We debate 8K, Twitter faces the music and Facebook fans flee (CNET UK Podcast 544)
We debate 8K, Twitter faces the music and Facebook fans flee (CNET UK Podcast 544)
Twitter faces the music kids break up
with Facebook and we look ahead to the
coolest gadgets for the rest of the year
it's the scene at UK podcast I'm rich
and I'm joining me is Katie Collins
hiding yeah I'm great thank you go back
from ether a week in Berlin looking at
exciting new product products I mean
some of them were exciting I'll tell you
more about that a little later in the
show well yet so to kick off I mean it's
it's all going off over in the US and it
there's a lot of a lot of hearings and I
guess panels yeah people being
interrogated well I mean it's it's been
fairly quiet news week here in the UK
and then you know sort of yesterday
afternoon yesterday evening it all
kicked off on Twitter and you know
everyone was going mad for various news
and some of which actually involved
Twitter and now we've had we've had
jackdaws II Twitter CEO testifying Jack
at Jack testifying before Congress this
week that's right and he's been trying
to defend the platform from from
allegations of bias especially in the
direction of conservative news and
conservative tweeters and one particular
thing that he's been forced to kind of
well he hasn't addressed it but he's
been asked about it is whether Trump's
tweets are abusive and he's quite he's
carefully dodged questions on this and
you know a lot of people have been
complaining for it for a while now about
whether Donald Trump and some of the
things that he's tweeting should you
know basically violate Twitter's rules
of conduct and whether you know if some
if anyone else had tweeted them whether
they would be allowed to remain on the
platform and you know up until now
Twitter has always said and well now it
was well actually has always said that
you know it's it's important to have a
figure such as Donald Trump on the
platform because he contributes so much
to the kind of the conversation and it's
such a public figure in the
he's there in the public interest but
yeah it's worth pointing out I mean
that's that Twitter isn't actually that
big it has a kind of outsized
significance in in the minds of some
commentators and journalists and
politicians when it actually isn't
anyway in terms of sheer numbers it
isn't anywhere near as big as the
billions of people who use Facebook but
then of course Donald Trump's broke his
proclamations are sort of made through
Twitter and that gives Twitter this kind
of outsized out size kind of impact in
people's in people's minds and and yeah
it's it's it's a tough one so a lot of
the things that that are being talked
about with Jack Dorsey has been asked
about by by US senators things like
interference in in elections and
advertising that that potentially is
interfering in democracy and these
aren't necessarily things that are such
a big issue on Twitter it's possible
they're possibly more things that should
be addressed at Facebook but obviously
yeah it's a Coburg has had his moment in
spotlight and probably again have his
moment in spotlight but for now it's a
it's Twitter that are up in up in front
of them well I'm so to imprint of this
Senate Intelligence Committee it's been
Jack Dorsey from Twitter and Facebook
and Google were also invited now
Zuckerberg didn't come this time he sent
his second-in-command Sheryl Sandberg
Facebook CEO and you know they've been
chatting about what companies what these
companies are doing to protect the
integrity of midterm elections so that
we don't have a repeat of what happened
you know a few years ago and and you
know have all of these so just so that
you know voters really understand what
role these platforms are playing in and
hopefully they're not exploited again
previously the US midterm elections
coming up in November we're which is the
middle of president's time time in
office which seems crazy doesn't it
because it does it feels it feels like
he was just elected but yeah but and so
these elections they're kind of they're
often seen as a referendum really about
how the president's doing but they're
electing lesser officials but it'll be
interesting to see
if the Republicans can keep hold of
control of the of the house and that
kind of thing this it so it's
interesting looking across the looking
across the pond at all this kind of
stuff because it affects us so much like
the you know the way that the if the
government does decide to the US
government does decide to regulate
Facebook how is that going to affect us
in the elections that we have over here
so yeah it's it's it's interesting stuff
but I mean it very much seems that you
know putting these guys on the stand
people like Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg
and Sheryl Sandberg on the stand it's it
they don't really give us any kind of
