
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

What will Apple look like in 2017? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 69)

we are live and I went to the wrong camera how about at how about at it's the apple byte extra crunchy podcast with your host mr. Bryant song there he is you're really going off on that season like really going on what up everybody welcome to the show it is episode 69 today Steven's a single 39 that's not a coincidence that's the number of the show that is the number the show welcome to extra crunchy this is our show that kind of expands on the video podcasts and updates you with the latest stories what's going on the world of Apple and we talk to you guys and gals last week about how we wanted to kind of touch base and really make this show about the future of Apple because let's be honest beach it's kind of like the dog days of tech right now nothing's really going on yeah there's you know there's there's a lot of things going on in the car space right now but nothing else really I mean if there's this law right if people yeah okay only apples maybe potential March ish April then we'll talk about if they even have one like that but what we want to do with this episode and we asked all of you to call how many called how many calls did we freaking get this time we have like 40 probably like in that boards of 50 calls or so a lot of multiple review calls too which is nice thanks guys for redoing your calls you know you still just because people make the calls didn't mean you so you think yeah yeah yeah yeah so anyways we want you all to keep on calling us at one eight hundred 61 62 63 eight that is our number for you to leave your name where you're from and really get your point we we're going to include a bunch of the calls for the show about the future of Apple but we want to do first is at least just update you really quickly with a few stories and then we'll jump right into the calls so just about what's going on in the Opera world right now again nothing major but they released the latest iOS 10.3 beta and the thing that people are kind of talking about right now is the fact that they brought find my ear pods finally nice into this beta now we did a video about it I got to play with it a lot it's not going to be as how about this it's not going to be as useful as find my iphone would find my iphone you have a cellular connection you're always connected it has a good proximity where you are you also have the GPS chip that can kind of at least be a little more specifically where you're located with your air pods you only have a bluetooth connection and that Bluetooth connection has to be active for you to know where your ear pods are if you close the case you say you have your headphones out and you put them in the case and close the case that severs that Bluetooth connection and so it'll only show you the last time it made contact so like if you drop your dental floss if someone picks it up is gone right so it's not gonna have a real time tracker on there but I do think it's better than nothing it does send a little beep sound the beep sound gets louder and louder as time goes on to the air pods when they're out freely but here's the thing ride beach the whole point of people don't want to lose their pods they can't just like stick them right back into their little dental floss like why would you just throw them around somewhere yeah I mean that seems like the the most obvious carrying case for them right but i think i think that's cool now I mean I had that concern what am I gonna do if I lose my air pods now there's some way we can find them so I figured I better good job Apple yeah I mean some people are like complain oh it's not as good as the phone but I just think it's better than not even having anything so I'll give them kudos on that I guess you know we'll give them a little bit of a good Apple a good Apple on that one also I'm in other operating system use Mac OS 10 point well point for their getting night shift mode we've seen this on the iPad we've seen this on the iphone as far back as a like iOS 9.3 the Mac itself will be getting its own night shift mode then that turns kind of a blue glow light tint that were used to seeing in our screens during the day it turns it down so I kind of that yellow warm yellow warmer he would you use the night shift mode on your phones or do you know for sure fully all the time all the time that's awesome to have in a laptop because you know everyone a lot of people do work in their bed so that's not a that's a good idea I have a rule Beecham no technology in the bedroom you know technology yeah that's a good rule to have but it is yeah for sure they get they get in the way so a night shift mode is coming again these are all in developer betas are non-public baited yet so you won't be able to get access to them but they will be coming soon and then before we get to the future of apple and kind of start talking and riffing on that I just want to let people know that as of today seven years ago Steve Jobs introduced the very first iPad oh wow very other years does this seem like it was that long yeah that seems like a long time actually that's crazy seven years wow so I put a video clip in there that I was actually lucky enough to be in that room that first time and I I do want to talk a little bit about it because when the ipad first came out it was one of the first products that i can remember looking to get i don't know i'm like a lot mi late yeah it does look a little Eon my hair is all over the place on that one it looks like I'm dragon ball z the ipad looks huge man maybe i'm just small first one to maybe hundred actually no you haven't changed a whole lot your hair your hair is more that was just chemo back then i was like that was like while to evil so uh what I what I wanted to bring back though is that people's first impressions with the ipad were actually really mixed like outside of that room for me i was like oh damn this is awesome like I want this