Using VR to make games in VR is VR-riffic (Tomorrow Daily 311)
Using VR to make games in VR is VR-riffic (Tomorrow Daily 311)
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek
talk show in the known universe I'm
ashley's together and i'm jeff cannata
and it is time for headlines let's do it
we're a little late to this unreal VR
story because it happened late last week
but it is so cool that we just have to
talk about it epic will be launching a
virtual reality tool for it's unreal
editor this year adding to the fever
pitch of VR launch is scheduled for 2016
the editor looks pretty fun to use
almost like a game in and of itself but
extending game design into VR is
actually an important step forward for
developers making games on a PC for
something you're going to play in VR
doesn't always translate properly plus
it's a pain for devs to have to
continually swap between PC and VR to
see their efforts in a 3d universe as
opposed to a 2d one on a monitor the
official release date for VR Unreal
editor will be announced at GDC next
month I think this is really cool not
only does it make it seem easier to make
VR in VR but I think it's going to open
up game development to a whole range of
people that don't necessarily have
technical sales because you're just
touching and manipulating things in the
world like you would in natural human
life would you would you say you'd call
it a game changer yes I would excellent
all right so there are a team of
researchers in China who are showing off
some incredible camouflage technology
check this out the wuhan university team
published their work a couple of weeks
ago detailing how this camouflage works
plasmonics displays cover a 3d printed
chameleon model which is so cute and the
plasmonic displays change color in
real-time as they cross different color
panels light sensors inside the
chameleons eyes tell the panel's what
color they should match but they're
limited right now to just red green and
blue in the future they say a more
advanced version of this concept should
be able to match any color making it a
prime candidate for adaptive camouflage
in the future and honestly really kind
of setting up bud I don't know the next
predator movie this is happening this is
how I mean we're going to have
invisibility cloaks in our lifetime
it's happening the technology for this
is pretty amazing and the journal the
publication is very dense but a good
read if you're into the science I
enjoyed it so what do you think should
we talk about this one or do you want to
talk about VR really we got to talk
about VR NVR I think that's a pretty
exciting development I really do and
we'll talk more about it on thursday
when we deep dive but this also makes me
very excited for GDC yes indeed and if
you guys want to get in on the
conversation you can use the hashtag hey
TD yeah shout at us and then if we like
what you say will incorporate it into
our discussion on Thursday when we deep
dive into our topics that's right so
with that all said and done let's talk
about our phone tog refer the day today
I'm talking with today is Aaron who sent
in this amazing picture that was taken
with his iphone six-plus Aaron writes
took this pic at the shards of glass in
London with my iphone 6 plus it was a
gorgeous day with the Sun at just the
right angle I hope you enjoy this photo
I love your show and of course give you
permission to use this in the show this
looks rendered it looks like something
you'd see in an assassin's creed game it
looks really pretty he did say he did
say he used a filter he's you instant
filter but still that is a pretty great
shot of London with Tam's I just Oh
makes me miss London so much yeah I
haven't been since 2012 and now I find a
long time either man what a beautiful
day to it's usually foggy and grey but
it looked so gorgeous gorgeous if you
want to be like Aaron and send in your
phone tog raphy email us tomorrow Tina
calm informations there give us
permission to use it on the show make
sure you attach your pictures so we can
actually see it and honestly tell us a
little story about it cuz we love
stories yeah and you can you can send
those to us also we look at your
feedback on the show you can talk to us
individually on Twitter or the show all
that information is here all the social
networking sites that we like and also
one last thing before we go make sure
that you follow tomorrow daily on
Instagram because multiple account login
is going to be active ASAP which means
you will be seeing a lot more activity
on our Instagram feed so please go on
there I'm very excited about that that
is it for today's show we will be back
tomorrow with a brand new docket of
weird wonderful science fact meeting
science fiction but in
then be good humans hi guys
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