Westworld season finale: We recap and explain all the timelines and revelations
Westworld season finale: We recap and explain all the timelines and revelations
second up to the morning after after
show I'm Patrick
I'm Lynne and I'm Caitlin and we're
about to see that editors who are also
big fans of the show West world and
today we're gonna talk about season two
it's the final episode and if you don't
like spoilers you should stop watching
right now although it's kind of too late
because it's like the very last episode
so yeah why would you yeah welcome I
uh okay so you saw the finale what was
the first question you had first thought
you had I thought that it was actually a
big finale that it answered a lot of
questions and it wasn't like too
open-ended that it was like let's just
leave you guys on a huge huge
cliffhangers I think it was it was very
neatly answered answer a lot of
questions neatly but also off room for a
lot of narratives like where is it's
gonna go that seems really different
from what the majority the internet oh
no it was so open-ended that it was
really hard to conceptualize that it was
like too topsy-turvy timey wimey and
that I just like fold it into itself too
much oh yeah my thing was like oh yay
Tessa Thompson more Tessa toe and my
second reaction was turn it off I'm done
I want out of this West world
relationship for a few months because
it's just too high-maintenance for my
needs right now but that was it was just
so intense and there's a lot going on I
just didn't want to look at anything I
just needed like non screen non-west
role time maybe a little Tessa Thompson
time but she gave us enough so I did the
opposite absolutely obviously my first
question was oh my god what's Bernards
timeline and I immediately put pen to
paper and started writing it all out
yeah I mean you already mapped out of
the window I had already mapped out a
lot of it and so it was about plugging
in where Elsie gets killed or where we
turn into Hale auras or you know just
those pivotal moments where he runs into
Dolores and made in black alright
yeah there's no things like that I mean
it's a little confusing definitely and a
little sad once you realize that now see
he's been dead since the flood Vega our
scene she was already dead yeah and
somebody that was weird too because the
couple episodes ago when it was all
about okay I thought that was one of the
most emotional and most liked relatable
episodes in a way and yet here I felt
there was a lot of like a lot of cool
things a lot of beautiful action amazing
sequences but I didn't feel like a lot
of like emotion connection except and
there's a couple moments one was when
Elsie died and it was both shocking but
also like this like the one character
who's actually kind of good yeah you
just you guys literally just killed her
now granite in this world we don't know
if that will hold her that could be
flash-forwards and flashbacks and who
knows that there's like a host elsie and
then the other one was when aki got into
Eden and his love was there I was like
yeah something good yeah and maybe yeah
a little victory like here when Teddy
was like yay sad teddy is sad today's
work okay
Teddy's like emo yeah
seeing LC killed hurt for sure it sucked
but then seeing Stubbs kind of gave hey
Laura's a little like yeah that was
pretty cool like he that was really not
subtle I thought it was real I mean that
he was like oh so now he's always which
is cool he could have like like just
looked in strange at Cammy's like boink
I'm a host and it's like yay serves and
I hope you guys like a bigger role next
season for sure wait does that mean he's
a host live for sure mean he's a host or
Die just mean that he like was tapped
into Ford's game I took it as him being
a host I so it's the easiest explanation
and it might be like wrong later on but
I'm gonna for now just so I don't get
into a mindfuck but does have human
friends because I feel but does Ford
have human friends because I feel like
all his confidence her hosts so I would
line up with that yeah that he could be
a host and good for sister whore yeah
that's a really good point yeah I liked
it so much because I feel like Stubbs is
one of those characters
he'd like to see more of him and
especially especially when it was that
scene between him and Charlotte they
both had so much behind it now
you're like this let him loose let me do
something yeah it's good it's it also
though makes me question if he knows
about Dolores inhale how long did he
know because the things that he says to
her are I was supposed to protect the
host in the park I was in charge of them
here I don't care what happens out there
good luck and like okay bye
yeah so I took it as he knew it was
Dolores and I was like oh how long has
he know when I guess mine would be like
how does he know right well is how long
a mesh network yeah he's on to me he's
like oh you are your dealer so I took it
as him knowing that still oyster he's
like well I was sworn to protect hosts
that were in the park
I don't recall Ford building a Charlotte
host so I'm going to assume that
whatever I'm feeling with you like in
the mesh network and you read like
Dolores in my head so she does - oh my
gosh if you go back and look at some of
