We got to ride the improved Hendo 2.0 hoverboard (Crave Extra)
We got to ride the improved Hendo 2.0 hoverboard (Crave Extra)
you paid a visit to the Ark's PAC's
hoverboard testing facility in Los Gatos
California to check out their latest
hoverboard the Hendo 2.0 the Hendo 2.0
is Hendo second-generation hoverboard
and was designed with the help of Tony
Hawk he wanted to mount a real
skateboard deck on top the hoverboard
floats on top of powerful hover engines
which create a magnetic field under the
board which is known as the magnetic
field architecture the Hendo 2.0 is
quieter than its predecessor the Hendo
1.0 has improved rider control and
longer battery life the Hendo 2.0 is
released on Back to the Future day
October 21st 2015
the Hendo 1.0 is the original Hendo
hoverboard from arcs packs and contains
four first-generation hover engines
designed by the company the Hendo 1.0
can hover up to 550 pounds it has been
ridden by a famous sumo wrestler and
legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin the
Hendo 1.0 was introduced to the world on
Kickstarter on October 21st 2014 now
riding the hoverboards is difficult they
are heavy and hard to control in the
area we had to ride them in was very
small so we were pretty limited in our
movements the hoverboards also require a
conductive surface in order to create a
powerful magnetic field under the board
to get it off the ground
arcs PACs showed us their updated white
box plus developers kids which helped to
illustrate how the hoverboard technology
may be controlled in the future these
small boxes contain smaller hover
engines and with the help of a radio
controller you can tilt the engines to
different angles which propel the white
box plus forward in any given direction
I imagine in the future a hoverboard
rider would simply hold a small Nintendo
Wii light controller in his or her hand
and steer the hoverboard more easily you
can read more about the Hendo hoverboard
and the other cool things ARC's packs is
working on like Elon Musk's Hyperloop
demonstration in the CNET article
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