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Weed out the good from the bad with our smoke safety buying guide

or make your home is smarter and safer smoke detection is a good place to start and there are three types of devices that can send you a push notification when your smoke alarm sounds we're going to take a look at the pros and cons of each type of device the most obvious way to add smarts to your smoke detection is to replace your dumb old smoke detectors with a smart model the pros of smart smoke detectors in addition to those push notifications this is going to mitigate the annoyances that you might be used to with those small round pucks you're not gonna get the annoying low battery chirps you're going to get a push notification when you need to swap out the batter the biggest con with these guys is that they're costly especially if you have a large house you can expect to spend a couple hundred dollars if you want full coverage of smarts in every room as far as your options so far we've tested the 100-dollar nest protect we also tested the 120 dollar First Alert one link smoke alarm if you don't mess with your tried-and-true smoke detectors but still want notifications when something's up a listening device could be for you plug one of these in your wall and they are specifically tuned to the frequency of carbon monoxide and smoke detectors and if it hears something it'll let you know the pro with listeners is that if you're looking for whole home coverage you're going to cover a lot more space with a single device the cons is that with these you're not going to mitigate smoke detector annoyances at all your options the 100-dollar Leo smart alert nightly it's not only a listener it doubles as a fun color changing nightly and if you want to go simpler there's the one hundred dollar kyd remote link monitor and it's still alternative to the other two this is a Wi-Fi connected 9-volt that you stick into your existing smoke detector for the pros this is much cheaper than replacing the whole thing and you still mitigate some of those annoyances you're not going to get low battery chirps and with battery powered smoke detectors you're going to avoid false alarms well cons on the hardwired smoke detectors with a battery backup you're not going to be able to shut off false alarms you're also buying a smart device that's not going to last as long as your nets protect roost is rated for five years which is pretty good and you can buy replacement packs but still necessary tit-for-tat your options here the $35 roost that's it that's ok though because it works pretty well so the right fit for you depends on your space and how much you want to spend pick the category that suits you best and you can use your smart home to add a little extra peace of mind with smarter smoke effect
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