wake up and smell the coffee well that's
what the old saying says but now you can
actually do it with this device it's an
alarm clock called the sensor wake so
wake up from your slumber with the sweet
smell of a hot cup of joe or a walk in
the forest cement maybe a touch of
chocolate all you need to do is insert
one of these capsules into the sensor
wait they're a little bit like air
freshener pods and then the sweet smell
of whatever the fragrances will wake you
up when your alarm is meant to go up but
if you're a heavy sleeper and smell is
might want to get stronger senses don't
worry after three minutes an actual
alarm will go off if you don't turn it
off there are going to be 15 fragrances
available all up including a couple of
limited edition ones my personal
favorite is bacon the sensor lake will
cost you 109 dollars it comes with one
cartridge and extra cartridges will cost
you ten dollars for two and they last
about 30 days apps say you smell it from
the front it actually does smell like a
hot cup of coffee for more on the cents
awake check out cnet.com
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