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WiTricity demo shows us the future of wireless charging (video)

hey Sina this is Aloysius slow in Taipei I'm here to speak with why tricity CEO Alex cruisin on his company's wireless charging technology so the basic principle is that you have a resonator operating at a certain frequency and that if you build a receiver that has a resonator in it tuned to the same frequency you keep them in tune as you come in the presence of the source the power source power is transferred and what's unique about this you know there's been many approaches it inductive charging which needs you know for induction you need two coils that are perfectly matched it's kind of like my electric toothbrush or even Chi phones with magnetic resonance you get this positional flexibility you get to operate at a distance you can have one power source and multiple receivers the same principle all it does is it just draws more power right now almost no power is being consumed now it's been transferred to the receiver it also goes through materials I've been embedded in a table I think that you know a desk and concrete asphalt for charging an electric car also goes you know through human body so we have a very interesting business in implantable medical devices it's a whole new field of bio electronics so you could imagine charging surface now with multiple devices you just toss them on and they start charging and that was why Theresa tease Alex cruisin now hopefully the wireless charging technology will make its way soon to rebels or even our homes I'm malicious low C net typing
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