
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

We talk iPhone 6S, iPad Pro and Apple TV announcements (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 9)

are you talking to me yeah that's good what hold up hold up really I think I can you can just email me email it to me then we put in the very top of the dock under that dear ol thing there's live stream testing testing ah for the periscope errs ok let me send you guys the links real quick where's this where's this thing it wait do you say you say it's on there it's in the top under B role in that dock under the thing that says b-roll at the top on the right Shh wait help me here dude um um um on the extra crunchy one yeah in the document what's up what's up periscope errs where we're gonna start in a couple minutes we're just getting ready so you guys could all we got some special guests in the house we got visitors Apple biters up in the house so we'll uh Paris copers you actually you'll have to watch the actual broadcast to see them huh okay let me see this here yo I don't I don't see it man really yeah top right I'm gonna I'm gonna bold it ok I see extra crunchy I see video clips for sound b-roll I don't see that can you email see my button up here I'm no clicking on it no i'm i'm all alone right now man are you really yeah look dude that's fun to say what are the different doc man i think i'm looking at low you're looking at you know what you're looking at last week's are you looking at last week's hold up you want to email it to me yeah what's up touch app reviewers so this guy keeps on saying spank me when there's a guy get out of it too he's like oh they call I'm the guy who said spank me like all right well no I think you left a comment to yeah he's like I'm the guy I'll just spank me like okay glue it haha alright school school are you guys have put on your headphones too well let me taps around ok so alright Paris Cooper's extra crunchy we've got some guests in the house you hate landscape come on feliz you got to take that one update your app update your app so here we are in the studio we got Steven beach and running the show as usual howdy we got my two boys from Texas Mississippi oh jeez also now rep in Texas we got Jesse in the house we got Terrance in the house put the deuces up they're here for the show what are they see and switch to LTE no video you're getting a poor connection right now push it wasn't worried out right now let's see here i'm on Wi-Fi everybody maybe that's why everybody everybody no video ok i'll let me kill this he'll do it again it's that person's phone not yours hold up i'm gonna kill it guys i'm gonna just go on the you guys are from Texas yeah we're in Texas yeah those Dallas right and i was born in houston ok oh cool so represent yeah i mean we don't know whether you got the texas triangle up in Texas hurricane triangle give me another second sorry beach it's all because of periscope man okay we're on the front door of youtube channel people are wondering what's going on i'll send you guys that here let me send you this link real quick so that you guys can afford this you guys can put this wherever you want here we go alright these are the two links where it's live streaming right now okay like like right now as you type this people can be will be watching us type this all right ex-con g come on hey Stephen just call the show and you have to you know I mean okay you ready Oh call it like end it yeah yeah I'm ready in like two more seconds okay just as long as I as we're done by 2 30 should be fine okay yeah life life life when your wife goes out of town yeah I'm sure with two boys that's called that's why not see if this works see people are happier with this okay gaga cha cha cha cha I was doing one more time okay do I know do I know what we're talking about yeah sure okay beach I'm ready when you are you guys get everything okay yeah that's near sound everything okay go and just gonna get the mics up just like you're about to sing you know or spit penny oh you know what what's your flavor freestyle okay you guys ready yeah okay here we go why are people people are still complain about the connection I turned off the wife it's their connection not your connection sorry they're saying no video maybe a periscope has issues maybe then you update the landscape up if they broke it I don't know everyone saying poor connection lost connection you frozen an ugly face thanks it happens okay well I'm not on your wheat what your Wi-Fi too slow okay forget it what's gonna leave it it'll catch up to it yeah sorry guys actually periscope errs everyone on YouTube and they're doing it just fine so all right let's um let's go bro do it I missed them I'm trying to hit two computers at once here we go from the top of the CBS interactive building in San Francisco it's the apple byte extra crunchy with your host for Zion tis ong rezaian t'zan i would like to spicy flavor hey everybody welcome to the show it's apple byte extra crunchy you know how we do it we've got it extra spicy today because we have apple biters we told you we'd bring people in the house I've got my two main man from Texas here we got Jesse Harris terrace war here they came to visit the studio they came to visit our