Were you affected by the famed Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal? (The 3:59, Ep. 383)
Were you affected by the famed Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal? (The 3:59, Ep. 383)
welcome to the 359 I'm Roger Chang I'm
Ben Fox ribbon
I'm alfred rang the facebook saga
continues today with CEO Mark Zuckerberg
set to testify before the Senate this
afternoon but after that before that
Facebook has rolled out notifications to
users about whether they've been
affected by the Cambridge and let
akinator breach now I don't know about
you guys I got a notification I didn't
actually click on the app but when my
friends did whoever that person is you
are no longer my friend
but I'm one of the 87 million affected
were you guys affected not that I know
of but apparently this is getting rolled
out in stages so it's possible we find
out about this a little later
so this yet the rollout began yesterday
at noon Eastern and I just got my
notification today I might has been
affected on my old profile but I to lead
to that one and set up a new one where I
only have like 30 friends yeah your new
Alfred and we're not friends
yep nor will we be so because you've
been infected now that's true
germs zombie rules right so you're
actually a lot more active on Facebook
than I am I haven't really shared
regularly on Facebook for years I am on
there more often than I'd like to be
though but yeah after finding out that
you are affected by this is this gonna
have any sort of impact on the amount
that you share the type of things that
you share uh not really I mean I take
proper safeguards with how I share
things is we were talking to the head of
this taping when the when I share photos
of my kid I keep locked down to a fairly
close network like if your yeah if
you're my friend
if you're really my friend you probably
can see my kids photos yes yeah but it
doesn't it doesn't take like your photos
or anything like that so that don't
matter like it's more so like looking at
your likes your interest and yeah it's
not things that you're sharing it
doesn't matter it's the broader
principle of being mindful of what yeah
sure yeah so it's not necessarily about
the date of that Facebook is taking yeah
it's about having good I guess good
practices good best practices when
sharing the information that you want to
share and then badgering your friends to
make sure that they have best practices
to pretty much although I mean the way I
have a set I mean even if you like or
share one of my photos their network of
friends can't see them so yes it has
nothing to do with this
particular breach but I think it's more
about just I just be smart on face I
just think you shouldn't blame your
friends for these kinds of things though
like it's not like they like took this
quiz like this personality quiz thinking
like yeah this quiz that tells me what
my digital life is is definitely gonna
steal information on all my friends it's
kind of don't they're not like don't
blame them yeah no no I'm totally gonna
blame them cuz it's a lame quiz and they
should be wasting their time with this
crap alright so the next up is net
neutrality still kickin Oregon became
the second state to pass a bill that
protects the rules of an open Internet
no it doesn't have its own net
neutrality rule but basically requires
any Internet service provider doing
business with the state to adhere to the
policies of our current rules now this
comes ahead of the April 23rd deadline
for when net neutrality ceases to exist
so I mean to me this is this is all
about introducing more complications
right when I do PI and the FCC's that
they want to dismantle the rules they
want they wanted to add some stability
and they wanted to basically make it
clear for businesses or for ISPs trying
to invest in their networks that these
are the new laws of land the only
problem now is now Oregon work with
these governments yeah Oregon no now
Oregon now Washington New York has
proposed a similar rule New Jersey New
Jersey there are tons of states now they
say well if you if you want to work with
us you've got to honor these other rules
of dundar challenge the same rules that
the FCC's dismantling so those are
narrower those are only if you're an ISP
working with that government but yes if
yeah if you're working with the
government like you kind of have to
follow those rules for everyone if
you're also working with those
governments that's the principle behind
this and so this in my mind causes more
complication I don't disagree with that
at all it's kind of a pain I've
Verizon's latest data breach report
paints a grim picture of hackers the
amount of ransomware which locks up your
computer until you pay a ransom to
unlock it doubled last year now
ransomware that was that was the hot
word for 2017 is a silk for 2018
yeah it's definitely not on the scale
that it was in 2017 in the sense of you
know years like this massive attack that
hit everything all at once but like it's
still like slowly trickling out on like
you know a lot of like municipalities a
lot of universities offices and
things like that like you know just a
few weeks ago we had heard about the the
entire like city government of Atlanta
being shut down yeah by it yeah that's
the thing that like you know all these
reports always come out we say like