piercing answers I don't know if we're
necessarily making much progress but
it's it's it's the only interesting
google it should be noted didn't turn up
nope it was an empty chair Google yeah
they weren't feeling lucky I guess you
might say the they didn't have the
answers for once yeah someone who did
turn up with Alex Jones conspiracy
theorist and a guy who was recently
pretty much unilaterally booted off
there is social media platforms
including Twitter and green suit
although they took a look at time to
think about it and they did yeah so
there's talk of Jack Dorsey kind of
personally being involved in some of
these decisions and saying no we've got
to keep these guys on the platform but
ya know he hasn't really sort of given
that given us too much to to get excited
about with his his testimony um
interestingly enough speaking of
Facebook we've we've seen numbers
recently over the past kind of over the
past year Facebook's had a pretty torrid
time and so we've seen numbers that
suggest that as many as 44 percent of
younger users aged between 18 and 29
have deleted the Facebook phone app in
the past year there's only half of 18 to
29 year old users that's that's crazy
yeah well I mean as somebody who has
been 29 this year I'm no longer 29 I can
say that I I among these users I I
deleted its Facebook from my phone and
probably actually when I was 28 you know
2017 I think is when I when I deleted
facebook off my phone and honestly I
think a big part of it is that just as
you see it does kind of come in waves I
think and when you see your peer group
and the people around you using it less
and the people that you're closest to
then you're just less inclined to use it
yourself it's just not the best way of
keeping in touch with people and
connecting with people anymore and so I
can understand why these why it kind of
happens in sort of specific age groups
and I do understand as well why people
might not really want these are American
so yeah and also younger uses are quite
quite likely to be on other platforms on
there like snapchat yeah Instagram
especially you know which is of course a
Facebook brand yes so it's all very well
deleting Facebook and saying you know
Facebook anymore we still using
Instagram yeah you're still you're still
in in in hock to Zuckerberg and there
you go in more local news I guess you
might say and but still looking at these
American tech giants and the way they
interact with other countries Netflix
and Amazon are looking likely to be
forced to stream more European shows in
the EU so this is all about the the
amount of local content that video
streaming services have to provide and
to Netflix Amazon are going to be
regulated by the EU they have to provide
30 percent of their content would have
to be European regularly will have to be
European productions yes so stuff like
the crown yeah and Marseille I mean I I
heard somebody say that the Netflix
Netflix has resisted this and they've
actually already implemented a similar
rule in Germany and I I've heard you
know that Netflix really resisted it
there but actually they're not that far
away from this quota apparently anyway
which is really interesting to see and
you know I've some of the it's really
difficult for food producers outside of
the the US in the past to get you know
big television series made and obviously
here in the UK because we're English
language speaking and then we we do kind
of have and we have a great heritage of
original television content you know we
have it probably an easier time of it we
do have
shows like yeah like you say the crown
and we have other shows that are kind of
produced primarily in the in the UK by
even big companies like HBO you know
things like Game of Thrones it's pretty
much all it done kind of in Europe now I
think the like the one thing that I
would really like to see out of this is
some interesting shows coming out of
different European countries I
personally think that some of the some
of the best TV that's been made over the
past few years has come from other
country so for example there was a TV
show made by the Norwegian television
kind of the national broadcaster over
there called scam they've done an
American remake of it but honestly it
was one of the best things that I've
watched and I went to know and I have
Norwegian Prince and watched it there
but you couldn't watch it outside of
Norway because you know if things are
because of licensing reasons and it
would be great to see shows like that
that actually have kind of got this cult
audience online from globally get the
kind of recognition and exposure that I
really think that they deserve it'd be
great to see some new shows coming out
of countries like that everyone
absolutely well I think it's I think
it's worth pointing out that the Netflix
I think has been responsible for making
shows in other languages available and
not kind of not segregating them off
