Westworld Cradle Explained: Season 2 Episode 6 deciphered - Morning After After Show, Ep. 6
Westworld Cradle Explained: Season 2 Episode 6 deciphered - Morning After After Show, Ep. 6
welcome to the morning after after-show
I'm Patrick I'm Lynne and I'm Caitlin
and welcome to the kit oh we're actually
not in the kitchen
it's a long story a really long story
but enjoy our new digs so today we're
gonna talk about season 2 episode 6
phase space which means there will be
spoilers through that episode so if you
haven't watched 6 get out if you don't
care about spoilers stick around because
oh my god it Ford is back it's gonna go
dog Fox Fox dog ah what Fox looks like
the dog is in the cradle but the Fox is
like it's actual persona outside like
that Fox say that Fox is like Ford's I
thought you were referring to the new
Google Street Matt's which has the Fox
you follow for directions now I'm into
that you that could be kind of cool too
okay we can start let's start in the
beginning let's go back let's go back
okay so beginning the first thing we see
is a classic Bernard and Dolores scene
but it's a little different this time
it's so okay first of all overall this
episode is the most confusing episode I
thought you know I have to kind of be a
little bit more knowledgeable about the
show we all kind of have to do and this
is your expert you have a self-described
act this time I'm all like that when
that scene when Dolores was like
self-aware and she's like no he used to
say like this I was just I was like that
Seinfeld meme I was like this is it I'm
not gonna understand this episode I've
given up on trying to stick with these
timelines I'm like now I don't know
anything I mean it brings up a good
point are a lot of people gonna take off
now like West part is getting very deep
I mean yes literally and figuratively
we're getting through all these layers
well the thing about with my friends
it's like some people like don't want to
watch West row because it's people say
it's like too overly raw to overly
complicated and I used to be like no
watch it it's great if you stick with it
you can totally get it and now with the
first the opening scene I was like I I
don't I can't understand that I feel
that way about wine it's like yeah
people are really into I like just one
drink wine I really care about all the
flavors in this sometimes I think that's
also why if you like Westworld you love
all those little nuances stuff I have no
idea what the hell that meant I'll be
honest and it's also
like for the first scene you're like
okay but someone's gonna make up
compilation I'm probably already has on
YouTube of all those Dolores de Barnard
scenes and this will be the last one
maybe I don't know so what do you think
the scene is what is that yeah I mean I
don't I don't know that's necessarily
the last one I think in it she even says
to him no no he wouldn't do that we're
trying to establish fidelity the exact
same way that William was establishing
fidelity Ford Ellis's recreated host
body so to me that says she knew all
along all the first season we saw them
interacting she always knew Barnard was
a host she always knew that he was a
copy of Arnold and one step further now
that we've seen four do we know he's
there in the cradle was Ford guiding
Dolores to Train Bernard to Train
Bernard to be more like Arnold Ann as
Bernard is developing this new
personality and discovering his free
will is he becoming free so because he
doesn't stick to that script because he
doesn't you know have the same baseline
fidelity conversation with Dolores is he
breaking free is he remembering for all
the people who knew Arnold in real life
do they this assume Bernard is Arnold
then why are they call him for nard you
know it's like why is this not Arnold
like because I feel like with the
papadelis he was at least trying to be
papadelis and I think it's interesting
but I do feel the training thing I feel
like there's a bit of Ford pushing that
and I know you're the timeline person
but I think this has to happen obviously
after Bernard realizes he's a robot and
but before other people know he is like
well gets the audience in that sense so
so this is probably toward like the end
of last season it definitely could be
toward the end it could also be we have
the the shift in the aspect ratio when
we're watching that scene and you notice
that exact same aspect ratio at the end
when Bernard is inside of the cradle so
let's talk about the cradle we've got a
lot of it with
Arnold and Elsie yeah so let's just like
break that out what is the cradle what
is the Mesa Meza like what is going on
with this whole thing sounds very a mess
uh to me sound like a mess
horrible offending everybody yeah so
let's talk about that what does it start
very basic what is the cradle oh yeah
you have the best handling of it and I
want to know in that scene you know when
they're extracting his little light bulb
