what's up friends I'm Jeff Bakalar here
with another month's worth of three
games to check out on Xboxes games with
gold service and PlayStation Plus up
first Xbox owners are in for a fierce
threesome Xbox one gold members will get
Rayman legends the excellent cartoony
platformer from Ubisoft for Xbox 360
players you'll have access to two
blockbuster games the tomb raider reboot
and bioshock infinite two games that
fell on countless best of lists for
PlayStation Plus subscribers you'll be
receiving access to oddworld abe's
oddysee new and tasty and valiant hearts
the great war on PlayStation 4 for
PlayStation 3 owners the entertaining
platform puzzler with the soft side papo
and yo is yours for free and march in an
issue to sherlock holmes crimes and
punishments crossed by titles this month
our CounterSpy that's the Cold War
inspired platform that looks like it was
ripped from a Pixar movie and finally
coming to Vita and ps4 its ally ally to
welcome to ollywood which is the
follow-up to the hit side-scrolling
skateboarding game even better olly olly
to is a brand new game that PlayStation
Plus members can scoop up for free 99
that does it for this month's games
finally just a small caveat you do of
course need to be a member of
playstation plus + or xbox live gold to
access these quote-unquote free games
and those memberships do cost money but
you know it they're obviously totally
worth it that's all there is to be free
this month I'll be back in April with a
brand new list of games I'm Jeff Bakalar
thanks for watching
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