ASAP but everyone that watched the keynote outside thought it was stupid really that's interesting well probably cuz they just didn't get it yet you know exactly and it was one of the few products where the sentiment was and again it was the first apple tablet we've seen other tablets before but you know tablets kinda had a low at that time before Apple put out their iPad you have to remember netbooks are really hot right the super cheap laptop yeah yeah so apples like we're gonna do the tablet our way we knew Microsoft baton habits I don't believe they had a surface at that point but at least they had tried other tablets in the past and people were like why do I need an apple ipad and then people went to the store and once they got their hands on it they were like I need a frickin apple ipad yeah and then the ipad although it is you know de clot the tablet sales are declining it is one my favorite apple products of all time just because of how I'm very mobile and how I consume a lot of you know I read comic books all the time I'm on the go watching movie is my favorites yes you know why sex most sick a second favorite apple product honestly you know why I think the you know sales have been declining because they made it so good and it's like it doesn't break I saw my three my third generation and it's fine you know it's runs perfectly nothing's wrong with it like I don't have a reason to upgrade so that's my theory on why the sales have been declining you know it's true and also I think people there that was that was the heyday of Apple where people are literally buying anything Apple made right yeah yeah there was that point in time there's probably like a good let's see I mean people might be laughing like people are still doing that yeah sure they are but I think there was like a good five to seven-year chunk of time where at least in my brain I was going to buy anything with an apple made I know I would see friends who'd be like when's anything coming out I gotta get it I have to get it have to get it you know that was even like on people on television like comedians and stuff they were there having the same kind of vibe you know anything Apple would make their like I need it I need it but that's kind of that's kind of you know fizzle down a little bit it hasn't my voice just cracked but I'm analyzed that didn't happen so I just wanted to kind of give a shot out 27 years ago the ipad was a first revealed to us and i love that thing you know I talk about it so much people are just like you'd type there in most people's minds like iPads a lame product I'm like dude is my favorite product I like the movies that were on the iPad that you were just showing right here there's like up and it just kind of data you know there's up and Star Trek oh and the Michael Jackson like right when you passed away oh man that's that's funny so you know that's that's kind of what's going on the upper world really not nothing major nothing bigger shaken or anything like that but this show we wanted to really be about the future of Apple and we felt like letting you the caller's kind of drive the show a little bit like even said we got 50 or soaks yells yes and I know we kind of try to keep it around 30-45 seconds and when you ask people to talk about the future they're probably going to talk longer than 30 or 45 seconds but you know we just want to appreciate all your that call but let's just kind of start jumping into it and it'll give us a launchpad to talk about some of these topics all right cool Jory played the first one here yeah let's go for it first one is from Francis and I don't know if you're gonna be able to hear this Brian because of the skype setup but we'll see okay just I first wanted from Francis and he is talking about the future of Apple he's from LA here we go hi guys this is francis from Los Angeles I love the show I just want to talk about the future of Apple they're pretty behind in driverless cars do you think they should make a good to buy Tesla and they're behind in virtual reality and looks reality as far as I know should they make a bid to buy the start of magic leap and also the iphone of currently accounts for around sixty-five percent of apples of revenue do you think apple will ever have the level of success have enjoyed another job Sarah in terms of having other it's like any finish thanks guys like yeah he's done he's talking about a job Dara he just finished right when you asked that actually look like a job in Russian hahaha so you know what I heard that I heard the call first but then um just you know what Li you just tell me one ends cuz i did get to hear all of them okay yeah yeah so yeah so no friends thanks for calling yeah it's a little tricky because i'm on skype today but what a look when you talk about apples plans for Tesla you have to remember that recently Apple was trying to actually do their own thing with smart cars with autonomous vehicles and then they pretty much completely bailed out of it they stopped it a bloomberg report so they pretty much scaled back their efforts they were you know some of the staff was getting reshaped and reassigned people were leading the division and apples now trying to come up with maybe some sort of a system but they're not doing their own car and the thing about it is I don't look Tesla is owned by elon musk he's not looking to sell it to apple no cousins Tesla is growing again they're not the most profitable company but when you talk about companies that remind you of what Apple used to be like in different spaces tesla is one of those companies definitely you see their solar panels for roof roof yeah yeah I mean they got their hand in a lot of different things now definitely not phones and stuff like that you know but they got cars they have solar powered roof tiles space X so they're definitely moving and shaking big time they're they're doing all types of amazing things it's not a necessarily consumer product that costs under five hundred dollars but that doesn't matter you know Francis