Which Apple product is the top holiday gift for 2015? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy Podcast, Ep. 13)
Which Apple product is the top holiday gift for 2015? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy Podcast, Ep. 13)
okay oh here we go nice okay let me get
this going get rid of that okay check
one check two let me get this set up
here what's up everybody good afternoon
let me get this thing turned on okay I'm
gonna do it sideways should i do it
vertical or sideways what you think ah
vertical you want to go first try yeah
okay one apple byte hang out with us on
a utahn tubes here i'll send you okay
good let's do this and dad
what up youtubers I'm uh we're just
getting ourselves situated and set up
all know I just drop my phone oh no oh
no let's go here so we've been gone
we've done a vacation I need to get this
thing started
perfect it's all it's all good to go ah
li li your body is ready he said his lip
body is ready I don't know what that
means really oh man sounds fun Lee
sounds sounds like a trip Lee okay let's
see if this works drew drew Perry howdy
mmm she's got this tripod action going
on okay this thing's gonna fall max
O'Neill in the UK he says Wow wait why
is he saying wow I don't know he's
saying wowee oh good afternoon and it's
10pm in the you in the UK goodness
what's up periscope errs what's up
youtubers finally we are in sync we are
on we are alive oh I'm back from Hawaii
Beecham is back from his vacation hi
labelling taco wolves like I lively
mm-hmm okay let me get this seen it
let's get this thing going on get this
thing going on so like we do every week
a little bit of extra apple byte extra
crunchy we just talked a little bit
about the Apple goodies more and look at
this my phone is anyone's gonna go no
should I put it here I'll put it here
yeah so just a little bit of extra
talking new stories new developments
Aloha brah angel 2075 we're just talk we
just to it all here and people on
YouTube that are watching they're like
start the show at five minutes or ten
minutes someone always puts that post
and everyone likes it so they can get
through it all Lee lovely loves the shot
out mang Madison Wisconsin against a
little okay we always like to do this
where are you guys from where you guys
representing before we start the show we
got to give some shout out to everybody
want to disregard mr. DJ roman nigeria's
up in Atlanta AZ
yoyoyo from yemito is here Murrieta
California Indiana I gotta see this tied
up oh man this is hard magic mahad hi
Scotland from Levi 77 Liverpool UK
Houston Vivian you guys are crazy
honolulu hawaii I was just that's where
I wouldn't want it be I was just there
for the whole night yeah that's where I
was on vacation mammy Florida x1 prints
ok Oklahoma roma italy i love it that
crazy how how international this whole
thing is ok lets you forget it so again
before we start we can start probably
like a few seconds apple byte extra
crunchy all the extra news and stories
and stuff that we could talk about um
everything in the world of Apple good
stuff bad stuff it takes time to catch
up when you're gone for a week and you
don't read anything it's the greatest
feeling oh right yeah but then when you
come back you're like like oh my god
dude I gotta I think like stuff a
billion products came out while I was
like surfing on a beach and I'm not
complaining at all it was worth every
second australia also for people little
extra bonus content not really just
story I'm going to tell did i tell you
that i was on a beach and a guy is
lanikai beach i was in the water I
snorkel everywhere probably around fifty
sixty yards I was out cuz I like to go
out far out a dude in the same beach in
Lanikai is not the biggest beach shark
attack oh my god so she's scary jet skis
came in the patrol fire department they
told get out of the water right Wow and
I was like ow whatever so I take a
picture of the beach I'm like all the
speech looks super clear because some
guy got attacked by a shark little did I
realize how close it was to me I mean it
was it wasn't super close but more like
it was a 12-foot tiger shark quite
honestly from the distance where I was
where the guy was bitten could have made
it over to me in like two minutes really
yeah that is scary man that's like one
of my biggest fears oh it's scary so the
shark did recognize me from the Apple by
and then kept swimming
but he did take a bite out of him dude
so not funny guy get her dude who's bad
so follow up sorry the guy end up losing
both feet oh my god and then a week
before there was another shark attack
where 25 year old kid lost his entire
like upper leg above his knee so there
are all these shark attacks happening in
Hawaii within a week so I took us a
global warming right it's something we
messing it up so you know all the whales
are coming close to shore all the double
ions are washing up on beaches all the
Sharks are you heard about this sea
snakes yes way yeah that's that's all
you know there's a venomous sea snakes I
don't you want to mess with that that's
some freaky-ass ish the ocean is scary
I'm so I love the ocean that's what set
makes me sad i want to keep on in love
in the ocean i don't want to think about
that stuff there's so many things in
there they could just get you oh my gosh
cool story bro fondles 66 so cal cool
story brah what up alabama ok enough of
us talking chopping it up um we've got
300 people up in this periscope yo guys
let's see how long they stick around I
can't make that 2 95 after I said that
all right apple byte we're gonna get it
rollin let me get my stories in line and
we can talk shop um yeah I think we're
good to go bro all right all right from
this CBS I open it to the wrong camera
look at that you're on vacation you are
on vacation start it again and we gotta
do a redo redo redo for all you that are
watching it's because the audio music is
plain right before we start the show we
wrong the wrong the wrong wrong guy was
like it was like just that empty space