into it into different places you know
not kind of having a section for German
TV in a section of it but just putting
you know shows like dark and sure and
you know shows that even in foreign
language is not for even flagging that
they're in a foreign language just just
just putting them in with the other
crime shows or the other you know comedy
shows or whatever and really mixing it
up and I think that's that's that's
really yeah that's really interesting so
Netflix I think deserves you know okay I
don't think this this sort of should be
seen as like slapping rules on Netflix
that it wouldn't otherwise have done I
do think that Netflix is actually quite
good at opening up these kind of
international international sort of
content things but it'll be interesting
to see you know if once we're coming out
of the EU because apparently that is a
thing that we have to do yes it'll be
and see if what that does to Netflix
here in the UK and you know it's worth
pointing out
well that that you know the the English
language thing does mean that the UK and
UK broadcasters are quite often involved
in joint collaborative productions so
there'll be shows that a that I kind of
produced joint produced with here and in
the US and so we do see like a look for
you quite a few British shows do have a
bit of a sort of cult and even a
crossover kind of mainstream hit
audiences yeah us but it's just gonna
see what Amazon does with this is
largely yes Netflix is kind of further
ahead with their original shows and
they're producing stuff like Marseille
in France and dark in in Germany and
they produce spanish-language stuff they
produce stuff in also various different
various different countries and I'll be
needing to see if Amazon kind of do the
same and then others people like Hulu as
well and all those other stream yeah I
think Netflix is probably the the
service that will thrive the most in
this environment I think because I mean
it's it's got money to spend on original
content speed lots of money where is I
think smaller streaming services might
be hit harder by this because they
perhaps don't have the same I mean it is
done proportionally of course so you
know it's it's 30 percent so 30 percent
of whatever they have to spend I suppose
but ultimately I think it might be more
difficult for smaller streaming services
are just making fewer shows over well
yeah that's that's exactly that's a good
point and in fact actually we're gonna
say that you know it's all very well
Amazon and Netflix are very big and they
have very big broad catalogues so it's
probably not gonna be that difficult for
them to meet this quota but then if you
look at some of the new streaming
services that are coming up soon like
for example the big one that's coming up
is going to be disney streaming service
and are they going to be affected by
this if they're gonna have all the
Marvel shows on the Marvel movies and
all Star Wars movies not that kind of
thing and they then gonna have to
correspondingly produce British shows
and French shows and stuff as well like
how's that going to work with them so
it'll be interesting to see what will
they do but we have no idea when that's
going to happen apple also launching a
streaming service some point so you know
they're banking on big names so yeah
they're making a TV version of the
foundation series by isaac asimov so if
you're big sci-fi novel nerd then look
out for that one that's quite exciting
yeah I mean Apple again Apple and Amazon
as we know Amazon had some some great
news this week when it became
a trillion dollar company Apple is
already a trillion dollar company it's
not like they are struggling for exactly
to to spend in in these different ways
they can afford to bankroll yeah so
hopefully you know we'll we'll see some
great stuff coming out of Europe from
all of them speaking of Amazon just bit
of a digression amongst all the kind of
politicians targeting American tech
giants Bernie Sanders who you may
remember from such elections as the last
one they just had I mean yeah he has
launched an act in through the Senate
through the Senate's called the stop bad
employers by zeroing out subsidies Act
and usually you catch it yeah but if you
want to make that a little bit catch
here you could call it the stop Bezos
act which is of course the name of it as
the acronym is Beezus Bezos which is the
across the name of Amazon's boss Jeff
Bezos the richest man in the world I
believe so am i right thinking this is
to protect Amazon workers Emerson
workers yes that's right so it's dead
the idea of this act is to require big
corporations like Amazon and Walmart to
pay the government for the sort of
assistance programs that their work is
used like food stamps public housing
Medicaid and that kind of thing and
budget so that was an amusing trolling
there from Bernie Sanders naming his
