What to expect from the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (CNET UK podcast 541)
What to expect from the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (CNET UK podcast 541)
coming up on today's show we have got
the best rumors for the upcoming Galaxy
Note 9 rich here is bringing us all the
Goss from comic-con and we've got some
ghostly happenings all over CNET yes
there's so much happening on the scene
at UK podcast hello hi rich hi hating I
am wonderful although I'd say I'm really
warm because obviously it is
astonishingly hot in London and indeed
the country at the moment but the studio
here is so well air-conditioned it's
feeling great it's lovely yeah it's I
was thinking this was gonna be like a
nice quick podcast we'll use crack
through the news fairly quickly but I'm
thing and actually we drag this one out
like there's otherwise we'll have to go
back up we'll have to go back outside
into the the roiling cauldron that is
the outer doors yeah there is London and
and hot black tarmac radiating heat Bank
art and it is not very nice yeah yeah so
stick with us cuz we're this is gonna be
a long one folks I know probably a
couple of hours I reckon yeah I might
even need to put a hoodie on because I'm
almost getting chilly
I might have a lad lie down anyway so
get going yes let's get going straight
to wait let's dive in first of all with
the Samsung Galaxy Note nine because
that is of course some songs let's call
it second most important phone launch of
the year move to the s9 + now what we do
know about this phone is that it's gonna
be coming on August the 9th which is
note 9 is it a phone this is a tablet Oh
somewhere in between it is but we're not
discussing my word we're not gonna use
that word we're not using that has it
long time since the the P word has been
on the the P H word has been on this
podcast yeah it has and also that we
just don't really call it that anymore
because I know kind of all phones are
big yeah you know but when when they're
no first launched I think it was only I
can remember exactly but it wasn't very
big it was big it was smaller than a lot
of phones are now and and then that word
was being thrown around a lot because
most phones are around sort of orange
yes more Lamarck and now all the time
most phones are sort of six inches oh
you know 5 to 6 inches so it was a
little pointless distinguishing between
them anymore so I'm glad at that that
word doesn't tend to crop up as often
the word is phablet obvious that's one
I did have to skate yeah we already had
two phablet some netbooks
and all that kind of I had I had an e an
AEP see one of the which was a Zeus yeah
did the EP times um uh uh yeah bought at
university because I thought it would
help me my uni work I mean it sort of
did except typing and it was absolute
pain in the ass and it was one that I
bought it ran Linux because which was
about thirty pounds cheaper than the
Windows version so he's only about two
hundred twenty quid which for a laptop
is over time was was very cheap still is
actually but then I just put a version
of Windows on it because Linux no anyway
back to the note yes
August a knife number nine great earlier
August tonight then we'd normally have a
no it used to be an ephah product which
we're obviously gonna go and cover at
the end of August early September
so wait April May June July August night
yeah they could have done not good done
ninety nine they could have done nine
nine although that would be putting it
right in line with the unveiling of the
iPhone which is all the more reason I
think I think well it did one they think
oh no said the way around Apple I think
ended we see I think it was a knock here
press conference this was years ago and
not maybe was a see yeah I think the
first iPhone was announced during at MWC
where Apple wasn't at so apparently yeah
MWC had whatever press conference it was
in those days like some Sony Ericsson or
Siemens press conference on me and like
the the hall emptied yeah I kind of I
like to imagine because it was a few
years ago I like to imagine that they're
all the journalists in the kind of press
conference ran out the back and ran
straight into those like glass booths
they picked up the phone and they were
like we got the scoop yeah we talked
about the no nine I'm sure we got a Jag
this one out we want to keep one a stake
in her eyes basically I know rich that
you are a big fan of the note series I
mean particularly the note eight so you
will be very pleased to know that the
note 9 as all the rumors say so far is
basically going to be the same phone
a couple of tweaks oh good design-wise
there have been some lead renders there
have been some cases that have sort of
come out and it looks like it's exactly
this it's basically the same I think the
camera orientation on the back might be
landscape rather than vertical but who
