What the heck can you do with 16 cameras on your phone? (The 3:59, Ep. 493)
What the heck can you do with 16 cameras on your phone? (The 3:59, Ep. 493)
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episode description play now morning
everybody and welcome back after the
holiday weekend hope everybody had a
good Thanksgiving for those who are
celebrating welcome back for the 359
podcast your favorite 2 tech news
podcast every weekday here from CNET New
York studios on BVG it's episode 493
Monday November 26 and your host our
alpha de Roger
morning what up I'm to be back in two
weeks yeah we thought you quit wow
that's gonna get extremely I really
who are you again right that's the
reaction I got for my wife when I got
back in Japan so I we've got up we've
got a busy show for you when I'm talking
about this wacky patent that LG just
filed for 16 cameras on the back of your
phone cuz sure yeah they're all on the
back what if the entire back is just one
big like that's what Joe was asking for
before like just the entire covered in
cans like it's like spider eyes yes
it's creepy - did they blink as well
we'll talk about that we talked about
Elan musk and his prognosis for actually
getting to Mars and and you know we'll
look at some of the cyber monday
coverage that's out there I'm sure
you're all on your computer's shopping
your phones shopping I don't know what
are you shop
I don't okay as always if you have any
questions leave in the comment section
Brian's book of the best I'll get them
in 3 minutes and 59 seconds from 3 to
welcome to the 359 I'm Roger Chang I'm
Afra dang remember when it was enough to
have a single camera on your phone well
those days are long gone
Apple kicked off the two ends trend
Huawei and LG added three lenses to a
phone this year Samsung's supposed to
add six to the Galaxy S ten next year
but LG has something even more extreme
sixteen lenses look at this
configuration Wow
what do you think it looks like Swiss
cheese on the back of your phone 16
cameras right that's gotta be like at
least eight times better than the iPhone
I don't know if that's how the math
works but I mean I look at it and I just
think you know how like we've always
talked about how there's a lack of
innovation in phone like yes like forms
like you know it's been this kind of
like square screen for a really long
time and then I love that all these
phone makers are basically just saying
you know what would we could do to shake
things up sixteen cameras it's just
adding more and more cameras until the
whole thing it's a Rubik's Cube where
each block is just a camera well we did
have Samsung did show off actually our
is selling a phone with four camera
lenses in the back so it's not
implausible than that these camera
makers are just trying to add more
Monza's this isn't interesting it's a
four by four grid configuration it's
it's kind of done in a circular
formation so I guess it would be better
for 3d imagery yeah I wonder what like
each lens would be doing so with dual
lenses you know one is to capture the
background and one the foreground so for
a better bouquet effect I'm very curious
like so is this like once for
specifically like lighting one is for
specifically like the matter no I think
it's it's to take sort of these multi
perspective photos and where you can
change the angle maybe move it around in
come in a 3d kind of effect way I don't
know it's weird it's crazy but you know
what an industry that is kind of lacking
in innovation six maybe sixteen cameras
is it yeah speaking of weird and crazy
Elon Musk today basically mentioned that
he there's a 70% chance that home moved
to MA
and a little bit weird and crazy setting
on Axios on HBO on Sunday night yep
I mean we know about SpaceX we know
about their whole like space exploration
mission I mean II lost Elon Musk on Mars
I mean good he should go to Mars me as
long as Twitter's not on Mars I think
that'd be good for him I mean I don't
know how the Tesla's there would work or
SolarCity I don't know how much sunlight
Mars gets I don't know much about space
well he was talking but I started
referencing the progress that SpaceX has
been making on you know rocket
technology and actually getting people
to Mars been a long-term goal of his for
a while he has this starship I guess was
formerly known as the bf are not been
Fox ribbon but apparently it's gonna
cost a couple hundred thousand dollars
to snag a seat there either way just
kind of weird I mean what's the
percentage that you would move to Mars
pretty much zero oh okay hold zero I
mean pretty sure that's the case
yeah okay I mean unless I'm sort of like
zombie apocalypse it's earth right
there's not real reason to move to Mars
yeah you got a good place here the real
estate is looking very charming on the
left side of Mars well there you go I
mean you know what the way real estate
prices are going maybe Mars yeah be the
way to go
all right lastly please check out our
site for all of the many many cyber
monday deals they're out there we've
just got wall-to-wall coverage on so
investing out there David Katz my in
particular has a great feature on some
of the best TVs we've got some deals on
Nintendo switch bundles controllers did
you get anything know what Fridays I did
not I looked at stuff but I've been
following the rule that if I was not
