in the beginning man discovered fire and
now in the year 2018 I've got some unbox
a recreational flamethrower we picked up
the quote unquote not a flamethrower
today over at the boring company in
Hawthorne California and now it's here
in our studio and ready to be unboxed we
already have our instruction manual
ready to go you can see it's only a few
pages long flamethrowers don't seem to
be that complicated but there are some
important safety rules how to hook up
the actual flamethrower to the propane
tank and so on so without further ado
let's unbox this thing like to say
probably the most exciting unboxing I've
ever done here and seen that alright
guys we're gonna open it up okay so on
the lid here we have a key for our
flamethrower and I'm gonna lift this up
so we can reveal tada
okay so let's walk through this this is
really cool so number one is the nozzle
that's this and they tell you in the
instruction manual that gets very hot
and not to touch it after you use the
flamethrower for about two hours number
two you've got this really awesome
boring logo right here
I guess awesome boring logo and a little
bit of a contradiction in terms
we'll take it and it's it's a 3d one it
sticks out which is really neat number
three is the ignition switch which will
light the fire right there under the
boring company logo then we've got
number four which is our propane tank
right there got number five that is the
fuel bracket this is what holds the
propane tank on to the flamethrower
number six and idle knob that is what
connects the fuel bracket to the propane
tank and then you've got your regulator
that's number seven that's right here
that's gonna allow you to turn on or off
the propane flow into then not a
flamethrower and then you've got your
trigger everyone knows what that's for
and then of course nine is your shoulder
rest you put the flames are up against
your shoulder and ten is your economic
palm place
so you want to put your palm right here
right at this part of the flight door
let's pull this thing out of the box
shall we my god it is really heavy okay
so here it is a boring company not a
flamethrower you can see the propane
tank is not attached of course they're
not gonna want to send these things out
with an attached propane tank that seems
slightly dangerous it's pretty big you
can see it's about 1/2 of an Ashley very
important we have our boring company not
a flamethrower serial number right here
which is 0 1 1 2 7 and I'm actually
going to do the traditional peeling of
the wrap off of that part of the NADA
flamethrower tada so I was looking at it
a little bit closer and I just noticed a
very tiny red lettered not a underneath
the flamethrower part of the serial
number badge which is pretty funny I'm
gonna go ahead and plug in this propane
tank but unfortunately we are in fact in
the middle of a studio that has a lot of
fire safety rules and so I I will not in
fact be firing this thing up today take
out the propane tank here make sure that
regular sets you off it's closed I don't
hold studio to smell like gas oh very
bad and then place it it's loaded
so yeah this is it this is the boring
company flamethrower or I guess not a
flamethrower I can't like this I'm
really sad but I would actually kill one
of our wonderful cameramen so we're
going to go ahead and keep this unlit
until a future video so keep an eye out
for that guys that's our boring company
and not a flame thrower unboxing stay
tuned see Netcom for future not a flame
thrower videos
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