yeah smart bulb from his brain what are
they getting what are are we seeing when
he's flash when there's a flashback or
whatever that is and what are they
extracting and and what is the cradle
and what is everything you know what's
the maze you know let's have like a
let's touch the okay okay let's not go
back far back the little bit of glossary
terms here right so the maze was kind of
what we discovered in the first season
it's that path toward consciousness for
robots not for man in black that's
number one number two the Mesa the Mesa
is the entrance area which we do see in
this episode both where some of the
personnel are so we see Stubbs meet new
guy Coughlin gruff Delta team yeah so
you see them meet there that's that's on
top of the Mesa and that's also where
Lee and Mei found Hector in the very
first episode so he's like up top it's
that big plateau base and that's where
the train is going right so the Mesa is
both the entrance and exit to Delos West
world as well as kind of like a
decompression Center for people when
they leave West world and they go back
to the real world they kind of this is
like a whale a station okay right okay
so now the cradle yes the cradle is
first of all we can pretty much notice
that it's like a colloquial name they've
discovered they've used for it on all
the doors and even when Elsie is kind of
looking at the computers it's actually
CR for DL her photo so it's just cradle
and that's what they all call it and the
cradle is a sin
a big server farm for all the host data
all their brains more or less and that's
the stuff we saw like with little
cooling water exactly okay yeah in one
of the HBO featurettes Jonathan Nolan
one of the showrunner says he didn't
want to shoot it like a server farm he
wanted to shoot it as something like new
and futuristic and cool and water is a
really effective way of cooling large
amounts of data and things like that so
they use that they gave it that weird
creepy black and red mood lighting all
that jazz it's look like a hot topic I
mean I know yeah it's like a really
really cruddy club gross but that's also
the club you get like the roof eat drink
and be like oh crap
no one wants to go to the cradle but I
just say Z that sounds like a lot like
like like a backup so like iCloud would
be or somebody right so the the cradle
and he actually says it Nolan rather the
cradle is a place where they wanted it
to feel like a nuclear reactor not like
a server room hence all the creepy
coloring and things and it's the space
where the hosts copies are stored so
when all of these interactions with
hosts and other Hume and humans rather
and other hosts are happening they're
refining their personality they're
they're improvising more but they're
also learning more about the hosts
themselves how to react in a certain
situation what's good what's bad etc and
they don't want to lose that data so
it's all being constantly uploaded to
the cradle and this is the thing that
Delos is trying to hack but it keeps
forward programmed it to keep changing
itself to that's what I think that is
what I think as well because they did
mention that Delos keeps hacking it but
the cradle is learning it's like and
improvising and it's kind of pushing off
all these exactly pending itself against
all these hacks that's why they have to
drop Bernard into it or his little pearl
thingy so Bernard the only way to access
the cradle safely without you know
causing it to improvise and you know
create a new shield for itself so to
speak would be to put
host inside that's why he goes into the
thing it opens up his brain takes out
his pearl as it's called that's what
they use smartphone no that doesn't take
out the smartphone app oh yeah it takes
out all this his brain which the HBO
extra is calling they all called the
pearl so it takes out his pearl which
which is inside of the smart bulb and
they take it out and that is all of his
data that's all his memories it's all
Bernard so when he's walking through
sweet waters that we see with the aspect
ratio changing what are we seeing is
that a memory I think it's him in the
cradle I think that is Bernard exploring
the cradle so it's similar I think about
it like you're seeing old like VR movie
they always represent it as like you're
walking into this place like the cell
with Jennifer Lopez yeah where she goes
in to the machine or whatever and all of
a sudden it's just a wide expanse and
that I think is exactly the same in the
cradle when their data is in there it
feels real so every host can access this
cradle right it's because Bernard they
you know got his thing every host can
when they when they get their brains
uploaded yes but you can't just access
by the crowd she was like at least what
we're seeing with Bernard in it is
there's like a timelessness to it where
everything else has been on these kind
of mysterious or purposely off skewed
timelines whereas this it's kind of like