of a body alright that's good we'll do
it we'll do it again for the peeps I
don't know
from the top of the CBS interactive
building in sunny San Francisco
California it's the apple byte extra
crunchy with your host Bryan Todd what's
up everybody man you guys have been
desperately waiting for this moment two
weeks we've been gone Steven you've been
on vacation ranks yeah the beach is on
vacation vacation last week I was on a
beach I forgot i'm representing the
whole new Oh turtle look at all man I
did actually see it at Hanauma Bay swing
swimming some yeah hanauma bay turtles
aren't turtles are common if you go far
enough but I never see one I finally got
one this this this like imprint that
people can or can't see is when it
surfaces and it just goes nice and slow
up to water took a breath right between
me and my lady oh my and we were like
and of course my GoPro ran out of
battery and it was like I would but I
swam through this whole of this huge
school of uh I think there are at ravel
to rallies these like big silver fish um
there's like some cool rock formations
if you find him that you can like swim
under like kind of baby arches and
tunnels um I did not see an octopus I
did see an octopus last year nice I
don't know why we're talking about this
I got it I got all excited about it
right that is exciting man I got just
one the turtles too it's like it's
amazing it's credit doesn't if it feels
like um they're like dinosaurs of the
past obviously move slow and you're just
there and they're just chillin they
don't eat you know but uh it was really
cool anyways welcome everybody it's
apple byte extra crunchy this is episode
I believe 12 we're rocking 12 episodes
already and just to let you know coming
soon in a few new future episodes we're
actually we're getting sponsored hell
yeah results or 12 12 in is that a
record for a podcast would be quite
honestly come on but we will read
there's not gonna be some weird ass at
its gonna be like we're gonna make up
our end we get to make the ads ourselves
which is the best part that's gonna be
awesome unlike any other okay everybody
boys and girls welcome to show
Applewhite extra crunchy here to talk
all about the apple stuff the news the
rumors new developments it's a
complimentary peace to our apple byte
podcast video that shows that drops
every Thursday we do want to tell you
no because we've been gone for two weeks
but you guys are still all Colin which
is what we love phone number is 1 800 61
62 63 8 all you have to do is leave us a
voicemail we'll listen to it if it's
good enough we'll answer your question
try and keep it around what we'd like to
keep them around what 15 to 20 20 second
one maybe we'll give 20 seconds 30 tops
sometimes a minute is pushing it but if
it entertains us sometimes we listen to
it I mean let's let's be honest that's
that's what we're here for right
entertainment and sometimes guys calling
they leave a long one then they call
back and edit themselves and leave a
shorter one so don't do I usually helps
does it helps us you got to get it right
one time we get it right obviously here
on our show we get it right every time
right Beach perfect i'll reduce no no no
retakes out of that okay let's get to
the stories the vegas news really
dropping this week Tim Cook @wsjd live
it's a live kind of conference a panel
where they talk to tip people in the
world of tech Tim Cook was interviewed
there stands for wall street journal
right digital live here he told us that
next week monday so in about a few days
Apple will be making the new Apple TV
available to pre-order on monday and
they will be shipping by the end of the
week boom finally finally this is a
product that how are you feeling about
this guy are you know what it were me
yeah we're not in the market an apple TV
I'm sorry chromecast works great for me
I have a roku so I don't really need one
I'm gonna definitely get one I'm I don't
think I'm gonna get one because I have
to review it yeah you're you're you're
the Apple by man guess so I'm much like
much like I bought the Apple watch and
everyone's like oh dude you bought it up
a watch anyways yeah cuz I have to
review them totally and I didn't speak
of it that favorably and people got mad
at me so maybe they shouldn't have asked
me to buy an app I much yeah but Apple
TV will be interesting I do want to see
how it matches up with my favorite
streaming box platform is Roku though I
think they'd have the best content the
most content and then chromecast takes a
completely different angle to it uses
the phone really as the controller in
the box to drive it and just toss your
screen instantly so there's a lot of
different things we also have Amazon
our TV but really that benefits you if
you're an Amazon customer more than
anything else but I still pretty much
rank in my mind Roku tops and then I'll
put chromecast and Apple next depending
on what you're looking for does Roku
have voice search now they do okay yes
that's helpful because typing in the
little words you know typing the little
letters with the kids ah you don't want
to thats now you don't want to do that
in addition to this Apple TV news that
it will be coming out again there are
two models 32 gig model will start at
149 64 gig model will start at 199 why
do these need such large capacities the
ability now that you'll have apps
available as well as the fact that when
you download certain movies you won't
have to wait you can necessarily queue
them up a little earlier which is kind
of nice as well so it can hold onto
those as well Apple TV also just
recently acquired a few new stations or
I guess you could call them channels NBC
CBS all access and a venture from
William Morris Willie Morris called made
to measure which is like fashion content
is all coming to there that's awesome so
will your more something at Willie
Morris uh William is it Willie we're
gonna sound really stupid right is it
William procter gamble yeah they do the
