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What It's Like to Play PUBG (An Informal Look at the Game)

hey there I'm Sean Hollister with CNET and I'm going to show you what it's like to play battlegrounds this is a game where 100 people are para dropped onto an island where they have to fight to the death scavenging for weapons along the way and it's also the freakiest most stressful game I think I've ever played right now we're loading into the arena this is a kind of Lobby waiting area where you can test that mighty weapon this lobby area where you can test out a few weapons while you're waiting for the game begin looks like you've got about 30 seconds before things happen exciting all these other people it's game that causes you to constantly make decisions about where you're going to go what you're going to do what trade-offs you're going to make whether to hide and fight whether to run the first decision Iveta makes we're doing airplane will take you across section of the Cylons you get to choose when to bail out go into a hot zone like the military base which has lots of excellent weapons you're probably going to be fighting a lot of other people I like to go somewhere a little bit more remote some are a little bit off the beaten path away from the airplane where I can get some weapons to start with but also stay out of the way of other folks they don't immediately get mowed down let's give that a try you guys decide how quickly you want to land you go straight down you'll land quicker than other folks might be able to get weapons sooner if you pitch the camera up you can land a little bit further away you can also see where other folks are landing and try to avoid that looks like I'm coming right up on somebody else if I go down here so I'm going to get into a fight right away death in this game comes very swiftly if I make any wrong moves it's going to be the end of me and it looks like I'm Aneta folks to contend with right away I'd say so they probably know I'm here nothing I can do about that the best I can do is to get into a building right away find a weapon and hope they run away instead of coming after me looks like I will be first to this building they're going to weigh in on that side I get in quickly I might be able to find a decent weapon some ammunition load it up and get going it also close the door here hi here we go that's what I'm talking about I've got a decent weapon already I should probably go after them take out some my competition I'm using as well just tap in that as quickly as I can to pick this stuff up okay let's see what I can see okay so now that I'm in a building I'm gonna be very careful anytime I move my footsteps can be heard around here it's pretty loud even outside they can probably hear me a bit it might have the same thought that might be coming in after me shit here's somebody come on in ready for you they might go to the windows Shea's gonna go to Windows nope he's mine moments like this pretty tense I shot him but that means the other guy member there were two guys earlier I think I've really heard me - do I risk it I'm gonna risk it here goes nothing still early in the game if I die it's okay he didn't have jack shit okay they loaded my other weapon now that I know I took in one guy this stills well loaded up I got lots of him I'm lucky that all three of his weapons he's the same 9-millimeter ammo I'm pretty good shape okay go for heard shots to the southeast okay noise is so important in this game the fact that folks are shooting causing a distraction means that I can probably afford to walk around here a little bit more and loot a little bit more without worrying about my footsteps getting heard because they're going to focus on the other guy who's shooting guess different pistol and like I want a different pistol if you want this five 5 six am about in case I find a rifle later that's the standard round for NATO assault rifles come in handy go bandages just take a look outside don't see anything so far pool there's a some kind of bullet loops or something out there how do I get there ah here we go the door every time you open a door makes a lot of noise to this buddies coming they're right outside my building so good impose I think I think they're beneath me they'll come up soon now who tends okay so now the airplanes overhead making a lot of noise I can't hear anybody else approach if they could sneak up on me while I'm looting this guy's items just wait a little bit wait a little bit okay now I can hear anybody sneaking up on me the sight lines are good the only people who could see me or to that window okay you know police vest backpack helmet this is good stuff and a rifle this is what I need for ranged engagements even had a compensator I can add to the edge of the rifle to reduce the recoil bit I've got 90 rounds for my rifle let me take the better SMG and some nine-millimeter ammo for it it's not much at police that's pretty much used up okay I'm in decent shape so I whip in Auto just in case did I reload I didn't reload okay let's see what the zone looks like on my map get it away from sight line of the window okay I'm inside the white zone for now I'm safe but I probably want to get closer to the center I know the towns are going to be hot zones school is usually very popular but I could probably sneak out through these buildings up to this hill and Asit this is my next marker okay here goes got the rifle out for range Oh some shots in the distance nobody on the hill at least I don't think so hard to see them in the grass here goes nothing if you hold down the alt button you can look around behind you sometimes watch your back how I saw somebody shit okay swear every Bush every blade of grass that was