Watch as NASA's Cassini spacecraft sends its last signal to Earth (CNET News)
Watch as NASA's Cassini spacecraft sends its last signal to Earth (CNET News)
you're watching live coverage of
Cassini's final hour from NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory JPL is located in
lucky on a flint mission Pasadena and
managed by the California Institute of
Technology let's take a look at our last
our display or display shows that we are
just over seven minutes away from the
end of mission
radio signals still holding 30 seconds
systems leave mission planning
correctness and lettings spacecraft has
just crossed ten degrees north latitude
altitude 1,000 miles copy thank you
project manager flight director go ahead
okay we call loss a signal loss of X fan
Casso signal at 1 1 5 5 4 6 4 the SVN so
that would be the end of the spacecraft
project manager on FS awkward maybe a
trickle of telemetry left but just heard
the signal from the spacecraft just go
on and within the next 45 seconds so
will be the spacecraft I hope you're all
as deeply proud of this amazing
accomplishment congratulations to you
this has been an incredible mission an
incredible spacecraft and you're all an
incredible team I'm going to call this
the end of mission project manager off
the net
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