cares at all and size-wise it may not
change at all either so one of the
bigger rumors and this is one of the
bigger rumors it's okay is that the
s-pen that's our stylist yeah might be
yellow in one of the color colors yeah
well this is what we've come to it is
well one of the interesting things
actually about the s-pen I was leading
in with a little bit of okay go on then
how might the s-pen could be Bluetooth
connected and actually allow you to
control the faux and yellow a
potentially with this Bluetooth
functionality you could control the
phone remotely so in one example that
was given in this rumor was that if you
had the your phone on a tripod and maybe
you wanted to take a nice group
self-portrait you could use the stylus
as a shutter release and you could sort
of just sit back hold the stylus and
blink the top and it'll take the photo
there could be other things may be
controlling music or answering calls if
you say maybe you got it on a in a
charging dark and you're using you know
you did anything else but you've just
got the you just got the stylus in your
hand you can maybe control things so
that actually could be quite interesting
and it's a sort of thing that Samsung
would roll out those sorts of features
that you never really knew you wanted
and almost then then find the space yeah
yeah you still don't want them but it
could be interesting I like the idea of
first so you've got a pen that controls
your watch it controls your phone it
controls a computer I love that he's
good to walk over in this tap a button
on your on yet on your laptop but no no
you know you've got the pen watch phone
yeah we're living in the future now
rejoice some things that we probably
won't see is a knotch like we've had in
on most Android phones now and following
in of course intercepts of the iPhone
Samsung has been pretty outspoken
against this notch they didn't have it
with the s9 answer is unlikely to have
it here although I did like not become
the buzzword of technology over the past
year wasn't a pause
it's yeah because Apple did it the word
not she doesn't even I mean it's barely
even a notch I would say it was more of
an outcrop an outcrop yeah an outcrop
that you could maybe dive from so I mean
is there another thing it's a notch you
don't call that nothing that's not no no
that's not a notch it's almost like it
has not a notch this is a notch it could
be like one of those tabs like which
I've had something with a knot on it to
produce at that point maybe we'll just
edit in me holding something not like
just Photoshop CG something in here me
holding a notch what would that not like
thing be I don't know but it's not that
all right okay well I'm glad we've
covered that yeah you can expect you to
have the usual latest call compressors
and all that junk mm-hmm and it'll be
expensive cork I'll be very pleased
technologically miraculous technology
described as German junk in a in a you
know a group sense rather than a you
know a negative sense right taxi
smells kind of it that's it yeah and far
I'm disappointed because at the rumors
because he doesn't seem like this has
got much to really get that excited
about it looks basically the same as the
names a which is a which is a great
phone no question but this doesn't
really do anything to take the note a
who's taking a note line forward that's
why well no where's that where's the
innovate in motivation motivation you
can have that Samsung they probably
already use that but I kind of think
that they do need to do something a
little bit interesting with the note
because it was the notate that came
after the disastrous yeah bull note 7
well that's it it's maybe a safe pair of
hands if they you know maybe they they
were like hey let's do something really
clever let's try and make was it the
batteries let's try make the battery fit
yes all the charging it so it would it
would charge really quickly in the
battery try to expand and couldn't yeah
and they went too far they went too far
Samsung you went too far and you know
maybe there's things they need a safe
pair of hands they just need to bit some
shift a few units this thing some people
forget about the fact that they all one
blow up maybe which we just reminded
everyone about we have as we always will
maybe the note 10 will be a little bit
better me I bet they'll do note X yeah
well if I change the name cuz when
everyone gets to 10 they tend up
changing their name usually I don't
think is going to be an 11 of anything
there you go there's a prediction no
which we probably have some 11 people
probably going in again
dial in and and just be like yeah
there's a bunch of Elevens almost
certainly been but you know 211 anyway
I'm gonna move on from that
I think we've we've run all we can out
of than more but I but I will say that
the launch day is as I say August the
yeah the evening of now we will be