her scenes and acting it's just oh it
lines up so well her little smile when
Stubbs looks so much like Dolores yeah
you're like yeah so let's let's get them
back a little bit or forward I don't
know we are but let's start with like
maybe should break it down by character
that might be easiest for all sketched
up but let's start with Maeve and her
gang and we finally saw what we saw on
the trailer the breaking out of the labs
that was Sol's running yeah with a
little mechanical like holes opening
yeah she's like you guys took too long
so I'm gonna save myself exactly what
she says where they been what was it
like to see them like care like program
first we finally got to see the skull
grinders grind somebody we spend like
T's for episodes like that's gotta be
found that effects was actually really
crazy that when they like hit the moment
oh I was like oh my god that was great
though and then we said we have the
opening credits shot moment it's going
off the second floor and that would have
been cool stuff to be that stunt guy
you're like you're gonna be knocked by a
robot bull and then slide two stories
bad I really liked it that Lee died
not that I really know the weight the
way he died or just no no I like his
character and everything but he just so
up with Maeve just like it seemed
like nothing he could do
wouldn't redeem himself I'm like he has
to die for her he failed so many times
that saving her and he threw her on the
bus a bunch of times so I actually liked
it that he did it by the way he died
yeah finish your values it's my speech
okay is anyone like its but it's the end
especially like it's almost like
Scarface like so after they escaped
Maeve finally sees her daughter we know
that she makes it to the safe place or
the valley beyond or the sublime as a as
apparently the writers call it um and it
was really I was so stressed I was like
just go across the thing please just
like pusher in there and but you know it
was really really sad was that she made
it through that place the daughter made
it with you know Maeve 2.0 and I'm like
oh she's Maeve 2.0 is living naves life
like the life that she always wanted and
she pictured for herself yeah and she I
mean it's great and she dies with a
smile on her face which is like so
fantastic but she was sacrificing
everything and this other woman gets to
live you know I just glad to that you
could kind of see that the daughter
started to remember her right she was
waking up and being like oh I remember
you and that was really sweet like that
was a nice touching moment to give the
yes for sure so slow though I'm like
just Rhonda's right what are you guys
think of that like the whole door store
the whole idea of the door of like them
going to a digital world and then like
that's also like a very clunky thing
where's this them running off a dirt
ramp and it's a clean yeah going to
their death I know and I really liked it
when the first time the guy went through
and then he dies into the pile and it's
like oh it's like the rapture I thought
it was boy yeah that's good that it
cycle your body is just like a shell and
they're being uploaded in somewhere yeah
what I was confused though it was about
why didn't Maeve just like stop everyone
from fighting like the moment you know
Clementine came in with her horse
why didn't she like camera she just
seemed to kind of like
not do it until that's a good question I
think she was so focused on our singular
goal of get to my daughter gets my
daughter that she was like I'm just
gonna make sure they're safe and then
I'll hold everybody off to let them go
yeah I think she did six too much
cognitive right yeah I think she was
just focused on that because then as
soon as she does hold them all she holds
all of them yeah every single one but
not the humans a killer yeah yeah so I
do like the shot though with Clementine
and front of the dune buggy's you know
in the aerial shot I really enjoyed how
when armistice shot Clementine you have
that moment where like I took a breath
and I didn't realize I had taken a
breath and wasn't breathing and I'm just
like okay they'll stop fighting right
like please stop fighting please be done
and then they just go right back into it
like even when she's like quote-unquote
dead I think yeah yeah but that's a I
mean this is also a shot yes the angle
that they shot it looked like a sniper
kind of it was good I liked it yeah I
was just gonna say like before she dies
I also just heard that white dress of
blood on her back riding on that and
like the people parting ways and then
slowly fighting it's it was just a
really neat image and then yeah I was I
had to say I was hoping for a little
more may verse Clementine yeah the end
we see that okay first of all Felix and
Sylvester they've kind of like are in
and out they have their little guns and
stuff and like even semesters going
along with your like but now they're
back being Delos employee look so sad
they look really sad about it but they
also look like they're like oh we're
still here oh okay right she's a host
okay okay we can fix this yeah that was
a great moment for the I mean what a
neat moment that I think both of those
characters had but also gave us a little