cigarette yeah I believe so well Willie
Morris is like a talent agency someone
okay someone who acts like a like a like
okay like an angel yes like a model like
like entertainer host agency okay people
can correct us right now and be like
dude you guys I'm turning this off you
guys sounds stupid right now oh good
we're learning we're still learning we
all learn also @wsjd live Tim Cook had a
chance to talk about other topics he was
asked directly how many Apple watches
have you sold again he said we sold some
in the be Tim Cook they are not gonna
they're not going to release these
figures because I really feel like the
Apple watch sales are good compared to
the rest of the industry but they just
aren't that great yeah I've got less
they're just spectacular unless they're
like breaking all records we're not
going to hear about it and Apple will
typically boast about a product when it
hits maybe 10 million units right away
you'll start hearing stuff like that
they didn't say anything so they're
still keeping it close to the chest a
gen Tim Cook's line of the day is they
have the highest customer satisfaction
like thanks that that doesn't matter
percent that doesn't mean anything to me
I think that the new watch OS to update
that recently came out a little while
ago and they did a minor update that
will touch upon later my favorite part
about the watch is that you can now set
like a photo album of your favorites and
then random different pictures show up
like this with Mia mob a that's kind of
cool be my BAE right there my BAE but
then another time I could show it and
can be like my nieces or like a son
that's how sad it is right that's what
yet that's what got me excited about the
update of the Apple watch yeah it needs
help apps I haven't I haven't
necessarily found app still load super
fast because they still have to download
a lot of the data through your phone to
get access to it so I still haven't used
apps on my watch that much really that's
just me I there's a lot of people that
might dispute my experience but it's
it's it's there hmm so Apple watch is
kind of their Tim Cook also talked about
a few other topics touching upon Apple
doing a car he said really soft floors
up software is at the core of this to
really get those great experiences also
to help with optimizing battery life
their goal is to put an iphone
experience into a car he also said that
will wait to see we'll wait and see what
the future brings I do you really care
about an apple car right now I don't
care because i know i will not be able
to afford it so there's no point me
being excited about it really yeah I i
don't know i don't see how they leap
frog Tesla that much yeah I know that's
all Tesla has a very big footprint right
now and they're you know they're growing
rapidly so it's gonna be really hard for
Apple to come in and compete with them
right away but I mean Apple has the the
name you know that brand name so I'm
sure they do be a big factor so that'll
always be a big factor as my periscope
phone just fell off go to my lap people
just got a direct launch into my lap
which is quite nice so talked about
Apple car you know iphone success
privacy apple still has said to this
they any phones with iOS 8 or later they
do not have any way to access your data
which is a big deal Wow right um there's
some laws that are trying to be passed
to let the government have access to
some up to the date of our phones in
certain conditions but that kind of
becomes a slippery slope Apple is just
completely walled off people from
getting in there and has not created a
backdoor they say iOS 8 and iOS 9 you
are your data is protected and even
Apple can't touch it that's awesome I'm
all I like that yeah I'm gonna believe
them right I want to believe that I'm
gonna believe them right now um let's
talk about stuff that's out right now
this week pretty much or what is it this
week or last week I'm getting my weeks
all mixed up last week I can't even
remember the hunk was Back to the Future
week so we are everything we were
inundated with back to the future news
reports videos so it's all a blur right
now to me I am so confused right now
okay October 13th that's what it was
when i was gone on vacation that's what
my brain is on vacation Apple finally
released updates their new imac line so
the 21.5 inch imac now gets a Retina
display on it the 27-inch imac still has
a 5k display the pricing starts at 14 99
for the 21.5 inch and i believe it 1799
for the 27-inch but also you're getting
some killer accessories they've revamped
all of their their mac trackpad to their
magic mouse to their magic keyboard they
all have lithium ion batteries built
inside and they can all be charged with
the lightning connector I haven't even
used them because I literally came back
from vacation at the same time I don't
really actually like apples mouse I
think it's too low profile what about
the the just the clear like trackpad
thing that's kind of you know it's
supposed to have all the what do you
call it the hand gestures and stuff it's
cool but i still prefer using a mouse i
actually like the mice I like the feel
of some of Logitech's mice and
Microsoft's mice better they have a
better arch on it it just fits my hand
better yeah I apples are too low profile
for me I mean it's basically just trying
to be like an eye
screen right this is the new mouse yeah
I do and they have like even on the
trackpad it has forced touch stuff so
like you can push in it extra hard I can
if you're reading something you can get
maybe like definitions on screen of that
word ice or a quick access to a visual
representation of a map yeah so it's
it's kind of cool I don't know sometimes
I think people widely adopted I haven't
seen anyone in the office here with it
yeah so I I agree with you I think you
know people are just used to using a
mouse we've been using a mouse for like
20-30 years now so there's the only
shortcut that I've loved the most out of
all the stuff is like when you get a