offices and I'm like you guys are cool cats right you're giving him like the world who were yeah yeah you guys are cool cats and watch come on the show and what you guys say look what not why not why not so okay just real quickly tell us a little bit about yourselves and how long you been watching the apple byte or how you got all connected with this whole with the whole cnet family per se go I'll go first I'm Terence as he said before been watching apple byte about 2006 Wow Vic from pretty much like from the start yeah give a shout out to Steven flat he's the one who put me on oh no jealous right now that I'm are actually on the show yeah he's crying he's crying in a corner right now yeah it's it's it's doable that's cool and then Jesse how'd you get wrung into this earth there's introduced me to it it's been about maybe a year now nice so are there any moments that you liked and moments you dislike because we do some like sometimes some weird stuff on the show just saying we like to hear honest rah feedback yeah overall I think this is pretty good is pretty entertaining I guess but sometimes it's a little weird but we deal with it like like like anything specific that you can point to oh yeah one of the ones where you lick the iphone it was too much weight to Jesse I think this is great yeah what about it we sometimes get a mixed reviews what about the skits yay or nay mmm sometimes their own point they something like okay these guys are really going for when they're straight just a stretch right now like hey i love it because they are being wrong on us which is that what i appreciate but they're like in the same room so like little I don't just tell them how it is I appreciate fellas thanks for coming in so let's just jump in the show people that are watching and wondering what is going on here this the Applewhite extra crunchy it's an extension really of the apple byte where we have time to free flow and really talk about things that happen in a more you know a prolonged way we got to just really dig into it a little bit and obviously September ninth apple's keynote they dropped everything on as possible i mean i don't think we've seen a keynote that had this one stuff before right yeah i was jam-packed they were rolling through so for you guys what what it what stuck out to you the most if you had to name one product that you each like the most well start off with jesse what was the one that kind of stuck out with you it would have to be the apple TV I'll opportunity at the most because a that that's a update that people have been waiting for for a long time and i would say introduced the most features is that something that you were hoping to see because you wanted to buy one even yes yes yes good i'll get closer that might we want to hear you loud and clear that's good what about you Terrance uh it would be saying for me Apple TV because I have the original one and I've been waiting a very long time for an update some of the things that they are now sort of disappointed me but at the end of the day I'm still gonna get it so here's the thing like i I'm I'm with you but I'm also opposite of you guys because I felt like the Apple TV was a what they showed off it has the potential to be the best product out of the three we saw but it's not just not there yet but if you think of down the road what it can do absolutely right but then when I think of like they here and now I was whether or not people agree with me or not I was even though we knew pretty much ninety percent of what was coming on the iphone i was still impressed with the iphone like I liked I think that the 3d touch is going to be is actually going to make it easier for us to use our phones absolute and it looked it looked nice how it is executed I know it looks exactly like the iPhone 6 I think now these days though we're at a point where our phones pretty much do what we want them to do right but I still really I like the iphone success and then I'm in the minority because I've always wanted this big ipad screen I travel a lot I read a whole bunch of comics and watch movies when I'm traveling so I digging the ipad pro i like it a lot these guys like guys if you could see their fate you know you need to cut away to their faces when I'm talking cuz I'm like do this clown like the iPad pro like out of all the things we saw the ipad pro know is is that like brett pro is cool a lot of the features were great but at the end of the day I'm like man it's too big I use my iPad in bed i gotta be home with the TV in the valey that's cooking with that what's wrong with that what do you guys think let's talk about the pencil can we call the pencil i wanted i wish they call it the pen the pencil sounds ridiculous are they were apple pen they were gonna go with pain because Samsung get this thing I spend I guess see there you go and they weren't gonna call it a brush yeah but it can be a brush pencil weird it's just like but for the record guys it's a capital P therefore not a pencil it's a cab pencil with a capital P is different they're thinking different everybody officially thinking different i I've seen the there been some videos of people actually using it it actually does look pretty sweet how I works I mean I've played with