acts in that way anyway and yes speaking
of Europe you've just spent a bit of
time over there what was it like how was
your week in Berlin looking at or latest
at either Berlin was delightful as
always right Aoife was delightful as
always messy and crazy as always those
who are unaware this is a big annual
technology trade show where all the kind
of big technology manufacturers they get
together in Berlin every year and they
have done for decades in fact and they
announced their their new stuff yeah off
their new wares yes that's correct so
this is that it's actually Europe's
largest trade show but we Tec Torito but
we don't often see many phones there so
we usually see a kind of the big slew of
phones announced earlier in the year at
Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and
now we did see a couple of phones
at FIFA primarily ones that are kind of
for Europe only Europe and Asia only
rather than ones that going to be
announced in the US and but there was
there was one phone call my eye I was
rather surprised I have to say because
it's not something that I would usually
be drawn to okay and that was the
BlackBerry key to Ellie what year is
this yes I know and you know in the past
I've not always been the biggest fan of
Blackberry phones but I think that this
is it's a really interesting device I
think BlackBerry's well it's it's really
it's firstly it's it's brilliant value
okay it's er it's got a QWERTY keyboard
still hmm so you know if you're still in
the market for one of those and which
and also it's running the latest version
of Android and it's got a huge
touchscreen as well but it's effectively
it's it's kind of I think when
blackberry started making phones again
they presume that the most of their
customers would be kind of business
people and enterprise users and actually
what they found is that it's younger
people and consumers who are buying
their phone a little bit like it you
know it has happened when when
blackberry was popular you know I was
gonna say the first time around but I
don't think we can say that they're
popular a second time around yeah yeah
it might be a bit when they were around
yeah and you know they became really
popular among teenagers and younger
users who we're primarily attracted to
it for bbm pre ambassador yeah yeah so
so they've got this they've got this
phone it's a cheaper version of the
flagship phone that they bought out
earlier this year that phone I think is
around I think it's around 600 pound
mark and this this phone is around the
three to four hundred pound mark and
it's still kind of like premium phone
and really nice-looking and they've
actually done something quite unexpected
for blackberry in that they've
experimented with colour what they've
discovered it well that was always the
thing wasn't it like they you know the
kids love the free
investing this was before whatsapp this
was before Facebook Messenger and and
they love the free messaging and black
we just didn't seem to know what to do
with that and they kept making these
like boring gray business brick leaves
and kids couldn't get off of them but
yeah so if only they figured this out
about probably about ten years ago yes
so they they they kind of they've made
this phone in a kind of quite a
bog-standard sort of slate gray blue
color and then they've they've got a
champagne gold version which is quite
snazzy and then they've also got an
atomic red version which is actually
quite cool it's got like all these red
accents around it and it's just it's
it's the kind of phone that people would
look at and be like hang on a sec what
is that which you don't get much of in
2018 because so many phones just look
the same yeah and you know obviously
there's this blackberry phone it's got
it's got this like deep red it's got
this QWERTY keyboard and I think it's
the kind I've had red phones before and
I know them people or a bit like yeah
yeah catch people's eye a little bit and
they want to know what it is and so for
people that want to make a bit of a
statement as well I think this could be
quite a popular option having a
blackberry in 2018 is it really but it's
fun seeing all these kind of like
classic brands you know if they fail for
long enough but they cling on eventually
they'll loop back yeah so we've seen
these kind of retro Nokia's over the
past year or two had the banana phones
come back and now blackberries back yes
exactly so and there there are a couple
of interesting features as well but that
come on the software side that it's
gonna actually roll out to its flagship
phone as well and one of which is the
ability to clone certain apps so you can
have two versions of I think at the
moment it's Instagram Facebook Messenger
whatsapp and WeChat and it's working on
more and it's something that BlackBerry
is doing in-house it's not something
it's working on developers for why and
the idea is that you know it's seeing