shortcut with your desktop apps and
everything clears off or you know the
expose where everything minimizes that's
when I like it yeah yeah that's what I
like it but anyways Apple's new
accessories are out probably give if I
had to give anything a try i'll give the
keyboard how to try cool but it's a
little shallower it looks interesting it
looks more stylish but i don't care
honestly I don't really eyes want my
keyboard to feel good yeah it just has
to be comfortable you have to be able to
type fast so I worry about typing this
probably that's probably a good thing
yeah so those are all products that are
out that are new as of last week and you
know I guess you could say this week and
people like Oh your week behind yeah we
haven't had a show for two weeks we're
way behind get off it sorry and we are
way we are way behind alright this is
kind of fun I always liked these type of
random surveys that come out when the
holidays are just around the corner best
buy has a consumer survey that reveals
the top tech gifts for the holiday
season now did you look at this or not
are you looking at are looking at right
trying to get it up right don't look it
don't look it don't look at it right now
ok ok wait if you had to guess uh let's
say I'm gonna give you a chance to guess
five justjust guess in the top ten this
is all of the products that are out
right now okay okay Apple Microsoft
samsung everything headphones health
wrist wearables okay okay I'm gonna give
you a few moments to think about it if
you can name some of we'll see how many
you can get in the top 10 okay okay I'm
curious let me see definitely iphone 6
oh no no okay um Roku uh no no that's
surprising to Apple watch not the top 10
top 15 top 15 okay um chromecast no okay
you want to stop this is surprising to
me but this is based on best buy's data
the number one product people want for
the holidays ipad wow that is surprised
because the ipad market the tablet
market has continued continuously been
declining past like three or four
quarters but that's good for Apple that
is good but why why now is it because i
don't know everyone's older ipad is
finally old maybe I think that depending
on the they don't say specifically you
know the age range of this exact exact
survey let me see if they actually here
okay this is for Millennials ages 18 to
34 they put consumer electronics firmly
at the top of their preferred guess
giftless and this is what they came
about came up with so 18 to 34 year olds
that love tech all right number one iPad
number two not talked a bunch about but
my favorite travel product all time Bose
QuietComfort 25 noise canceling
headphones okay that makes sense those
are gold when you travel I love noise
canceling gold number three a macbook
which is like the most expensive
computer computer you can buy number for
the samsung 48 inch smart 4k ultra HDTV
nice i have an issue with this why 4k
don't mean squat on a 48 inch TV you
don't get any real real true benefits of
watching video on a 48 inch screen you
got to go 65 70 or larger if you really
want to see the benefits of 4k so that's
just dumb just dumb okay I should take
back your Roku statement number five
sharp 43 inch smart HDTV with Roku so
it's like a roku basin a TV I have one
of those at home ok cool I dig it ok
number I'll go through just the top 10
real quick number 6 Microsoft Surface
man I'm not it's pretty austere ffice
together a sick number 6 to be in the
10 number seven bose soundlink mini
bluetooth speaker okay so two speakers
are hot during the holidays interesting
though that the best by consumer Bose is
a strong brand with them right we have
two bows products in the top 10 number
eight the Fitbit charge HR I totally get
that that's an that's a they're
super-popular wearable arguably the
number one sold wearable out right after
labelling I feel like it's the top one I
see it on people all the time yep
Samsung Galaxy Tab s2 is at number 9
still still alive and kickin still alive
and number 10 dysons v6 absolute bagless
cordless vacuum those are very expensive
man do Dyson vacuums like for the good
model it's like easily over 300 bucks
and for the great looking like 500 the
great model yeah five six seven hundred
bucks goodness that's just scary that's
scurry and they're also like one of the
worst reviewed vacuums on cnet by the
way from the scene at home people do
they today hate dysons man every one of
them because they're super overrated is
not just yeah they're overpriced I think
mainly they lose because of the price
but um yeah they're just really
expensive I mean I've I've caught I've
been swept up in the whole idea of the
brand because I've been looking at Dyson
that's all I know other pricing I'm like
are you killing me seen that smart
people now with that yeah so anyways
that's just a breakdown of the top 10
holiday wish list app awash came in at
number 12 in case you guys were
wondering but it was not in the top 10
on all again ipad number one probably
the most surprising thing to me out of
that list was a Roomba number 14 I would
recommend a Roomba before a Dyson just
by the way because it does the work for
you have to do anything rumours are
actually pretty good I want one I'm not
even kidding I want one really bad i'm
tired of sweeping my house then don't do
it this year this year is the year Oh
Santa ho ho ho since we were talking
about iPads been so popular let's talk
about the ipad pro the product that i've
been dying for 42 years it's coming out
and I admittedly admit on my show that
the surface pro is a superior product
because of its hybrid nature its ability
to be a desktop OS as well as a
tablet-based oh
s it's a better product but because I'm
an apple ecosystem not only just my
music movies and purchases the apps it's
it does tend to come down to the
ecosystem in the apps I still want an
ipad pro I would be totally stoked to
have an iPad pro would be awesome
definitely her as a gift or something
you bought a gift I would not buy that's