wakem tablets I haven't really been on a the cintiq ones but it looks everyone's saying it's pretty responsive but again i'm not a graphic artist type person so there's no need for me to do that right I mean you guys the are our guests here both from Lockheed we can say that right and if even if we couldn't I just did but uh you know even even over Lockheed I mean there's only certain certain people that would be using this pen type tool right right correct right so whether like designers are some of the engineer types ID they might yeah people not like me but then also I look at that thing and I don't know if I don't know if artists are gonna get on board with that I mean an artist you can touch up things but isn't there don't you still want actually work on the actual medium that's where you gonna get trained anyways yeah and I think like with artists I think the physical aspect of being able to smudge or to do like very various designs and not you won't be able to do that with a Apple pencil yeah is either it's what you draw or you have to hold the pencil at a particular angle in order to get the strokes that you would like yeah I think that this is going to be for a small like this functionality although great looks cool I think it's gonna be I don't even know what percentage of people are actually gonna buy it specifically for the pen and the screen because like you guys just said and alluded to not many people are just gonna want an ipad just purely because the bigger screen we're gonna have to do something different which that does but then again how many people are actually going to buy that combo I don't think it's gonna really bump their sales that much beach I'm like what do you think about this whole thing I think it's kind of ridiculous and the biggest complaint I've heard from people is like where do you store it where do you keep it you know like it just kind of floats out nowhere oh I don't really keep it we're gonna keep it I can't wait for the first late you know for someone be like is that an apple pencil in your pocket oh why yes it is it's longer than you thought it is not it's a it's a long pencil it is it looks pretty big yeah oh thanks Steven I done well I wasn't asking I'm gonna be the most expensive pencil you've ever it is nine bucks man doesn't even write on paper um Apple TV with for you guys that's the product that you said stood out the most what do you what did you what do you want to see or how do you envision the apple TV being used in your lives it would definitely have to be like the sea research that they show you like you like talking your TV do because just the other day I was telling him about a commercial I was aldi commercials like hey remember that commercial they're talking about competition and they would take a shot siggno not really about like see hey the apple TV I could have found it you would ask you just like that right right maybe add some more details yeah yeah that's cool what about you yeah I like the search feature but I want to be a cable cord cutter because I'm tired of paying 100 so books just forget cable kit to get cable channels so I want to cut the core and that's what I was really looking forward to but they didn't they didn't announce the service but hopefully that's in the works yeah and also the one of the things that sort of was my pet peeves that they introduced it in a hat the older processor I'm like hey if you're gonna give me a new product give me the latest and greatest within it because as the as the set-top evolves and has the services involved then I'm going to have to be forced to upgrade to a newer set-top box the handle some of the potential that the Apple TV could provide for example in like two years quite honestly right they all the all the projections are that 4k TVs are going to finally be really affordable in the next two to three years well guess what the a8 processor that's in that Apple TV right now doesn't support 4k video at least from what all indications point to as well as what Apple is telling us so now we have a phone that can shoot 4k video awesome I'm down with that but we don't have a product that can even show it like it would be so logical and it's going to happen but we have a phone that can do that I want to be able to toss that 4k video and instantly see it on my TV because my apple TV can show 4k video so there I mean in a weird way I don't know if I want to get this Apple TV right now I mean I'm going to let's be real job it's it is part of my job but then just to know that an a 9 will probably be coming out and let's say two years they're probably gonna stick with this one for a while let the developers develop apps but then that 4k video option will come in two years and they're gonna be like this is what should have happened a long time ago even if it jacked up the price I think Apple users would still be willing to buy it if it had an 89 processor in it right now if it jacked up the price by like 50 bucks I think people would still be open to it cuz you know how you know how they price these things if you're an apple customer you can just buy the stuff cuz right about you you just buy this stuff you pay to play yep you pay to play for sure um just some quick things what