looking for it originally I'm not really
saving money that's a good rule to have
a guy I caught on to Red Dead Redemption
two of cut a deal with then I mean if
you were looking for that and I was you
know if so yeah that makes sense
but yes check out our site that's all
for now for all this coverage check us
on Sina router Chang I'm alpha ring
thanks for listening
Roger forgot how to close the show yeah
what what are we doing here what like
two hours of sleep right I think it is
mental processors like don't speak in
Japanese don't say all right but anyways
it's it's time for folks to go ahead and
send in comments and questions about
these stories at hand for one thing
moving to Mars it's got to be cheaper
than San Francisco
yeah Adil in New York I'm just gonna put
that out there you know okay you're
right saddles pretty expensive too yeah
never mind never mind
you're right can I also just say one
thing like with every celebrity and and
there's social media habits you can say
what you want about Trump and whoever
like that I think this comment firmly
seats Elon Musk as like that douchebag
hipster cousin that you just want to
shut up well yeah to be fair he didn't
say this on Twitter though he did say
this documentary reporters yeah
this wasn't like a random rant like well
I guess it wasn't right a brat but it
wasn't like on Twitter and I think your
hipster cousin is usually a guy that
doesn't have the resources or means to
actually get to Mars where everyone must
like I mean there's charging people to
go there's definitely a more realistic
chance of Elon Musk on Mars than your
your standard hipster cousin that's a
good point
I'll give me that much he could actually
technically pull it off but it was still
just like you just have to roll your
eyes like I get it yeah somebody says I
do kind of wander just like you shut up
like no one care alright folks keep
sitting in your comments and questions
let's go ahead and delve into the chat
and take a few here's some suggestions
on what you can do with 16 cameras on
your phone Hunter Lee 16 pictures of
your food Gabriel Keaton throw your
phone in the air and take a picture of
the entire room before you catch it kind
of like that idea that really doesn't
seem that far off from what they're kind
of going for with like the 3d imaging
you like you just throw it in the air
and it scans your surroundings and
suddenly you're in like a VR situation
or something is that is that what I mean
you you'd probably have a better idea of
what they'd want to do with 16 cameras
than and we would I'm looking forward to
the day where cameras on phones get so
good that like they pick up all our
flaws also where's like hey look at that
look how clear that blemish is on
someone's face it's very much like a
Twilight Zone kind of thing where it's
like our cameras got so good that we can
finally see you like how bad we look so
thank you for the 60 like cameras
already captured yeah terrible I look on
a daily basis like right now there's a
there's a specific one out of the 16
cameras just to pick up yes I mean
that's what some of the comments are
talking about in the chat though is like
the uncanny valley situation if the
cameras get that good oh yeah yeah yeah
I'm always creeped out by that yes
I don't know I'm both creeped out by it
and excited for that uncanny valley of
there's one year the imagery there's one
camera that picks up all your flaws and
then another camera that you have to pay
extra to unlock to like get rid of it so
my thought was though would they
actually have all the camera lenses
visible because that was an ugly
presentation I think that was just like
a mock-up I mean this is a pen thing so
of course this isn't gonna be very
rudimentary I don't like it might not
even be real like if it's a patent
filing it's probably a concept that yeah
I'm gonna they want to kind of copyright
before anyone else gets ahold of it but
yeah and a lot of these companies do
this defensively so let's you know take
it with a grain of salt Apple does this
all the time they filed pans for stuff
that they they don't pursue anyways they
just do it as sort of a defensive
measure just so they can say hey we were
here first with this technology yeah but
I'm just saying like wouldn't they do a
better job of kind of masking them to an
extent for from a design perspective or
alternatively who in the chat was
talking about it Oh Timothy he was
saying like would they put lenses on
different sides and like the corners or
front back kind of all over is it just
gonna be a giant panel istic
Dean it looks like a giant panel of 16
like a 4x4 grid right so it's it'd be
hard to kind of position I think the
point of the lenses in that whatever a
3d virtual effect they're trying to
achieve can only be done by this 4 by 4
grid which would yeah
become ugly having Emma back your phone
but okay but once Samsung like comes out
with the foldable phones we're good more
surface area there's gonna be like 32
cameras on the back of that like it we
did it alright more questions from the
chat also from Timothy cameras 1 2 3 4
and now 16 should Google be patting
themselves on the back which is one
single camera and the quality is still
top-notch I think to an extent yes they
should yeah I'd say so yeah it's pretty
impressive that they're able to pack it