hope for me because her pearls still
they're an enormous like none of them
had headshots
none of them were like cognitively shot
that's not a guarantee that the
lightbulb seems like it may be
that holds the burden you would think
cuz there's so many headshots just
casually in West row they're like let's
make the headshots a little bit yeah
let's make the heads a little bit strong
I do hope that Felix and Sylvester will
do something I think I I feel like
they've changed even Sylvester was like
don't do something I feel like he's kind
of like reluctantly on their side but
he's like come with them he's stuck with
them all along like you figured it out a
little yeah so hopefully maybe there'll
be some sort of factor inside Delos
somehow I don't know now what about that
other guy the man and black guy that
other guy Wow I actually do want to go
back and watch the whole season again
and kind of pick it apart and see just
because now the understanding of how
he's come full circle from human to host
now I want to see how that changes and
if if we missed big glaring clues or
there I think he's he's human I think
he's been human the whole time here I
think he really did shoot his daughter
definitely think that yeah yeah but then
I wonder like does he do you think he
obtained his goal of burning the whole
place down I mean in one sense it didn't
burn down like literally but is there
enough Cassie's caused that there will
not be a Westworld or I mean we know
there's a couple hosts left but no so
the post-credits scene both Jonathan
Nolan and Lisa joy have said it takes
place so far in the future
that's not where season 3 is gonna take
place I think joy said but it is a
glimpse at what we're working toward
yeah like Japan is interesting it's good
it's like something to keep in mind like
we know that maybe it's not like a whole
earth apocalypse although maybe that
could be on an alien's maybe who knows
it looks very late 1970s Planet of the
Apes where it's like the whole thing is
over ground like used to be I was kind
of putting it at like 30 years in my
brain I wish I was taking Marley hunter
because they say like 11,000 trial
sometime and if you think about how I
don't how long takes a make a host let's
just say it takes like a day that's like
a lot of days yeah but we learn earlier
in the forge that the Logan caretaker
made 18 million versions of Delos in 30
years so I mean it could even be shorter
yeah you know you know the 5g networks
rolling out
yeah you gotta get that a limited
planner it definitely takes place far in
the future 3100 whatever what's more
interesting to me is who the frak is
controlling it oh I think it's obviously
forward its I think that's like the hell
of that is exactly what he did not want
men in black to be on this loop and then
not be successful with it it's like the
perfect like Ford like well I like you
know you choose to be printed and cloned
and stuff and I thought well Madame
black survives this his arm getting shot
because you see him on the beach being
rescued and stuff and then like it's
like papadelis he's like okay I want to
be a clone I want to live forever and
then I just thought I assumed it was his
choice to be you know reclone and being
tested by his his host daughter or
whatever but then I was like why would
you want to like relive this loop you
lived an awful life like why would you
want to keep living this nightmare if I
was him I just be like you know what
I'm just gonna die when I'm 80 I
don't like don't clone me what if he
wanted to and he volunteered for it
because he still feels that he needs to
burn it down so what if he's like super
self-aware even if I am a host I need to
destroy all of them because this is a
horrible pathway but he would also risk
like living his terrible life like a
thousand times
yeah like killing his daughter a million
times yeah I'm not saying it's a good
idea that it's attributed to Einstein
but I don't think as he said it but it's
like doing the same thing over and over
with the same results it's like insanity
insanity I mean that's kind of what I
felt that was that was the takeaway for
that and that whether it's thirty a
hundred years that it's far enough in
the future that neither one of them is
alive but you know in Italy
she's such a good character but it's sad
to know that she is truly dead yeah but
he had to sign up to be a club but yeah
maybe he was like okay I need to still
be alive to ruin this thing but he
wanted all that knowledge he wanted all
that you know pain and suffering if his
wife is his cornerstone if that death is
his cornerstone he me and that knowledge
and speaking of knowledge just might be
a good way to pivot to Delores and
Bernard because there's a lot of
knowledge do we find how much 10 and
including so they get into they get into
the forge let's just get in there
and then they get into the digital world
and they are met with basically the
interface which is in the form of Logan
a very charming and handsome and not
drugged abled okay I'm glad they reduced
him he was just like I'm not Logan I'm
just like this country
yeah man Barnes is a great accent I'm
super handsome you I to put me through
this I would go on that museum tour
yeah I would say that there was no