mentioned magic leap this is the augmented reality headset that is pretty much a live frog cat masseuse own like is the most you know it it's one of the most advanced I mean I'm going to put them the thing is that magically just so developmental that microsoft hololens at least looks like it could hit the market before you know hit the mainstream market before magic leap does but again magical leaf is doing some mind-boggling stuff I think what you see with Apple is they've already committed to augmented reality I'd I highly doubt they they get their hands and magically I feel like someone already kind of had investors have already put money into matically been Apple wouldn't be a part of that I just feel like that I I could be wrong so maybe someone can call in and let us know but you know Apple is doing their own augmented reality there's rumors that they're going to release their own augmented reality glasses by sometime this year yeah we were showing a video of that actually a couple months ago and it looked really cool it did look cool like if they just came in to design the glasses properly the melt them know I probably have a winning product you know yeah it's hard accusing yeah exactly but I still think it's hard to do glasses because not everyone wears glasses true true yeah yeah yeah it be sometimes people have to get used to definitely like no one's going much like the SmartWatch industry people that don't like wearing watches didn't all of a sudden start wearing watches because I know right so if you're not something that's even now we're time out on your face I think that someone that doesn't wear glasses isn't gonna I'm not going to start wearing glasses to look trendy just because Apple made glasses you know yeah are you going to start wearing glasses just so you can check your email and like get maps and stuff like that too right I don't think so I mean unless you're already wearing glasses and there you let you know if the style factor is good they're light they're not too difficult to use I could see people doing it you know yeah and then on the other point Francis that you mentioned will they ever have the level of success from the job Sarah I think people this is what's really interesting about perception versus reality because earlier in january of the of 2016 apple had their most profitable quarter ever in the history of the entire company okay so that shows that from a financial standpoint they were the most successful that they had ever been even during the entire time jobs with that Apple they never had a quarter of that profitable or that successful monetarily right so when we talk about that you know we know that Apple decided to say okay we're going to make to two different phone sizes we're going to you know may make a lower end super lower-cost phone and have like three or four different phones and then they start doing different things like they decided to target the market differently there's a lot of demand for the Apple iPhone and a huge obviously a huge audience that wants it but when you talk about the level of success of the jobs there I think you're more leaning towards that idea or that feeling that this is the most innovative company doing the best stuff and right now I'm not going to I can't outright say that that is them back then they used to be they hands down that's all everyone thought about that's all anyone perceived Apple but you know beach you've seen enough of it it's a different beast now we talk about it all the time and now people are starting to kind of get through people's heads that we're not hating on Apple we're just trying to tell you like look it's not what you think it is yeah I mean there's just you know we're seeing the same thing repackaged over and over again it seems right now there's not a lot of forward movement in phones like you know the technology is kind of almost stagnant right now in phones you know like what else they're going to do besides put in some sort of you know i don't know like star wars ii hologram thing or so you know they have to have you some new wand that's what you yeah they have to do something really big to wow us but i mean in in other industries like you know we're talking about SpaceX and Elon Musk's company Tesla his company you could argue it's the closest to what Apple at what used to be whereas they're building new things that are very you know high-end looking they're also liked the design is like a big element in Tesla and SpaceX and stuff like that they're trying to make everything look sleek and sexy so they kind of have the same vibe going but um but yeah I mean I feel like what else can you do with the phone you know we have to figure out something else cool that we could do with it so yeah and all these new product categories that people are excited about virtual reality augmented reality smart cars the virtual home assistant Apple is trailing in all these key areas right now as I speak so I don't know if you know if you want to talk about money fine they have the most big out much ever they got they are spending on like two hundred billion dollars they needed to do something with that so you know magic if they bought magic leap that'd be a huge thing because I hear magic we're just watching chat rooms we're at we ask people what's much magic leap doing what are they up to you because that seemed like when when they launched their product or their demos or whatever they put online that seem to get a lot more you know interest in a lot of other augmented reality things that I've seen other than like Pokemon go or something yeah but yeah magic leap seems pretty cool the big hurdle for everybody including virtual reality is like how are we going to get everyone to wear this crap on their heads like virtual reality seems like last year was like everything's virtual reality and at CES this year virtual reality was still there but it seems more like for an experiential thing that's not people aren't going to be using it all the time yeah you know they're