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Whoosh will clean your filthy smartphone

what's up seen ederer's Brian song here now okay we've been at the show all week long and we all know that phones have all these kinds of disgusting germs and bacteria and all those good things on them our next guest has a way to wipe them clean Jason Greenspan CEO of woosh there it is is in the house let's give it up for Jason everybody all right thanks for coming out here whoosh whoosh who told me it's all about tech hygiene tell me what you guys do and you know kind of what's your mission behind all this yeah so we recognize that your screens are gross right so all these screen that you love playing with and interacting with they get really dirty right no different then when you have plate of food your play gifts dirty well your clothes get dirty your hands get dirty so we've developed a really great line of products that keep all your tech clean hygienic so there there's like some magic solution in here I guess you say what are you trying when you look at someone's phone or iPad what are some of the types of nasty things that could be on it everything from a cold or a flu or general bacteria you know why do you wash your hands at to go the bathroom why don't I well why don't you I do why don't you wash your hands right so I didn't think that you touch your phone touches so right so we look at it as what you touch your phone touches we also look at it as these devices you don't go very far without them right they're always with you so they are personal extension of your hands so you wash your hands why don't you clean your device like what was the last time you cleaned your device I honestly like you asked me this earlier and I have no idea I I mean I don't know how many of you have any of you guys like played video games while you're you know in the bathroom beyond let's put those hands up we go Exmouth put those hands up there we go I know you know what like everyone up in the front is the people in the back I know you've done it yeah you're right over there be proud Oded she has used the potty that's right touched her iPhone Detroit so um when you look at this there's a lot of cleaners you know Windex I guess um I don't know how abrasive this is what what what is in here that you know why shouldn't you use some of those over-the-counter cleaners too great question to do this so glass cleaners are designed to clean glass you think about what glasses glass is designed to see through right it was never designed to be touched or interacted with and glass cleaners do a great job of cleaning glass for you for seeing through the problem with screens is there actually electrical components right and all the OEMs and manufacturers they also put coatings on an anti-reflective oleophobic do different things from a color transparency perspective if you use an alcohol-based cleaner an ammonia based cleaner which is like a Windex it can actually peel away that coating and the alcohol can actually peel away the glue that the screen attached to the device with and burn through the the electrical component so they're actually not really safe to use an all you're only OEM warranty say do not use alcohol ramonja for that reason okay ours is completely safe not only is woosh alkaline ammonia free is 100% non-toxic so right like Binaca so it's completely non talk because why would you want to put something on your device that you then touch and is talking about I didn't say taste a good I just said it's non-toxic no be you've been drinking that stuff a lot having not as good wind at Nauticus vodka is going to say but it's completely non-toxic was great you put the phone to your face right your kids touch your iPad yeah why you toxic chemical it's kind of crazy so uh one thing before we are going to do some tests here one thing before we do the test is like I've seen videos where they say oh you know you have your toothbrush at home and that there's fecal matter on your toothbrush like is there poo poo on your phone there is poo poo on your phone so your phone is 10 times dirtier than a public toilet seat it is phone has poo poo on it phone the one with the box that's you know uses in the bathroom now maybe she'll wash it has poo poo on it it does right so let's do some tests and figure out what's a life on a poo poo we're gonna let's find out okay it was quite a let's do it let's some senses so to explain this test as we're doing it yeah for sure so this is an ATP test meter okay for bacteria and germs to really grow it needs a protein source so for you to you know grow you need food germs bacteria need food as well so what this does very quickly is it measures the amount of basically food the protein that we ter uses to grow right outside of a lab so we're going to do some tests will do yours will you do mine so let's show everybody already right so we're taking rid of swabiz phone a little bit of swab in here a little bit of swab in their minds yet macadamia perfect right awesome that looks a little bit for me please sir you know I've just jokingly plenty of segments I've actually licked and made out of my made out with my phones that not a good idea great idea it's like using some live at a clean your play it just works so well all right so so this one's 10 sec will do a countdown so let's see what's going to come out with anything really above we're talking about 10 to 15 is really considered dirty six thighs right