Will Microsoft's Scorpio sting the competition? (The 3:59, Ep. 206)
Will Microsoft's Scorpio sting the competition? (The 3:59, Ep. 206)
good Thursday morning it's april six in
time for episode 206 of the 359 podcast
and we got Alfred hang and Bridget Carey
in the studio today good morning
everybody how will be doing wait oh no
you go for high we're doing great we got
some big Scorpio news today hank scorpio
nice to meet you God if finally packets
if only it was the same Scorpio but no
this is about Microsoft's us project
Scorpio where it's gonna be there next
gaming console they're calling the best
console ever where ever heard of that
one before um but and then to lead up
with that I've we've also got my story
about disabled gamers what they're doing
to you know just just be able to work
around their their their limits and I
actually talked with a gamer named
brawley legs who plays street fighter
four and five with his face and he's
he'll kick my ass he's very good at it i
I've seen him play super smash brothers
and which I play competitively and he
can't defend him because you need the
left and right buttons to block and he
can't do that with his like just playing
on us and he's still like I've seen him
play he's incredible at it so yeah yeah
and then we've got you got your ass
handed to you I didn't play him but like
I'm saying like if I did like I probably
would uh and then we our last story that
we're talking about today is um the
selfie drone because we all need new
ways to take photos of ourselves you
know we don't ya know we don't I want a
new filter there's no new filter I can't
wait for the filter drone alright hang
out everybody we're gonna go ahead and
get into the recording of the podcast
for about four minutes and then we'll be
back and we'll join you in the chat and
have a lovely old time to end our
podcasting work week I me here we go in
three two
welcome to the 359 where we talk about
the top tech news of the day and all the
other crap we feel like I'm Alfred Inge
and I'm Bridget Carey so microsoft
revealed the specs for project scorpio
its latest project which is supposed to
be pretty much an xbox one on steroids
just listing off some of its stats it's
supposed to have a one terabyte hard
drive of the 12 gigabyte RAM Microsoft
is bragging about as the the most
powerful game console ever made which
most gaming companies will brag about it
and it should be very capable of playing
a 4k games so Bridget I know you've
looked into this what do you think and
what potential does does this have for
the next generation of games well they
kind of spat out a bunch of specs that
just kind of make it glaze over unless
you really care about specs ever heard
of a teraflop before because I got six
of them you know and you go okay thanks
that that's good but when you really
compared to how it looks with the xbox
one and the ps4 pro it's definitely more
powerful and faster than the xbox one
and X the ps4 pro is just a close second
behind and what you're looking at is
something that in the grand scheme of
things if you didn't already know it's
not gonna play a new set of games it's
not a new library here this is the same
games that work on the Xbox one but if
these game makers are already are making
games that work on high-end pcs what
Microsoft is doing is kind of making it
so that those same games can look their
best also on an xbox just whatever
they're gonna call Scorpio um and and so
is it gonna do much for a gaming except
that if you really want to see something
in its amazing 4k quality and and it has
enough processing speed to be able to
render that in a way that you'll notice
well it depends if you got a lot of
great accessories at home to go with it
like a great TV and what not well
speaking of games i wrote a story today
about disabled gamers and how they're
finding solutions to play by working
around their disabilities i spoke
specifically might begin who he's better
known as Broly legs and he plays with
his face using his tongue inside his
cheeks to press buttons on an xbox 360
controller very similar is the one that
you and I would use it this me there's
no extra like add on to the controller
knowing he's using his his mouth nope
it's the same controller you and I would
first came he actually ever beat with
Super Mario Brothers 3 and that's
actually how we figured out how how he's
gonna like to start using these
controllers Wow and I mean I'm thinking
to myself like it's already hard enough
for me to figure out kames but like I
was looking at the picture that you had
on your story about about how he's doing
it and and and I'm just impressed but
yeah he's doing this with kind of the
help of a charity organization called
AbleGamers they kind of create
controller solutions for people that
aren't able to play that many games I
spoke with a someone who visited who had
cerebral palsy and her right arm so she
needed to be able to play only for the
left hand and it was really hard for her
to play on keyboards because you know
she had to stretch like over her thumb
and she works on a keyboard all day so
like it's very strained by the end of
the day and when I was there today
shoulder all these like different
controller options like there instead of
using a mouse to like look around in a
