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What's behind the "getting things done" behavior? (Next Big Thing)

haha GTD syndrome do you have it and if so should you do anything about I'm Brian Cooley from cnet in search of the next big thing GTD or getting things done syndrome it really is the lifestyle mark of our age isn't it it means living your life around things like clearing your inbox running your life by your calendar stay on top of social media constantly being on top of text all the time acknowledging and being present and doing a lot of it through lists and clearing all the time if you feel like those behaviors and a quick sandwich at your desk thrown in are the majority of your life you're not alone and among the ways it manifests itself is one crowd that goes after inbox zero where you feel like something's driving you nuts if you've got more than a few emails in your inbox you want to clear them all the time or feel like you're getting overwhelmed like there's a snowball coming your way but others are lately turning to a new breed of apps and services that move you more toward results and less on emphasizing a crude checklist behavior this more goal-oriented view of tasks and projects can be seen in OmniFocus clear to do things and any do all among this new breed and others are fun and there's a new balance in their lives between analog and digital between pen and paper when you work out ideas and get them a little more digested before you then commit them to keyboard and mouse know what's next at cnet com / next big thing I'm Brian Cooley
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