recording the podcast earlier in the day
on the 9th normally on that Thursday
okay so we could always push the podcast
in the Friday so that they can talk
about you know include the note 9 which
will be big news or maybe we'll have a
few more what are we doing a few more
room it's a lemma actually I've got
another suggestion yeah but to talk
about that off no no let's just realize
wring it out we've got to keep enjoying
it okay so the aircon well we'll have a
full NDA briefing I presume on the phone
we'll know about it before then so we'll
just record the podcast as though we
know all about it
oh nice bang what we'll do is we'll be
like so if you're listening to this
podcast well pretend then it's Friday
but it's actually Wednesday and it's to
pretend that it's going on yeah but it
won't go live until the Saturday so yeah
it'll be out this is really live in
simulcast our planning meeting for how
we're going to do this you really
haven't seen behind the curtain on this
one and so we're definitely let's move
on yeah to comic-con rich because a lot
going on with the world of comic yeah
that's quite so so the past past weekend
and past week was it was all about
it was way we got all the kind of the
new exciting sci-fi fantasy bloggers
gonna fill up my coffee her stuff okay
coffee in this weather
is it cold brew no it's hot brew it's
hot coffee I mean that's how cool this
Eknath podcast studio is look after your
pets folks dogs dying hot cars
I'm check under your cars for hedgehogs
is that is that bonfire night that's
bonfire night okay alright you should be
setting fire to your car thank you even
on bonfire night it's frowned upon and a
bad use of resources so so yes so at
comic-con in San Diego at the past week
there was no Marvel and there was no HBO
which is kind of a big deal Marvel had
already released Avengers infinity war
and black panther and ant-man so they
were like we're not gonna have a Comic
Con presence and there's only kind of
big players at well huge yeah because I
mean so that the kasam stone pulling out
on BBC it totally is yeah yeah
not going to they don't so there you go
HBO wall sauce on this that meant no
Game of Thrones and Westworld which
obviously these two huge sci-fi fantasy
shows but that's because Game of Thrones
is kind of not on for a while so they
didn't really could really like release
yeah the new season isn't until next
year I don't think I don't think even
announced when it's gonna be yeah it's
it's they're doing the series in in like
sort of mini movies it's gonna be extra
long episodes but it's yeah it's gonna
be a little while before we see that
yeah and there's definitely they're
avoiding leaks very very tightly because
its final season so there's a lot yeah
yeah everything sort of coming to a bit
of a climax and I can only assume that
that zombie dragon that really its head
in the end of last season spoiler a
spoiler it is just going to annihilate
them all yep I think that's that is the
end it's a very short there's been one
happy fat dragon getting on the throne
like it was me all along yeah there's
good there's gonna be like a heat wave
across Westeros because this dis track
ins just gonna sort out winter stuff I
think what's happening here a dragon
somewhere it's just it's you see this is
how important Marvel on HBO are we've
just started talking about Comic Con and
then just spent five minutes talking
about two people who weren't even there
two companies there weren't even there
what was there so that meant that
because there was this kind of like void
Warner and Warner Brothers and DC who
worked together to make movies based on
DC Comics they were able to step in and
actually kind of claw back some of the
limelight from Marvel's what are they
well they lead to things were Aquaman
and Shazam trans Aquaman Aquaman is the
is neither booby prize of superheroes
absolutely talk to fish though he's
played by Jason Momoa now his character
is still a joke well I've got to say
that this this trailer looks like a lot
of fun I mean DC have kind of done it
all in slightly the wrong order they
tried to do what Marvel had done and
they weren't kind of fast forwarded
straight to their version of The
Avengers which affinity war without
doing the kind of individual movies to
build up in the first place but now
they're doing individual movies and
they've been really dark and gritty up
to this point with Man of Steel and
Batman versus Superman and Justice
League and Aquaman I'm actually look
like a lot of fun they're colorful fun
they they look like they look a bit more
marveling but they've got still got kind
of that DC flavor so that looks like a
lot of fun now Shazam I'm assuming I
know Shazam as the app that tells you
what song is playing I'm assuming that
is not a movie based on that app no but
there is a TV show based on that yeah
yeah there's a TV show Jamie Foxx