did you guys think about the live photos from the iphone was that it was that thing where you take a still picture and then later on you can see it kind of like a three second video as your wallpaper my initial reaction was a live life of a photo isn't that video it in but it seems pretty cool I don't know how often i will use it it'll be cool as a desktop I mean is my background on my phone but other than that okay how about this let's go around a circle if you could if you could choose something to be your live photo for your wallpaper what would it be right now Twyla cuz you obviously have something cute in the works no no not keyed not cute i'm just saying like you can put your mind in the gutter or you can keep it up top I probably just have my kids I'm glad yeah that's what I all my all my wallpaper on my phone is my kids pretty much yeah yeah for sure for sure Jen Jess I hope I have to say my niece making their silly faces okay oh yeah everyone's have been going to chew it I think teryn's gonna get dirty young weirdo so i think i would go with like something that looks cuban when you touch it something scary pops out that way get you keep from looking at my phone okay okay okay um I know what I would really want it to be but I can't say that so I would probably have like some balloons floating away he's so disappointed I'm gonna put you into lands CC so he's so disappointed right now um also this is just a side note because we want to at least bring some more information the table for people that are watching the iphone 6s in the new iOS 9 which I got to check out it does have now there you're going to be able to do hey Siri while it's unplugged that could be bad no no no it's cool but I think it's bad yeah disagree I want to screw like ultimate prank to annoy the hell out of your coworkers just start saying hey Siri right next their phone when it's unplugged then people won't like that I'm telling you it's gonna it's the new thing so what they have is like a voice recognition tool I'm guessing that's why they've put it in here is because they're gonna try and make it at least cater to your voice to your personal voice a little more so that someone like me can't be a jerk like that that's what I'm guessing it's like a five step process where you keep on saying hey Siri and people that have their phones plugged in right now this always happens they always complain to us whenever we say hey Siri because their stuff go there their devices where's Ellen you don't want it we won't say hey Siri in the show more than we have to ok I think that's crazy people leave that on I turn mine off well I saw don't so and don't get into i turn it off so people don't say hey Siri some dudes about to punch throw his phone out the window right now um here's like a thing that I'm not so happy about Apple raised the price of applecare I don't know if you heard about this but with the new phones with the 6s series applecare before was ninety nine dollars if you get a 6s phone 6s plus they're bumping it up to one hundred and twenty nine dollars which is which seems to me I know that they could say and claim that it's because of the new display but I feel like they're milking us a little bit totally like I get it it's an insurance coverage for your phone in addition to that if there's accidental damage before it was a seventy nine dollar fee to bump that up to 99 bucks hmm so I'm just saying it's bad apple it's bad apple stuff but I'm not I'm not down with that I think that Apple not only its I'm not complaining that they make a lot of money but they do make a lot of money I just don't see the real the true reason if they can explain to me why I should give them 30 more bucks for this insurance plan that sounds like the replacement cost of a new pair of headphones if you break your headphones it's 2999 so they're just building that in because i know i went back and got like five pairs of headphones that broke so you're so you're the reason yeah I'm the rise like jackets they're like we've got a lot of people returning their headphones we keep on giving them new headphones so we're gonna build this into the cost of apple juice or add another price 2999 because it dudes like you yeah sorry guys sorry my bad that's sad um ipad pro stuff nothing major nothing big the big thing at least that adobe because you know these companies are always talking each other adobe officially put on their site oh you know some of our new apps are going to work with the ipad pro that has four gigs of ram except Apple never officially says how much RAM is in their products and so everyone's like it's four gigs of ram and then adobe is like group and then they're erased it from that their site it was there and it's like it's gone now it pretty much probably has four gigs of ram also with the ipad pro they talked about one of the reasons why it's so fast and can compete with a lot of these more desktop laptops not desktop laptops but you know what I'm saying mobile PCs and laptops is because the controller for this actual device is sped up the process of interpreting and taking in data and pushing it out giving it desktop class performance the thing about this is that apple claims oh it's eighty percent as fast as eighty