
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

When tech companies battle -- do we always win? (CNET's Open_Tab, Ep. 10)

hey what's up everybody thank you so very much for joining us on another edition of open tab my name is Jeff Bakalar and with me this week is David Katz Meyer our television expert actually expert expert is doing you a disservice though sir Wow because I'll tell you why I'll tell you why because I like to refer to you is the best TV reviewer on earth Wow is that Earth spontaneously created by a computer I'm you launch into it we'll get to that you're right proceed okk i like where your head's at ha so yeah best TV review on earth you have that kind of power here make sure you take advantage of it by chiming in in that little box below wherever you're watching this thing and ask questions you got comments bring them on Mike Sorrentino is here and he's going to be watching the chats and tweets and the and the snapchats and the intagram stories around the YouTube chat Alaskan chat i'm chatting with some of you all right now in the YouTube chat so please please please join our show by talking to us and I'll bring you in as much as we can please three pleases three job to make sure you do that hashtag open tab you can do that if you want or just type into the chat field ah we are going to cover a wide gamut of topics today this week we're talking first off about rivalries in the tech industry and what that means for you right that's when you bash them rivals together birds like the mortal kombat fights green olives are all so format Wars like Blue River bluray versus HD over that old me that old chestnut yeah uh let's talk about something that you've been dealing with for some time I just dealt with recently with the xbox one s review and that is HDR so so cats yeah that was a trial by fire huh explain took us like two hours ago thinks it was crazy what is HDR for people who don't no what is HDR 10 what does Dolby vision what is all that jumps so the first thing now HDR is high dynamic range okay just like the HDR setting on your phone the name but very much nothing like it in reality okay don't confuse it with HDR on your phone or photography or whatever with those crazy effects and you know they even have video games back and a that at HDR effects you turn on are like why could they use a different three letter combination no super high dynamic range is what I told him to use and they didn't want to you well I don't understand that um so anyway HDR that we're stuck with and right now in the market there's actually two different formats of HDR there's a HDR 10 which is just called HDR generic HDR and then there's Dolby vision which of course everybody knows Dolby right kind of runs the show with audio and theatrical video and pretty much everything in Hollywood so they have a big name brand advantage these two formats are not mutually exclusive so you can have a TV that supports both or you can have TV the sports one or the other right now Sony Samsung and most everybody else except for vizio and LG only support HDR 10 Vizio and LG support Dolby vision they paid you know Dolby you know their their licensing fee they have this ability to take these global vision titles and play on so right now you can get HDR from netflix ok if you have one of these tvs right you can also get it from amazon they support as well both guys support both formats good if you have a sony TV you just get a little thing that says HDR but if you have a vizio or LG TV it'll say dolby vision because they prioritized over vision akasha can do both and then voodoo which is a service at walmart runs that's similar they only have bold vision right now which is interesting huh so there's different studios for different ones I've looked at both the difference is really hard to tell right now I think we might see some more differences emerged as the master studios figure out how to make it pop a little bit more but the real thing to know is that any HDR really is a good picture quality improvement right and you an are watching it yes tell the difference there is a difference yeah it's subtle yeah it's there though it's not going to blow your mind if not I mean remember when people when HD first came out people like will standard def and HD or not that different or you know why blu-rays local like my DVDs it's not as drastic of a difference is that there's a diminishing return sort of absolutely because at the end of the day regular blu-ray looks freaking phenomenal yeah so nhd our blu-ray looks even better provided that your TV is good enough to make it look bad right and that's what it gets a little cloudy right like it like we just discussed every TV manufacturer seems to have like a different sort of idea of like what they want to support so is it possible that like someone could buy a TV and get screwed out of the format that ends up maybe winning this sort of situation oh I think what's going to happen and this is pretty pretty standard HDR 10 is is required by the by the sorting the camp with 4k blu-ray okay so it's it's if there's a 4k blu-ray disc out there which is the only way to get HDR you know aside from streaming right now it's gonna be HDR 10 so and every TV out there Vizio literally last this week we want relative firmware update that allow their TVs to work with HDR take out all these HDR TVs all work with work is you can't get screwed right so you're not going to get screwed but there is a possibility that for whatever reason dolby vision