first person shooter she kind of had
like a foot board where you can I put
your foot on it and you rotate it around
like to look around in the game I think
inventing their own accessories to make
it work or companies really like now
actually helping people by by making
add-ons well sometimes they're inventing
them but they're working with these
companies they worked with a group
called evil controllers to make a like
an accessport kind of thing and then but
sometimes they're also buying them like
the foot pedal was shown off at CES and
our last story our own Josh Goldman
wrote a story on a guide on how to step
up your selfie game which is pretty much
using selfie drones instead of selfie
sticks these go start at like three
hundred fifty dollars and can go up to a
thousand dollars now for that once i
could buy like a hundred selfie sticks i
really don't know like 106 you never
know yeah run out of them alright thanks
for listening and check us out and see
net for more all right welcome back uh I
want to hear more about the you're able
gaming experience it's a you know we
only ever have enough time for the
podcast it just kind of glazed over
mm-hmm a lot of the details and elements
but I want to hear more about this
experience you had last weekend you
travel too deep where'd you go to sledge
Enya Virginia oh yeah it was really cool
that so they have that an accessibility
out of Virginia it's about West Virginia
sorry it's about an hour and 30 minutes
outside of DC but they're you know they
have like all these shelves of like
different kinds of controllers that like
people can come and test out they have
like a desk that like automatically
lifts up and down so if you're in a
wheelchair can like come down or like
you're a little kid or um and then they
have all these like different kinds of
controllers there's one that like they
used to use a 3d printer to like make
the stick for it so like they can make
any kind of any shape that would like
fit like your needs there's one where
you can play like entirely just so I
like use it like breathing in a tube and
like pressing your tongue down or your
chin down we saw a little bit of that
video yeah yeah it was really cool and
then when Christie Moyer the girl who
was getting uh you know trying out all
these different controllers showed up
she she came with her boyfriend not
boyfriend sorry her husband Benjamin
moyer who they talked about their
relationship and how that but it do we
like playing video games a lot but she
like was really upset that she couldn't
play video games anymore with him which
was like a thing that's like really
important part of their relationship
yeah do you think they're gonna start
actually actively developing forward I
mean have they started working on things
for Scorpio well I guess accessibility
yes well Microsoft is actually one of
the best companies when it comes to like
creating accessibilities for in their
games at GDC they were they hosted a
panel about game accessibility there and
how they added these new features in
where you could basically allow gamers
to remap their buttons on pretty much
any game that they wanted as long as the
developers like implemented that feature
and but it wasn't like basically the
developers didn't have to like create
that feature themselves like Microsoft
is saying here you go developers we're
giving you this tool for all Xbox games
and you can just put it in if you want
and remapping is like really important
that's the only way that Mike become can
play you know because he has to remap
like several keys to the front faces
because you can use the side and that
was actually something that was
originally made for arcade sticks that's
why I like fighting games like allowed
you to remap steps because sure yeah I
want to play with a controller and you
had an arcade stick you could plug that
in and as like
I want punch to be here that it was made
for a cage six most its ergonomics yeah
well I mean are we at a point where like
I mean the whole issue I see obviously
is that a company's not going to make
this definitely see its profitable and
you want to see companies do more do to
make where are we at maybe and that
realm or is it right now still a charity
design kind of situation well the thing
is is that they actually found that
these games making these changes
actually ends up making it better for
everybody in general some of them like
it's not even that much so there's a in
overwatch that you only need like eight
keys for that and people like that was
that wasn't like a that's like really
helpful for accessibility features where
like you don't need to have like a
controller of like a bunch of buttons
where you could just have it all on like
the face buns on most people play on
keyboard anyway but it's easier like
remap it based off that but in uncharted
4 with the multiplayer on that
originally what they had for like
multiplayer was like oh okay you're on
Team Red and you're on Team Green right
but then there were complaints from
colorblind players we're basically like
that can't tell the difference between
my teammates so all they did was change
it like Team Red Team Blue and that just
like made it better for everybody and
then um so these are changes that like
you don't think about these things yes
