is future mobility the sorry
buddy this is a true long-distance
electric car it offers an EPA
manufacturer estimated range of 233
miles and it can be charged to 80%
capacity in just 30 minutes this is made
possible by a new vehicle architecture
developed especially for electric cars
this architecture allows us to adopt an
entirely new path we are doing more than
just putting electric power trains into
our conventional models we are
developing entirely new and unique
vehicle concepts especially for
long-distance electric mobility one
difference for example is the location
of the battery which is now flat on the
vehicle floor which offers a number of
benefits there's room for a completely
new design and new proportions the
flexibility in design allows new package
solutions and the body offers a high
degree of occupant safety the low center
of gravity means great road handling and
the all-wheel drive allows great
performance emotional with a long range
and developed specifically for this
purpose this is what folks Park electric
cars will look like in the future
we are especially proud of the cockpit
it's a cockpit of the future but not the
distance future just just take a look at
this beautiful dashboard it's arguably
the most attractive human machine
interface ever installed in a fox wagon
it's an extremely clean design and
intuitive - full HD displays blend into
one large surface the entire
infotainment system makes a giant leap
forward there's not much left from
conventional cockpits of the past there
is only one large panel area creating
one shared world of information
playlists and apps can be moved wherever
it feels best for you when it folks
wagon it's not enough just to look good
everything needs to have a function let
me give you a very practical example
you're on your way home from work
and ask your friends to come over to
watch the playoffs but there is one
important question are there enough
drinks in the fridge no problem for
buddy just have a look as you see you
have to stock up
buddy is part of the smart home it is
connected even to the kitchen from my
buddy I can keep an eye on my fridge and
if you don't want to let the postman
into your house you can get your order
delivered directly to the buddy no
matter where the car is thanks to a
special Dropbox
it works like a mobile 24/7 mailbox
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