you're going through like the pages of a
book and you're not reading the book you
just kind of slipping through it and
picking up passages so he's going
through street water and we don't know
if that's before the gala after we're
just seeing I'm like the idolized clean
reset for the matinee ready to do the
play I think that's a great metaphor
it's exactly the idyllic scenario of
Sweetwater pre gala most likely because
Dolores isn't killing anyone
yeah and it's lovely so what's were
there my other question with the cradle
is what is Abernathy have then what so
this is a large point of contention I
mean Peter Abernathy yeah because I
thought he was up to a point I think he
was the cradle I thought he had the
thing so I was just like now what do
what do they still want from him after
they bolted him down I think they
believe Abernathy still has all this
info in his brain we don't know if he
does or does not but we have seen that
Bernard did you know hardwired into him
he may have taken that encrypted piece
of data and put it in himself he may
have left that data in him and corrupted
it in the same in some way there's a lot
of options as when questions really as
to whether Peter Abernathy still even
has that data in his brain which I mean
it feels like we're getting to a point
where we're gonna start answering these
questions definitely this episode f
initely does feel like everything is
converging fire it's got a climax soon
well in that and we're seeing everything
in one episode where before I think
we're splitting two or three episodes to
kind of cover all the the plots and
subplots for us for the most part we hit
all the major players all the major
tactics and it definitely feels like
middle of the season and now as thing as
convertibles it's good to be let's go
get more Delta Force asshole guys yeah
he's like I know this place bro okay so
good and he's like your name is
seriously Ashley and I'm like I mean
that's like a legit boy's name and why
is he so rude about I know this probably
isn't winning that Mesa anyway okay so
another thing this episodes following on
the heels of Shogun world so we have
some closure with that with Maeve and
Hector and Lee and that group of people
you guys think of that I'm so sad that
they stayed behind it's just like oh I'm
glad the assassin girl stayed with them
they need more the dragon that was a
nice moment that was a nice moment I
love to the sword fight oh my god that
was a mean but there's that when they
pan out and he has both Hamill like now
we got ourselves an old-fashioned sword
fight I love that so called and it was a
badass sword fight so I mean they stayed
wide so you're seeing like those sorts
get there you have the sword fight just
naturally makes you be closer with the
person you're fighting
all those like intense moment he takes
that second store and in this wish I my
roommate and I were watching this
episode and we loved it it was
definitely a high point of this episode
I the moment the guy didn't use his
second sword I was like why do you have
a second sword if you're not gonna use
it that's gonna be gear down I don't
know and I don't know I don't know but I
kind of know I think sometimes those are
ceremonial things for for doing like
Harry Caray I'm not sure if that's
you could probably cut this part out but
I feel like those are swords that aren't
necessary for fighting I might be more
ceremonial but he grabs the guy's sword
and heats it against him because it is a
ruthless chicken world after all and how
cool is it for made to be like they
sometimes you just you just has the
thing like can't you stop this like no
sometimes things just have to play
themselves out see what's up here
you wanted hit like that was his choice
to do the challenge and I think that was
like his nod like don't do anything this
is like the way I want to do it and it's
just like a much more honorable way of
going and he wanted me I was so nervous
I was like he's gonna know and he did it
was really good it was so happy when he
won even though it was bloody as hell
and he he's so rude he didn't even let
him do the ceremonial suicide cuz the
guy was doing and he's like no I'm not
gonna let you yeah yeah no I think
you're showing mercy he let the guys
stab himself but if you believe if you
stab yourself in the stomach or you get
stabbed there it's a really slow painful
death I think I was just gonna finish
well you didn't even he didn't move it
he just stabbed himself so I think the I
think he was showing mercy no I thought
I'm gonna choose to see mercy by cutting
his head off today I feel nice good but
I agree that Maeve you know she kind of
okay I'm gonna let it play out and Akana
uses her own words against her later
what may have says is we each deserve to
choose our own fate
yeah even if that fate is death yeah it
was just like when they decided we were
gonna stay she was like how can you she