here's all these crazy things that are
happening with ransomware and it seems
like nobody takes any action and it just
continues to like grow but isn't there
like like a new action you were telling
me about this before there's a new
effort beyond ransomware
that's that's getting a lot more
traction in 2018 right
yeah crypto jacking but that's like just
like cryptocurrency mining alright we're
out of time for those stories check us
out seen it I'm Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox
Ruben I'm Alfred Inge thanks for
listening what all right thanks for
joining us everybody I'm gonna go ahead
and jump in and start pulling some great
questions from the chat we already got a
couple so let's jump right in from
jane's h he's got a rumor in a question
here does facebook and their crew own
every single picture i've ever uploaded
no no no I remember there was this like
hoax going around Facebook before I was
like Facebook just changed your policy
and they own all your photos now unless
you post this as your status and share
it under the Roman statute like eighteen
twenty-two CC blah blah blah that's
worse than the quiz participate in those
it's worse than the I mean it's the same
I guess it's the same deal right they
don't know I mean the most of the time
it's shared with good intention because
you think this is legit even though it's
not for every like we get one more
dollar towards cancer surgery same thing
with those like spam emails that I
remember from back in the day where Bill
Gates is gonna give you $10,000 if you
share this with five people yes oh yeah
yeah the chain mails yeah you know it's
just moving that over to Facebook or
Twitter or whatever chain mails are the
cockroach's of the Internet they will
survive every every incantation they
have they kind of like change form right
you stop getting them an email you get
them on your social networks now I guess
I don't get a lot of those either but I
definitely do want to clarify though
that Facebook or Instagram whatever
or whatsapp anything on Facebook owns
they do not own your photo like that's
not that's not you still own it yes you
could do with it what you want alright
next in line we got one from Mike Shaw
this is a comment molest of a question
by an interesting perspective and I
think we could all editorialize on it
net neutrality net free market forces
will protect Internet freedom less
government regulation is always good for
innovation and more competition means
lower prices can we expand on that
thought because I don't know if it's so
black and white know that it's
definitely not that's definitely more
position taken by Internet service
providers Republicans folks folks who ya
believe in the free market system
believe in competition that's true to
some extent I would say there's lots of
competition in the wireless business but
when it comes to your local internet
service like there's not a lot of
competition you get one or two players
service generally prices are going up
you know network speeds haven't
progressed as fast as they should have
and really the the big concern here is
with these larger companies especially
as your inner service provider owns the
content that you enjoy as well that if
you they're like the single source for
that then that's a lot of power to give
to a company yeah and then yeah there's
competition but the problem is there are
fewer and fewer players all the time
these companies are gobbling each other
up and so the whole competition argument
isn't quite as strong when they're you
know one or two players as opposed to
four or five right that being said
whether we like it or not i GT PI has
pushed the ball forward to ensure that
we're gonna see what this is gonna look
like and this is gonna be a living
experiment to see what happens when net
neutrality rules get removed that but
the thing of it is is I don't think
that's gonna be the case I think like it
has been for the last couple years it's
probably gonna get tied up in litigation
there were lawsuits filed what you're
seeing now with with Washington Oregon
these various states they're they're
kind of like pockets where net
neutrality rules still kind of exist in
the kind of a loophole and so for a lot
of these Internet's or US Internet
service providers these cable companies
phone companies it's a weird situation
to be in like the whole deal was they
they want a little bit
of stability of clarity to know what the
law the land is and now the law of the
land is like different depending on
where you are and that's I think it's
even more chaotic now than it's ever
well not only that but like it continues
though as you said it continues the
limbo that they were experiencing over
the past couple years anyway yeah
exactly as a rebuttal for Mike choices I
agree with Roger that we need more
competition that is coming with 5g in
Starling but I'd like to see more in the
interim so excellent points all around
yeah definitely from Danny Green
following back up to the photos he says
don't worry about Facebook itself doing
anything with your photos be concerned
by the trolls who steal your pictures
and build a fake page using them it's
funny how far and wide photos can leak
and what they can be put to use for
haven't we seen people in the past wind