still trying to figure that out right yeah yeah they still I think the other thing though that worries me about magic leap the most is everything that people are excited about and that you talk about we still only seen demo videos on YouTube well yeah exactly you know it's I darim it was either Bloomberg or wire that did it behind the scenes profile of the company and they toured their facility and they still wouldn't really show much and again I know that their tech is awesome but it feels like one of those things that when are we gonna actually see something so that's why when I earlier said hollow lens feels like a product that's going to come out that's more polished and ready to roll although the tech and magically does like mind-blowing we got electrical seen a few demo videos like I'm looking at the magic of lean public demo we haven't seen a public demonstration that a wide audience has been able to try on yeah yeah like right now I'm showing the magically website and all the stuff and it looks really cool you know but we haven't seen any hardware or anything that's going to make this possible you know and that's that's the big thing you know like what is it going to look like is it going to be heavy on your head you know that's not just big thing people worry about and if the magic leap team is laughing us at right now and saying oh wait wait wait a second bro definitely release something next week then fine I'll take it all back yeah yeah I'll take over we just haven't seen anything but we have seen cool technology like this where there's a robot he's under a table and the tables actually goes in front of the robot yeah I know like they're doing cool stuff like that using actual spatial things in your space that are part of the augmented reality so I'm really interested to see how that goes you know I mean I've been able to try on the hollow lens then go to the psych process of if you're a developer howdy and all the depth sensors the hololens can see the same things that for the most parts that magically does again we don't know enough about magically to know exactly what it does but hollow lens I can create a world I can drop a paper ball on my table it sees it and the ball will roll off on it as if it's a real table that's awesome so a virtual ball so again we'll go well we're going to get back on track but we're just going to have to wait and see what Apple has to offer look the apples most innovative product this year to me was the w1 chip inside of the air pods like and that was I want to sing this song with uh yeah don't tell I got something cooking about you guys but that would some apples most innovative product this year everybody to w1 chip in the air pods in the w1 chip is amazing but again there's other barriers of entry to why people can use their pods how they look if they're really worth paying that much the functionality and I do think they're a good product I've used them so much now but I'm like you know what this is a good product but it's not a great Apple polished product it's like they have the w1 ship but they didn't really have anything else so you know when I see other people wearing airpot I get jealous actually get jealous like I want them i do want them but i cannot i don't want to pay for of the too expensive what you know man like they're just you're too expensive that's the bottom line but when I see people have them I'm like I i wish i had that but i just i know i'm not gonna pay for right now no so it has been growing on me big time man not last couple mom has gone on I like them a whole lot more I just I still don't like how they look but the titans of w1 tip anyone that uses that they're like dude this is awesome and it is so you gotta give them props ok let's go to our next call you know the shin of should we go to that call with the dude who talks about the air pods yeah yeah ok I go I didn't realize it I forget he we couldn't really understand his name but uh he called him he wanted to say like maybe this is the future of the air pod you know like this is kind of what he sees Apple apples direction going so here we go hi Brian Heidi tumors is a copy from Los Angeles and I'm calling because I want to get your thoughts on the article that I read in the Wall Street Journal but was suggesting that the airport should actually be a solution to apples lack of foreign home device because it would be in your ear and you have access to Siri any given moment instead of having to go to the room where the device is located to you know give the command so I was thinking like maybe the earpods are to be more than just a traditional bluetooth earphones and I just want to be your thoughts on that theory anyways I love the show and it definitely makes riding in a lurch I think a lot easier thank you koo LA traffic brian is talking about no I know exactly what I'm talking about I mean I appreciate that our la folks are listening to us because i'm gonna start expresso that LA traffic is brutal so you know when we talk about the future of the air pods and using the Moors bluetooth headphones i think what is interesting about his suggestion an idea is yes you know apple at least right now it feels like they're trailing in the smart home and i'm going to not feel like I think they absolutely are but you know you could use your air pods like that one of the things about technologies that people sometimes forget they they like take the TV because when you use technology in different ways that also and you're changing someone's behavior you need to make them comfortable with that behavior so for example 3d touch was like I'm like oh this is awesome let's see how they implement it do I use it all the time I use it a little bit here and there but it not not completely something like Google glass people like uh I don't like seeing some texting on my face or your face so that's kind of weird and it that was one of the things that killed it right that social acceptance either something like how many times you see people really taught