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What Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 battery fire means for future phones?

Samsung has finally revealed the real cause behind the exploding note 7 devices joining me is cnet section editor Jessica dole court nods Jessica what exactly happened and why did the note sevens explode so Samsung with the help of some independent contractors who were working with the company discovered that there were actually two separate unrelated fires we had the first batch of note seven phones that was their original run and those had a fire based on a design flaw in the battery itself basically had two very volatile parts of the battery touch and then it went boom that was a very bad thing so then there was the second run that was the replacement phones and that had a completely different battery error that was actually made by a different battery company as well and that when there was a welding error that left just a little bit of material that actually punctured a separator and had those two very volatile chemicals touch so this was very very bad luck for samsung now Samsung has also decided to roll out a battery checklist how will this affect future phones such as the essay right there is an eight-point safety checklist now these are either new protocols or enhanced protocols that Samsung already used and they're already going to be in future phones like the galaxy s 8 so Samsung said that at the time of the discovery of this issue that was the time that they were actually working on the s8 batteries Samsung is also going to be leaving more room in the s8 for the battery to contract and expand even though that was not the source of the issue so right now they're playing it safe so what does this mean for future note phones will Samsung release a note 8 yes there will definitely be a no date and we are going to expect it around the same fall timeframe late august early September the note is incredibly important to Samsung's portfolio the device which features large screen in a digital stylus is one that Samsung actually pioneered it wasn't following Apple or anybody else and there's an incredibly devoted following so this is a phone that we will see this is a phone line that we're going to see for years to come Jessica thank you so much and make sure to stay up to date on all the latest Samsung news on cnet com
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