stuff might look better or if for example you want to watch something on voodoo that's all we vision only right for as long as they maintain that exclusive although i think it's going to be very long so you might actually end up if you have a TV that can't do dolby vision not being able to see all the available content that's the case right now from sony and samsung viewers but it's not that big of a deal because that stuff is also available on other services and non dole division so i think these two are going to coexist a little like DTS and dolby digital which are the two audio formats that every receiver codes list yeah and in it and it all works you know but there isn't there's very few receivers out there there only one or the other right now so I think next year the year after you're going to start seeing TVs that little do both like LG and Vizio do this year so okay so this doesn't necessarily have to do anything with HDR but it is in your realm the question I get asked a lot by people who are the sort of laymen of the tech world my basically my friends yeah um why night people what's that wonderful people wonderful people don't necessarily know which side of the blu-rays has the data on it okay that's fine um question I get asked the most is when do we stop being able to see difference in resolution me like how close you have to be no no like after 4k will be 8k right oh yeah what's that teen gang we're already there well no I feel like we're there I feel like 8k from what I've read a few sort of like ophthalmologist you know expert sort of your brains just simply not going to know the day after a lot HR thing is it 8k like eight point seems to be well the threshold the thing is H it's actually already happening because if unless you're sitting really close to a 4k TV you're not going to see the difference right between really good 1080p which is blu-ray right and 4k because your eyes are not sharp enough to resolve the difference right plus moving video is a lot more difficult to resolve and the fact is you know it's not going to be the very highest quality anyway sure so if you look at netflix for K versus 1080p bluray often the blu-ray looks better because there's less compression and you know it's it's it's not about the number of pixels and so we say like we have a 65-inch TV unless you're sitting like 6 feet 7 feet away from it which is hella close gigantic TV like that you just can't see the difference for most people if you have great vision sure you'll see the difference you're watching really high quality content show see a little difference but again 1080p bluray looks work an awesome already people I feel like people want that feeling they got when they went from SD day Jessica can't have you just like you'll never create that first time right at taste which is like yeah pulling off the clouds never can I oh this is amazing and the other thing is right now even 4k is never it's going to be really long time for its broadcast yeah so right now TV broadcasters are barely doing 720p and 1080i yeah and those are the high def formats and once you know when we're going to get there's some smattering of 4k stuff you can see on TV but it's be a long time before they change all the trucks the camera the progressions let's just skip and go to 20k and just yeah at this point it you wouldn't see that for us either but that's not gonna stop from coming out with it yeah sure how long do you think agents and managers are wondering like how long do you think even this HDR thing would last because he wants to buy TV he wants to make sure that it's actually a good investment for him and I guess you'd be worried that like it's just always the next best thing yeah HDR is a big deal the thing is we spent a lot of time crapping all over 4k because you really couldn't see the difference with HDR you can see a difference there is a difference because it's not resolution which is basically limited by your eyesight and see there's more colored eyes too yeah it's you mentioned wide color gamut that's a really it's a difference you can see it when you look at you know the trees look greener there's right now that HD standard is pretty limited in the color it's based in like you know the 70s and earlier right what the TV's could reproduce there a lot better now then get a lot wider color that's in HDR and then the dynamic range which makes you know highlights glint and it makes the clouds look more defined yes like that better again relatively soft subtle but instead it's much more of an improvement than from going 1080p 24 k absolutely I totally agree with that you showed me a scene in in the revenant that is very very likely the revenant is the best home video content i've ever seen period Wow where k blue area the revenant is unbelievable cut yeah cuz he just did a great job of filming it in HDR yeah out in natural lighting understand haven't seen that film treat yourself well even on a 1080p you know regular t it looks normal movies are filmed like specifically in HDR do you think they film like a couple resolutions above and then bring it well again HDR is not necessarily a resolution it's about the capturing of the dynamic range which is again the range from from absolute white to dark and it's also capturing the color and all these cameras now all these digital cameras can Eris and Sony all these the Halloween cameras are way capable of capturing it's that transfer yeah so getting that whatever the camera could see right to your screen is that