up on like text books and didn't that
actually happen to you
yeah somebody stole my name there was
there was a Facebook page for it was Ben
Fox Ruben won and I reached out to the
guy and we just because what ended up
happening was Facebook accidentally
started using that page and not my page
at Facebook
and face box face box and box that's my
new name but any any link for a story of
mine would go to that page instead of my
own actual page oh my gosh so I reached
out to him and I said you have to like
change the name or take this page down
it was really kind of funny instead of
apologizing he said I'm gonna send this
to a competing media outlet and I've
never been you know harassed and
assaulted like this before you know this
is totally unfair and ridiculous bro
know my name I would just like just
change your name or don't I don't quite
so is he also a Ben Foxworthy oh there's
no other Reuben out that maybe he is no
he isn't and he changed the name and
Facebook got to the bottom of it so good
for them for like I reached out to them
and said hey these links are wrong they
should they're linking to the wrong page
and that did actually fix it up but yeah
it was interesting that the guy was
trying to troll me and like threaten me
when when I just reached out to him and
was just like this isn't fair like your
wasn't he also like sharing your
articles that you wrote on so that's
platelet it's not even just Oh weird you
have the same name which I
strongly doubt there's other Fox Reubens
outside he said like I'm helping drive
traffic to your stories at understand
like why you're complaining about that
like I mean he's probably sees it as a
fansite you got a label it like that
because it happens when he turns around
and starts posting some really offensive
propaganda with your face like what
offense what was obviously like
advertising for like online course work
so okay trying to make it appear like it
was like a fan page or it's just so
funny that they would choose you oh why
would anyone want to be bed choose
someone who's you know never mind you
know what on that Senator Chris Coons a
Democrat from Delaware he actually
tweeted this out just this morning he
found that there's two fake facebook
accounts impersonating him like a like a
US senator and he's saying that all of
the friends on both of those accounts
like are Russian like BOTS yeah yeah I
sent it to you on slack if you want to
like to show it to our audience but
making me sick I'm gonna dig it up but
yeah I mean yeah I'm looking at the
photo at the screenshot that he took and
both of them are like his photo saying
that like he works one of them says he
works with the Department of Justice and
the other one says works at Chris Coons
for Delaware like United States enter
but it's like when was the you know the
black lives matter story that yeah
yesterday yeah it was another one where
one of the biggest black lives matter
pages was tied to some guy you know some
white dude in Australia that really just
want to make a quick buck off that was
trying to raise money and then would
just essentially pocket it yeah yeah
which is which is crazy and this is
where we are yeah that is a u.s. senator
who has two profiles set up like in
person well that should make for an
interesting testimony today yeah fence
Ben though that I I find it much easier
to swallow that somebody wants to
pretend to be a senator than you kick me
in the face of few more times
you should be flattered look I mean like
that is a very good reason why
Zuckerberg is gonna be in Washington for
the next two days he has a lot to answer
they haven't been minding the ship the
way that they should have right talked
about it like a ton on this show and we
have Facebook it's about time questions
really good answer yeah pushing that
forward a little bit
usually these types of hearings are so
structured that I'm very skeptical that
he's actually gonna say anything that's
materially newsworthy maybe some of the
questions from the Senators or the
representatives are gonna be newsy
because they're really gonna go after oh
yeah this is like this is like the
optimal grandstanding opportunity for
these guys so for these senators so I
imagine the questions are gonna be
fairly harsh the tones gonna be pretty
harsh I am looking forward to seeing how
he responds to this I mean he's like I
said this boys word guy right he's
not super polished when it comes to
interviews I know he's been prepping for
it but we'll see how he handles this is
several hours of testimony so his prep
work I would anticipate would be say as
little as possible do not make news that
is generally what ends up happening in
these types of situations so you saw
that subscribe he saw that CNN interview
right like pretty much went off-script
right away right he admitted to calling
he called it a bridge when facebook said
it wasn't a breach initially he even
admitted to being open to regulation
that said that's like a big no-no for
all these tech companies right they're
always about like oh yeah we respect
consumer privacy unless there's
regulations involved right so we'll see
that was only like what a 15-minute
interview like this is several hours
we've seen one person effectively go
off-script and that's the president I
think very few people are capable of
