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Westworld dives into The Raj, Dolores' army makes violent moves: Morning After After Show, Ep. 3

welcome to the west-world morning after after show I'm Patrick I'm Lynne and I'm Caitlin and today we're gonna be talking about season 2 episode 3 titled virtue Fortuna which in Latin or Italian means virtue and fortune yeah and we had to look this up but as a Poli Sci major I totally know what this means because it was there are two major concepts in Machiavelli's The Prince and I'm just kidding I actually don't know what these things mean but no but they roughly translate to virtue which is not like Mauro virtue but just basically kind of you are aware with all your resources your powerfulness over your own life sometimes your own ruthlessness and fortune and not that doesn't mean wealth but basically luck and chance and those are some things that the creators of Westward wanted to keep us in mind in the episode and that's a theme that is going to come up a lot and like all the episodes if you've not seen the actual episode what are you doing watching our show maybe admiring your beautiful kitchen space but watch this they'll come back and make sure you do it otherwise we're gonna have lots of spoilers so let's just start right at the top I mean what about that how about that music to that oh yeah so right at the top what was the music we heard let's talk about that that was seven nation army by the White Stripes originally but on a sitar yeah so perfectly in line with this new British colonial India world where these colonial India world that look badass I also liked sorry I also like a little bit of how they did the West world theme song in the sitar music - yeah and the q7 nation army because it's on the White Stripes album elephant I don't know probably not okay so we see something that's nothing we've seen before and it was a giant this colonial state in India which was exciting but also a little weird it's beautiful it's a little uncomfortable a little problematic because it's kind of that kind of era in that history where it's like what are we gonna see next like antebellum world like how far are we going and he's like fantasy world like hey before we were horribly bad we were just a little bad by enslaving the entire culture and race of another part of the world even westerns had issues like we're seeing that they're picking out these areas of humanity and yet they were all problematic like we know we're gonna see Shogun world even that had problems like we're in creating these fantasy worlds aren't they kind of just giving it us humans exactly what they want which is that ruthlessness and that crazy madness of a park experience they should make a crazy world where it's like everyone's nice to each other and that would be why technologically insane - oh that would just be called a retail world because he want you to buy shit it's like oh hey black person oh yeah all right we meet a very attractive gentleman and a very attractive lady and they have this insane like seduction scene with a gun that was cool and weird and sexy and so confusing I just have to say if anyone watches Rick and Morty there's this whole scene where Beth tries to shoots mr. poopy butt pants I'm getting that wrong and I'm sorry poopy butthole yeah mr. poopy butthole and it's like the way to determine if he's like one of them is she shoots him and she's mistaken so welcome to the Rick and Morty okay and we jump to that and one of my favorite moments that led into like the basically the scene right after that was the woman basically being hunted and chased by a Bengal tiger she's basically runs out of the park and trips kind of like a grocery store laser beam thing but supposedly opening a door she's just running across there's a bridge but she jumps down next to the bridge and kind of ends up on this overlook and River which ties right back to the first episode what do you guys think of the Bengal tiger were you guys excited about that or is it just me I like that it was kind of a curved bottom remember when we first saw we're like oh my god it's Shogun world all this stuff and we just assumed that it was just gonna be you know I we already knew that there was more than two parts but we just thought in this season it would only explore those two parts and then for them to throw a curveball it's like here's this third Park that no one was really talking about and we're gonna make this premiere before we really go into Shogun world I really liked it I just liked you know the creator's kind of keeping us on our toes I think too that our when we're looking at how the Bengal also crossed that laser division is really important not just because now we know all the parts are stacked on top of each other more or less but because now we know how truly off the rails all of the hosts are right down to the animals that was curious to me because if it did show that at least across parks these robots are these hosts are having some sort of free will or being turned off from their normal storylines I think the reason why the Bengal went after the unnamed lady is because that's its natural instinct is to hunt ok I didn't think it was going this deep under what Bernard's she'll be because now we catch up with him and Charlotte and they've obviously are being reunited right and kind of backtracking through some memories what happened yeah Bernard is an interesting case one because he's struggling with his own consciousness and how much other people know we've seen in these last episodes that we aren't sure if everyone knows that he's Bernard the host they've all kind of been treating him like Bernard the human boss in charge of things so I think a lot of what we're seeing is him trying to figure out who he is to those human I think that's influencing his decisions and how he's you know trying to help in certain situations I killed them all of them versus when he meets Hale and the commandos she's with she's like hey where's Peter Abernathy seems like he just keeps getting away from us Bernards like I what when