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Unfolding meat robot can retrieve ingested batteries (Tomorrow Daily 365)

greetings citizens the internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best talk show universe I'm Ashley sceva i'm jeff cannata we're about to catch you up on the day's stories with headlines here you want of our viewers in London if so you can sign up to test drive this self-driving shuttle the Gateway project is now accepting registrations for the very first public autonomous vehicle trial the vehicle isn't a car but a cute little shuttle that looks almost like a very short monorail train with windshields on both ends they are fully electric and totally automated with the ability to find its way around using lasers and sensors mounted to the carriage professor and technical lead of the Gateway project nick reed said quote testing these vehicles in a living environment takes the concept from fiction to reality unquote are you ready to sign up to test the first automated thing uh you know it does not go as fast as the Hyperloop so I feel like the chance of liquification of my body is a lot lower so yes willing to do the Hyperloop I guess you're willing to do this this thing where to crash it feels like it would just be like a yeah well there's no other cars driving at the Hyperloop it's sure that is true is a fair point that's a fair point this could be a slightly more dangerous but I think this is adorable and if you live in Greenwich you should sign up for that if you're in the London neighborhood uh if you've ever known someone or yourself to have swallowed a button battery at some point in your life it could be dangerous but maybe not anymore with the help of this tiny little origami robot an international team of researchers is showing off a tiny origami robot made out of sausage casing designed to be ingested in the event of accidental battery consumption after you swallow this little guy via an ice capsule it would head to your stomach via an external magnetic field helping guide it and a combo of flexing along surfaces and swimming in your gut would get it to your stomach when it arrives at the battery a tiny little magnet on board picks it up and you are good to go the experiment was conducted on a synthetic stomach but potential future uses are for an object retrieval like we mentioned medicine delivery and even tissue patching they're saying they could take this little also unfolding robot and patch some tissue they say 3500 people in the US alone every year swallow batteries don't do that that's a lot bro kids I mean it's like it's well you're gonna have that problem you're having a baby that baby's probably gonna swallow battery well that's all I'm gonna feed it so I suppose ya wanted to have well better baby yeah robot baby all I do is feed it batteries um yeah but so that thought that was pretty fascinating fascinating and also really creepy how it unfolds itself does that the story you want to talk about on thursday i mean i kind of want to talk about gateway but yeah I think I feel like we should talk about medical advancements in these like sort of unfolding robots and things like that so yeah i'm down for robots sounds good stomach robots origami meet bot origami meet but if you guys want to talk about origami meet bot with us you can do so on twitter just use our hashtag hey Timmy yeah and if you use that hashtag and tell us what you think about an origami meet robot retrieving a battery in your stomach we might use it on the show I'm just saying it could be great yeah uh but now that we're done with headlines let's check out our front tire for the day today's photography of the day is Abraham who took this delightful photo on his iPhone 6 Abraham wrote and said my name is Abraham and I took this picture on my holiday to Bali last month I used an iphone 6 I brought my stormtrooper with me all the time and took some pictures this one I took on the beach of tunnel lot that's so rad I love I love this it looks like he actually got a full-size stormtrooper outfit but no it's merely photography trickery I know it's a trick of the eye it's an optical illusion I do love these I where you take toys and you make it look like they're full size it's really really fun and this is a great picture obviously you're on vacation during springtime so it fit our theme arm a theme of spring does that always they say the birds are singing the flowers are blooming and the stormtroopers are are looking out into the ocean that's that's what they're doing so always in the springtime if you guys want to submit your phone tog repeat tomorrow at cnet com yeah be sure to tell us what device you took it on give us permission to use it on the show tell us how to pronounce your name and give us a little story about why you took that particular photo yes we're also all over to the internet on social media so come have fun with us and you can of course share the show which we always appreciate by sending a friend a frenemy or an enemy to tomorrow daily com even if you just want to watch it with your stormtroopers yeah set them all up wheat Genghis hangs out with us every day on set he's really our only friend that's true and that is it for the show today we will be back tomorrow with a brand new docket a delicious sandwich of science fact and science fiction coming together but until then be good humans you
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