percent of the laptops out there but again there's a lot of laptops out there that are not that friend that are not that fast so I really once we get our hands on it I really want to see where it really falls in there's no way it's going to be able to hang with like a high-end macbook pro or anything like that but I'll be curious to see where it hangs out in in that way um here's some just other side news that's at this actually the news that I like the most and i want to show you this to you guys because um we're gonna jump around Beecham but Apple announced that they released the first public beta OS iOS 9.1 but what's cool about that is that there's new emojis are you guys a mode do you guys use emojis oh no oh no wait wait wait jessie was giving me a face first he was like looking sour and they's like sometimes uh who do you use emojis with Jessie maybe you could expand on this okay you guys are buddies like what emojis do you send to each other which ones have you used mostly the little side i won the side to side I yeah I saw that expression here in person earlier or the pistol I got it yeah I use that one in what context like check out my guns no no no no I like how like how are you yourself yeah that's it that's it that's what that's what friends are for yes not being late okay if you guys text me a pistol after this aha be like alright cool right I'll lay low I'll be cool hey Beecham do you have that article um it's the Yeah right the next web article i want i want to show you guys is so there's some very interesting new emojis food emojis specifically finally your baby they've added a burrito they've also added a taco which is you I'm pretty excited about the taco man it was fun because I'm a couple my friends and I were saying there's no Mexicans you know in emojis there's no Mexican emojis now finally they put a burrito taco okay let's let's see that's been listening your conversation yeah pretty much a series um if you hey where's my burrito emoji you know what I'm gonna name I'm I for the record just so no one takes it I me and my lady we've decided we're gonna name our first dog emoji you get a pistol right good wait what you like here mochi here mochi mochi so what kind of puppy are you trying to get gone retriever dude disgusting kimochi here Mogi Mogi go on it's growing on you Jill don't lie it's good on you see you want to say like that Jesse be like mochi hey hey Moshi Joey emoji that's a dog's dinner ready he's like he's like late you know he's like he's like low-key like I could you know I got his five you wouldn't say like you might be like terms of like hey ma g hey anyways I'm telling you all right now Mogi Mogi Mogi for sure you can send me the pistol later alright here's some other ones that we have on here if you scroll down there's like there's like cheese there's a wedge of cheese there's like more activities like skiing there's some weather ones there's like a Sherlock Holmes I'm trying to see which one would i use the mower you see a white board the guy lifting weights right here is pretty cool eh where's the guy lifting weights right here I'm circling him with my mouth oh yeah he's doing what's what's that what's that one that's that's the Olympic thing where they do the overhead yeah I don't know what's called like that it's like a dead whale it affray the deadlift okay we got we got a baller there's about there's a basketball right next to that Oh catch the baller right right here and then here's the one here's the one that's a ping pong represent for my asian peeps I like that gotta get the pain following up in there and then if you scroll down again more Stephen there's some new finger signs in there who is that a MILF finger yeah so finally the middle finger of moji has arrived finally everyone's happy about that that's gonna be like the most used emoji them whatever Stephen whatever the finger painting that is gonna be your most used one probably use it already he's already anyways um emojis coming into iOS 9.1 eyes are cool and all but have you seen the Pope emoji no way yeah they made a poop emoji I'm is for his visit to the for his visit to the United States is that like one of those hashtag emojis that's made up on Twitter maybe maybe I didn't really read about this but Bonnie Burton wrote about oh and crave but yeah he's coming to us so when they made a pope emoji well I'll tell you that those are not official unicode send emojis which is what the taco and burrito and the middle finger were based on okay these are still cool all right have you used it yet no I will though i'll text you what video guys talking about just say it he you said did you see the video with your time no there was a video plane yeah what was it what was it was going on in it the emoji with the Pope oh there's others a baby emoji oh yeah yeah he's holding a baby he's washing feet to the bottom right when he's watching someone's foot how do you how do you actually take it a bit there is it an app or how do you actually take advantage of this stuff I don't know I haven't read this but uh but go go check it out on cray-cray vena com oh man okay hope emoji let's go hit the calls because we got to get out of here huh yeah we're running out of time okay let's get hit