am i what's happening can I just acknowledge here just how beautiful for performance Jeffrey Wright gives yeah I mean I thought lassies you did amazing but this season at least the first year we've seen so far there's so many nuances they're kind of different shades of Barnard some yeah Arnold even off-camera and the second episode but moving back into plot of the episode so but I think the next big thing we see is also dolor and we it's kind of like mostly episode kind of revolves around her story I feel like a lot of it is split between the two Abernathy's Dolores Abernathy and her father Peter both of them all together but yeah I mean we were kind of talking about virtue and fortune and how that has influenced Dolores's decision-making and how we see her before we talk more about the Abernathy's a character connects Peter Abernathy and Bernard from season 1 was Elsie Hughes and we got to talk to the actor who plays her Shannon Woodward and are out of the kitchen interview you know I think I think you're right about one thing I think Elsie has always felt like the suffering and things were completely unnecessary now she definitely didn't see them as people and me because they weren't autonomous but she certainly there was a there's a there's a she's a heavy moral code you know she's true blue and that's not gonna change like Elsie is still truly you know that's that's just who she is we we try to shoot kind of chronologically some things are not shot chronologically because of people's schedules or whatever or but you know a lot of times it's like all this takes place in one location we're gonna shoot all of this out but it does kind of go chronologically there are certain things where like it takes forever to get to one giant sequence because it's gonna take three months to build a set you know sometimes those sets are so elaborate it takes time but so for various different reasons it's out of order but in a chronological style you know like it they try you know no I like to read the scripts I like to read the scripts I mean I love the show so it's like every time it gets sent it feels like a new novel got set to me and I'm like Skye pull the car over put it in park read the script yeah I didn't know Bernard was a host that and I'd been working with Jeffrey non-stop and I was just I mean I had certainly noticed the difference in our tone and at one point I remember in a rehearsal I remember what scene it was it was was in episode 5 it was the beginning of five and it was like the scene where I get upset with Bernard for taking cue inside and I like were marching down a hallway and we had done a rehearsal of it and I changed my tone and I took it down like more like how Geoffrey was behaving and Lisa a joy was like nuna no what no no don't do that I was like why and she's like no no you know what let him be legato and you can be staccato and and that and that was you know they kept me on track without saying like no you're human keep going like a crazy person the way you were before so yeah there's lots of stuff like that but I'm thankful for it I think it made my performance more interesting for me I've already had the experience now you know like we do at work we are the first audience so like we all talked about it with each other and we get into it but for us you know now that experience is over and now it's just kind of like you want them to have a fun time so it's kind of like now I will say the more interesting thing at least that happened last time is that there were several occasions where like people that I would need would then explain their theories to me and I'd be like oh okay and then they'd keep going and they'd be so righteous about it and and they would I might be like you're close but and then they would act like I didn't know better they try to convince me and I was like you know I read the script right you know I know what happens like there's no negotiating like it it was really funny like that like people would tell me their theories as if they were an authority figure as if I had no idea what I was talking about it's like I'm not gonna tell you but I you are wrong like you're definitely wrong yeah I mean my friends don't even like to know when I'm working and I'm like listen you have to choose between liking me or my show like do you want to be in my life or not but it's hard to keep stuff secret you know I want to tell people about my work day just like everyone else so it's geared to but you know we have each other at work so that's welcome back to the kitchen so let's talk about Peter Abernathy and his reunion with Delores yeah that was kind of sweet even though they're two robots are two hosts that actually was a touching reunion between a father and daughter and then fast-forward one scene we see Bernard come in and diagnose and we learned that there's actually a giant encrypted file that he's carrying and that the reason his character is messing up is because it's a thinly written character yep we have no idea what's contained in all that information theories range from all of the host data to some specific host to all that DNA and stuff that we saw in episode 1 no idea what it is but we do know that the this probably isn't the first time that Charlotte has tried to get it out of the park you'll remember in season 1 we saw one of the hosts trying to like upload and link to a satellite oh the one that was like smashing his head against exactly head smashing exactly that plan didn't work out to Charlotte's right theory being perhaps he went a little crazy because he just had so much data in his head and that could be what we're saying with Peter Abernathy now too so that 256 with like 5 12 of him away from boulders and he'll be fine but then we have that also a very touching moment which or sad moment - it's Bernard trying to help Peter like figure out encrypting the file but he's really breaking down his hands are shaking like robot spinal fluid the Elmer's glue they caught what did they got cortical fluid cortical flu I think it might be a more scientific but yeah I felt like yeah why