presented it is called
I don't know like the huns Shazam that
song or something the modern version of
name that to you it exactly like that
yeah oh that's it it's called can you
beat Shazam you had to name the tune
before Shazam good that's the TV show
that was a TV show yeah yeah it's a
drinking game so the Shazam is actually
the the new name also the old name for
Captain Marvel because they were
confusingly DC and Marvel both had
characters called Captain Marvel dude
that do two like copyrights decease II
had a character yes because before DC
was called DC going way way back to like
the I can't remember the exact date was
like forties and fifties kind of Golden
Age of comics that a character before
Marvel's called Marvel and a character
called Captain Marvel and then later on
Marvel the company began and they
invented their own Captain Marvel and
there was a back-and-forth about the two
and eventually DC kind of gave way and
said okay we're going to call our
character Shazam which is the magic word
that he utters to turn from a a small
child into a colorful superhero so there
you go so it's called Shazam there you
go but actually that actually took a lot
of fun it's a chameleon it looks like a
funny fun kind of teen superhero movie
it looks a bit 80s really so it's got
its bit of a throwback but it looks yeah
it's kind of the the lightest thing I
think what DC have ever done speaking of
stuff there's not been very light for DC
they're launching this new streaming
service called DC Universe where they
can have some original exclusive shows
and one of the shows is called Titans
and it's about Robin and a bunch of
other sidekicks basically and it's kind
of based on Teen Titans you might have
seen the Teen Titans comic cartoon which
a lot of people have big fans off that's
very light hearted funny it's
deliberately kind of a bit of a send-up
of superheroes titans the new show it's
live-action or it's gritty it's it's
it's bloody its gory it's grown-ups
where they sweat do they swear oh yeah I
mean I can't tell you what they say but
if you watch the trailer well there's
some blue language in there they say
flip it's or they say or even worse than
that it's kind of worse and worse than
flip so that's kind of interesting but
so yes that's part of DC Universe that's
the new streaming service Disney is also
going to have a new streaming service
which is going to have exclusive news
shows and one of the things they're
doing is they're bringing back the
cartoon the Clone Wars which a lot of
people were big fans of years and years
and years ago I mean it's not that long
ago but for some people they were grown
up with that so they're bringing that
back a little bit other big things that
came out of it
Freelander one a lot of people were
talking about Jack Ryan which is a show
that's coming up on Amazon now Jack Ryan
had a thing at Comic Con where a lot of
people do this they kind of they have
these things called activations that are
like events right there the people who
go to Comic Con the fans and the kind of
journalists and the press nobody goes to
Comic Con among the panels and the
presentations and the new trailers and
stuff it seems quite activations where
you can go and you can try some kind of
experience right so it'll be like an
escape room or you know like a virtual
reality thing Jack Ryan or that kind of
thing yeah exactly yeah and Jack Ryan
had this virtual reality thing that sort
of put you into the shoes of Jack Ryan
and you were like ziplining around with
a VR headset headset on and stuff and a
lot of people were talking about that
being really really exciting
so far that sounds more interesting to
me than the TV show I don't know who
still cares about Jack Ryan and there's
been 21 novels about that guy and I just
know and they're all bestsellers I don't
know why Ryan I don't trust anyone who
has 250 names
I don't trust anyone who's who's been in
for move will thought they've had four
attempts to turn him into a movie and it
just it couldn't they can do it and they
keep coming back to it I guess because
the best-selling book I mean being made
by Amazon if anyone knows about best
selling books it's Amazon they obviously
know there's an audience for this as
does John Krasinski who I really like
but you know maybe maybe loads people
excited by this I don't know but yeah if
you're up for the fifth attempt to turn
Jack Ryan into a thing it is going to be
a thing that's gonna miss and facing the
the DC Universe streaming service when
you so quiet like you know original
content is that stuff that they are
funding them down yeah absolutely yes so
it said DC characters from the DC comics
world so that's gonna be Swamp Thing
it's gonna be Titans there's gonna be
Harley Quinn so yeah a bunch of the
people who basically the people who
aren't in the movies the DC comic