you know talking to their phone like Syrians you don't really see people be so I I do it but when I do I like trying to keep on my diary I'll be like sorry said in long and so I think when he when oh when this guy is talking about okay earpods being kind of that that center piece of that headset the thing is that I where I have used the air pods I don't want to wear air pods all the time so like that would require you to have to wear something in your ear all the time I think the air pods is kind of like one of those gateway behaviors to get people used to the idea of having wireless earbuds in their ears all the time said you you and I have talked about that movie her all the time of fellows right yeah he has them all the time at computer in his here anytime on a constant conversation with himself on his ear all the time yeah so and so that way that's the future you want well yeah I was like I was in the bathroom and I was thinking about that guy's call and I was just like it is kind of you know it's it's humans moving more in the direction of becoming cyborgs you know like we have we're gonna have things in our ears all the time so we can communicate with a computer you know so it is kind of interesting you know maybe he is right on some some wavelengths I think on some level I mean that they can try and do that but for someone who uses the Amazon echo all the time yeah the fact that it's just in your room and it can hear you because of the way it's Mike's my tits you know the micro-ray can pick up you know where you are in your room while you're talking and can filter out the fact that you're talking while a TV is on and does it pretty dang well like I don't have to be connected to anything other than there's a speaker my house true so that that in itself they've all to me II then Google home I mean they've already kind of cracked that nut and apples still like oh but you have an AI assistant on your phone all the time I don't want to have my phone in my talking to my house all the time yeah I really don't do you ever yell to Alexa though from if you're like far away do you yell across the house I think when you first start using it you're not sure you don't trust that it can be that what happens right they're like my nieces and nephews when the user for the first time they like yell or they walk right up to it and I'm like no no or you know even Sean and she's like she never talks normally to it so I'm like just something normally and then when it works and you're like whoa it actually picked up my normal volume I said a normal natural sentence and it works you know I feel like around eighty to ninety percent of the time then you're like damn this is really cool right yeah yeah so uh i think the earphone idea is are the air pods idea is great it it could potentially be that but again Apple home kit we're still waiting for it to really take off and it's all about that go right now it's in the hole about the echo yes I'm going to change mine just so I can call it computer instead of Alexa yeah tired of calling it Alexa to be honest it's kind of nerdy I'm like Alexa but if i say computer i think i'll feel cooler actually I I'm gonna stick I'm gonna still go with his start go with when I started with the clinic I feel like I'd say the word computer in general talking more than I would say the word you know what I don't want to say it sure that off my car my fireman if I do it all right you get the next call yeah yeah okay okay next call was from Randy who has some thoughts about the future of Apple as well here's Randy okay I got 30 seconds and go this is randy from san diego love your show always have always will okay that's enough of that guys you're awesome anyway am I excited for the future of apples no all right in fact if I can't get an awesome phone on awesome something this year on stupid everything you said about the Amazon echo was spot-on everything at CES amazing so I've been a big fan boy it's not that kind of for me no more so nothing know your thoughts on that later wow he's jumping ship Ryan he said he's jumping ship look III hear a lot of people say that I don't believe it until they like we've done a lot of live streams and I've heard a lot of people in that room say I'm gonna buy this I'm gonna get that I'm like I'm like so I'll be okay I'll prove it to me they'd even buy nothing yeah by nothing I know I'll get the next iPhone bro yeah it's like the whole look back it up back it up and make the purchase and do it then I'll believe you but I think Randy's frustrations is you know what we talked about and I don't want to sound like a broken record because I think look the problem communities like oh I'm just not excited about you know what they're doing anymore or excited about tech don't let one company determine that for you like there are so many exciting things in fact happening all the time and look Apple can still surprise us I don't know if they will this year I'm not going to buy a pair of augmented reality glasses anytime soon even if Apple comes out with them and it's going to be again their first mainstream market attempt like this is a different apple this is not the Steve Jobs Apple that could all of a sudden come out with a phone and blow your socks off come out with a freaking iPad come out with an a music service a digital music service that took everyone off guard it was like whoa like just wrap matter yeah this is not the same Apple okay you just have to understand that they still make great stuff if you're in the ecosystem you're going to love it but just look around like everyone's doing so many crazy things so I would just tell Randy not so don't don't get jaded by techno like technology is so fun like we're so lucky that we're like you and I Beecham and I have our jobs because of technology we got a cow look at the studio minute Hank policy okay that's stupid we're so blessed and lucky and we never forget that but at the same time like you shouldn't get jaded by it like you know when I criticize it it's for fun but it