is the question that's what HDR comes closer to than current 1080p correct me if I'm wrong HDR in a nutshell when it comes to the dynamic range shortest up the analogy I tried to give somebody was like okay let's say you had like ten shades of darkness right like 10 shades of grey okay HDR gives you a thousand yeah for for all intents and purposes like that you're basically getting the ability to see that much more of a difference between total white and total black and and and it created it expands the range and expand it increases the number of steps in that ring like f-stops on a camera or one of the analogies that they use but it also makes the top end of that range potentially a lot brighter sure and so what you can do is have like if you invision like Sun as it as a plane turns Sun strikes that the wing of the plane and it this bright kind of pop yeah HDR captures that much better than I mean HD can't capture it and and and the whole format is designed to transmit those highlights and give you that sort of feel that's why I revenues so good because it's all outdoor natural lighting sure that you're used to seeing and it's one of these things where if you see it side by side it's like wow you know it does make a difference well get two more that when we get to the xbox one s stuff that we'll talk about a little later in the program because there is some relevancy there with what that console can do but first we're going to introduce our new segment that we did a couple weeks ago it's our drink segment our nerd concoction segment Mike made up a drink after trying out the no man's pie yeah at the loading bar in London yes it's a great video gaming bar look at this thing consoles that drink tastes like a strawberry cheesecake Oh has like actually has semi-soft cheese in there and jelly oh it comes together really really nicely yeah I did not make that you did not make that but you wait to drank and ate that instead I've made the no man's sky breeze so I'm calling it so the no man's sky breeze has one ounce of vodka 1 ounce of Malibu one ounce of orange juice and 1 ounce of raspberry lemonade with a splash just a splash of strawberry margarita mix or you can use grenadine for the coloring yeah will help make it reach arounds pink so it's equally some alcoholic definitely sugary yeah that's fine everyone's goal in life is to is to get that from about this this is the you want that pink ya know I'd might my goals I don't give a good deal that's an exact opposite right here okay so there you go the port so we're gonna I love the color you really did capture the no man's sky pink that was the goal dieser spacey sky that all you gotta hold it with a pinky alright we're going to taste test this live right now or you check out my pink hot pink e action while we're here hi will I'm not playing runescape just cuz that's what the chats Carly saying they're like all red shoot dudes playing runescape uh-huh up taking your questions I like that it goes down to the state goes all the way down the stem there's a high-class plastic there's a plastic additives here sweet all right Cheers chair to no man's sky breeze okay hmm that tastes like a beach punched me in the face wow it's extremely sweet oh wow to the beer but you know what if I started with that that would be the task no this is a vacation drink yeah it is it's like little little a by the pool right here your maybe through space oh yeah a little bit about that for first go over atmosphere there you there you go up there you go now now we're on vacation absolutely can we get a little Hawaiian there you go we've discovered a new planet it's called Aruba planet Arriba well thank you for that Mike those are good welcome guys thank you for trying it oh thank you make any bags for this yeah do we have more things in the Chairman right now what do you want to shout out some people let's do a few more shoutouts thank you guys so much as YouTube chats really active today so continue our questions we're heading into the xbox one ps4 and no man's sky said we have in our captions but thank you to is on 8 and 79 Dustin Joe who wants a shout out for his newborn and his wife baby Jojo yeah baby Jojo Raj Raj on hello nice my performance also asked about hgr gaming which we'll get to it yes hi bass polo Nick Amarillo who was wondering we're talking about so we're moving at the game consoles in no man's sky and donahoo said he's going to subscribe thank you alright thank you so much you ever take apart one of these umbrellas oh yeah you're the dumps in there no they don't stand up too much close examination yeah there's a next time though this is they do do that you can do this for a long time it doesn't get old no next I'm serious everybody next time you get one of these open it up well first enjoy it right enjoy for the sir it provides but then open it up and like there's some stuff in here mm-hmm I'm serious it sounds crazy you'd be like Jeff what the hell you talking about trust me all right sony has invited press to an event on September seventh in New York City to announce obviously the PlayStation neo this is the step up console from the ps4 which was dubbed a PS 4.5 nerdiest name I didn't do it or did you do it no it's not your fault not my fault yes five it's not the PS five or point two five could be feels like it leave it like a point three seven something like that so check out the rumored specs where respects for the PlayStation neo 4k graphics for games in Ultra HD 4k blu-rays it'll right it will rock a 