hi I'm David Katz Meyer from CNET and
I'm standing here with the Toshiba
glasses-free 3d TV this is going to be
the first TV to hit the US market that
actually incorporates 3d TV effects
without the need to wear glasses the
real key here is the head tracking
technology that enables the TV to shoot
the 3d image which actually requires
separate right and left eye images right
to each different person in the room
without having to use glasses so if you
stand in different portions of the room
you can actually watch as the head
tracking technology figures out where
you are and locks in that 3d effect the
3d effect that I saw was a little bit
less drastic than I've seen on some of
the other glasses TVs and I've also been
told that the resolution is a little bit
less in 3d than on some of the other
glasses 3d TVs I've seen but to me it
did look pretty darn sharp on this 55
inch model now the TV behind me is not
going to be the exact shipping version
that hits us Shores this is actually a
prototype the one that's available in
Japan in Germany they're released in
December is similar to this and I think
the u.s. one will also be similar on the
other hand this TV in 2d has 4k by 2k
resolution which is a lot higher than
current 1080p TVs so it can accept that
really high resolution content there's
not much of it right now but when it
comes out it'll be able to handle that
in 2d the real play here is the
glasses-free 3d TV which again is a
pretty cool effect it had a little bit
of artifacts from what I saw but again
this is a pre-production version so
maybe they'll work that out in the next
few months this TV hits us Shores that's
a quick look at the Toshiba glasses-free
3d TV and I'm David Katz Meijer
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