characters who aren't in the movies like
Batman or Superman and Wonder Woman are
going to be are going to come to TV
shows live-action animated TV shows that
kind of thing and it you'll only be able
to watch if you subscribe to DC you know
I'm assuming it's gonna be pretty low
budget um no I mean DC's DC's pretty
huge so I mean the fact that Titans is a
live-action thing means that it's gonna
be it's gonna be reasonably up there you
know and they also they have all the
kind of the the arrowverse shows like
flash and arrow which are all like
they're a bit cheap because they're
telling but printings probably gonna be
on that kind of level yeah but the thing
is the thing is well with DC you know
it's not like you get Netflix and you
can just watch movies and TV I think
with DC universities you also have
access to digital DC Comics which is a
big deal for a growing number of comics
readers yes so that's you know shout out
to anybody who remembers that a lot of
these movies were comics first so yeah
look out for that and that is pretty
much also the thing we're gonna remember
though is that it might be seem like a
fairly quiet comic-con
and you know it sounds like DC had their
moment in the spotlight but it sort of
felt like a lot of this stuff where
stuff we'd already knew is coming there
were a big shock announcements or
I mean Clone Wars was kind of a big shot
no one we saw that coming but that's
still a show that we'd already heard you
know had already existed and so what
we're looking forward to is 2019 because
Marvel and DC and Marvel and HBO will be
back Marvel will be there with Avengers
infinity Worf to infinity war two
Avengers for whatever the New Avengers
movies or something else with another
number on the end yeah the post Thanos
movie original things from any of these
people are we just sort of rolling out
the same old with a bigger number on the
end oh there's a new many black movie
coming out you know that's been rebooted
right I know you're a huge fan a
longtime listeners will find that that
well it's gonna have Chris Hemsworth and
Tessa Thompson in it yeah I've heard
they were doing some filming in London
for that reason and Emma Thompson is it
huh yes using that he was into three yes
she is gonna be the she's gonna come
back and be the news agent said yeah oh
whatever she was called yeah I watched
Mamma Mia too while we're on films
really I just wanted to let you know
that there is a film out in the cinema
that I have actually been to see well
did you enjoy it I did it was great yeah
it's a boy who doesn't like have it yeah
I went see Mission Impossible fall out
the other day I thought that was a lot
of fun a lot of fun a lot of fun and one
thing that's worth noting that movie as
well a lot of that shot in London and
you might have heard a while ago about
Tom Cruise broke his ankle doing a stunt
he jumped off a roof and he broke his
ankle and that shot her needs in the
movie but they see the moment where he
just crumpled trying well the way that
he's basically indestructible in this
movie he like he's crashing off it's
cool fall out because he's just falling
out of things he falls out helicopters
he falls off motorbikes he falls into
holes it's just him just like rolling
just keeps rolling and rolling and
rolling and there falls off something
and keeps running but
yeah there so if the scene in London one
thing I like about that scene is it's
geographically plausible it's not like a
lot of these movies that come to London
and like Fast and the Furious they
they're driving down the street in
London they go into a tunnel which is in
Liverpool and come back up somewhere
else in London which isn't even anywhere
nearby but this movie they start at
simples in fact they start the first
dates restaurant funnily enough and they
they leg it through the streets and they
wind up at the Tate Modern in a way that
is geographically plausible apart from
the fact that he's runs across the top
of black fire station and runs across
the rooftops but the actual like the the
route he takes is pretty much plausible
okay technically speaking Simon Pegg as
a Londoner should probably have known to
direct him across the Millennium Bridge
rather than the Blackfriars Bridge but
no he is in the movie I was saying he's
like telling Tom Cruise oh he's
literally giving him directions
literally giving you directions okay
there's a there's a gag about tablet
screen lock rotation rotation screen
lock which is relevant and that is why
we're talking about it on that so there
is a Sean keen our new recruit did do a
good piece about the gadgets of Mission
Impossible it's quite fun to look back
over those movies because they started
in 1996 and that's a long time like that
is a long long time and Tom Cruise been
in the mall he's a minister impossible
he's always been mr. impossible he gets
more and more impossible every time mr.