2.1 gigahertz AMD processor processor with Jaguar cores or our which I guess we'll just that's like the cat like yet quite leopard course right not we're not there ya know eight gigabytes of gddr5 memory which is pretty good all 16 would have been better support for all current games existing on the ps4 right now so you're not going to buy this thing and not be able to play a game that had been on ps4 and vice versa I was super worried about that thanks for clearing that up well it's a big deal right that's a big deal like people like oh I'm not going to play a ps4 neo game on my ps4 know right don't worry they're all going to work yeah the catch though is that PS 4.5 / neo games probably going to look and perform better okay so there's that the events coming up there's really not a ton to talk about with that just because we've known about this for so many months going in my biggest question is will this impact / improve PlayStation VR and I feel like that's something they're holding back the messaging has been a little cloudy yeah whether or not they're going to do that so for me don't forget PlayStation VR comes out October 13th what's that going to look like is this going to be really the system you want to play it on maybe not so much on standard ps4 especially the specs for oculus rift and HTC vive are I think considerably higher than what a PlayStation 4 if it places where the piece absolutely are way higher yeah so you would imagine maybe that ps4 point five catches up it's still nowhere near the modern state-of-the-art GPUs but maybe it narrows the gap just a little bit yeah and you got to say if they do make it you know slightly better is that going to be now immediately or develops going to take a while right to implement that extra VR horsepower and maybe Lee a couple years down the road before you start see differences between the two totally and there's there's a lot to unpack here it's not something we can do in the few minutes we have here but but the way you got to think about it is Sony basically told all the developers who make video games they said look we got this more powerful thing coming out in a couple months they're kind of decree that everything that comes out i believe it's october or September anything that comes out that month and beyond must support both sort of spec sets right so like this games got to work a certain way on neo and it's got to work a certain way on ps4 vanilla I'm carries they can get it to actually make regular games you could love you are make regular ps4 games look really good right there's some like trick things like backfill that yeah I do ASAP ec gaming rig can do right and and just you know up the and and make it better with 4k obviously sure take advantage of the fact that's got 4k resolution instead of just you know make it look exactly the same as ps4 will see how it all shakes out September 7th not that far away if your questions are for samedays the iphone 7 thing I swear to god these guys just want us dead which one's more exciting games I felt like they should oh that's the less what's the lesser of two evils right there someone jerry wants to know if why should he should he buy knee if he doesn't own a 4k TV which is a relevant question yeah it's another question I think you're still gonna you are still going to get graphical improvements on your regular TV like that's something that it's tough to sort of suss out you know I think we can out so we can trust them yeah what's that won't until we can actually look at yeah yeah for sure um you know odds are you're going to get better performance are coming from a ps4 to a neo that doesn't necessarily mean you have to get it so what will sort of be able to suss that out once we get our hands on it but the on paper the reason you'd want to upgrade is to get that graphical jump up from a ps4 plus possibly future-proof yourself if you do one day want to buy their you ok TV yeah we all do xbox oriented assurance to agent wants to know if you guys think Microsoft's right now hyping up their plans for people though he doesn't want to go to xbox one Aspen II I guess he's thinking about the one after that for next year right then Nick wants to know if he should switch from PlayStation if you only play is your question read those are machines so ever floats your boat yeah likes you know switching consoles that's kind of to you you got to go by like the value and the games really for me it's the games like if the games that you want to play are on one platform go to that platform and if all your friends are on one platform that's another big exactly being able to play with them with your friends is a big deal so most people like to play on the same platform their friends are on uh when it comes to what was the first one if xbox is ramping up there if they are trying to hype up I guess by putting out like yeah hey we're doing this but next year we have this bigger system yeah it's definitely strange that xbox one s kind of was was out with the knowledge that Scorpio is on the horizon I think their hand was forced a little bit in terms of having to be transparent about what their roadmap looks like nevertheless any kind of publicity for those guys these days in this generation of consoles is probably good they have not been able to sell as many consoles as sonia's so yeah we're going to just a good segue right I mean Scorpio seems to me like you know the question mark here because it's still the one nobody's defined yet right and that really is the