is true like show us the best stuff that's what we expect and if you're not we're either not going to talk about you or if you act like you're the best you're not going to say it too so people like to choose sides o'brien's they'd love to be on a team you know well if they look at my products they know what team I'm on oh yeah humanity but it doesn't mean I'm not not the mascot anymore I might have been i might have been the cheerleader nah I'm what kind of like like on a basketball team I'm not the superstar rah-rah guy now I'm kind of like the six men off the bench it's like all right I understand what needs to be done here I survey the floor I get it done but yeah Andre Iguodala yeah there's really not one company right now that makes everything that you just have to have exactly you know all those things to work all together like everyone kind of takes a little bit from everywhere like it was everyone has a couple Apple things people have a couple pc things at work you need other things you know so it's there's not one company just killing it right now I mean that that should be exciting to people right it's like yeah yeah who would want one company to literally dominate I did let that happen in LA and I enjoyed it thoroughly hahaha but still there were other companies coming after them who are innovating you know that just makes other companies want to innovate and build other stuff that's going to attract other customers you know what I mean so that's a good thing like that's why America has laws for you know no monopolies you know stuff like that like we want competition we want people to build new cool stuff so like luckier let's just look at the landscape right now if you had to go around the line of who does the best of what look virtual reality i'm gonna throw my hat at oculus I think they do it I see there between oculus in the front of the line I know I know your life I know you're like dude but that star without me we should have yeah I mean that's the only thing i've done so i can't really argue but uh you know they're chilling there are obviously cars cars huh aren't all car manufacturers and i was at the detroit auto show I'll my get every car how every manufacturer has a self-driving car now yeah like every single one but i will be in tesla bro yeah tesla is the hotness for sure i don't even have one when I was a team Tesla okay totally I see a lot I almost get hit by one daily in San Francisco okay I think I've said that before but yeah every day there's a Tesla flying by me I'm like oh you know you have a the virtual assistant they all actually you know what's interesting i'm not going to i'm going to be a little politically correct here they all do things differently and do things well you know whether it's how they're integrated but you know the echo is going to be the leader right now you just can't deny that it's all of its and one of the reasons why you know people talk about okay with the future of Apple and artificial intelligence why is Apple trailing right what what are some of those reasons because it's not just like Oh a company's trailing there's reasons why okay so Apple introduced home kit back in like two thousand season 13 or 14 let's i think around 2014 apple introduced home kit and it was like oh the smart home this is going to be it and we've seen that Apple is like really significantly lagged we just ramping it up I mean they really had a lead start they had Siri they had home kid in 2014 and all of a sudden in 2016 amazon just kicked their butts right yeah what's really behind that is that what works for Apple when they were the number one game in town with the iphone they created this like made for iphone program right and this was when you made any third party accessories it was an authorized chipset from Apple you paid a licensing fee put in your speakers you got a sticker on there called me for Apple or made for iphone okay now let's fast forward to 2016 2017 with home kit apples like okay you need to follow again kind of this procedure where you need to be using the right types of chips that work and our compatible it's a combination like a Bluetooth and Wi-Fi chip set as well as you know passing these standards to be a home kit partner well guess what Alexa did Alexa is an open platform yeah they're like here's the code here's the api's develop on it we will approve you with as a workable amazon alexa or whatever works with echo in 10 days wow I had no idea it's not valid like everyone's like how did so many people get on Alexa they made it easy now easy amazon will be the first to admit even in like there's a reuters article that just got published recently but there'll be the first to admit and kind of talk about how okay you know Apple is really controlling it from the standpoint of like you know maybe dealing with door locks and other items that have security camera this stuff is more sensitive and they actually outright admit like okay you know Apple does have an edge from that secure standpoint of like really being able to control that partnership with the home kit authorization but most consumers don't care like they don't look into that nitty-gritty they're like oh I use the echo with my life I use it with my thermostat I use it with my TV remote the does my camera work the Alexa now yeah I'm gonna get that right that's how a consumer sink slowly yeah Apple loves to lock everything down and I guess if they're trying to do with Siri and everything else in their home okay it worked in the past yeah they were like the only game in town or do they only had kind of like one competitor you know Samsung wasn't doing the same things as them but now it's different like Samsung is coming out with our own virtual assistant from the creators of Siri like advanced version of Siri called vivre or viv yeah that Apple did it Apple wanted to do their own thing with Siri the company that created three was like we actually want to do a whole lot more created viv and now Samsung acquired them yeah like that's crazy man