don't like these are just changes that
just make it a better game in general um
there was another one and uncharted 4
we're in uncharted like two or three one
of the gamers complained that like there
was a part around like the ending where
like yet button mash something but then
there was a player who had like cerebral
palsy who like couldn't do that because
he couldn't move his hands that quickly
so they just made a feature where it's
like if you hold down the button like
it'll count as the same as I and you can
just turn that feature on if you'd like
and personally like yeah because there's
a lot of rapid response type of moments
in games yeah and then in uncharted 4
they introduced a feature where it's
like you can play the whole game like
all the controllers just on one like one
hand like single controller mode and
like a third of Uncharted forest players
actually use that feature even though
like only one percent of the population
like actually needs to only use one so
if you get become a power player you you
essentially kind of can use these two
yeah also pretty much like Madden 17
they introduced a whole bunch of new
features for
different camera angles and stuff just
like if somebody can't like see the full
swing or anything like that it just ends
up making a bit a much better game
somebody referred to it as a electronic
curb cut in the same way that like curb
cuts on the sidewalk we're like
originally made for people in
wheelchairs when it goes down yeah but
then like you know everyone who has a
skateboard a bicycle a stroller started
using it so that's that's the way people
look at it another example would be like
closed captioning on TV that was
originally made for you know people that
like can't hear like that are deaf but
then you know I just ended up being in
every bar or any public place that had
television yes one interesting
perspective yeah yeah you don't and
never would've thought of that be
totally right yeah so doing so like all
these accessibility features for games
are just making better games and things
that you know people actually want the
controller's think that's a different
aspect of it though because if it's just
what that is like not a very profitable
market where it's a sense of you know
sometimes it's kind of tragic where like
these companies like end up going out of
business or something because it's not
exactly profitable and then they're also
very expensive because if you're making
a custom controller specifically for one
person there's like really high cost but
the issue I mean that's where you know
organizations like AbleGamers and
special effects in the UK come in where
they you know they come up with these
solutions to help disabled gamers like
find new ways to play hmm all right well
let's go ahead and backtrack into more
gaming because talking about selfie
drones is a waste of time you may have
any questions about the selfie dry no
but we do have a lot of kind of
surprising ho-hum attitude about the
project Scorpio I would thought that
there'd be at least more balance between
excitement but everyone seems to be kind
of cautiously optimistic maybe at best
at least until East I'm ho-hum about it
too it's just specks like that doesn't
tell me anything about the games that
I'm gonna play and that's another thing
that's kind of consistent across a chads
a lot of people share that sentiment you
never talking about before the show
started where it's like who cares about
how much power is under the hood make a
better game yeah I mean where do you
start with that though that's the that's
the way that I look at it like imagine
you're like describing a basketball
player and all you can do is like tell
me like his height he's tall he's like
he's really toys to tallest player ever
doesn't tell me anything like do not
like what is like free throw percentage
or anything like that but like hand eye
coordination yeah that's the thing it's
like tell me about the games like to
throw in the counterpoint um Eurogamer
you know who the site that had had this
exclusive look at it you know we still
have no pictures but they said that they
saw it perform really well in 4k and had
enough you know processing power to kind
of render all this great and you're okay
it's like saying I saw a player play
good you know so you still want to see
that demo this was a weird tease to
bring someone out and you know someone
who is very you know spec oriented eyes
who they brought out but it worked
because we're here talking about it we
are hungry for just some information
about it you know so yeah the biggest
thing I want to know is is that is this
a development name or is that gonna be
the final and that's the code name I
hope so because that is so pretentious
and do she's won't be yo and you scoop
you the only good Scorpio there ever was
with hank scorpio me before I gotta I
gotta break for me here for a second
because I just can't ignore that there
there is a joke competition going on in
our chat room right now and I just want
to shout out to a spire link what do you
get when you put a vest on an alligator
an investigator that was surprisingly
easy cuz I didn't get it when I was
reading in the chat well you guys are
doing the stories in the beginning I'm
sitting there reading joke my god no I
