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Use an onion to quickly build BBQ skewers

if you're making skewers for the grill you probably do something like this skewer in one hand food in the other and you stop but sometimes especially with thicker cuts of meat and vegetables you stab yourself along the way so here's a faster and painless way to make your skewers grab an onion and cut it in half right through the skin then set it on your cutting board cut side down I first thought of this dip on Kenji's Instagram page he takes a skewer then whatever he's putting on the skewer like the zucchini and stabs it right into the onion what's great about this is that if you don't like onion the peel creates a nice barrier so that you don't get any oniony flavor on your skewer what's also nice about it is that for thicker cuts of vegetables or meat like chicken that's kind of hard to get through it makes this process a lot faster and painless you
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