you know so these are these are these relationships and these things that are happening behind the scenes that have made it an ultra-competitive environment where Apple can't just be where the only game in town haha jump on made for iphone it's not like that anymore and that's why you kind of seen them lose momentum and also just fall behind someone like Amazon do you think apple will open that up you know like like amazon has done and just make it easier for developers i think apple is always apple see from a standpoint of like Apple having this identity in this brand and this control and really there they are right because they're saying we're looking out for the consumer they are right about that but also actually looking out for themselves you know they want to work with specific partners they don't want Joe Schmo to create an app on a like for example dude I have all these like total janky apps on my Alexa there's one called ocean sounds okay yes I hear the water to give me right so evident as garage made that I know he will that kind of like how when the eye first came out and there was all these just random like crappy apps that's kind of the same thing right i mean everyone just building like whatever they're throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks they went down at that right but that's what i want so i got fun i remember i had a lighter from my iphone it was so dumb but I had a lighter oh right and so that was like hey we're we're above this we're above this stuff guy right that's how they approach it and i get it and it does benefit you know they're they're appealing to a certain audience but dang when you're behind you can't be that same way anymore like her area amazon didn't have a consumer product hit like an actual product until this echo and now it's a hit and other companies are hungry and they want that space you can't be all controlling when you're that when you're behind in the pack you got yeah yeah you got to be hungry and you know apples going to learn what's good what it's like to be hungry this year 2016 things shifted I think 2017 they're going to be hungry and hopefully it helps them in the future let's get hungry let's get hungry all right so he gets the nice guys here's another call the next call is from this guy he doesn't want Apple to buy netflix we talked about apple or brian actually mention like what we can Apple by that accept the idea so this dude this dude had a call about that let's listen hey Brian hey stop giving Apple ideas about a firing netflix man they want to mess it all up and you're going to need a mac just to be able to watch or an apple 2e just to be able to access Netflix you know some things I'm good idea man where the way things are going with Apple so I would not let them get their hands on that ok hey thank you for you showing great great great Michael yah Michael Cera cool that guy's great man he's alright he's totally right see i love how he's like dude they're just going to put it on the apples of my apple tv's like dying laughing that's like it's so good i love the call love the call I have nothing more to say can't top that he's trees right i mean they do that with their live streams and you gotta watch it on safari okay and then they gonna have apple TV on apple music you know it's like where does it end so yeah stop stop being like that guy oh no you know that's we just wanted to kind of have fun and talk back and forth about the future of apple we also wanted before we wrap up the show we want to add this extra call because we love it when you guys kind of contribute and help to the knowledge base and just help look out for your fellow apple byte or so this is a cool call just about if you're looking for a new iphone in you've heard about those hold those modem issues that we've talked about you know the intel mo numbers the qualcomm modem check out this call cue it up here ago it BJ dong success column from Wisconsin going to go back a couple of silky talk to boda the iphone 7 and the Intel versus the Qualcomm modem I'm actually looking upgrading my phone here and I talked to a friend of mine who is a manager at a best buy mobile and he told me for 18 key customers if you're looking to get the bastard Qualcomm modem all of the AT&T phones at bestbuy they're all the unlocked version 2 out of their three carriers as you know verizon sprint and AT&T is just easier for them they all get you know all the phones they can put in specific chip in and that's how they do it so if you're an AT&T customer looking to get the qualcomm modem just something to think about go to Best Buy and they should be a blocky up all right love the show talk to you guys later oh that's helpful for AT&T customers man yeah it's all about getting the unlocked version of the phone basically and like he said that's what best buy has because they have all the multiple carriers there so that would've been a great that would be an awesome if we all even knew about the intel modem issue when the phones came out true yeah sure I'm saying it's like it's one of those things that's just so crappy like I still can feel my phone doesn't get as good a signal in terms let's go areas that I used to be just fine and my buddy who swapped out his phone for a Qualcomm modem based one is like he's like oh it's so much better I'm like I hate you I hate you but that's just how it is that's funny man yeah so uh there you go guys and gals we just wanted to kind of riff a little bit and we will be back obviously next week remember continue to call us if you guys have follow-ups or new things you want to talk about i'm gonna i'm going to give people little leniency here beat him i'll let you guys stretch it out to more like 45 seconds ago cool if you guys got good points make them and we'll play them all right call us 1 800 61 62 63 8 that's going to do it for this week until then hasta la mañana hasta mañana hasta mañana see you tomorrow alright save me to catch you later bro
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