increasingly people managing multiple
accounts oh yes or if you or if you're
somebody that needs access to kind of a
big company Instagram account or
something like that and you don't want
to just be switching accounts within the
app so you can actually put don't mix
them up it's got its got BlackBerry's
also got a special kind of Locker
this allows you to put certain apps into
a kind of it's sandboxes them and if you
try and enter the app it provides the
sort of almost like a a second layer of
authentication but you have to use your
thumbprint again to just access the app
so it really locks those apps down so if
you've got a version of Instagram that
you know as a company version that you
can and you want to you will need your
fingerprint to access it and it's it's
separate from your own personal okay so
it's so working on bringing more of that
to to the to the phone and they're also
working on better because this obviously
the the specs aren't quite as good as
they are for the main flagship phone
it's much cheaper so that's what you
would expect and and it's got a small
among that it's got a smaller battery so
it's working on bringing some new power
management ok features for example if
you've forgotten to charge your phone
it'll look in your it will look at your
calendar in your diary and your daily
habits to kind of like find a spot where
it thinks this would be a good time for
you to charge it you're not doing
anything else and it will give you a
reminder and be like hey like charge oh
no like that's cool it's like you're
having an app I'm gonna power down a bit
yeah that's amazing
yes I like that so so BlackBerry
actually surprised me I'm surprised I
was thinking wrap this up wrap this up
back yeah there's probably more time
that we spent talking about black and
the other the other phone news out of if
it was not actually a launch it was just
the launch date for the next big hawawa
flagship flagship phone the hawala mate
20 and that's going to be on the 20th of
October in London we will be attending
that meeting in person yeah yes and yeah
that's something to look forward to and
so Aoife is obviously like I said the
phones are usually earlier in the UMW
see but Aoife is well known for its home
stuff so for example there's always a
lot of big TVs right really TVs
well yes we did we saw lots of huge TVs
and in particular we saw Samsung's 8k TV
8 k 8k TV it's the Q 900 mhm and I think
if I'm right it might be I just going to
check this I think it's 95 inches okay
Green okay they didn't go for the
hundred they're just go for it yeah so I
mean we've talked a lot about 4k before
and we our conclusion is that it's a
it's a nice to have but it's not you
know it there comes a point where
especially if you're talking about a TV
in your lounge having increasing the
resolution isn't gonna make much
difference because our eyes are only so
good the screen resolution can be can
keep getting better and better and
better but like ultimately you know it's
not gonna change our experience yeah and
we've passed the singularity of team TVs
are better than we can human eyes can
perceive basic only robots can fully
enjoy TV now but yeah on it on a massive
cinema screen for example it could make
a huge difference to have something that
this is this resolution that said if I
talked about this on the podcast last
time but when I'm well I didn't
interview recently with the visual
effects people who had done the visual
effects on Vanity Fair the TV show made
an interesting point that that was a
show that was made for Amazon and ITV
here in the UK but those shows that are
made in 4k they're more detailed than a
movie yeah so that you know the amount
of detail that goes in there they like
to sit there CG in little tiny little
little tiny bit in the crowd scenes the
tiniest tiniest of people much more
detail than you get a movie yeah and you
know I think a lot of there are some
things that have already been filmed in
a Kay yes I'm at some a couple of films
I think I can't remember exactly which
titles but the the issue as well is when
you are starting to film stuff in 8k
first is the cost of the cameras so
there are the the company that makes
really high-end cameras red and already
makes some cameras that are capable of
filming in in cable
obviously they're really expensive yeah
and then the other thing is the size of
the files you know because if you're
filming in much much higher resolution
it's just gonna increase the file size
so if you're talking about whole TV
series never mind a film if you had a
whole TV series that's that's a huge
amount of daydreaming or download yeah
and even even making it I mean the fact
that again these visual effects guys
they're working on these huge huge files
and every frame is this huge huge thing
so yeah it's a maybe it's suburbia
there's always a bit of a lack that