was just begging not begging them she
was just like come with us like you
can't survive here they're gonna come
for you we gonna just stay in this like
really nice garden they're like yeah I
mean they're they don't want my choice
yeah we didn't want to go on the outside
we don't know what you want to do we're
to stay here they're living out the
Teddy and Delores cabin dream that Teddy
always had he's like maybe we don't have
to kill maybe they just stay that's a
good thought but in there living it out
he says cowardice is a tinge shield yeah
whoa such beautiful and I mean if you
had to pick out of all the places it
seemed that that is probably the most
beautiful aspect of the world I've seen
so far and then the other side that
we're fighting she's fighting so hard to
be with her daughter and bringing her
daughter's heart to the ceremonial place
like that was really powerful and of
course she'd want to stay with that like
it makes it makes sense also though it
also means when prayin I could go back
to show them the part I was like oh
never say never who knows oh yeah you
never knew you never know but it
definitely wasn't elegant very hey you
like this thing great now we're gonna go
back to the other thing
yeah when we'll get glimpses of it or
maybe some others later nothing never
never but there was an lease in this
episode we had a very hard goodbye and
we moved on to them turning back to
maids quest which you know it was a
little bit of a sidetrack but it was a
beautiful sidetrack the best side quest
I'm just sad that it was ending I'm glad
the dragon woman came with them so it's
not just like this neatly tied thing
that we'll never see it again but when
they were like we're not going like no
I'm glad she went with them I'm excited
to see how they you know kind of band
together as a group we saw even as they
were leaving there was kind of a
hierarchy between Lee and the Delos Tex
and he's like what like get in there I'm
not just literally your job like well
chill until the battle part because then
you know you see Felix running to go
help and then you see so yeah once we're
in West world and Maeve is on her
homestead we see the ghost nation come
and as a ghost nation is starting to
attack he's like come on we we gotta
help like what are you guys doing stop
sitting here and Lee's like nah dude I
got my own shit to take care of and I
love that Felix Lee's he's like fuck you
guys and then when you find out it's Lee
and that other guy it's like you should
know that you're on the bad side even if
that guy's my my - yeah I shouldn't I
should probably and Felix I need to
even before we get to that probably the
thing that we've been building up to
form a for since the end of last season
was her meeting her daughter so hey her
daughter's a real host person yeah I was
so nervous for her first of all that
walk up to the house I was like she's
gonna be Sean the side or some school
bus is gonna run her over it even when
we saw her daughter I didn't think it
was her daughter I thought it was a
memory and they're like the porch is
gonna be empty when she's actually yeah
then like oh it is or she walks up and
she gets shot like the daughter get shot
I was like so nervous I was like it was
beautiful but I know she meets her yeah
she meets okay step one but something's
off when she's meeting her which we you
pick up instantly yeah and then here's
another mama who looks exactly like me I
mean it we ran the risk that they you
know they like because she was the new
brothel mahom that they would of course
write another robot host for her so I
knew that was rich but it was just and
she even knew because it's not like you
daughter read to and be like mom mom you
know she even Maeve was like hello how
are you yes a good point and and then we
didn't know it was gonna be a carbon
copy of Maeve not even when they replace
Peter Abernathy for Dolores was it the
same exact look no she's different
no I mean the father like when they
replaced Peter Abernathy no but is
correct I'm saying there was a striking
difference between Peter Abernathy's Oh
where's this one was these looks so
similar this is like the Hollywood
casting we need so much african-american
English lady he's they're like 30s up
well we got a whole box looks like when
a soap opera like switches actors yeah
like hey did the B which things England
that's exactly what it is yeah but
always still really sad that she was
like mom this lady that looks like you
her monkey
well the attack happens mom gets killed
basically yes can then sandy nucleus
attacked then Fanny Newton's character
may have grabs her daughter exactly like
she did in her memory starts to take her
into the field and falls exactly like
she does every time the ghost nation
attacks so my big question is like what
is this ghost in is this a loop running
its course is this what has the daughter
been doing since
you know the uprising shouldn't she have