what that mean I bet that's what it
sounded like in your voice I'm like oh
he wouldn't buy one but you would get
one as a gift picture I would happily
accept one the rumors is that the ipad
pro according to Macotakara and their
chinese-based supply chain sources will
be available on november the sixth that
would be the week after the apple TV if
so earlier rumors pointed to the fact
that apple TV would be available
sometime in early november so this could
line up right there's been no
confirmation from Apple at all but the
Apple started the ipad pro november
sixth right on right on and this is kind
of cool we always see patents that get
filed by Apple some of them are accepted
some of our I mean some of them are
granted some of them we never see the
light of day some of them are both
granted and we never see anything about
them Apple has a new kind of magnetic
multi-use ipad stand that was recently
granted granted to them an original
patent that they filed back I believe
somewhere around 2013 and so whether you
can see this or not basically it's kind
of like a it's like a cup that
magnetically connects on the bottom of
the iPad and then outside of it is this
kind of mounting bracket and Apple used
a lot of examples where you could maybe
put on the dashboard of your car you
could put it on like a fitness runner
you could do things like put it on a
tripod or a music stand and then they
even showed like an image where you
could put two iPads side-by-side to look
like an ibook that's cool man I would
totally get one of these how we with
what iPads i have i have one ipad okay
no I would you know I'd use it at
definitely at the gym put it on the
treadmill as they see that that actually
be cool yeah
I wouldn't lie if I was a treadmill user
I would do that or even if they had
different the thing about this is it's
some mounting bracket so they have to
make them available everywhere but if I
could just dock it somewhere and use it
why not you know I have like a little
iPhone mount for my car yeah and I put I
put it on you know I watch like CNN or
something I'm track I was like you know
it's like right in front of me know okay
would you really but um you know if I
had an iPad I'd probably even go for
that that would be great for my kids by
the way y'all by the way by the way that
would be awesome so anyways it's a
patent application for this kind of
mounting bracket base that could connect
to an iPad pretty cool whatever they may
or may not make it but the reason why I
brought it up is because the ipad pro
has really started to create its whole
family of accessories they have the
apple pen soul and their their keyboard
case so we'll see how that all shakes
out iphone news this is always kind of
funny acc recently released their new a
9 phone and images of the rear of the
phone may look exactly like not even
trying to be different but exactly like
an iphone 6 design yeah if you have the
complete metal backing you have the
lines now for it i will give them credit
for the record uh HTC was if i recall
right the first phone that came with a
metal unibody the original HTC One which
I owned because I loved it had that
whole full-body now this is this is
funny because they had to defend
themselves Jack tongue literally that's
the name president of atc north asia not
related to me jack tong we might be
related we're all related said we're not
copying we made a unibody metal-clad
phone in 2013 it's apple that copies us
in terms of the antenna design on the
back Jack Tong has anybody seen he has a
point there everyone's like oh the
iphones first now it's true wasn't first
he says the a9 has made thinner and more
lightweight than our previous metal-clad
phones this is a change in evolution
and we're not copying okay well he was
right about the first Marcia but that
looks exactly like an iphone yes thank
that's pretty funny it's pretty awesome
that it's pretty awesome good good for
them good for them and then in another
report just some update Apple news of
what's kind of shakin and bakin in the
background intel is reportedly
partnering up with Apple to provide
chips for the next gen iphone this won't
be anything processor-based but reports
out of venturebeat's a intel is hoping
to supply its 7360 LTE modem chip to
Apple for the device and if all goes
well even potentially take part in some
of the manufacturing right now we know
there's a Qualcomm chip inside the
success and the success plus that
handles all of the wireless
communications and has even faster
connectivity at LTE networks Intel this
is big money for companies in order to
get their processors and their chips
inside of an iphone we know how many
units they sell I think there's a rough
estimate that they might Apple might
sell somewhere around 40 plus million
iPhones before their next quarterly or
earnings report which is coming up
pretty soon I think it's coming up in a
in a week or so I can't remember off the
top of my head but there you go Intel
potentially getting their chips inside
of an apple iphone um also stuff that's
happening inside of the iphone software
updates galore happened this week iOS
9.1 i don't know if you guys finally got
the official word but there's these
things called tacos and burritos and i
just got the update like right before
the show so legit I'm happy to see
Mexican food finally represented the
only lamely where's my Chinese food I'm
looking Chinese food right isn't there
like a capital for japanese food this
Shh I guess I could call that Italian to
its noodles right who star who started
noodles you know my my dad always like
would say like Oh Pizza Chinese people
invented at four so like what are you
talking about because there's moo shu
pork where you like put all this
toppings on yeah yeah and you wrap it
and then I'm like well is that kind of
more like a burrito he's like yeah but
Chinese invented at first it's always
like Chinese people invented everything
first which which which might be true I
don't know could be true iOS 9.1 anyways