the calls all right number one call comes to us from hey Brian Beecham you guys are the best this is Simon from a me and my question has to do with what about all of us that are excited to get this new success we have the hardships of you know having two year contracts and not on these next plans that we can upgrade the mobile companies did making it harder for us to upgrade to the newest devices unless you're on payment plan thank you guys take care man I feel like he read my mind because I don't know if you guys have heard of this whole Apple is offering their own iphone upgrade plan and everyone's trying to figure out it's actually pretty complicated because it comes down to a few things now when this color first and I like how I called you Beecham he's all right like he's our starting the coming on my name yeah right which is good yo beat him they're on board with that it's like his name Steven but I like you know we call Beecham here so just like this might the thing is that we can't really explain explain because there's so many numbers to throw around that it becomes very confusing but at the end of the day if you look at apple's iphone upgrade plan the bit the best thing about it is that if you are someone who likes to buy applecare on your phone which i am and you want to be able to switch your phone out every year it is the best plan the reason being is there's no interest on it basically the price of the phone that you would buy unlocked is that price and it spread over that time but again you're not paying more and you're not locked into a specific carrier which is which is what makes it interesting you can actually bounced around from those carriers the disadvantage the only disadvantage is that you do have to return your phone or give it back to apple in order for you to get that new phone but when you look at all these other companies and other carriers they have different ways of doing it t-mobile has a really cheap deal to start a lot cheaper deal to start going in but that's what the expectation that you stay with them beyond that first year that you stay with them long term you have other things like Verizon and AT&T and Sprint their plans again although they might be comparable maybe a little bit more the main disadvantages that you can't necessarily not only switch your phone out every year but also when you add applecare into the mix the cost typically go up so it's just if you're someone who does not want applecare you're probably gonna be better off with the carriers but if you're someone who wants applecare and wants to switch it out every year then you're better going with apples plan it just about you guys got applecare on your phones or not that warm purchased yeah most people don't honestly I had it on my iphone 6 plus being a stolen so what happens when it gets stolen what happens I have to go back to my old phone luckily I can't be and I have to use my by this oh so that's why you had a 5s exactly so I was kind of honest I was judging you when I first say gotta fo wise oh honey I was like wait wait wait NC watch the Apple white but you gotta 5s I'm just kidding I am so messing with you because it's even even if you had so you actually had a 5s but then you because you like the six because it was new form factor you got the six right absolutely you you jumped up you kind of stopped your contract or actually was your contract up already well how i do this i have 22 accounts on my line welcome and there's me oh he uses mom's account no she doesn't care I use hers he's like he's like hey mama um I'm gonna get you this real nice iphone 4s I got the six today you'll love the features of the 4s I got a six yeah mention of you why is your phone so big where's my so little I want that one oh no mom that's not how it works you know she just brought to you to this world helped to raise you to become the man you are today and you just hold the volume mean that the funny thing is obviously that happens more its more common than not right or maybe yeah I'm pretty sure because Amy even if you go to 18 teens website it says hey you can upgrade someone else's account and get user upgrade the whole staggered kinda like family accounting is pretty good for that so um yeah so anyways the for me see most people don't do applecare but what I do with applecare is but something obviously ends up going wrong with my phone or something happens to it like on my six there's like the lamination of the screen is like peeling off on the bottom so all I do is I just swap it out right before and then I sell it and so I get a lot you can get a good amount of money back you typically get around I don't know for a six probably around 200 300 bucks back which is good right so then that two been psychologically you're like well that covers the cost of me upgrading or kind of at least cutting some of those costs of just getting the next phone so that's why I've always done it but now that Apple has this iphone upgrade plan for me it might it might make sense I don't know if I'm gonna do it yet though so they're calling it an upgrade plan but it feels like you're leasing a phone from Apple so you are exactly exactly that is exactly what you're doing so and it's also to pretty much compete