Microsoft's Xbox one has only been out
for a couple of years but already people
are using it for amazing things it's not
just a console it's also a great
multimedia entertainment system and if
you can think about picking up an Xbox
one but aren't quite sure I've got four
reasons why an Xbox one should be your
console for this holiday season number
four the new Xbox one experience
Microsoft just brought a huge update to
the Xbox one that includes a new
community section and upgraded one guide
if you're interested in a one-stop shop
for your games TV and movies and more
it's a much faster experience that makes
getting to your content easier which is
always a good thing and speaking of good
things the new Xbox one experience also
brought one massive upgrade in
particular number three backwards
compatibility one of the coolest
announcements made at e3 this year was
the fact that you can pop in your old
360 games and they will download and
play on your Xbox one it's not every
single game but as a press time there
are over a hundred of them including
classics like burnout paradise and that
list is only gonna grow over time as
publishers are able to give the go-ahead
for their games here's the hoping Red
Dead Redemption gets the nod soon
come on Rockstar we know you can do it
number two customizable controller
inputs tagging along with the Xbox elite
controller which honestly is so amazing
is an app for the Xbox one that allows
you to remap controller commands it's a
really nice gesture that lets users
customize their experience and Microsoft
added this functionality to every
official controller now look for it
built into the new update in the
settings menu are the Xbox accessories
app if you already have that no longer
will you accidentally throw a sticky
grenade up and onto your helmet in Halo
5 when you meant to reload because
you're used to the way a different game
doesn't you're in control and I'll never
do that again
and the number one reason why the Xbox
one is the console for you is the great
games that you can only find on Xbox the
Xbox has some real powerhouse franchise
exclusives that will make the decision
to get down with Microsoft a good one
you got Halo 5 you got all future Gears
of War games all the four is a state of
decay the upcoming scalebound and
crackdown and at least until the end of
of the Tomb Raider oh so good picking up
an Xbox one is a solid choice this
holiday season and beyond
Microsoft is under a lot of pressure to
make sure that the Xbox one experience
is the best it can possibly be for all
kinds of gamers and with access to your
360 library customizable inputs and a
whole bunch of exclusive amazing
franchises on the Xbox it's going to be
a really exciting year for Microsoft
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