innuendo there but maybe I don't know
that being said so he explains the whole
thing about humans are actually very
very simple in the way we're built and
that there's basically an analog of a
book in each book is a person ten
thousand two hundred forty seven lines
of code Wow and every each book is a
human it's ten thousand two hundred
forty-seven lines of code and the hosts
look at that is primitive and tiny and
they think they'll their algorithm
drives them is what the hosts say about
I don't know I'm conflicted the idea of
human lives as books is not new it's
used all over the place
I recently marathoned magicians so I
kind of feel like it's like a cop-out
because the same thing a speck like
honey or even I know and so I'm like
it's fine I get it
I wish like other things they had come
up with something new what are you gonna
are you gonna data server and that is
cute that the code matched like the
piano music so we pointed out like or
it's it I yeah I'm like doesn't use it
Morse code is it just code no it's like
that paper roll that when you know the
shadow plays and then it was cool cuz
like the robot I'm like right sit on
like oh yeah that's true I think it's
just a good decorative detail they're
both oh you're right the book thing like
humans lives as books are kind of like I
mean I didn't get hung up too much on
that metaphor but I think it was just
neat the fact that the point is like we
never change and I think maybe thinking
back to like the French playwright like
Moliere like that no matter what you do
no matter of choices you make you're
always gonna be the same person which is
kind of like a very pessimistic outlook
but yeah true for a lot of things in
life they're I think that's that could
be truthful and it just made you think
like oh this whole thing is about the
meaning of life it's less about I mean
maybe in the
line it's about cloning these humans for
whatever purpose the seldom is host but
I think it's more like metaphorical
that's about like this is what the
meaning of life is is you find that
thing you find that moment and they that
I really liked that scene where they
showed what Delos papadelis moment was
was that scene where he had his last
conversation with Logan and that is the
moment that to find him and I could
think you know in my life there's been a
moment or two like that where yours like
that will be the moment that is it
that's defines you you know and it could
be in childhood could be when you're an
adult I thought that was really neat
because it was very relatable I
understand they're the relatability of
it and I like that I think like you said
it's very pessimistic view because at
one point even guide logan goes yeah
they don't get it like they have no idea
what drives them what they tell
themselves is so far from the truth and
that kind of sucks Lee it gave me a
little self-awareness problem I'm like
wait what I'm not driven by what I think
I am what am i driven by I was like any
movie when he said that he's like oh
they're so predictable I was like drink
I'm gonna smash this on my face so I
don't like me you would have predicted
that I just like want to go against my
other algorithm but it makes you want to
branch out or do yeah I don't know like
I'm not like do something crazy but then
I'm like oh is that predictable it's
like Lynne will like it's when they had
those like sentence structures and then
they like mapped out of everything that
Maeve would think that's how I feel yeah
it's just like her I mean it's like when
you go to a bar and if we go to a happy
hour I know you're gonna want like a
Stella I'm not just it is it friendship
is it just we're creatures of habit
visit we like what we like period that's
all of West world though I did not mean
it up but as I said the West world is
like the whole idea that the hoster on
loops that is metaphor for humans being
there's patterns we live there's
patterns we want to get into and we try
to change those patterns a lot of time
we slide back into the same but what if
it's like nature versus nurture like if
I was like plucked into like if I just
like moved high schools and was like in
a different state I might not like
Stellos I don't yeah who knows but I
think that I love that because it's like
there's not the right answer
you know whether from a human point of
view or and they going back to West
world literally that there is a recipe
book for the humans and I love that UK
when she sees the Peter strand when
you're like oh yeah that's gonna happen
and I didn't know what was gonna happen
and I was so excited when it did happen
but let's get let's get okay so they get
in they see all the things then they
activate Bernard activates are we
calling it Eden I don't know really have
to call the digital world for the host
escape to which is like kind of like a
Garden of Eden for the hosts I don't
know Dolores pulled a dick move first
so maybe making the choice for all the
who yeah and it's like you were talking
about wanting to be free and she's like
this is just another golden chain thing
built by humans I don't want to be a
part of it and nobody should want to be
a part of it I'm so crazy it's not your
choice to make
she sees it as this is a cop-out well