mr. mystic mission is it Mission
Impossible is it - it is a double battle
is all the punctuation in Mission
Impossible titles is ridiculous mission
impossible - fallout it's it's crazy
subtly they need our Nick they do join
this aircon stretching this out so I
know right what are we on it like yeah
the script let's let's move on unless
you've got anything else that you want
to you want to particularly highlight
that's coming up all that you're doing
you're doing and tanki's hanging out
yeah in which case we're going to move
on because and this isn't oh yeah
actually yeah I can mention something
recently I talked to you guys do the
visual effects for Sicario to day of
salt day of the Soldado right and you
might think what visual effects are
there in Sicario it's a movie about
people in the real world running around
doing real-world things like driving
cars and dealing drugs and flying
helicopters we all do but actually
there's loads of visual effects in there
and they're all
invisible well I mean they're not
invisible you can see then that's the
whole point you can see them it's just
that you don't know their visual effects
so I dip into you that was with there
was with them about the difference
between working on a movie like say a
superhero movie a Marvel movie way at
all and you know its effect especially
effec because a guy flying shooting
lightning bolts out of his elbows people
can't really do that people even in
Hollywood that you can't really I
believe apparent I've looked into it and
apparently they can't okay so so this is
a look at how visual effects are
ubiquitous now digital visual effects
computer-generated CG visual effects are
even in places where you can't well you
don't think they're there they go so
look out so you have done something I
knew you had something to save it which
is good yeah I know I'm just literally
just sitting there next to your my desk
just doing this bashing I'm like my
keyboard I'll just ruin the script okay
we'll have to wing it
talk about well the other thing I wanted
to talk about is a piece that Amanda
Cuusoo who's one of our writers from
CNET in the US has done in which she
invited a team of Ghost Hunters to come
to her house what and to talk to her all
about what ghost hunting involves and
what what they do and how they do it and
to see if they can find any traces or
paranormal activity in her own home
which I thought was very interesting and
I really made me think about sort of
those element and and what's kind of
what's involved because there's always
been you know in every show you know if
you even look at ghostbusters yeah
there's always they've got the proton
packs and they've got the sort of a
shoebox same they throw down and goes
drew and they go straight go strap I
mean I used to have one of those I used
to absolutely love it
really I nearly swore because I was so
excited by how much I used to like that
Ghost I had they had their the the PK
meter which goes yep and people watching
at home I just did a PK me times you did
people listening home though heard noise
they'll go straight to youtube to see to
see my little mine it was uncanny I'll
have to so I thought was really
interesting to kind of take a look into
Amanda's article is great so she
apparently got in touch with them
they're called ghost investigations New
Mexico yes was that's where she lives
yeah and they are a group in a
Albuquerque Ghost Hunters and they went
round to have a look at a man whose hat
now managers say that her like she has
an old house indeed she calls it vintage
yeah and in America are probably
willoughby because it was built in 1942
but obviously in terms of British house
I mean like we all read that and well
I've got shoes old yeah there's milk in
my fridge has been there since 1901
dad's furniture I've got a table I've
got I've got a cake in a cake tin and
they're both older than that exactly so
so we did we did smile a little bit of
that but you don't see that is pretty
old I mean I'm moving into a flat scene
that was built about 10 years ago so
yeah but she apparently she's had since
I was 10 she liked us about she sat in
silence basically with this with this
group of people oh yes lates are on a
Sunday evening with the ghost hunters
you have to go around and unplug
anything was making a lot of noise which
mostly was of like a fridge and I think
are their basic electronic items so the
only thing that was actually making any
noise apparently was her cat pairings I
don't know she had to like annoy a cat
or something to make it's not very
excited to leave the room but she said
like there are rules I have to sit
quietly and they were recording audio
they're recording video and so if you
make a noise and you know that that
noise is you you have to audibly say
that was me so if you sneeze or your
chair squeaks or something you have to
point out what it is so that when you
listen back to the recordings you can
point you can see what different yeah so
if your stomach rumbles you go that was
me or if you emit some kind of like
ghostly high-pitched keening that seems
to come from another dimension yeah that
was me yeah the sound of like a thousand
souls screaming at once and if you make
that noise accidentally then you say
how's me yeah just so the ghost hunters
can rule that out
absolutely and at the end of at the end
of the evening
apparently I'm Amanda and the team
haven't really noticed that they'd seen
well it does well spoiler alert go read
the article but they had apparently well
put it this way have you heard on the
news that there was definitive proof
that ghosts have been discovered no well
then I think that yeah how this probably
figure this don't have to be I'm going