all into one I mean I would say like I
don't know if the bouquet effect is as
reliable as you know it's a double lens
format because it's it's using yeah to
kind of fake it a little bit but it's
impressive I don't get all yeah yeah I
would also argue that bouquet effect is
kind of overrated where I think you used
to see it a lot like being taken by
DSLRs and you feel like oh wow that's
like a really good camera and then when
you see it like everywhere though from
like normal like iPhones it's like ok
I've seen this like it's definitely from
the unique yeah it's it's a simple
subjective art style at this point like
it'll kind of get out of the honeymoon
phase sooner or later all right next
if 16 cameras are added something's got
to give what about a smaller battery do
you think they're gonna start cutting
corners on other essential features to
squeeze these cameras in I mean let's
keep in mind that this probably won't
show up for a while if if ever so I
would hope and maybe I'm just being
overly optimistic that they would figure
out the battery technology by the time
this thing get set up okay
I know being and be naive we have a
couple of up top equestions
shall we go ahead and jump down that
these are my favorite questions do it
well they're they're they're not that
exciting either and MJ's asking if the
iPhone 10 reproduction is
opening and if so how much will the new
price be
I saw reports on that yeah I mean it's
hard to confirm I would assume that the
price would be the same though just from
Apple's perspective of you know we know
that people will pay this much for our
product like we'll just keep it at that
price yeah I just I guess I'm a little
skeptical about those reports given that
they sort of have their pricing model
down maybe I mean if the iPhone 10 are
or the sales really start tanking maybe
comes out I mean I was just thinking
actually the other day that like I kind
of wish the iPhone 10 was around so I
could that would be like the phone I
would probably get for my parents
assuming it was cheaper though assuming
it was $100 cheaper than before
but I don't know I mean it feels like
they've got their lineup set and it
would really have to take one of these
or multiple products tanking for them to
get the iPhone 10 back into action next
question is coming in from Kishori when
is the first 5g phone expected to hit
the streets we've talked about this time
and time again my favorite topic my
least yes I know I know you'll be you'll
be amazed come next year or the year
after that when something finally
happens where I have to produce a show
and there's actually visual b-roll that
I can incorporate yeah I'll be thrilled
there's 5g phone
the first 5g phone is expected at least
announced first half of next year my
guess is probably around February March
when Samsung unveils its Galaxy S ten I
suspect that'll be the first phone to be
the first 5g phone out there there might
be a couple others who kind of like
announce their phone ahead of time but I
think the very first one will probably
come from Samsung I'm interested when
you say 5g with quotation marks though
because I feel like there's always like
an Asterix or a caveat to whenever
somebody says we're the first 5g it'll
be 5g but it may not be for every
carrier it may not be for every service
like it might be just for like in the US
it might only be
- 18 T's 5g network or Verizon's 5g no
it won't be like a universal thing
well well 5g arrived to more practical
uses like what you've talked about with
you know connected cars and like medical
like VR stuff first before it arrives -
like on a consumer level it's actually
that's a great question it's kind of
debatable I think for like single
purpose things like I don't know like an
ATM machine or farming equipment that
might come sooner but stuff like
telemedicine or self-driving cars that's
coming further down line because you
need that yeah
breadth of coverage it's not gonna come
in that first two or three years all
right next question coming in from there
or what I lost track here Oh Thea Rhonda
the rent
they're very Endre sorry I'm terrible at
when will we see graphene powered phones
graphene batteries never I don't know
it's I mean III I'm excited by the the
technology as much as anyone else but
it's you know it's still kind of in the
early stages we've talked about graphene
as sort of this like almost miracle
material but it's just it's that still
very like early days R&D skunkworks type
thing I don't think there's any major
manufacturer that's looking at graphene
in a meaningful way for the next few
years with my own batteries that we have
unfortunately are sort of the industry
standard and we're gonna we're gonna
have those for a while sad to say let's
pivot over to Black Friday Cyber Monday
for just a minute this is kind of a
relevant question but probably a little
bit off from Roenick is it okay to
purchase an iPhone 6's from Amazon if it
says it's simple mobile locked I'm not
sure what that means do you guys know
simple moles carry all right moles and a
wireless reseller of service if you're
in the u.s. I think it'd be okay and if
you're not in the US and might be a
little yeah cuz I think it's supposed to
be tied to the service which you know if
you have your own service already like
Verizon or team or something yeah