this is just another crappy world
Florida's built for you it's not real
yeah and then she says what's real is
irreplaceable I'm like well this sublime
place seems kind of irreplaceable it's
hidden and you can't find you can't
duplicate and she's like yeah this is
nothing it's like they should go in the
real world I'm like sucks like what
seriously it's like yeah but she was
like you know what is real is
irreplaceable I'm like I feel like this
place has like a one time shot and like
people are struggling to you don't want
to go fine yeah fine at least let those
who want to go yeah and they cannot
blindly just like going there not her I
was saying that's why you never trust a
robot host yeah but so Bernard because
of that he shoots her kills Dolores
kills Dolores so then we jump to this
scene where Bernard is basically in the
control room and it's in the future now
the aftermath of all this and there's
Charlotte Hale there Peter strand and we
see what I thought I did not see it
that basically Charlotte is now
Dolores or hih Laura's is what we call
her yeah yeah Hail Mary Oh Laura's
so he basically was like yeah I need
Dolores back okay I need someone like
with who's a killer and being been
strong enough to kind of execute this
plan with me so he prints her in Hales
form and then she shoots her human yep
which is awesome yeah cuz Dolores
promised she was gonna kill her
yeah in Episode seven Dolores was like I
will get you bitch yeah she does herself
it's like the perfect in your face yeah
it was really cool like to have it's
like an escaped convict escaped as being
disguised as like the warden uh-huh
that's a good one yeah well and the
other thing I liked about too is like I
felt like the whole season like I'm just
tense times it's such a good actress but
it's been kind of like a little OneNote
like I'm evil and I'm in charge listen
to me and then but then like and I asked
a couple of shows ago my god there's got
to be something more to it like maybe
she's gonna be nicer right and you're
like yeah good luck with that and I
she's not nice the point is yeah there
was something more she's like that's why
exactly exactly and that I just wanted
that's where I'm like I can't wait for
next season if got to be the case I'm
excited okay so they're out of the park
now which I was so Vinick I just felt so
validated even though this whole season
validates everything even contradictory
theories like that's true that's also
true even though they caught yeah but I
was like in the beginning of season two
I was like I would love it for this to
end of Dolores stepping on off some raft
into the real world or something and I
kind of got that but it was in
Charlotte's body but I guess she's on
the boat and yeah she's gonna be in the
real world so it was really cool feel
like the third drastic park woody the
dinosaurs finally get on mainland like
ode like we had to get him there and now
they're loose in the well they're gonna
be and yes I think you mean Jurassic
world which just came out well now the
third yeah there was Jurassic Park
Patrick didn't mention to me we would
like privately had this conversation
about what we wanted the art what do we
want like Westworld to be I was like oh
and ready yeah sounds like season one's
gonna be the you know getting realizing
consciousness season 2 is going to be
rising in season three it's gonna be
like when they're in the real world
world yeah
terrorizing humans and then Patrick was
like oh that's like the pot to the
Jurassic Park yes on my own which is a
great plot to follow also written by no
I mean I I think it's great I'm excited
for the trajectory of it I also I mean
going back to hey Laura's I love seeing
her step on that raft I like to that
when she looked at her little Kate Spade
there were five pearls oh my god I also
at the bag I was like I said I'm okay I
thought I wasn't sure it's looks very
familiar that's why we spend a lot of
time on kids because clearly um she
looks in and there's five pearls so I
wonder who so we know one is Bernard
because she builds him later resi that
could one beat Eddie cause it Eve didn't
go through the weird thing where his
body got into the canyon but maybe when
she uploaded it from the Pearl does it
automatically erase the part I think I
heard rate question is it could be Teddy
could do that it does erase him that's
what I think yeah I mean I think the
whole point of the sublime is that
that's you're there go it's a upload as
you change the coordinates like no no
one could touch it I think that's the
Fate she wants for tech I think I think
you look at that face yeah so the
coordinates - yes oh yeah it's on a
server yeah but he knows where it is so
maybe there is a chance that there's a
way to reconnect with that right that's
okay but I think it's not Teddy only
because the future I think that Delores
wants for him is just to be at peace and
like I think the pearls that she's
bringing our people that she could find
useful in the real world
- like well I don't think it's useful so
much as people that she thinks are
necessary for the survival of her
species yeah because that's exactly what
she tells Bernard when she remakes him
and then she's sitting there giving him
the fidelity test and waking him up and