to be Dana Scully to know exactly how
this turned out yeah this is true but
they did fence a couple of audio
anomalies which they said be explained
so do go find the article it will be in
the will be in the link what if you
can't afford to hire the ghost investing
in Mexico chinma I'm so glad you you
asked because I have been doing some
research on kind of what to do if you're
interested in your own ghost hunting
which is a popular thing in Britain
because we are such an old country with
old buildings and castles and hotels and
all this stuff where people may have
died and there are many certainly many
that famously say that they have regular
ghost sightings so I had a look in
spooky stuff Tucker at UK and they said
don't worry you don't need giant
hollywood-style laser guns to become a
ghost hunter
I mean firstly grant i mean firstly
they're not laser guns they're they're
proton packs and they're not they're not
guns they actually just shoot charge
streams which allow them to to to
basically entrap the ghosts and draw
them down into the colossi it's like a
kind of lesser medicine yeah the best
thing that goes but they're not outright
murdering the ghosts
no they're just locking them up in a in
a in a in a big like box in their
basement altogether which in which
apparently is almost like in the Quizlet
Real Ghostbusters it's like another
dimension in there which means they're
basically just taking all these poor
traps out like poor roaming Souls and
then putting them in hell in their
basements it's kind of like when you
capture a poke on with the pokeball like
that's where it goes it goes basically
into hell yeah I miss the thing I think
Walter Peck had a good point the the the
guy from the environmental agency it
turns up at the end he turns everything
off guys got a good point that's what
government regulation exists guys
startups can't just come along and start
messing with the fabric of reality
without someone coming along and saying
I heard you have a license for this at
startup culture they spook yourself say
if you want some things to take a
notebook and pen yep
camera and or a video camera yeah with
several sets of batteries because
batteries have been known to deplete and
usually quickly in the presence of
ghosts sometimes even instantaneously
Wow that's been my excuse when I've gone
on a shoot and I didn't charge my
battery to say there's a ghost must be a
ghost ghost you may find it necessary to
replace your batteries during the
session chalk to mark the spots where
things happen anything does a torch an
audio recorder yeah to record an audio
from spirits apparently warm clothing a
thermometer because ghosts are said to
tremendous sensation of cold I wouldn't
mind that right now in this weather yeah
if we were just horribly haunted here
maybe then naturally is the air Kahn's
been off for weeks but this room is so
haunted yeah I'm actually dead I always
wondered yeah yeah exactly but I did
have a look around and there's a lot of
interesting ghost hunting tech that I
found on the cheaper end is the Laser
grid pen about $40 and this creates a
green dotted grid pattern that
apparently allows you to detect any
apparition or shadow figure moving past
it now sure legit if it's a shadow it
won't block the light so it's not gonna
cause anything it need to be a solid
object so I got a disturbance there
there is the para force paranormal music
this is $400 and I quote the PMB is a
very intriguing and most interesting new
instrument exclamation mark it is
creating remarkable results in
investigations where something
unexplainable is setting it off and no
explainable scientific reason has been
found the engineers behind the PMB
cannot explain why it is triggered
during paranormal investigations
well great sounds legit yes over shape
of a coffin because of course is okay
yeah and I get it I get it yeah so
they've done that and we've got the para
knowledge ease electroscope tribo
electric field meter and apparently the
it was $50 the electroscope detects
static fields of the I cannot see during
paranormal investigations such as the
hair lifting up from one's arm which
presumably you could see yeah I mean I
can see yeah you'd feel that real extra
cope can be used as a handheld unit to
detect static fields can be placed on
the floor to pick up energy fields and
even used for yes/no questioning of a
spirit so there we go there's the pair
analogies gyroscope digital talking
board $400 which is basically a digital
Ouija board okay there's a whole thing
where you'd have the we do but the
letters of the alphabet and you'd put
you all put your hands on a on a on a
thing and you'd apparently the spirits
would talk apparently I mean
Warrington's used to make those as a
family game you to be able to buy them
near shops and stuff I bought creepy
remember when we wrote a story about a
Ouija board app and for years and years
afterwards this little short story about
Ouija brought out had hundreds and
hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of
comments on it of people just coming
along and saying just talking about
Ouija boards and how they thought they
were cursed and loads of kids would come
along like teenagers would come along
and leave their email addresses and say
can you tell me more about Ouija boards
and there were people who were sort of
saying oh I did a Ouija board and now
I'm cursed and it's terrible and just
hundreds on to comments by just crazy
people I don't remember this at all
really no will move another objects odd
Casa oldest yes I know para knowledge is
palter calm intelligent instrument trans
community spirit box this is five
hundred and ten dollars the politic arm
is a custom-made communication device