way it's sort of shaping up right the landscape is Scorpios coming out late next year the current xbox one is likely going to drop in price playstation 4 neo seems like it's going to be a thing this year so it's like well how does it all you know kind of shake out yeah i guess another question we're getting a lot is should buy the xbox one s and kind of said no nobody well they did it the thing is we were talk about HDR before so the xbox one s is currently the cheapest 4k blu-ray player hmm so this happened the ps3 it was the cheapest blu-ray player right and it was by far the best at the time and it helped really make blu-ray decent you know relevant format for a few years I think Xbox one s doesn't really have that same sort of opportunity just because streaming is so much more popular now than discs but if you're that guy that just bought a 4k TV and you want to have the best you know video quality experience the xbox one s is less expensive by you know 7,500 bucks then the other for cable recovered by Samsung it's out right now so that's that's one reason sure but it's a pretty niche reason it's pretty nice reason and you know you and I had certainly an interesting time trying to get it to work the right way took a really long time to get HDR to play right yeah even even things as simple as like getting that 4k resolution to first sort of show up yeah involved a bunch of updating and unplugging and handshaking what not playing in the settings menu something there it's tough to comprehend you're gonna have to dive a little deep it's not very user-friendly right um ah you know someone brought up before about HDR in games and is that a thing it is but Xbox is only going to have three games that support it kind of out of the gate and I believe that's forza horizon three gears of war 4 and then next year again called scalebound so that's three games that are going to support HDR is that worth the new TV the new xbox probably not unless you have a kind of disposable income yeah yeah so think about it like that Xbox one s weird kind of system it's the best-looking one they've ever made there you go give you that too sexy little box if you're into that so yeah that's where we're at any other questions yeah agent wants to post you guys with so much news about the future there's always room or speculation surely on who do you think would be the victor if we can declare one I don't it's a little early doesn't really matter in the long term future of gaming well I think it does if you're looking to see like where these companies go next are they talking about a victor between xbox ops project Scorpio and neo uh yeah that's sounds like they're targeting the future yeah well I mean look you gotta look at the way it is now these are not brand new consoles they're simply step up consoles so ps4 right now is the better selling console in my opinion it is the better experience and they do seem to have the better library of games so I would imagine that trend would would follow through in the next you know four or five years however long we're headed with this sort of you know lifespan but the wild card and Scorpios advantage is the fact that's coming out later they can give a better specs right and they can tell the developers like take advantage of these better specs and maybe we'll that manifest more NVR right exactly which is a big part of this and which is such a crazy you know resource hog yeah I like to make a good VR experience requires you know crazy good hardware so yeah I think at least there's that that xbox is later release date with Scorpio gives them a potential advantage on paper for sure I think they are a little further out yeah intern you know I think calling it a holiday 2017 thing is sort of wishful thinking I hope it comes out then and it sees the light of day then but you're betting man no holiday 2013 I think it would really put them at a disadvantage if they weren't able to meet that so so I'm out no matter what I'm hoping it comes out even if it doesn't have a fourth wall it doesn't matter that bring that thing out David about how much do you think the ritz a question from earlier but it bridges over now somebody wants to get a television that would take advantage of the 4k gaming and maybe if HDR color can get into their how much do you think they'd be spending about now they wanted a TV well there's there's a huge range so right now my favorite TV for the money is a vizio p series that starts at 1,000 bucks for 50 inches and it's 4k it's got both HDR formats great picture the very best picture though is OLED which is a lot more expensive LG's OLED TV but man that thing is good I mean it's so good you're like yeah maybe I can't afford 24 maybe I should remortgage yes so the 65 inch OLED is between you know five and six thousand dollar ya know for the for this generation and spectacular picture but way out of most people's price range so let's we were buying LED lcds that visit it was really good you know like the vizio there's a samsung that's pretty decent a sony that i reviewed recently to go on the website you'll see them but yeah i mean all those tvs are as future-proof as they can be they've got the hardware there the hardware still ahead of the software the TV shows and movies at this point and the games you just cited only three HDR games so you know it you buy one of these TV gon be set yeah i mean and also i feel like we always have to kind of like pepper in these disclaimers xbox one s right now you cannot play native 4k