staying on the topic of Black Friday
Cyber Monday before we move forward did
you guys kind of brought this up earlier
any any good scores I did a little
shopping but I don't want to say what I
bought because it was mostly gifts for
other people and in case they see the
show which they won't I don't want to
let any cats out of the bag I mean the
only thing I got was Red Dead Redemption
- this is a bundle with called - before
and I was already looking to buy the
game that was it I didn't even get them
any actually no that's not sure I got a
bunch of presents for my nephews and
nieces dad I didn't get anything yeah I
don't need anything um you know no very
happy for does he need to buy anything
for anyone else cuz he's not a big gift
giver yeah I also have no friends so I
don't really that's a pretty
cost-effective way to lose yeah so don't
have friends and then you don't have to
get them anything so in the broader
sense though did we see anything that
was really legitimately objectively a
good deal floating around I mean yes my
spider-man bundle for two hundred
dollars was pretty enticing oh I didn't
see yeah Wow
where was that Target and Best Buy had
it and I'm sure other like online
retailers were offering that I know
there were a bunch of TCL deals for TCL
TVs and Roku TV there's one here like
$350 for 55 inch 4k me that's just I
don't that just boggles my mind how
cheap they've gone yeah I don't know if
you saw what cards against humanity' was
doing over the weekend so they didn't
see this
prank on a black friday we're surprises
no it was a 99
percent off sale so they had items that
were like they literally sold a $20 bill
for $2 and like those stuff things like
a like a lab-grown diamond ring for like
$39 instead of like 330 $900 okay
it was very it was a very interesting
set to watch go ahead and a one-year
didn't they like raise the price yeah
yeah there was one where their deal was
like literally just a pile of crap that
you could buy but yeah I was like
looking on that like all but like people
it was only like one of one so like it's
my snatch it up it was gone gotcha that
was probably like the I probably would
have bought something from that had I
had I got into the deals on time which
one would you have gone the hundred
dollar bill for a dollar they sold a car
it's not a car for like 90 bucks oh
yeah it was I'm gonna go legit car yeah
Wow woof there you go I mean they always
have there's always an opportunity to
reap your TV on Black Friday it seems
like cats has always got his finger on
the pulse for that obviously I didn't
see anything to jumped out at me you
know and all my ventures and I'll admit
I spend most my time poking around on
Amazon anything I saw was the same stuff
I've seen for years the insta pots the
sous vide cookers headphones which I
don't need new headphones I have
headphones I like and yeah I I really
didn't see anything to blew my mind this
year but farming out to the chat let us
know if you saw anything really really
really really really really good staying
the topic Timothy's asking with all
these leaks for product releases or
Black Friday and Cyber Monday
when will companies just blatantly admit
that it's their marketing and PR
department I will say never yeah but
part of the mystique but it's like
asking a magician reveal like that's
their trick right yeah I I've always
looked at Black Friday in that way where
I I'm not a fan of it I don't like all
these deals that are really just a big
marketing ploy to make you want to buy
stuff you don't need
but anyway check us out check out CNN
for all the best deals and well I
appreciate Black Friday and Cyber Monday
for what it is if I'm looking for
something specific I wasn't really
looking for
being specific this year aside from Red
Dead Redemption to which I'm very much
looking forward to finding time to play
somehow with between my kid and work and
all that other stuff but yeah it's look
it's it's useful if you have something
you want I'll just say that yeah
basically all right good enough we are
out of time thanks everybody for coming
on back thanks a responsive pub Jean
mobile for keeping the lights on and
we'll be back we are back to normal
regularly scheduled broadcast right we
don't have any weird hiatus dates coming
up do we no I mean well we'll probably
have to hiatus come the end of the year
but no other big events that's gonna
push our show so we should be we should
be around for the next few weeks yeah at
least until the next holiday season and
then after that we'll be on our way to
CES as per usual so hopefully we'll see
some y'all there or hear from you there
or anything along those lines but until
then a normal regular weekday schedule
again thanks for putting up with this
when we were hopping around to the
holidays and while somebody's just
sitting over to Japan and all over the
place so thanks I'll try to do better
the three of you 9 is available in
iTunes tune in feedburner stitcher
google play music google podcast amazon
echo and of course Tina calm we'll see
y'all tomorrow really you're not gonna
give me any break on that one oh that
was intentional just the clip was so
short and it like went in to make the
next autoplay thing that I'd kind of
kind of pass us by
all right I got it I tried bye folks
oh yeah
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