been conscious like why is she still in
her loop why is this new Maeve still in
her loop this ghost nation thing like
what's going on isn't been a couple Oh
like a at least a week since all the
robots you know started waking up
potentially yeah what is this loop
that's happening
great question yes go station it's like
oh we're not attacking you come with us
but then yeah Zane McLaren on the same
one we've seen through all these
recognizes that may have is very
powerful he recognizes that like she
speaks his language and she's
communicating with him and she seems and
feels different and maybe this is what
drew them there maybe she is the reason
why the ghost nation continues to return
to this home site I only showed up when
she came right maybe it's not a loop
maybe it is like a storyline but maybe
they're the reason or she's the reason
they came back again this time another
scene I want to just quickly get into is
one of my favorite scenes was the Emily
and man in black scene good for a lot of
lot of reasons could be saw them see
each other at the end of an episode and
a half ago basically and then now
they're actually getting to talk and
they're riding together but the campfire
part so why don't I get to and he's like
oh he is thinking it's a Ford thing but
didn't get the vibe because it wasn't
like shots the way the other ones were
there was the music and also the fact
that he thought that made me think it
isn't exactly that's probably opposite
but I just love that there was this
openness he kind of little more about
his backstory and the mother's backstory
and what kind of happened and how she's
putting all the blame on him I don't I
just really like that scene and then
they go to sleep and she wakes up and
sees that everyone's gone and now sober
is so discipline I mean I liked it that
I was like could she be the reason he
stopped his quest and that's what she
said like suicide by robot like don't do
it for me and he's like is that a threat
and she's like no I'm just asking you as
your daughter would you quit this pipe
dream or whatever you want to do to
spend time with me in the real world and
he's like yes and then he's like no yeah
that was I think that scene also raises
a lot of questions because his facial
expression really
shows how confused he is at certain
points she's talking about how first of
all Charlotte Hale invited her to the
gala banquet creepy thing number one
look so let's go into that why why do
you think I come back okay - she then
tells him here's what I did all these
things here's where I went and here's
what I did and here's how I got to you
and then three he's like yeah I remember
you were terrified of the elephants and
she goes no no no I love the elephant's
mom was terrified of the elephants and
everything about this place and his
facial expression is she's telling him
all these things conveys so much the
Charlotte Hale part he's like what why
and then the here's where I went to the
powder palette
my favorite place she's like until I was
old enough I went to the pleasure palace
I wrote it he's like that moment too
before a classroom is the fact that
we're actually seeing him a little bit
more like will you can actually burst
before we're seeing William be more men
in black he's actually his it's mossad
kind of melted during that moment some
of that might be confusion but I think
some of us also just like this is who he
is this is the guy we see outside right
the most we've seen right emote yeah
then she talks about the being terrified
the elephants and he's like wait like
how could I have misread this and again
it connects to William because I think a
lot of his you know life in the real
world was spent pretending he didn't
actually care he didn't want to get to
know the human and that's why when she
was like oh will you leave I was like
he's probably not he knows more about
the host inside the parks any sooner
than he does about his own daughter his
own wife and Emily knows more about that
elephant but she like the robot elephant
that she like he knows more about
Laurens horse yeah so the fact that you
forgot it's like not it's disappointing
but not unexpected right X you're not
the best I think it's it's just a
transition like you said from straight
man in black to like oh this is William
in black Oh what would either of you
like to have seen him have woken up in
the morning gone off and like yeah you
know what I'm talking me out of it
would you guys either of you but like
okay that's that's satisfied to add a
character yeah I knew I mean it was
really hopeful but I knew he wasn't good
I'm like no there's no way he was like
pack it up boys I'm gonna spend time
play catch it he did exactly the way you
would think to is just to leave her
I'm just surprised that you could sneak
three guys away on a horse and I wake up
early and she seems brake very like
attuned to everything I'm like yeah like
