordered it there's nothing that indicates cell reception until I turn it on which we will in a later video so stay tuned we're gonna have more coverage on the Apple watch you can already check out our full review at CNET calm
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