gives you
raiseamount emojis there's like a
unicorn there's the popular middle
finger we talked about people on
periscope are flipping me off with the
middle finger right now it's really rude
you can change the skin tone of the
middle finger though you can't you can
oh you can okay that's good i was going
to say so whether you're asian indian
mexican black or white or just really
yellow that one I call jaundice no I
call it what is this the UH why am I
forgetting the name of the cartoon
citizens the Simpson you gave him the
simpsons middle fizzy everyone i just
someone just threw a bunch of there's
also like there's also some funny
expressions like there's like a money
face oh it was like it's like there's a
dollar sign on the tongue and I I was
for all the hip hop people yeah it's a
there's I think there's like a popping
bottles I there's there's one more like
there's like two hand oh there's like
spirit hands here I have some b-roll
there's so spirit hands there's a bunch
of there's a bunch of stuff emojis make
life better I actually wish people would
like send us messages in emoji to the
code that actually be pretty cool oh
yeah maybe we'll do that one time here
we go look at all these emojis chocolate
chip that's probably there already
actually Oh tacos I'm talking tacos
right now I'm talking there's a
breakfast taco in there there's a dog
that's dressed like a taco and there's a
dude with a tank top that's tacos how
can you not love that stuff all right um
beyond that watch os2 was updated OS 10
el capitan updated for better
compatibility with office 2016 as well
as the emojis then apple also seeded TV
OS which is in gold master which now
means that's pretty much the official
release that will go out to consumers
when the new Apple TV comes out next
week it's always fun to get a new
product yeah but I have to spend money
for it right now and for the record
people may not knows i buy my own stuff
yes brian is by Allah's own stuff I've
never apple doesn't give it to me and
then when you sell it you usually do it
for charity on eBay which is very kind
of well I did that I won't say it all
the time but I didn't come on a few
times I did that a couple times because
of just like crazy natural disasters you
know what sometimes that suffer
hits me because I feel like we are so
lucky like we talked about tech and it's
the fact that we can talk about tech and
laugh about it and goof around about it
is a big deal to me because there's
there's people in just ridiculously dire
situations and you gotta like take a
step back once in a while you know
that's all one time I did I'm not here
to brag because i don't want even so
what have you done lately right but uh i
went to vegas and i won something like
three hundred dollars playing blackjack
nice but then like the the earthquakes
in haiti happened yeah and i just donate
all my i felt really bad and I was like
I'm just gonna go my winning dozen of
the biggest disaster that was hope yeah
I was horrible they're still like
rebuilding and we don't see much about
it so anyways if you guys ever feel like
you have you know take a moment is that
step back if you can do anything like
that even small things it's just it's
always always good always good um other
than that for Jen you know like I said
Apple TV coming out we do one option to
talk about Steve Jobs movie have you
seen it no I have you want to see it so
bad so it's officially releasing
nationwide this friday which is today
yes it was the only in select theaters
yeah it was really small it was a real
small role but it made somewhere it
might have only been on maybe like 50
theaters if not you've even that and it
grows somewhere around two million
dollars I think this movie is gonna be
ridiculous every review talks about it
and it it looks insane I'm very excited
about it so I don't know if I'm gonna be
able to see it this weekend it's my it's
my Bay's birthday weekend which probably
means she doesn't want to go see steve
jobs for probably but uh you know we'll
see what happens either way I've got to
see this movie in the next week I can't
wait it looks so beautifully shot do it
like whoever you know so Danny Boyle
directed Aaron Sorkin written even
Michael Fassbender said that he didn't
he was he was trying to take a hiatus
and a break and when he saw the script
he said I had to do it smart and then
Aaron Sorkin funny enough never saw a
fost bender movie he had missed
everything from let's say what are like
I quiet I can't even think of a one of
his movies I mean what you know the
movie that doesn't do justice you know
there's x
hidden first okay yeah i mean he's good
at it but that's not what his real
ranges yeah man if people like gave me
someone's gonna be like why don't you go
to IMDb and why don't you type in like
foss foss bender and see like all the
movies that he's done oh he was in the
was he in prometheus I love that movie
was he won yeah what's easily was a big
robot guy like uh yeah i like the
android giant guy i think he was he uh
he was in okay here band of brothers
okay never saw that one Xmen apocalypse
is one of them uh prometheus he was in
um yeah okay i think of him as a serious
actor but it seems he isn't a lot of
sci-fi kind of things so yeah sorkin was
like I've never seen this guy but then
he saw some of the subbies like we have
to have this guy he was an instant he
became an instant fan cool so Steve Jobs
the movie out this week gotta go check
it out um let's take some phone calls
yeah oh yeah let's do this let's do get
a couple voicemails and well let's hear
the first one hey this is Connor now I
am a huge fan of Cena and also apple so
I recently got the new thirty eight
millimeter Apple watching but the new
product red color that was just one
thing do you think it was a good buy or
do you think you're sort of a flop
thanks bye do you really want that
answer I don't think it's a flop I think
it's it's a middling product to me it's
like a five or six out of ten right now