don't know no I'm not backing idiot I've
heard so many of these like jokes uh
yeah a lot of people are just kind of
generally I just want to play games as
elite brian gaming go figure with a name
like that Brian are you leaving these
comments on your own no I'm not if only
I had that much time I mean like yeah
you look at you know the Nintendo switch
which you know it actually doesn't have
better graphics or specs than the ps4 or
the xbox one s but at the same time like
they're trying they're delivering on
like very excellent games you mean
differently too yeah which is you know
what people are also looking for
something what makes you think
differently who are the game developers
I didn't take advantage of said specs
you know a king dave points out that the
xbox one currently isn't a 4k gaming
console it's upscaling
because no games are made in 4k our
people actually going to start doing
that with Scorpio because it's going to
be allegedly easy well the pc games are
able to handle that so you see master it
easy man but but but you know what i
mean you know like take those same games
and maybe they'll start to look good on
ya but yeah somewhere early on in the
comments i am i'm forgetting the name of
who contributed this but they said
digital foundry pointed out that would
the xbox project Scorpio would be the
equivalent of like a one-thousand-dollar
pc gaming that we owe the equivalent of
it yeah well isn't it supposed to be
around five hundred dollars though like
at least from the first teased I
remember reading things that it could be
around five hundred dollars again there
was no price set but that's some of the
early reports so maybe there's different
I don't know if it's if I mean anybody
who ventures farther outside of that
$500 window on a launch console is just
asking for trouble yes Sony yeah we just
just got a PC for gaming it's so much
better it always will be it really is I
mean you can get a controller for your
pc to play on and you can always upgrade
it and that's the problem with consoles
to do you know you're like stuck so oh
yeah it's the best now and then who's
that great later we're almost out of
time but I like bills sentiment in the
chase as these two point O consoles will
kill the market why bother with the
consoles if we need to upgrade halfway
through their lifespan that's the other
thing to the upgraded by multiple
versions of all of these consoles yes
places you for pro xbox one s it's gimme
the good one first or make it
upgradeable yeah the upgrade cycle has
like modular game consoles I mean if
you're really into it but then I mean
that's what a PC yeah um but yeah the
upgrade cycle has gotten so much shorter
it feels like phones now we're like you
get a new one every year but no but
there's no need to do that yeah I know
when people stop waiting in line outside
the apple store for three weeks and
we'll stop you know finally moving
beyond that as a society it's just like
think about the difference between like
the like the weight between like the n64
unlike the Gamecube unlike the game few
min the wii and then that's when things
you know went downhill whereas i oh now
we've got the wii u but like the
difference between like well I think
when Tendo really faulted on their side
they had appropriate windows in between
each launch just because the wii u
wasn't a great console and they it was
an appropriate amount of time you forget
how much time really passed between the
wii and wii u granted the idea to rename
itself kind of was weird but that's
another ship refaire they went from xbox
360 xbox one and now yeah xbox one s
yeah and I guess the next is xbox
Scorpio or something I don't know
everybody's a reboot it's like movies
just like everything game consoles are
just a big series of reboots people
talking about possible exclusives what
do you think the exclusive games
anything Xbox is gonna step up they
weren't gonna do it they weren't that's
the last i read that like nope it's not
gonna be something not even something
made just for Scorpio Holy Light
Nicholas yeah it is suicide man I think
it always change their mind or maybe say
hey this version of the game might might
have an extra type of thing but I think
it's gonna all be the same yep same I
mean I mean when plays agents scooping
up stuff like a um shoot what did I just
see the other day sorry I total breach
alert you know what they got the Parappa
remaster alright that game is incredible
um I mean that that's where it started
it has to stay there yeah um but yeah I
mean you can probably expect like
another halo um maybe in other gears of
war I just meant like nothing on Scorpio
isn't gonna be on xbox one oh okay
that's what i meant like like you're not
gonna get something special just for
scorpio that you wouldn't get if you
didn't have an xbox one yeah alright
fair enough it's probably good place to
wrap it up for the day anything yeah I'd
say so if you liked what you heard check
us out on cnet com the 359 podcast is
also available on itunes tune in
stitcher SoundCloud feedburner google
play music exactly dinner made that
awful list thanks everybody that's the
end of the week we'll see on monday have
a good one see you do i need to rework
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