isn't there between yes format and then
actual content for you so don't rush out
and buy an 8k TV just I mean you can't
you just yet it will be out later this
year so that we've no idea how much they
would cost them I'm not sure if we've
got a price for it just yet I know
although I know that so this is the
first 8k television that I think is
going to be kind of publicly available
but I think there was a company that put
out a screen that was in a 8k screen in
the earlier this year and I think it was
selling for $11,000 well so yeah you can
watch two 4k movies side-by-side but you
know I think that this is something that
we're gonna it's obviously a big kind of
headline-grabbing thing for the show is
it's a great thing for something to
happen to be first on but when it yeah
like you say don't rush out and buy them
or put or even plan to buy them anytime
soon because I don't think it would be
really worth it
we're only sort of starting to get into
the territory where 4k is is worth
investing in I I think increasingly
we're seeing 4k content available and 4k
streaming and eventually you know that
will be the industry standard yeah I
think maybe we should draw a line maybe
we should just say 4k that's it no more
yeah we can focus our efforts on
improving other areas of technology I
mean there is plenty of other things
that need improving I could write a
whole list but not undermining elections
like yeah exactly
all those guys who are working on 8k TVs
just take them off that put them on the
election thing well solve it in no time
yeah you can have that one for free
that's how it works right just gonna ask
were there any other kind of big trends
I know Alexa yeah so we found out at the
show that Alexa is now on over 20,000
different devices which is up from from
four thousand in January this year so
that's that's like a five-fold increase
again yeah device was available and one
of the sort of stand out or more
interesting Alexa enabled devices from
the show was was from how our way and it
was they've kind of gone into the smart
speaker market and it's this is a kind
of their rival to I guess the Google
home and Amazon's echo and the Apple
home pod and now their speaker is also
it's a it's also a 4G router and you
know it's it's kind of pretty much the
same as the others and my favorite thing
about it though is that it's called the
Huawei ai cube and let me tell you it is
not a cube it's very much a cylinder the
irony of that gaslighting us now this is
this is a cube this is not a cylinder
it's reinterpreted the cube yeah you
could be like hey Alexa what shape is
this it is a cube and XOR it's not yes
it is and then eventually you'll starts
believe eventually yeah yes big a
sizable excess so I mean we should say
that alexa is amazon's voice controlled
personal assistant where you ask it to
do things like play your music and that
kind of thing and control your
thermostat and all that kind of stuff
are we any closer do you think looking
at the stuff that came out of eva are we
any closer to deciding which of these
voice assistance is the best is it Alexa
is it Apple is it Google assistant or
whatever it's called the thing is I
think it's not such such a question of
what's best as what's most ubiquitous at
the moment so when people are buying
products to work with other products
what they want to see is you know
consistency across the whole range of
stuff and then got and you kind of got
to choose an ecosystem yeah a little bit
and you know until we can
I mean maybe we'll reach a point where
we can
find some sort of interoperability
between them but you know that hasn't
happened on other systems you know on
mobile operating system talk to Alexa
but that doesn't necessarily mean it's
going to talk to Siri anytime yeah there
are some devices that have Google home
and yeah a Google assistant it changes
in its name every five minutes I lose
track yeah and a lexer on the same on
the same devices which is kind of
interesting so I I don't think that
necessarily that is a sign that Alexa is
significantly better than all of these
other assistants at all it's just the
fact that you know if you get it on
enough stuff and it becomes the go-to
thing it's a little bit like Google
getting Android on everything right it's
just people more likely people know what
it is they get comfortable with it they
buy more of it yeah yes and I think that
you know seeing big companies like big
other big tech companies like hawawa you
know how are we doesn't necessarily have
to it doesn't have any allegiance to any
particular thing in in terms of in terms
of who it's going to partner with and it
partners with all of these companies on
various things and yet you know it's
chosen Alexa and I think is the more
come the more big companies we see chew
you know sort of like staking their
claim and saying no we're going with
this because I mean maybe maybe that is
