today we're taking a look at the four
moms mama Roo which is basically this
smart Bluetooth connected baby seat /
bassinet thing that imitates the way
that parents rock their babies to sleep
so we brought the mama Roo over to the
smart home and brought my seven week old
son Idris to test it out
so essentially what for moms did was
they observed real-life parents to see
how they moved and the speed at which
they moved when they were rocking their
kids at asleep and then they created
this device that actually imitated that
same range of movement and speed of
movement to simulate sort of an extra
pair of arms for parents who need it
that base mechanic actually works really
really well my son really liked it and
we could get him to fall asleep we got
him to be engaged when he was awake he
enjoyed being able to move around in
this kind of natural way generally it
just was a positive thing the trouble is
with a device like this that costs two
hundred and seventy dollars you expect
the extra smarts to really stand out as
well and they just don't
this mobile right here for example
really it's it's pretty cheap looking I
mean it doesn't have any kind of
connectivity to it it has these sort of
fluffy balls but nothing is hanging down
for him to reach for it kind of is
disappointing he gets bored with it
within a few minutes the other big
shortcoming is the speaker system so the
sound quality is really bad the volume
is really low they aren't Bluetooth
connected like the actual device itself
is so I have to walk across the room and
plug it into the device with this tiny
little cord right here which defeats the
purpose of it being hands-free so the
momma Roo is actually really cool for
people who need an extra set of arms to
put their baby to sleep because they
just don't have time or need to get work
done but if you're somebody who's
looking for those extra connected
goodies like a cool mobile or good
Bluetooth speakers this just isn't going
to fulfill that need
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