games that is not a thing all that's happening is an upscale yep so keep that in the back your mind one of the question we got a bit more kind of a judge but a good joke um do you own a tube TV I actually still do because it's the only one that my playstation 2 will connect to my parents have more than they should in their house Wow yeah there's lighting- I think they have to yeah and I've tried it's just a lost cause but then just one day just take it out to the curb and don't tell them it's heavy don't you get out hey they are man they've got like a 40 inch and that's not light no 40 inch tube yeah you she right yeah that's nice increase was the largest television made I'm pretty sure I was like turning into a fish tank or something yeah I know that thing that's that that's it that's you can't even get that out of the house right you just I just a lake house we have to like start sawing it and happen now taking it out by pieces that's a beast it's crazy alright let's let's pivot into no man's sky that's the big news this month in terms of gaming from know people who don't know what no man's sky is it is a very ambitious space exploration game that kind of took the gaming world by storm if only because people kind of projected these may be unrealistic expectations on what this game is gonna wind up being including David Katz mine so excited he's very excited to play taking off right the show running home and downloading it because the steam is actually able now so on Twitter people are asking people to go to their houses and download the game for them so it's ready when I really work yeah okay it's not that big of a game gonna be one of those weekends yeah yeah I've been playing it for about 15 hours it's it's different I think for a lot of people it's a game that they weren't expecting and again that is not a throat that's not throwing shade at the developers I think this game kind of got away from everybody and once that big sort of e3 demo happened a couple years ago it kind of blew everyone's minds and completely changed the perception of what this game actually is and what people kind of wanted it to be so I get that knots understandable at its core no man's sky is really just a resource survival Matt of a survival game inventory management game I know that was that's like the trio kiss of death there are moments in this game that you will literally you know not believe what you're seeing yeah but after a while you kind of understand what this games about I feel terrible saying this because I'm sitting next to someone who is very excited to play for the first time I am still excited regardless of how many tiny yes which is great and you should be because the first couple hours are great i will offer my own disappointment ya know like I died I think it likely sat on monday when i come in i just kind of rest for you the whole AC version might take advantage of better specs that's that might be but the game might look better yeah that might be it though it's not going to change gameplay it's not going to bring you to a level you're like oh this game offers a different feature set on pc at least not at the beginning i mean it i don't know if there's modding or whatever but at the end of the day these guys are also saying they're going to improve aspects of this game a big selling points for me was like that there it's a community it's a vibe basically like a big moma poor even though you can't actually you know interact with people right environment wherever there's so many cool things about the game that made me really intrigued I mean it's it obviously the biggest thing is every plan go to is spontaneously created for you which is kind of cool and right and for me that like the reason I'm going to go back and play some of that again this weekend is because I just like rolling the dice I just like seeing what the game spits out it's something technically no one else will ever see so that's kind of fun just the notion of like hey the math that this game is relying on allows it to create stuff that odds are no one else will ever see so you know you have dice so it's like you know you roll a six it's a blue sky you roll a 1 it's a yellow sky putting it on down the line so it is part of your beef it is not enough dice there's not yeah stuff that can be different about each world like is it too similar it despite the fact that they say there's whatever 19 quadrillion possible worlds that people can get to and that's yes simply put like yes that is the complaint it's because the the asset pool that this game continually draws from doesn't allow and I get it like it's in it it is an achievement what these guys have done at hello games like this is a technical achievement at the same time though because of that and what they did you know the game does not allow for the variance that people kind of project where it's like Oh every put this could be anything like it's just not that there's different terrain the first time I laid it on like what was mostly a water planet that's pretty cool yeah um so I think like that's what you got to kind of keep in the back your head because after you play for about five six seven hours to see the same kind of you get it you understand like what's happening here every now and then I'm like allina is uh there's this here yeah that's interesting okay again the sense of scale for me is the best part of this game this game treats you like you are this a small atomic little thing in a gigantic seemingly endless endless