closer definitely there we go up that way south of me somebody's shooting your rifle you can tell shot sent a little bit different sounds like I don't know you know what kinda ammo that sounds like all I know is I don't want to be anywhere near that because I don't have any scopes on my weapons there's no way I'm going to be able to take care of anybody at range as I crest the hill I'm going to prone in case of somebody with a scope in those buildings this would be bad tend to get shot by them everything just turned red on the map oh crap I'm in a bombing zone I need to get to cover fast it's going to be all kinds of bombs falling in this area real soon and I do not want to be outside for that okay I'm gonna put away my weapon so I can run faster it's a risk there's somebody in there I'm going to get mowed down but I got to take it I gotta take it do not want to be outside and get hit by a bomb okay switch to the SMG it's good for club tight corners inside check this out okay no nothing in here the doors open that's always the question when the game starts the doors are always start closed so the doors open you know somebody's been there maybe they took some items left maybe you're still there waiting for you you don't know maybe they set a trap even if you see a lot of items usually items on the inside mean that you're okay but they could have just left them there to bait you both of the doors are closed though and there's good items on the ground I see a rifle over there it's pretty likely no place you it doesn't mean somebody's going to come out and sneak up on me now red dot sight flash hider is good stuff the flash hider is NJ red dot slide on the rifle so I can see a little bit further with it I got a better idea where my shots of land okay here goes one five five six amo I'm 16 it's got a bit better range than my 416 but I don't know if it's worth it 416 you can get a bunch of better attachments would rather 416 with like a vertical foregrip and stuff like that always want to look around all the angles never know somebody's dating can't get more camo shotgun Shogun on me a gas can if I ever get a vehicle I'd be nice and shotgun could take a shotgun instead of the SMG it's better for close-quarters just terrible like with shotguns to keep you guessing J okay so I can take around its window without being seen too much see if anybody's coming am i doing on zone I'm fairly near the center I could risk it I could leave try to find more loot or I could stay here hope they come to me it's a risk either way what is that still get my head taken off if they see me through this window looks like it says somebody's head right there god I hope not one of the safest things I can do is go prone next to the window they can't see me out the window hold then hold the spin around anybody comes to the building I'll hear their footsteps they can't tell them in here really wish I had some more attachments for the rifle scope or something okay I waited out okay so the blue zone is the Zap field that damage is everybody outside of it so there's always an incentive to get into the circle the circle with noise here sometimes it'll center somewhere else on military base I've even seen it overlap the two islands like this it's an incentive to herd the players together to get them to kill one another it can get pretty small by the end of the game okay the new zone is still here I'm still in it I'm still relatively near the center of it I don't really see a reason to move yet did I hear somebody you know I should risk I should get least go to the red buildings if there's any good loot there just as safe as this one whoops it's a vehicle oh boy okay so the vehicle makes a lot of noise gotta stay quiet he's in here with me he doesn't know I'm here I don't know where he is except that he's in the building shit plane is going to be here we'll be able to hear it moving crap shitty leave you still here where the heck is he he's so close to me boy I don't dare move you'll hear my footsteps come on come on you know you want to come here you know you want to okay he got one shot off anybody's nearby can hear me can't actually bandage he didn't take off more than Sony for a percent of my health so anybody else's just him he had rifles on him okay let me take some of that stuff angled for grip quick-draw mag a vest more armor than mine first aid kits excellent lots of ammo and he had a bolt-action rifle okay you know he didn't have a scope for the bolt-action rifle but I'm still going to take it the range could come in handy okay I don't need the nine-millimeter ammo anymore but I can put this quick-draw mag and angled for grip on my 416 now I'm in good shape and I've got so much ammo for it we'll need to worry about ammo again this game done pretty well okay backpack he's got a little two backpack which can hold more stuff in my little one that's good okay let's let everything out looks like we're in a bombing zone again plenty plenty of I guess I'll switch the red dot over here I need to snipe be great exceptionally good if I had a scope so we heard him running around he probably went in the other building over here did you go to the fire buildings over this way I don't know I don't think I heard him that close say still inside the zone it's a bombing area right now I really want to go outside maybe get hit close the door no his motorcycles there that's right it came in on a motorcycle so I could take that feel it up with my gas can yeah kinda want to get in that red building I think I'm gonna do it make a run for it close that door so nobody knows I was there okay okay I hope nobody's in here already let's clear through the windows let's the other door opened historian sides closed that's a good