that produces amazing results the spirit
box does a motorized sweep through radio
stations line the radio tuning to be
controlled by sensors that might in the
environment again this looks like a
massive steampunk log burning stove even
complete with those right random copper
pipes or stuck to the answers they go
nowhere yeah everything's very steampunk
because of course it has and then
finally there's the spectral observatory
didn't really know what this is and
that's $700 everything is super
expensive apparently from this company
if you want to get into finding ghosts
but my favorite thing and this was on a
website less EMF calm the couple's ghost
hunt kit with the tagline romance for
the adventurous adventure for the
romance or looking to spice up an
anniversary impress a date or add drama
to your honeymoon
imagine bhatia imagine your partner's
delight when presented with the idea of
a hair-raising couples ghost hunt build
trust and lasting memories and the two
of you alone in some spooky stakeout
look to each other for confirmation or
your findings and reinsurance imagine
the topics you will have to discuss
afterwards and the fun of telling your
friends and family about your adventure
blimey what you could find could change
the course of your life now that's the
opposite of boring they say for $256
that's that's absolutely incredible I am
doing that oh absolutely yeah
I think we should get on the couples
ghosts we could do this we could we
could go on a couple of ghost hunt
together impressive date I love that
imagine if you went on a first date with
someone I didn't yeah yeah they took you
on okay so I bought for two in Japan's
this ghost hunt kit yes only they turn
up you're like okay
hey one's got a hobby would you be brave
enough to do that for a first date
though if you were taking someone out
for first day and you're like okay
here's what I gonna do we're not gonna
go for a meal I'm not gonna go to a
cinema that's boring here's what we're
gonna do we're gonna go get a certainly
memorable do you think there'd be a
second date it depends entirely on the
on the person let's face it I mean you
know we might find a ghost imagine if
you found a guy your first date story
was so how did you guys meet we found a
imagine that I swear depends on the
ghost there's a lot of variables in this
video yeah I'm not I'm not really sure
it's something that I'd be trying no
fair enough but yeah I thought that was
really I thought I was interesting
basically do you go and have a read of
Amanda's article and yeah maybe maybe
we'll try and review some of these bits
of tech at one point and we'll have to
give a star rating based on how it
actually works because when I review a
phone I will go through its main
features of what it says it will do yeah
and I will see does it do it properly
does it do it better than other things
on the market and it gets rated
accordingly so with these things if they
want to get you know therefore four and
five stars they're going to have to do
exactly what they say so if I don't find
ghosts I think actually having them
reviewed by a technology website is
probably the last thing that these
companies want to actually happen we
don't want them rich anyway yeah we
might start our own ghost busting
startup franchise that is interesting do
let us know in the comments below and of
course if you are interested in coming
on a date with either rich or I with the
couple's ghost hunt kit then you can let
us know that too and maybe we can set
something up
absolutely Wayne's here from you I mean
it's the thing we've also we've been
gently ribbing this whole ghost concept
as well but if you have had a ghostly
appearance if you had an if you have
seen something strange in your
neighborhood are you gonna call then you
know let us know in the comments
something weird and it didn't look good
then just let us know in the comments if
you have
if you've seen something weird or
unexplainable or if you have had a then
we are waiting for your call let us know
in the comments and while you're there
like and subscribe rate the podcast yes
yeah you can do all of that stuff and
you can get in touch with us with seen
at UK podcast at CBS I comm rich they
can tweet you with rich night well and
me with at battery HQ some of the things
I do actually have coming up before we
wrap up and because I am actually
launched a new show with producer J he
was off camera behind one of our cameras
in fact there's a reason he is off
camera yes I need to stress that he is
too handsome and he would just pull
focus from the to adversity nerds
podcasts right here Jay and I have a new
show called techadon sui look at the
intersection of luxury technology we've
got a couple of episodes live already
with the diva let $4,000 Bluetooth
speaker and a 1,000 pound small
SmartWatch both of which are really
really cool bits of tech yeah and we
can't afford we cannot forward so we
take a look at that and we've got a
great one coming up on Monday as well
with a behind-the-scenes on a photo
shoot that I did so make sure to keep
your eyes out for that I will of course
be tweeting furiously about all these
things if you just want to go and find
it there that's it that's all I've got
rich great that is how I'm gonna wrap up
the show so I think we should go and
stay cool stay cool it's a hot one out
there looking ok keep unbuttoning the
buttons as the show but there's another
one that has just popped over there and
it did sort of detract me from my train
of thought yeah that's it yes please do
like and subscribe comment anything
below and keep your eye on CNET for all
of the best tech news
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