by the power of cnet I have the power
Bryant on here with cnet com at
comic-con 2011 here in San Diego this is
day one you can see everyone streaming
behind me they're here for all the
comics the movies the TV shows the
costumes of toys so much more so we're
going to go to the show floor and check
it all out you're really committing with
this makeup what inspired you it was
actually more of people asked me to do
it for the year so I was like all right
why not it's Comic Con you know most
excited for true blood except one kind
of sad because my favorite character
isn't going to be here Eric ladies like
me mad yeah what brings you here to
comic-con oh really the ladies you're
gonna find android like that all right
we have a family of superheroes here and
guys what brings you out to comic-con
it's just it's so much fun dressing up
and just being around everybody and we
love looking at all the exhibits and
seeing all the different halls and
seeing what's going on well you know the
only person here with leggings is
Superman they told me I had to a
Christmas present from my dad was to
take a to comic-con what are you the
most excited about um I'm gonna say
probably the amazing spider-man if I can
get in tomorrow
so to comic-con we know there's a lot of
comic books in an artwork but
collectibles are big thing here we're at
the alex ross booth one of the most
legendary comic book artists here and
look these are original works of his
we're talking about stuff in the seven
thousand dollars eight thousand dollar
range and if you want to get real spicy
look at the Joker 25k you're here
waiting what are you looking to get here
oh I'm going to get some some GI Joe
transformers maybe you know door now
look at this list they have a little
shopping cart a checklist here but these
are exclusive toys to comic-con right I
can open up and play with them and keep
them in our packaging oh there you say
the packaged now you guys came here all
the way from the wife a comic con yes
yeah I've been coming here for oh my
gosh I think since I want to say 93 and
yeah it's it I mean even though it Comic
Con has grown immensely it's still
really worth it coming how does it feel
to be a grown man waiting in line for
toys feels great I'm like the I'm Peter
Pan man the boy who never grew up now
guys the number one thing you have to
have when you come to comic-con you need
this big schwag back it's almost as big
as me but I could see it usually a
little over the shoulder murse doubled
up it got like some backpack action
going on like that I'm sure we could
find plenty of uses for this thing this
is like the greatest place I've ever
been yeah even look look over those all
the legos you want to go over there I
have the lovely Conan ladies here with
me right we're actually barbarian slave
girls barbarians slave girls now
right I know what that means Joey told
me to story about this what's up all
right played a gear since it first came
out I'll love with it they made a
hundred of these for a hundred bucks
third to last one now I'm going to be
carrying my shoulders for next three
hours i justyou got you got a little
caught up in the hype of these
collectibles right and I try not to a my
girlfriend lecture last two days about
buying vinylmation to disney there you
go how you gonna explain this tour when
the whole point was don't fall on the
show it's my birthday in like four days
so it's hard to get to myself stars is
releasing their entire collection on
blu-ray sometime this fall and what's
exciting about this is we have a lot of
cool displays like this museum replicas
they've had been able to get the
reference models of the actual costumes
then use things like the same materials
the same accessories here we have the
Emperor they're showcasing Luke
Skywalker's digs as well as Princess
Leia's a lovely white gown but this is
some of the cool and killer stuff that
you'll find here all over the show floor
in celebration of Star Wars blu-ray
release alright guys you know I'm a big
roller and right next to me we're
looking at over 1 million dollars worth
of comics Captain America Superman
Batman you know how we do it so tell us
what you got right here I'll basic
comic-con a book on the documentary on
matches comic-con done by Morgan
Spurlock and signed by Savannah me Stan
hey man uh how's it hanging inspired by
all these superheroes at comic-con I
have one last idea for this swag bag and
it okay let's try this oh oh that was a
bad idea for cnet com i'm brian song
from the show floor a little in a swatch
all our videos and more what's gonna
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