going off-script and actually talking
about like none of us are on script
right now think about that yeah we're
not famous you got you there we're not
I mean facebook.com slash Ben Fox Rubin
one it's so rad but seriously follow the
real page all right we are
out of time but let's get a couple more
questions in here hashtag respect the
Reuben from alien or Sutan or certain I
yes outen I will I wrote a Facebook app
this is a great perspective to have as a
developer and thanks for including this
I wrote a Facebook app and was shocked
at the amount of data my app had access
to basically everything they my network
of friends posted shared anything with
me any app would have done that and
logged it and it's everything we've seen
but it's nice to get the perspective
that even I was a developer out there
first hand is like whoa yep there have
been just the other side of the coin
from Amazon where a lot of Alexa
developers complain that they don't get
enough information from Amazon and it
causes their product to suffer to a
certain extent now we actually see that
Facebook was providing way too much
information and you know it's the
balance is obviously very important yeah
for sure
from piece of potato great name I have a
question those internet service from the
carrier company is that also affected by
a net neutrality because now they have
wireless Wi-Fi routers that get that use
SIM cards and internet plans from them
yeah so wireless internet mobile
Internet is well was part of net
neutrality rules although I think they
were they were enforced but there was
some leeway because you know unlike like
a home DSL cable connection the the
spectrum in the air is finite so there
are just physical limitations for how
fast you can deliver service so there
was definitely Wireless definitely
underdone in Charlie rules but I think
there's a little bit more flexible I
just remember that come April 23rd once
these rules are dismantled there won't
be any regulations basically the ISPs
are free to do whatever they want they
can prioritize if they want to they just
have to I guess they have to make it
clear to consumers they have to tell
people that's what they're doing I think
that's the only real burden for them
it's like well oh you said those
starvation might be coming so might not
materially change for customers that
right well now legislation but these are
action litigation yeah yeah litigation
might stop it
Congress might step in and pass their
own rules there are all kinds of
different X factors at this point but
yeah I would say early on like
it's nothing gonna happen right away
like April 24th ISPs aren't gonna start
rolling out all these crazy plans I
think if there are any changes they will
be gradual they'll be longer-term and no
one's dumb enough to do anything on day
one or even like the first couple months
because it sorry alright let's take a
sharp left turn into Verizon territory a
piece of potato also wants to know
didn't Microsoft already release an
update on Windows eight through ten to
protect us from ransomware well that is
fine so I know what he's talking about
so this was like last week or so
Microsoft released an update for
onedrive that doesn't exactly protect
you from ransomware more so that it like
has a contingency plan so onedrive now
automatically backs up all your stuff
like all the time so if you are hit with
ransomware you can just revert it back
to a stage like and have all your files
like pretty small but if he's talking
about like ransomware in general like 8
through 10 because this is only really
for Windows 10 so I think what he might
be talking about is the patch that was
released after wanna cry yeah they they
updated a patch that that was only for
that specific strand of ransomware and
they released that to like even older
models like XP and all this stuff the
problem with that is that people don't
always patch which is what like how like
a majority of like you know ransomware
really spreads they like kind of target
old systems and yes so they did already
release it but it really doesn't matter
if nobody's like installing it on their
systems yeah a moment of silence for
Windows XP we are out of time one
question to put in the back ear heads to
hang on to for a future show Michael
Brown says where do we all think
Facebook will be in two four or six
years I think that's a great question to
ask because I do think we're gonna see
some significant changes in the platform
in the near future exactly how can't
answer that right now I think it's good
to think about though let's just remind
everybody where they can watch and keep
track of the hearings that are going to
be taking place
over the next couple of days it'll be
streaming on us units site correct if
you check out the top story on Facebook
on our Facebook main story the stream
will be live will be embedded in the
story you'll be able to watch both the
Senate hearing today as well as the the
House hearing tomorrow and that link
will be in the show description from
today's episode and be on the lookout
for your notifications from Facebook
about the privacy settings forthcoming
yeah and yeah thanks Aguila everybody
great discussion as always yep if you
liked anything you saw or heard ear
checks on SEANET our podcast is
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