hey I gotta bail for cnet.com and we are
going to unbox the iphone 5c this is
apple's more affordable more colorful
iPhone it would do a great job with
their packaging so let's see what
they've done with the 5c right off the
bat I can tell that this thing is
packaged different than iphones in the
past instead of it being a all concealed
cardboard box their packaging this a lot
more like an ipod you can see the color
you can see exactly what you're getting
here is a little adhesive around the
side take that off and then you take the
top off now you can pick your iphone 5c
right out this a little a little hinge
oh I forget here we go Oh plenty of look
at that nice touch I always joke around
that this is the part that you put on
your old phone to try to sell it on eBay
or you can just keep it as a souvenir
here so here you go iphone 5c and all
this yellow glory here up lost my
sticker yeah it looks like an iphone
with a plastic backing this one coming
in looks like to me canary yellow if you
want to know all you need to know about
the iphone 5c you can see our full
review over on cnet but for the rest of
the contents here you get the little
hello that's in the box here little
instructions and stickers that you'll
never look at all those agreements your
your Apple stickers there you go that'll
replace them when it fell off and then
here you go in the box you've got the
charger the USB cable really the
lightning cable USB to lightning cable
that will charge your phone and then
Apple's nicer in your headphones some
people love them some people hate them I
still think that they're a good upgrade
and these are the ones that come with
the inline remote so that you can click
and adjust the volume and all that stuff
so there you go that's it that's all
there is to it that's all you need so
more information on the iphone 5c and
read our
full review head over to cnet.com I'm
Donald Bell giving you the unboxing of
the iphone 5c
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