the camera pans is Dolores leaves and we
see there's still Charlotte Hales body
so whose inhale you guys know but I
agree with you and once she said is
useful for the that's why I think Teddy
just to close the loop on this like
that's why I think Teddy is not
one of the pros yeah I don't think so
who do you think they are I mean cuz we
know if probably not Maeve I think maybe
oh you do think she got to me she's so
she's so powerful I want it I would love
for it to be the people that she made
eye contact with yeah I saw as she's
leaving towards stuff like that was
thanking armistice I made Hector yeah
Bernard and I would love for them to
like gender switch like that inhales
body is Hector Hector just cuz but also
if I was Dolores I might want to keep
dolor like second question is a second
to its producers like what's better than
one of me is to me but is having
Charlotte Hale you know a member of
Delos board hella important yeah and
delish just keeps a version of herself
the show there that commissioned that
development is gonna be super strange
Charlie just be like shooting guns what
is going on like Dolores and Wyatt from
season one so there could be like that
idea of her personalities switching or
splitting has already been there a
little bit so maybe there could be that
yeah that's true and with Bernard now as
could tinker and fix things the way she
wants that makes me as exhausting as I
felt as exhausted as I felt after the
end of the episode yesterday I was also
like okay they have season three could
be pretty cool yeah yeah I also like
that they she set that up when she you
know put Bernard back on line was that
she's like you and me don't agree but I
learned a few things about life and it's
like I should give people options
you killed me and brought back brought
me back to life I killed you I'm gonna
bring you back to life and we're not
gonna agree on everything but we will
help each other grow yes we'll help each
other like have like have our species
survive my forward yeah so she knows
that like she needs him some way and
they might they might even end up
killing each other she says that but
she's like this truly partisan politics
she's like she's reaching across the
aisle and saying like I don't agree with
my party that's a very biblical to like
the fact that like you know he
resurrects her and
you know like he's the chair than one
but at the same time they you know the
devil wasn't a fallen angel yes you're
painting in the back we gotcha yeah
that's the whole thing
you're that hand and hear the other hand
you're drawing each other hand is the
hand she like she's like we creates him
and she's like alright now leave and try
not to ruin my plans too much I'm the
super villain you're gonna be the you're
gonna be my arch-nemesis but like try
let's just try to figure this one out
together my problem with this episode
has just been it's just it's lost a lot
of the emotional ocelot of their heart
and I love the riddles I love the
timelines it keeps me going on it but at
the end of day it just felt kind of like
empty calories just like I just wanted I
wanted something a little more heartfelt
and the moments there were they didn't
did go far enough for me and then and
I've been asked I've been saving this
question for the whole season news is
a good show for me I think so because I
love the twists and turns
I love the puzzles I love the depth of
the characters and for me a good show
makes me think about it I can just keep
thinking about it all the time and yes
often when I watch Westworld
I need a palate cleanser afterward like
Parks and Rec or Brooklyn nine-nine or
something just totally hilarious other
side of the spectrum but to me that
doesn't mean it's bad that means that
you know I can take a break and then let
my wheels kind of turn later and I like
that I think like different shows serve
different purposes
I don't watch this show particularly to
be super invested in the characters even
though there are really good characters
I really like I think what's strong
about Westworld is the unpacking and
packing sometimes it's very frustrating
but sometimes people like that and
there's not a show there's not a lot of
shows like that so I think I could only
deal with one but uh but it's kind of
like we reverse engineering what these
writers are doing and that in itself is
like fine as a viewer yeah if I get it
wrong if it's too frustrating yeah I
could take a break and stuff but I don't
it my number one priority is not to be
invested super into the characters I'm
there might be a show that could do all
that like get you invested here's a
really crazy store you have to pack
here's the thing I don't know a show
that has like oh it's called Doctor Who
and is it like that to unpack like with
all the next Doctor Who like season but
even even it like it's like that's
that's definitely a different all right
super different vibe difference I mean I
feel like that the vibe of it is what I
enjoy about it and I've been but I
wouldn't go like tell my daddy brother
oh you should watch the west-world
and the way wouldn't tell us when to
watch the loss because I feel like
there's certain people I could say that
to be like I know they're gonna love it