not just get the syringe and take some still sort of Peters heat honey isn't it she's like she's the one who does he's like hey can I borrow some of your cool well they don't replenish it like you can't just take it from someone else like it's like it's like skimming a bottle of whiskey just put a little more water in their shoes a little walk rate it don't rate anybody yes and everything's more interesting to me than Bernard and Peters interaction was him talking to Dolores how Dolores is like oh you don't remember but guess what and she's kind of like oh you've never been out of the park have you Bernard he had been out of the park you have no idea he was a great guy also you are so much more powerful than you know just unleash a but I do like I think he was the one during this dialogue that he says that you don't know that you're just the speck of dust in this world and she's like well I'm getting out of this world but I mean really living in this world this is also a speck of dust and everything also doesn't really matter well yeah yeah he had like a lot of like like what are you doing Dolores like where are you going and it seems like she knows even he's not necessarily communicating the exact details to anybody but he's just communicating just enough detail to get other people to do what she needs whether that's you know smart leadership or whether that's manipulation I don't know and that takes us to the big huge battle at the end which we really like because we see the theme come back come back so which is basically virtue and Fortuna and it's basically kind of explaining we see her for the first time being a good military strategist before she was just I need this army I need this army and Boop and we were like okay well what she's gonna do with it and she ends up betraying this is better Otto's in a really cool ruthless way yeah and she's like not everyone deserves to go to this valley beyond which it's kind of like Dolores is being basically judge jury and executioner she's the one deciding who gets to go who doesn't and that's kind of hypocritical of Dolores I would have to say okay she's not giving everyone a choice why do you think she had them killed or set that trap for them well this because a certain amount of people news who die in the front lines so that the explosion could go off and then her people could escape yeah I think was just to let her and her men yeah escape that's it and by blocking that door none of the you know delos employees could get in my only question is like why didn't they go around wait a sec is clearly clear that some of them do get in and they are able to then grab Peter Abra happy and it just shows that like no matter how much we're with on how much power and initiative that you have in certain plans there is sometimes you run into a bad luck there's skip things that Dargis going not your way so in terms of Dolores being this kind of Machiavellian leader we do see that she is trying to limit the amount of risk but she doesn't always succeed yeah what do you guys think of like the her Army's uniform like the hoodies that I'd be the guy that back in line can we just change uniforms we're in the hot desert do we have to wear a blood hit on her head that's how the people die I don't know but I really like Angela's costume my favorite costume absolutely and how about seeing her shoot that gun and blow up all that it was just so badass I like that I'm liking her a lot this season and then what I also like someone's got a cosplay like yeah hip hippy Western chic robot gun plus Jesus crown yeah yeah that's not easy to walk around in you know I'm going to comic-con Oh Oh get on it okay and then I will get the black thing and be part of your soldier and we'll see who is more uncomfortable so another thing that happen is we see a moment and I think it's a significant moment of Dolores commanding Teddy to take out one of the soldiers and it's you know that she was gonna watch because there's like she's like if you're like the wall she's just like I was so sad that she watched I thought this was like a good time for him to do what you want to do and I feel like if she caught him she was he's dead I mean I really like because I thought up into this episode up and said that scene that she he was basically going to be like Dolores is reluctant strong are men that every time someone's gonna mess with dolorous he was always there he's gonna punch them out and that was kind of his role and I and you could always see him struggling about it so I liked the fact that he made an executive decision that might end up costing him but he did it on his own and he was like go and I'm like yes Teddy you're thinking on your own and then you see him being caught by dealers it's like oh you're gonna die soon so right we're thinking like it's no less about if he's a BD in a disobedient and more about him making that choice so maybe there is not a consequence from Dolores I mean in Jade Western their problem would be or there'd be like a climactic scene where later she has to confront him and that would be the reason she feels capable of killing him or stopping him but at least in this moment we're not here about that which is what I also like let's talk favorite moments so what were moments that you absolutely loved in this episode I really liked when Maeve and Hector were caught holding hands by way he's like what is what is going on I didn't write you guys to Pauline and they're like well you know sometimes we were we like each other so we're going against your writing we're going against your programming but they still use some of the lines that he wrote for them and that that was alluded to earlier when Maeve kind of talked about cutting off his vest bits or whatever and he's like I wrote that line for you and then Hector said a very familiar line about love and he's like I wrote that for you so we realized we know that they're not fully kind of swept clean of their old kind of narratives but they are thinking for them so I think it is another good evidence that even one of the creators one of the workers