a sign that for them also it's not just
the ubiquity but it works for them in
some way works with their technology who
knows but yeah and we're also you know
we're gonna see Samsung we heard this
week as well that something's going to
be opening up its own rival Bixby lots
of developers I think yeah Bixby I like
that name it's quite old-fashioned yes
sounds like a butler bitch I actually
think that this should be a challenge
for you because you have a history of
going with the real underdog you know
you were the one that was championing
Windows Phone yeah look where that ended
yeah I think you should be the one that
takes Bixby and that's the one not - I
mean Samsung they sold a lot of phones
in time let's see if they get a big spew
up and running
I don't know why it's taking them so
long if they can get up and running
properly that's all there's a lot of
there's a big captive market there
because that's what that's what ciri is
all about right so many people already
owned iPhones that they put Siri on it
and it just automatically had millions
people using it yeah and you know
obviously the the issue that Samsung has
it's the same with them when it
introduced Samsung pay you know people
also have Android pay which used to be
Google Wallet they also have Google
assistant available to them on an
Android phone as well so it's just you
know it's not that it's it's not
necessarily going to be their first
choice so yeah well there you go
so any any other things exciting any
less exciting novelty things that came
out of ether was your best experience my
best experience was let me think
there was okay has a great beer and
there was very there was a gaming chair
that a lot of people were very excited
about it was massive thing there was
some exit LG had this kind of
exoskeleton robot angel legs yeah yeah
and that was quite cool there were some
interesting fridges doing different
things I think there was one that could
like vacuum seal within the fridge back
you see all your food I don't really
understand a lot of the appliance stuff
yeah I mean I think effectively they are
all sorts of getting slowly smarter but
you know and they are moving that some
of those features are moving away from
being like a novelty thing to being just
like a standard inbuilt thing into
fringes yeah which it's something for us
all to get easy I mean it's not like we
go out buying a fridge everyday is it so
like I mean I don't know how long a
fridge lasts but several years so I know
that I won't be probably guessing one of
those anytime soon
well that's the thing about a lot of
household appliance isn't it fridges and
TVs they're very very occasional
purchases yeah gotta keep kind of trying
to think of new gimmicks to sell these
things yeah but yeah so so yes some
interesting fridges and our appliance
team did an amazing job of getting like
all of them right and covering all of
them and we've got a big Aoife round up
on the site that you can go to and you
can see all of the fridges
and everything else some of the some of
the thrilling phones that coming to
Europe including the new BlackBerry yeah
I haven't said that for a good few yeah
so yeah you should go and check that up
if you want to catch up with all of our
e4 coverage it's not too late you can
it's still relevant even if you don't
care about fridges you know look yeah
look at the code I mean honestly it's
worth look at the crazy stuff that's
going on the world of fridges right it
was definitely something about I
remember a cool wine a wine cooler
things well that was very that was
interesting the cementing stuff
happening in the wine wine technology
well I come and said that but there's
like there's all kind of different
different devices that will like put
sensors on your wine bottles to tell you
when it's ready to drink and all this
yeah thing which is kind of interesting
yeah we should I mean what I really need
is just something to tell me what wine
is good to drink and then maybe I can
get to the point of like working out
when it's good to drink yeah yeah but
I'm sure wine connoisseurs will
appreciate that I've seen alright well
that's it for this week if you if you
haven't yet sworn off Twitter because
it's it's a hell website of terrible
stuff happening then you can find us
there as one of the few bright spots yes
I say I only tweet nice things yeah and
a new tweet as I tweet as Katie Collins
just my name just you know I am rich
night well with a K and you can also of
course find seen it on Twitter and
Instagram and Facebook and wherever you
get your social stuff from yeah if
forget to leave a Sur review on iTunes
if you've enjoyed the podcast or a
comment on youtube as long as it's again
let's keep it let's keep it clean let's
keep it clean and yeah well thank you
very much for listening and we'll see
you next time bye
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