it still is even after the software
update you heard me talk about it
earlier if you love it then I'm happy
for you but if you think it's I would
have only I feel like you're only asking
me that question because you don't think
it's as good as you thought it would be
and you're curious what my opinion is in
my opinion probably lines of yours it's
not as good as you thought it would be
so this is a bummer which is a bummer
thank goodness I love how it looks but
man if I did not like how it even
remotely looked I would just I would not
be wearing instead it got a special red
one is that like a new model it was um
just the ban was like the red uh they
have a product red band with kind of a
new launch of new colors of bands basic
okay so um not not a dud but alright
let's go the next call hey guys it's
jordan Richard
to you from Adelaide Australia um I'm
just wondering how long do you think
after the ipad pro comes out people
start complaining that they're getting
hurt or impaled from the Apple pencil
being charged from the Lightning port
and secondly do you know why Apple
always uses 914 I think its nine
football team anyway I love the show and
keep on Apple biting and so yeah I don't
think anyone's gonna get impaled by the
way I'm wondering how does someone get
impaled by the Apple like it'll snap off
that lightning connector first before
you get impaled by it quite honestly you
could I mean if you could drive a stake
through a vampire's heart you could
probably drive a Apple pencil through
someone's stomach mm-hmm so go at it
what was this other question about 914
oh yes marshalls ok so it rang a bell
because I'm like oh no no no I know why
Apple a lot of times you'll see like
this the time 941 it's actually 941 it's
not 914 I believe it's actually actually
I'm pretty sure it's 9 41 and what it
comes from historically according to
insiders and according to Apple is that
at the time Scott Forstall who used to
run iOS and then was actually fired
because he refused to apologize about
the maps debacle and that's why no one
uses Apple maps anymore yes okay so
there's a little history note for you he
told someone that in Apple's keynotes
they like to around the 40-minute mark
reveal the big thing of the keynote but
then it's so silly they're like well it
doesn't always happen exactly 9 40 so
we'll give or take a minute or two and
that's how 941 originated now if you
look at past keynotes um I think I had
it pulled up here but if you look at
past keynotes there are many multiple
references where Steve Jobs drops the
bomb at 94 I like 940 one ish really
yeah I'm serious that's very interesting
so so inside it's so inside baseball
that's why you see it um no around there
but that's according to story
is is what it's all about um in the
morning here we go in the morning steve
jobs announced the very first iphone in
2007 around the 42 minute mark in his
keynote he said today Apple is going to
reinvent the phone picture of the iphone
popped up displaying the time 9 42 in
2010 the first iPad was released that
was revealed it displayed 941 hmm if you
check apples site right now there's
always 941 uh you know kind of used on
the products and whatnot and so there
you go that's some of the reasoning
behind it that's pretty cool no real
reason but a reason I'm gonna start
looking for that now yeah and now you
know now you know it it's so inside
baseball it's weird it's weird and
Jordan I do have to ask you a question
you could google that that's so funny
that you say that because I always have
like a question in my head and before I
asked like a co-worker or someone
sitting near near me I'm always like I
could just look that up I don't want to
bother anybody I think Google has made a
lot of people look way smarter than they
are to you but then also google is great
I use it just to find out about the
history I'm a big comic fan and I'm a
comic geek and there's certain things
that I still don't know and so you got
to use that and there's nothing wrong
with boning up on your knowledge and
then being able to spit out my lady will
be like oh did you wikipedia that or
something like you cuz she knows if it's
like something totally new that like
neither of us really knows she's like
there's no way you can just know all
this right away you clearly use the
internet to learn about it I did and you
didn't so don't get mad don't hate don't
hate is there for a reason yeah okay um
what sorrow yeah there's a couple more
okay keep on going this guy hi miss
Michelle from Houston Texas I want to
know what can we do to get more memory
on samsung has their sdk little SC mini
cards and we still have to deal with
apples in-house storage I want to be
able to record something and put it on
my little SD mini SD card
and and move it around quicker instead
of have to connect my phone all the time
so I'm you need to put a petition out of
something we need to put out a petition
let's should we just do that should we
do the pic yeah petition right now sure
go there's a petition website I'm sure
that we can just create one send it out
tweet it out tweet tweet it tweet it out
uh so here's the thing now you've
actually started to see a trend of
phones we're talking about non apple
phones Android phones from google
samsung i think I don't know if the new
HTC 9 has a 9 has a slot or not I can't
remember at the top my head because I
was gone but more phones now we're
actually taking getting rid of that
micro SD card slot instead of keeping
them but I do have a solution for you
apples not going to change that they
have never done that from the start I
don't see them doing it anytime soon but
a beach um if you can look up this thing
it's called the mophie space pack mo pH
I space pack what it is it's basically a
case for your phone so mophie makes a
bunch of these awesome killer battery
packs it's them it is my personal
battery battery case of choice but a sum
ov space pack this what makes this
different though is it has storage
