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Warlock of Firetop Mountain at PAX Aus 2015

nikki Haley was seen it here on the show floor impact Australia 2015 showing off some of the great indie games that are available tell us about warlock of fire top mountain well look at photog mountain is the granddaddy of all the fighting fantasy game books we've released eight fighting fantasy titles so far this year we're for least eight new game bugs and more than six more so we're bringing in fighting fans of the game books till the 21st century now with warlock you guys have gone a step further and developed an actual combat system for it yeah internally is referred to it's great bluff and may change name at some point I was actually really weird brief we're told to create combat with miniatures but no dice and so it's actually ended up a bit more of a combat puzzle where the goal is not to die so the fighting fantasy stuffs been really good for you guys fit a good kind of series of games hasn't it ya know it's got such a strong brand loyalty as well like people who walk past the group and then I'm kind of pause look at it be like wait the fighting fantasy and it's really great to see people with that fashion remember check out for all of our pax australia 2015 coverage
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