universe so for me that sense of scale they nail it amnael it's so actually because that's like the thing that video games kind of have done recently like I always think a Witcher is like largest game world I'm sure experience where you you're like all of a sudden you're in this other island that's huge right and and some dude went out and made all of that by him right every little turn on the on the trail as you're riding along and and even the dlcs gigantic right at game and it's so big that i still haven't explored every part of it and i'm wondering you know it and it seems like every time you go to something new and different right with this it's obviously infinite basically yeah it's essentially infinite and when you look at something like the witcher you're right every square inch of that map was drawn and render and put together and preconceived gigantic and it's gigantic where no man's sky it's sort of just like hey here's this you know blender we have let's stop it and see where it stops and that's kind of like the best way I can explain it Harold's wondering if you guys think it'll be too taxing on pcs which your to discover you did you think it was just texting when you're playing on ps4 there's a couple times where you hid some pretty significant framerate frame rate dips pc it's gonna be fine it's going to be fun it's not you know it taxes the ps4 hardware and i think at points you're like okay yeah maybe Neil will do a better job with no man's guy but i don't think the way to think about it is like oh this is going to run super smooth on pc either i don't think the the sort of like ecology within the game is open to like very variable perform you know sort of improvements just based on the hardware running it I don't know that's sort of the vibe we get there's a lot of like texture drawn that you'll probably wind up seeing in the ps4 version that maybe you won't see in the pc stuff i don't know yet and it's amin labs all usually a pc release you know there's gonna be bugs sure no and there's budget is passed yeah exactly so i'm not expecting a totally smooth weekend yeah because obviously there's a huge day zero path right i think is baked into this team it's definitely bacon so like i want to worry about that but you know it's it's still not i don't think it's going to be the smoothest experience and I don't expect most day one games to be perfect yeah I'm we spat rooms I'm definitely curious to hear what you're saying Monday morning yeah sure there's a few people asking about availability for the games that they are wondering about them if it was available on early access for steam ID no and consoles which is ps4 just ps4 and PC that's so Xbox announced right yeah I would that's gonna power not be a thing really yeah that's crazy i could i remember reading that going wat why that's yeah I don't know you got you can infer what you want maybe Sony paid for some of that development that's just speculation and hell followed up peace was wondering if it's essentially a pretty walking sim uh you know you're walking for some of it in the beginning but then it's kind of like flying soon mm-hmm for a lot of the rest of that game warping sim it was that warping warping sent warps else in that yes so there's a no man's sky if there's anything else or no do you guys think it was overhyped one of the persons one of people earlier chat was wondering why are we doing so much news about no man's sky and it was a very big a very big driver of news this week do you think over the course the last three years it was overhyped versus what you put your playing now definitely everything's overhyped like let's not it's not exclusive to no man's sky everything is overhyped it's the things that supersede expectation that really are the remarkable things right most things are overhyped goodness to assess what so I feel like you have to really take it for what it's worth like this game I think it's more remarkable that this game had that reaction and again like we talked about earlier you can't fault anyone for it like you can't look at the developers bill you guys made something that seemed to cool you should have talked down your games ya can't believe in joyed those if everybody or the roller coaster that was you know leading up to the release no was it over hyped absolutely so you're saying knock game of the year it isn't I do not believe that will be game of the year yeah no man's just then Dustin want to see your leg tattoo oh right well it's funny I I'm wearing shorts day because it is a hundred and eleven degrees in New York City today I don't really wear shorts too much but today I just had to do it I'm sorry it's steamy outside it's steamy in Katz's house and Jeff is an avowed cold person yeah your ear you you should be like living in or something I should be living in a grocery store freezer right yeah that's after all right we're going to wrap it up thanks so much for joining us on another edition of open tab have an excellent safe and fun weekend keep the conversation going in the chat and comments thank you to the one and only David Katz Meyer Mike Sorrentino Tom and Brian in the studio hey by Tom in turn time take care buddy oh you were the best egg as well you really did have like the greatest crew of interns yes their awesomeness with universe before totally thanks again to everybody watching I hope everyone can I hope you caught that will see you guys next time thanks again for tuning died
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