hey guys i'm eric franklin from cnet and
today i'm taking the first look at the
Ouya the ouya is a $99 video game system
that hooks your TV it runs on Android
hooks your TV via hdmi there's also a
full USB port there's an Ethernet port
there's also a microUSB port there's
built-in Wi-Fi their support for 5.1
sound as well as Bluetooth so the
interesting thing about we are beyond
it's really low prices that is really
trying to support the indie game
development community every oh yah is
also a development system so you can
take the Ouya hook up your computer
download the SDK or as they call it the
odk and then you can just start making
games on it and you can submit the game
so we on turn around according to them
is about an hour to two hours and then
your game is just on their store people
can download it and yes and depending on
what your business model is you know you
can start getting paid speaking of which
every game on ooh yah is free to try so
you can download your game and then try
it for a little while and see if you
want to continue playing depending on
each games business model you'll pay
microtransactions or pay for the full
game the console is actually this little
small box is less than a pound in weight
has a power button the top also comes
with a controller the controller
actually looks a lot like the Xbox
controller it has dual analogs but
there's a d-pad in the middle there's a
home button to triggers and two bumper
buttons the controller felt great my
hands it was pretty light it fit my
hands really well the handles fit really
well playing the games it was buttons
were very responsive i only used mostly
the face buttons there's also a touchpad
on the face of the controller that is
used in some games so in one game i had
to kind of like scratch the touchpad
really quickly in order to get something
to happen which is kind of a cool thing
kind of new cool thing I got to play
maybe 15 minutes worth the game's most
of these or just indie games also got
the Final Fantasy three for a couple of
seconds some of the graphics are kind of
like retro pixely graphics that you see
a lot in indie game
these days but some had like Final
Fantasy three had polygonum graphics
that look pretty sharp the system
outputs to 720p as well as 1080p the
Ouya game consoles available to early
backers right now and everyone else
would be able to purchase it on jun 4
2013 it will cost 99 dollars for the box
and the controller so it's going to be
interesting to see how well this does
this is not going to compete directly
necessarily with a ps4 the next Xbox is
not as powerful as those systems but for
people who are into indie games for
indie game developers you know ninety
nine dollars in a lot of money for a
console once again i'm eric franklin and
this has been a first look at the Ouya
game console
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