at Delos was like what is this this is a like like a like a father it's like no no no you guys weren't supposed to fall in love with the neighbor and that fact in a way that they his kids and the kids have grown up to be maybe some think at least seemingly wiser than the creator and that segues perfectly into one of my favorite moments which was the return of Armistice and our favorite line which might be an allusion to Game of Thrones she has a dragon so we have that and we have the wolf form she's like episode 1 so again a lot of thing and yeah and then we see her Oh Bionic arms so we know that someone had to put that arm on her whether it's her probably it's your og army it's like we always stuck in the door net basically probably got the skin no armistice we now learn is probably one of the originals which I think we saw her in the fuckin can dance that's right can'tcan't like no and she's like looking at shiny things but yeah seeing her with a robot arm singer with the flamethrower was one of my favorite moments what are you what's your favorite I think my favorite moment is probably the ending where Maeve is like oh it's snowing this is lovely and Lee's like oh yeah we're probably at the edge of the park like we'll be getting to like the homesteaders next this is the Klondike narrative and as I keep going half the group well most of the group sees like a fire out there and they go oh let's go toward that just to see and lease stops and he goes what is buried in the snow and he gets in there and he pulls out and it's the head of like a samurai and he just goes oh shit and he drops it and he runs to tell the group like we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go and then there's the guy swinging me like how man was like Shh and I'm like if someone's running to me like we gotta go now my first sense thing would be like oh well then we actually see a samurai we are supposed to a warrior coming at them and we cut sorry yep but thinking about now it's like why would he warn them and maybe I'm not questioning his logic but maybe that shows the position of going back to the scene that you were talking about with a Hecht with Hector and may that he does have an investment in the post and stuff and he does care about them so much and that's why he warrants on versus like screw this I'm running away clearly there you ever see a fire in the woods that you don't know about walk around the other direction so what are we hoping next like what are some theories or hopes for some of the future episodes here well I really like the fact that Felix just back I really like him and Armas who says he said and the lab guy that nobody likes about whatever but I feel like you need the lab guy nobody likes ya it's a really wise name to be the foil to Felix and to Maeve and yet without that I don't think that chemistry would work as well I know but realistically I would just be like kill that guy off he's he's we show that he could betray people and throw people in there by saying he was like complaining about being cold and it's like go away just say Felix enormousness ah so you're hoping that that guy goes away all right okay what about you Kayla Witter something's are helping for I want to know why Delores and Teddy are headed back to Sweetwater what did she let me there yeah what did she leave there okay that she has to find could it be the can I thought about there's like no you're laughing it's a keeping and a lot of times we see the can in so many episodes and it's such a key part of that story but also Poppa Delos picks up the can and tosses it was in episode two so maybe there is something it's there for pivotal moments I don't doubt it could be the camera I hope it's like a little treasure box I was thinking to be serious I think it's gonna be like we saw all of her pictures in that one drawer may have had a drawer of like the drawings of the guy she had the what the cabinet of her paintings that were just there and there and there that they often cleared out that we learned later they just you know keep taking them out she just keeps making them I feel like she's hidden something in her house that'll be like a key or a direction or something you're doing right with it yeah that cans gonna have unit forward for the door and the men in black is gonna be like yo what's up you nail it got it that's the how it's gonna guys right here the can is the way the show can is the key speaking of cans sometimes drinks come in cans but today our drinks actually came via Caitlin and yet another Westworld morning after after show cocktail corner today we're making a gin and tonic variation because much of the episode took place in british colonial india world new park that we're seeing and the gin and tonic was actually something that british colonial military men drank since they needed their daily dose of quinine which is in tonic water to be fair i tonic water so we are gonna use ginger beer today I'm gonna start with a shaker or a stirring glass of ice we're using st. George gin made here in Alameda California and then I'm gonna use a little domaine de Ken tone which is ginger liqueur take my glass and pop in to lime slices stir the gin in the court pour that in there top with ginger beer nice little straw to stir it all up and there you go so thank you Caitlyn's for making these lovely drinks you know add a big gym face years back but now more of a mezcal girl which you were nice enough to accommodate for last pastry yeah and I had a big stay away from Lynn during her gin phase with hopefully see what happens today also for you guys if you like it you see you subscribe to us you can subscribe at the bottom one of these yes here and for more Westworld content slash hey if you like us which we hope you do you can follow us on twitter - I met at Lily LA with three suppose everything was taken I'm at trick Holland that's Patrick on without the first two letters and I'm miss CP until then let's give a toast to the man in black hopefully we'll see a little more of him next episode
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