yeah I'm sleeping in and the whole camp
is packed up and wake up like he was
really tired he did get her to drink a
little so we don't know how much they
drank after that conversation so maybe
she was hungover and may be roofied her
so going back to roofie and second it
kind of looked like he took the horse
her horse yeah I just left with no way
out of there okay go ahead go oh I
wanted to talk about the Charlotte Hill
comment yes cuz you thought it was
something I didn't think it was anything
I just thought she invited at the gala
she didn't go but you think something
more nefarious might be yeah well first
of all we know that and what we learned
in that conversation too that Emily
really was kind of being groomed to take
Williams position she's the next in the
blind she is Adela sort of so she would
be the next like I'll be a choice to
take over that's one so obviously Sheryl
invited her for that reason she knew
they went on good terms though so that's
a little hinky of her to do then we get
the timeline Charlotte invited
Emily Emily said no but still came to
the park she spent a couple days
exploring the Raj a few more days
exploring the pleasure palaces and then
all hell broke loose she said so she was
there for like a week ish yeah in the
beginning of that one episode three or
four that we saw that was actually a
very condensed look at her week before
the uprising which I find interesting
this because it gives us kind of a
firmer timeline of dates and days I
thought it gave us a better picture
because when she was there meeting that
guy with the little shit off thing the
gun still worked then I guess maybe a
week or something and then the guns I
don't work or I've worked in a way yeah
worked against the people so I guess
that means
like maybe all of season one took place
in about a week
potentially I am okay something else to
hear that a really quick inner episode
is Teddy its badass
he's just me now he's just mean and
shooting people left and right because
he goes you can see a little bit of
Dolores is like yeah and her friend the
one with the the crown Angela and Angela
yeah she kind of digs this new Teddy but
I just do it yeah do it
yeah well then they had a previously
there robot had like a relationship
thing before Dolores and Teddy did I
think - I think that when Dolores looks
at Teddy after he like shoots the tech I
heard the Curb Your Enthusiasm music so
real quick what are you help stir into
the next new next episodes Kailyn I want
to dive deeper into the cradle I want
more info on if that's Ford if that's
Ford inside of Bernard like maybe his
data was what was in Peter so now it's
in Bernard you know maybe he took that
from Abernathy
or maybe it's Ford because Ford was the
second human pearl that we created I'm
this is kind of random but I'm waiting
for Stubbs to just do something big
because Charlotte Hale put him down she
was like finally you're caught up and
he's like hey I'm head of security like
you didn't yell me anything she's like
well Stubbs come on yeah and she's like
well I guess you're not gonna get her a
good review then this Delta key comes
Delta team comes and like puts him down
he's like you know I'm gonna fuck this
noise orc is really hard to sweep I'm
gonna and I think he's gonna do
something not like great or anything but
I think Stubbs is gonna come because
they're like just beating him down they
really are my hope is we get to see tied
to the create a little bit but
specifically Elsie Bernard because I
feel like LC and Stubbs are kinda like
underrated heroes where's they're not
the 1% owners of the thing they're not
the beautiful robot people they're just
the people who make it all work but no I
said such a nice thing he's like if
anyone could correct the ship from sheer
will it's you and she's like that's nice
yeah and so I'm hoping to see where that
what a nice complement stay maven Lee
maven Lee and that moment you know Thank
You moment still have worlds we haven't
seen yet and they're still hopes that
maybe we get to get a taste of something
else out there that we don't know about
but until then we'll just have to see so
thanks again for checking out this
week's episode if you have questions you
can leave them in the comments also make
sure you subscribe you could also like
our video that helps us feel good too if
you have questions you can also tweet at
us I'm at trick callin I'm at Lynn LA I
miss CP also good our website cnet.com
slash Westworld normally we toast but
what should we do you have drinks today
I'm sorry I feel great
invisible chalices who do you want to
toast you I would say let's toast to
Akane we do her last week let's toast
some liam8 thanking each other and
having that nice moment and then him
betraying a lot of positive personal
sounds like where's your challenge this
is this is like the hopefully the
sparkle ting ting ting till the inmates
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