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What to expect at Mobile World Congress 2015

hello and welcome to inside scoop I'm Sumi das joining me is senior editor for cnet Jessica dole court Jessica thanks for being with us always okay so very green with envy here literally wearing green because you have some exciting travel plans coming up you're going to mobile world congress in barcelona you've been to the show a number of times you've noted the themes over the years tell us what are the big themes and trends for 2015 that we expect to see well we're still going to see smartphones they are important to the show but we're also going to see a lot of wearables just out the wazoo everybody's gonna have one not much of a surprise there was there pretty much big at every major tech show they are they're getting bigger the companies that haven't had a wearable look to them to release their first one might be a fitness band might be a full-fledged watch if they've come out with them before look for more of them okay this is really gonna be big in addition to and are they shifting in any way are they getting smaller is it is are there have you noticed any unique sort of like yeah it's interesting um we adherent cnet have guessed that they're all sort of be two tiers of smartwatches be really techy smart smart watches that are all completely digital yeah and then once that look more like at everyday fashion watch but that have very subtle smarts so not quite dumb watches not quite smart but somewhere in between maybe there's a peel to a broader audience right yeah and definitely more with an eye on fashion especially with people who don't like big watches or who like apostles getting into this game right exactly so there are a lot of opportunities here and I think we're gonna see a lot of these at the show we're not gonna see as many tablets this is kind of shrinking and declining a little bit at CES we didn't see many and I think we'll see some but it really won't be an emphasis okay let's talk about specific products that we think are going to be unveiled because we we have pretty good idea at this point right now this is going to be a big show for samsung just like last year we expect that Samsung's going to unveil the galaxy s6 in two variants the regular rectangular one and then also one with a curved edge reminiscent or very closely related in fact to the Galaxy Note edge that we saw a paired with the note 4 okay I'm in September it's going to be sort of like the regular one is the mass market device that probably everyone will get this is a flagship phone for them and then the curved one will be sort of niche at least that's how it's going for the edge and this is going to be a 5-inch device so it's not going to be a big phablet with a stylus that's what the note is for this one is going to be more for the everyday person okay so that covers phones Samsung is also going to probably introduce a watch yes now Samsung has been working its way toward a round face watch this seems to be what people get really excited about so the rumor is that we're going to see one of those as well and it makes sense this is a big stage it's a big show for samsung and we think that they will deliver okay so that takes care of Samsung there are going to be of course lots of other other companies their rice give us an idea TC is having a press conference as well they use the stage to launch their own flagship phone we're going to see the successor to the HTC One m8 we're calling this the m9 right now um so it who knows what we're gonna have but it will be a flagship to rival the samsung one haven't heard any rumors of any unique shapes for that okay all right Microsoft is going to be there as Microsoft's first year as a phone maker last year was no Gann the microsoft bought that part of Nokia so it will be interesting to see what they do there now if they keep up with the theme of the last two World Congress's you will see sort of entry level and mid-level devices that are geared toward emerging markets I would love to see the first Microsoft Lumia flagship there but with the windows 10 preview only coming out around this time and the the full release coming out sometime in the summer we might not see that happen well have enough fun over in Barcelona for the whole lot of us are staying behind and we will trust you to keep us updated on what happens at Mobile World Congress lead stay tuned Jessica dual-core senior editor for cnet thanks for being with us for inside scoop I'm Sumi das thanks for watching
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