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What is a MOBA?

what is a MOBA hello everyone today we're going to do a quick overview of the MOBA game genre mobis stands for a multiplayer online battle arena and these games are wildly popular with professional players pulling in millions of dollars of international eSports tournaments yes millions the learning curve is steep but once you know the ropes it's pretty easy to get addicted MOBAs are typically five-on-five team games where you play as a single hero with 14 mates and each player has a unique set of skills and abilities you coordinate with your team to move through the map kill enemies and demolished hours and finally destroy your opponent's base to win the game the map shape can vary the most sheriff's basic structure that is a three-pronged pathway a top middle and bottom your team of 5 players typically break into two pairs that play in the top and bottom lanes and one player that marches up the middle there are defensive targets in each lane and once they're brought down the whole team can meet up to fight together towards the end in addition to your teammates there are foot soldiers that help you fight refer to as creeps or minions these little groups of soldiers act as your frontline in your lane and are essential for taking down defensive towers because they draw fire from the tower a typical match can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and while the enemy base is the main objective killing enemy heroes is how you score points to do this you'll need to master the specific abilities of your hero using your skills and sequence to slow down cripple then kill the enemy hero in this game I'm playing the drow Ranger each hero has completely different abilities and skills in the game that we're playing dota 2 there's over a hundred different heroes to choose from so that's like weeks of learning each hero and figuring out what the best way to build that hero to its maximum potential you can also buy items that enhance those abilities so that they're even stronger so your archer might might be able to shoot faster and the arrows might be stronger as they make their impact on the enemy heroes seriously this is mo bizarre nerd level 9000 like it doesn't get any more but they're really fun once you get into it it's just endless possibilities
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