within the battery case ranging from
something like 64 gigs additional 128
gigs additional and what you can do is
actually use that storage space with
your phone and put your music on there
you can put files it it's probably one
of the coolest solutions because this
battery this is also a battery case at
the same time so that's the juice pack
reserve that we're showing on screen but
it's called the mophie space pack you
can look them up they're not the
cheapest i think they start typically
around 100-120 nine dollars but it
basically can double the storage of your
device slap that bad boy on and you're
good to go that's pretty cool yeah it's
a really killer product i sat down with
them a man months ago when they showed
you i'm like i wouldn't use that but i
thought it was really cool nice so there
you go i found a couple here but um you
don't really have a good image of them
what is it what is it retail for roughly
a hundred and fifty dollars yeah see
they're not cheap for 16 gigs luhya is
not cheap because again it's a battery
case as
well it looks like 60 for the 64 gig
it's two hundred dollars that's pretty
pricey but you know they do have apple
does have the iCloud now for 99 a deal
for 50 gigs they do so it's twelve
dollars a year for 50 gigs of storage is
pretty big amount of storage to meet you
use that I don't but you know when I saw
that option I was like that is a viable
option and it's affordable more than
once it was it before it was like thirty
dollars yeah I 20m I can't remember I
mean they had to drop their storage
price it's one of those things that I've
never I've never used because I don't
know I there's I'm still there's there's
stuff about me where I like the idea
about the cloud but there's too many
things at oh if it's in the cloud and
then once you're disconnected it goes
away blah blah blah but I just don't
like yeah like this is tricky to I mean
it's it's not easy to figure out like
I've been playing with it you know it's
not know I know not simple or like you
know storing do they say they won't get
access to it but do I really want to
store an exact backup of my phone on the
cloud and then when it comes time to
re-install re reload your phone it's
actually takes a long ass time to get
that data from the cloud instead of just
plug it in your computer through a cable
too so it takes longer to but there are
obviously advantages where the cloud
works but just for pure storage I'm I'm
personally not as big a fan of that for
photo storage I think it's a different
ballgame yeah I think photo storage is
huge that's where it it makes the most
sense for me yeah but for just general
storage not as much you don't want to
lose photos cuz that's precious times
that you've recorded in order children
beach yes you're beautiful children I
don't know anyone I don't want to tell
you about my project backing up every
photo of ever every digital photo I've
ever taken I back to a hard drive it
took me a couple weeks that's hard but
now you organize it too yeah it's all
organized in folders 2014-2015 that's
bro it's kind of cool you know but a
folder and be like oh here's my every
picture in 2015 yeah it's kind of me
that that could be rough that could be
ready I'm just saying like I just over
time all my stuff's just like in this I
photo thing and I like it's not even
organized anymore right just goes in
there Mike out whatever yeah it sucks
do we have any more calls we have one
more and this is another another example
of what not to do this guy he makes some
valid points but he's kind of all over
the place he doesn't really make a
coherent thought for a while but here
let's listen okay okay this is awesome
um yeah so I'm watching your guys of the
Apple by at your country podcast and
yeah about this apple ring thing oh my
god like I just think it's ridiculous um
like first of all I mean I do not want
Apple to make a car you know how to
compete with Tesla I mean first of all
that's what I mean though it's not a
thing I mean in my pain it's not a real
thing yet because I don't know anyone
you know that drives one if I do see em
you know see a person drive it it's real
quick if you're in San Francisco there
are Tesla's everywhere on every corner I
almost got ran over by a test of the
other day coming it was coming out of
like a don't do that in garage I almost
hit me there's Tesla's everywhere FYI f1
whoops I was trying to I tried to replay
his part but anyway that's an example of
it was like a minute and six second
second oh here so please I mean we're
the only ones i gotta keep on going on
and on and on about the stupidest stuff
you can't how fair is that yeah like he
got into mac pro's and that call
chairman like iPads and Apple watch he
commented on everything he was pretty
much covering the entire gamut yes
exactly what you could do to be more
productive if you guys want to call us
the number again is 1 800 61 62 63 8 you
can leave us your voicemails may be
called like separate questions yeah that
might optimize your chance of instead of
just talking about like 20 different
things for as long as we do he was just
like you know he was just getting a lot
of off his chest yeah is venting I'm
we're here for that will take
relationship advice will do everything
for you guys so um I guess we should
wrap it up huh we haven't you know we
haven't talked in a long time I think we
went really long anyway now we're pretty
good we good yeah alright anyways
everybody that's it for this week's
apple byte extra crunchy continue
call continue to watch tell your mom
about the show she really wants to learn
something i'm brian Tong stephen beach
them running the show as usual we'll see
you all next week my text crunchy piece
hell thanks everybody on the scope is
from the 30 from 30 60 62 what are they
talking about I don't know talk about
should sponsor all right everybody we
will see you guys next time thanks for
hanging out and yeah peace out out
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