Why cleaning your lens with a t-shirt is a horrible idea (You're Doing It All Wrong!)
Why cleaning your lens with a t-shirt is a horrible idea (You're Doing It All Wrong!)
if you're huffing on your camera lens
and smearing it with your shirt you're
doing it all wrong there's actually
nothing wrong with breathing on your
lens the problem comes when you clean it
when you use a t-shirt to wipe your lens
clean anything but 100% cotton can
create micro scratches and streaks that
only make your lens grimy er the fact is
you're probably cleaning your lens more
than you should little specks of dust
won't affect your photos so resist the
urge to clean until it's absolutely
necessary when you need to clean your
lens do this first use a microfiber
cloth lens tissue or lens pen to wipe
away any dust or smudges if that doesn't
help add a drop or two of lens cleaning
solution to the cloth and if you're
really dying to get rid of dust use a
blower brush not your mouth and now
you're doing it right
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