so which one is great there we go to anything from what to what any about 15 is dirty that's dirty what's my not what's 47 47 dirty dirty boy there is definitely poo poo on my phone right so let's yours let's do mine right so I had this iPad that we've been giving around the show all day yeah you been touching it and using it and demoing product on so we're going to do this one right so this is for this gonna be pretty cool so we're gonna see how this one is knowing that we were coming here we didn't clean it at all the last two days and everybody's been handling it so do the same test if it would be really sad if that's lower than mine I'll be really sad man right okay so again we're gonna do the council to help me out here let's do it ten here we go ten nine eight seven six five four three two one whoa wait 1590 yeah so we be the last two days haven't touched it once haven't cleaned it so everybody's been touching you deliberately clear a company were like let's see how gross we can get my iPad that's pretty great well lick I'm gonna stay away I'm gonna stay for I'm gonna stay away from the IPO air all right yeah I'm gonna welcome to so let's clean it now right so wow pretty straightforward so you're a bottle for you pretty straightforward so you can spray it on the device right there you to get a little bit of moisture or you can spray it on the you're terrified of this no I can look close are you sure no no I just it's 1590 so what other I mean what other type of you know bacteria and things can you list some of those lovely friends of ours no yeah so E coli is pretty bad oh yeah right that's pretty bad yeah influenza h1n1 you've heard all those kind of terms Yeah right so those are pretty bad it doesn't take a lot to clean it so you clean it like you wash your hands when you wash your hands use a soap you rub them together go down the drain with with any kind of screen cleaner including whoosh whoosh you whoosh your screen you wipe it off with the antimicrobial cloth which acts as your drain and let's see how clean it is see what we got here let's see oh and don't worry for those of you watching out there we are gonna test one of your phones that's right someone's like yeah let's get down and dirty she's got me to prove I know this guy's like no I'm not lying my pool pool phone right ok so we're testing this this is after we clean right okay so my 47 actually wasn't that bad that's not bad that's pretty good compared to my 1590 you know the worst we've seen is about twenty seven hundred three two one let's go zero zero so it's clean Wow are we gonna give a round of applause for the woosh woosh there it is I wish there it is okay so what we want to do here is two people in our lovely audience we'd like you to come up here donate your phones for the cause of science and Ramona the person with the least amount of poo poo is going to get a CNET hoodie all right you guys want to do this once you guys if you can make your way very carefully on the come up on stage come up on stage guys come around here hey Jeremy all right we've got Jeremy from Viva Las Vegas all right I'm Jeremy hey can I switch recipes can it Boca Raton all the way from Florida all right order good here we go so what devices do we have here we've got an iPhone 6 plus my iPhone 6 plus vs. iPhone 6 plus game on all right so here we go Jeremy's gonna be on this side Kemp let's grab your phone here okay and we'll do this perfect here we go okay we're gonna swap these got a really good swap in a little bit nervous yeah a little bit whoever gets the lowest number will win a hoodie you know the scary thing the other one will actually have to give us his shirt that's right we're gonna learn who doesn't wash their hands lingo the bathroom well no yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm not gonna shake either of their hands though all right okay everyone so hold this one uh whoops sorry do it again okay 15 seconds all right I'll just hold this one out here this one's going for 15 seconds this is for mr. Jeremy's yeah we're swab that of the one down I will actually have on I'm not gonna show you the number I don't want to show you the number yet you got that one yeah I don't want to show anyone the number you're not offense to the societies of the billion here I'm not scared of anything per se okay I'll let you know there's another five seconds and we're good okay here we go yeah so your phones get dirty touch them all day long you wash your hands clean your phone I mean that's like that I mean that that will definitely you know this is a this is a good selling point for your product for sure okay nothing yeah yeah okay okay there we go through what we'll do what we'll do is watch they turn them in this Rex and Alec terms so that we cannot get the right Cameron okay here we go so we have mr. Kenneth over here mr. Jeremy over here in three two one Oh with 282 Jeremy with the pupu hand and Kenneth 201 you are bought a winner for washing yo hands still dirty congratulations lot - all right here you go we will get to the right size unless you like a men's small that will look very tight and form-fitting on your body okay so we'll get you guys some bush - thank you so much all right there you go well thank you so much for this um where can people find woosh Apple Store Amazon Walmart Target a were available and I wish green shine calm all right there we go thanks Jason so much you
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