sign usually people remember to close outside doors but they won't remember to close inside doors the pan okay pan literally covers your ass it's not why it exists a little up in a bit it's nice that it can do that so give a little damage checkin up the stairs no but a pistol somebody left a pistol so and the internal doors are still closed very unlikely they're in here with me still have to stop them from killing me before okay Vantage's no scopes or anything okay oops your vehicle sound got smaller please going to come soon still in it but might Center closer outside okay so knowing what I know keep watching those buildings from here makes a lot of sound vehicle coming or is it going there is Christian the hell where's it going with it don't see him I can hear them at 165 degrees or so that we are it's going up that way looks like it's not going to stick around just as well still can't use a bandage Hammond and it's like an energy drink or something I could top-up that last little bit of health but failing that do you have the bolt-action rifle just don't have a scope on it you can change your zeroing distance so that your sights line up with something further away super important if you're sniping unfortunately now the scope I don't know how far away they are we have any idea through even there that distance really not worth it so I'm going to close internal door wait did I open didn't I open this door why is it closed to somebody in here shit now I'm just just forgot to check it click draw a mag for a pistol or 5 5 6 a.m. I don't really need sure why not oh shit took vehicle real close at the dune buggy real close you stopped oK we've got 24 people left alive I really shouldn't be here by the windows is the worst place to be this is a pretty decent place to be okay what's the circle closes connect zone I'm not too proud to move I could sneak up on that guy but no idea which building is in now it's such a risk okay we know there's a motorcycle under dune buggy between the two buildings see the news on going to center near s does okay they're going to come to me still a big section of town now and I have to run across this field the zone centers here next time I have to run across the field that's going to be deaf then again the vehicles are still here get to the vehicles senders here I'm going to run this way across the field again there's no there's no good way out of this another vehicle coming okay get ready the other guy's going to hear me if I shoot whoever comes in here shit he's the second door to forget about that they stopped they definitely stop maybe they went to the fire building it's my building and mrs. other one I don't know which one they went to shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot I heard something definitely heard something and okay put the gunshot so give it the footsteps nearby 20 people left 20 people left you can do this keep it calm I got a say in situations like this gets so tense that I got to pull my finger off the trigger for a little bit off the mouse button because I've accidentally pressed it just like freaking out press the trigger button everybody here is wearing me they know where I am they come get me do not want that to happen I'm caring time IMO I don't need imagine carrying 380 bullets they weigh a bit you know sounds shrinking still centering in my area what's going to happen I guess people in these other buildings are camped at just like me they know these are good places to wait in hiding and lure people to their deaths it's not the most exciting camping like this but still pretty dang stressful ok here more vehicles closing zones nearly here let's see where it shrinks to I'm still in the zone I'm one of one two three four five six buildings in the zone not counting a couple outhouses the folks here are going to move on this position you're totally going to come from me any moment once I reveal my position by shooting at them somebody else is probably in the company of these folks oh boy I've got a minute 38 to move them whoever moves first such a disadvantage I can't even walk split steps I mean they'll hear that if they're next to my building through this close yeah it's not too realistic I understand to have be able to hear somebody in a building that's not right next years but okay here more vehicles turn around now gotta stay still one minute let's focus or can start moving here they come far side back to this side shit a totally list it's running his ass away nothing ails them in here surprised the crap out of me I know is there wasn't a queue to run across like that I got to watch out there isn't some of the camped up in the hill sniping me please getting pretty close chef's kind of move no longer in the zone one minute till it moves I got to be ready I wish it somebody's trying to shoot me you see that they try to snipe me from way the heck out there got to get moving that's somebody I can't tell that's somebody can't tell sure wish I had a scope I could get to the grass and crawl I should probably do that scrawling it's hard for people to see me unless they're elevated both me on a hill or something please moving you might catch me before I get there it does it's going to hurt a lot awful lot probably won't make it oh shit they thought me well made it to the top ten that more or less is how you play player unknowns battle grams there are some variants on the fame could have dropped into a hot zone right away that will live out for better loot could have stayed the edges of the map and found a vehicle and drove it in the center could have stayed on the fringes and try to run away from the wall but that's how I typically play thanks for watching
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