to what the other carriers are doing in essence but I think apples may employee is that oh if you get applecare if you're someone who does that's when it makes sense because yeah the cost is pretty much exactly the same there's no interest there's nothing but there's a lot of people most people don't get applecare on their phones that's just the fact so that's why most people will stick with their carriers the whole 18 next thing is all over the place for me I don't I don't get that one because they have different tiers like 12 month 18 money for month and then one can you really upgrade depending on hot that one's kind of a zoo I think 18t like tries on purpose to confuse everybody cuz even going on their website it's confusing I can't figure it out like I'm just all I do is I tell the person do not f with my unlimited data yeah just please that's where I am that's why you have to buy this because you want to state yours you're sticking on your plan right yeah that's otherwise is your contract up in ya my great trek visit are you gonna get a success no no yes that's the plan so i'll probably just pay full price for ya yeah cuz i don't i don't want to have to lease and iphones like this yeah see that's for you that's a smart thing to do for sure so um yeah we you know we live in the great first world problems where we talk about phones and some of us use our mom's plans to get new phones okay hey gonna do to get a do send a nice to send a nice a taco emoji to your mom for us so if I point is called me Jesus co we did she want sense that you were talking but she watching did you tell her to watch no not at all oh no happens with that battle resents that sense that's that sixth sense that mom has he's talking about me yeah he's talking he's not he's not doing any good on my part she's talking he's talking all right everybody um thanks for thanks for coming out guys it was awesome to hang out and you know we gotta I have told people on the show before if I happen to be free and you happen to hit me up i will give you a tour of our studios in our area and it so happened it worked out with these fellows and we're able to hang out and have them on the show so thanks for watching thanks for hanging out and we'll keep on doing skits wait what about the music videos we need to have you seen the music videos are those are those a disaster you guys do those look white but it's hilarious okay okay good yeah we yeah we got there yeah I got I got approval there I'm just gonna tell you right now we're gonna have a good one coming up looking forward I can't tell you what it's gonna be make me no no no no no I is usually always 90s R&B so you can never go wrong with nineties army something sexual in that is fun right no I I think I'm pretty hyped about it so it's in the works so I'm members to be worried or excited be excited well whenever a new product comes how someone has to lick it all right everybody thanks so much for watching apple buy extra crunchy we forgot to even tell them the phone line yes yeah give us a cosmos into it at the beginning you like to call and leave us a message it's 1 800 61 62 63 8 we are taking your phone calls so yeah sounds good alright everybody will see you guys next week thanks for hanging with us please i'm glad i got the approval with the videos really okay it's would have you seen that I phone sex you up it wasn't that one yeah we did an iphone 5 on it we've done we throw him like all gold everything well yes yeah we did an ipad new one but this might have been beaten you so i think i ended up like sure listen to room with it's not the first time he stages wrong places like a bob of my hair too shaky my ear for an emotional like i like learning all this guy's & boos oh man anyways thanks for hanging guys that was fun i'm honestly I'm gonna have a surprise like people he'd be like um what do you guys even talked about LaShawn like right there like so I want to be a guest but what the hell did you guys even talked about yesterday oh man it's good so damn so well good all right everybody which is it and then it's good to go hey Beecham I'm gonna send you this stuff okay okay cool what happened did you guys actually get the email I sent to you yes alright cool let's see here thank you happy like my friends I'm in a group message to a bunch of my friends and their dear commenting as we were talking oh did they watch mm-hmm they're like yes you call your dog team oh gee coz my friend calls me temo yes ma'am like I heard you use my account hey team oh gee hey mom yeah you won't even turn back Oh team oh gee that's funny stuff not yet no I think you should be it should be today or tomorrow someone wrote waste of 15 minutes of my life it's funny because it happens our knees right really I'm just learned a lot about it so like it's oh that's cute it's just ridiculous so yeah i'll check and Danny it is now i'll let you know and then if it isn't then i'll tell you how would you know we're so happy when you call me the first time I was actually talking about you I was doing of high caste i'm in san francisco and i'm doing doing a podcast we're talking about how I up great my phones that's what I use your upgrade yeah
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