We unbox Samsung's sweet-looking Olympic Edition Galaxy Note 8
We unbox Samsung's sweet-looking Olympic Edition Galaxy Note 8
hey some exciting things happening today
the biggest is I got a package today
from Samsung a company based in Korea
hmm I wonder if there's anything gonna
happen in that country in the next
couple days I don't know let's open this
up to see what they sent us all right
yeah it's a phone
it's a Galaxy Note 8 ooh look at that on
the box here it has the Olympic rings
this might be an Olympic edition of the
Galaxy Note 8 I'll take a pour off the
sleeve here so here we go there we go it
is definitely a Galaxy Note 8 let's take
a look here this looks so cool it has a
white back and it says Samsung and it
has the Olympic rings Worldwide Partner
that's pretty darn cool that looks
really cool all right being a Galaxy
Note 8 I wonder if there's anything they
did with the s-pen oh cool so it's
matches the it matches the back there
that's really neat here comes my
favorite part of any unboxing peeling
the little plastic skins oh that's a
satisfying up we got one on the back
here too oh that is oh it's so nice this
looks so cool ah alright so let's try
powering this on bum bum bum bum bum bum
bum bum bum bum bum so on the lockscreen
only did we see the Olympic logo on
samsung logo there's just really cool
little like yellow something that rises
kind of maybe reminiscent of the Olympic
flame being inviting the cauldron for
the first time that's pretty cool and as
we get into the actual home screen here
the wallpaper has it
black background and kind of these
geometric shapes that are all in the
Olympic colors also what's really cool
is all the native Samsung Apps have been
color coded in these Olympic colors that
are all like green and blue and yellow
white and red the recents and back
button and home button are also color
coded in the olympic colors and what's
this there is an Olympics app here let's
open this up I'm not sure if this gear
tour people attending the Olympics or
the actual athletes or probably both but
there's some cool things here so right
away I see a button says metal table so
let's see what the status is no one has
won a medal yet that's because the
Olympics have not begun while filming
this so that's kind of accurate and then
it looks like there's some buttons menus
that take us to like the schedules and
results let's take a look here what that
brings us to so here we have like this
February 19th and these are the events
going on we got some curling everyone
loves curling right let's go back out
what else we have here we have the
athletes and teams so maybe you don't
know an athlete here let's try typing in
an American athlete Lindsey Vonn
everyone loves Lindsey Vonn so we
learned her birthday I'm sure she wants
everyone to know that her weight and
height but it looks like we have we can
see all the events she's in so we have
ladies alpine skiing it does not take me
anywhere but that's pretty cool there
too so that's the Olympic app and I'm
gonna go back to the home screen here
and again we got that and now if I go to
turn this off watch what happens here
they power off just like my GoPro discs
did it have one last Olympic logo to
make you remember this is indeed an
Olympic no date alright pretty cool guys
go watch some Olympics and play the
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