I'm there I love the mystery they're
gonna love the frustration when it is
frustrating and it is frustrating
sometimes but for me the I do think it's
a good show I think it's one of those
shows though I don't see myself watching
it over and over again
I might revisit it just to look back and
like oh that's where she was Dolores or
that's where this happened but yeah for
me like but then I think of another show
on that Network like Game of Thrones
where it's their shocking moments but
it's not like hmm is you know is the
dragon going to be a good dragon or is
it gonna be the ice dragon or all these
things I also think it does a good job
at like building a human story around
really complex issues about like
technology and iodine consciousness and
like I would read like Wikipedia entries
about like how does a robot you know
achieve full consciousness or how do we
know and then you read like a dry wiki
entry and you're like okay I guess
that's like some thing that ethics are
thinking about and then they write a
whole story about it and I'm I find
myself like well what is consciousness
how do we didn't know that what's real
what's it's a very philosophical show
yeah and then that when I don't know
that could take you know these really
long term philosophy Asafa collections
and build a human story around it and
then have you thinking about it like on
your bus ride home and the bus ride home
for like that every three months yeah
which I think this is gonna make me do
so now that it's there's no more
Westworld season two what are ways we
can fill our time and well we come up
with two of them so we actually have two
Westworld games so we really get a cut
away from our lovely studio into our
very own
see that lab
do you know where you are like you've
seen it before
or does it feel like you're finally
seeing for the first time it's called
the maze so basically you play a host
and it's part radio drama part trivia
and you got to go through three
different levels to find your own
consciousness or get to the center of
the maze you want try it yeah sure Alexa
open Wes world
you're new not much I've arrived on you
not that one Clem they're here for
something else
this maze has three levels memory
improvisation and eventually
self-interest to pass each level and to
the questions as they are asked it's not
easy but I can tell you on and on do you
have you ever wanted to take control and
create your own world
in this simulation you get to decide the
future of the park from the ground up
so make it the west-world of your dreams
so Warner Brothers created a game where
you can actually be a Delos technician
in Westworld controlling the hosts
building the hosts killing the hosts
rebuilding the hooks and everything in
between so what you do is it's kind of
like a little Sims village where you've
built the dello space ax underneath the
ground and above is sweet water or lust
motifs or escalante and you have all the
different towns and you can just go
through and kind of make your hosts
interact with visitors or you know kind
of edge the visitors to kill the host
however psychotic you want to be about
it there's an option for you all right
and welcome back to the studio
before we go we normally talk about what
our hopes are next so what are we hoping
for season 3 I'm cool 5 group robots
trying to destroy mankind o+ arnold
trying to stop that thank you I'm
definitely intrigued by the uprising in
the real world and how it's gonna work
and also seeing more of the real world
because we've only got yep nighttime
dark limpid glimpses of and also this
last finale thing - had a very like
Blade Runner II soundtrack like the can
is like wow there's like oh right they
got that soundtrack um now personally
what are you guys gonna do with all the
headspace you gain back from what having
to watch the West world I'm gonna
re-watch the wire and then get into this
show everyone keeps talking about
Breaking Bad or whatever so some what
some light drama I'm gonna start a
letter-writing campaign to george RR
martin encouraging him to finally
publish winds of winter there's gonna
add my comments to the stack of everyone
else on the internet cuz man finishing
the show before the books it's really
um i just started like season 2 of Luke
Netflix oh yeah it is really good it's
really good I'm only too deep so I'm
sure it takes off from there but it's
definitely a much different vibe than
and it's very satisfying vibe that
Patrick likes oh yeah
well that being said it's it's over so
this is not only over a show but this is
our first season of the morning after
Africa and we're all done if you have
questions or comments you can contact us
on twitter i am at trick holland I'm at
Lin law at miss CP also if you are just
kind of catching as much later than we
recorded these we have a whole playlist
on YouTube for the morning after after
show so you could see each of them for
each episode of season 2 you want more
West world and go to cnet.com / -
somewhere there and if you want you can
hit the bell for notifications and
subscribe to see that that calm our
YouTube channel and get more tech videos
okay yeah high five that's a wrap
freeze all motor functions
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