Will the Homepod keep your conversations private? (The 3:59, Ep. 237)
Will the Homepod keep your conversations private? (The 3:59, Ep. 237)
and good morning from Sina New York
studios it's time for the 3:59 podcast
episode 237 and to borrow a phrase from
the immortal Bryant on what's up y'all
what's up y'all
hello Byul is immortal now is that what
we that's what we've bestowed upon I
mean he's been seen it for like eight
883 years or some 150 years it was
longer before we have before it was
actually it existed so good for Brad
Todd that's a quite the accomplishment I
would keep referencing Bryant because
everyone thinks of Bryant talk damn it
and welcome to the brine tongue fan of
podcast but I'm Betty not true whatever
he doesn't here's a walk this show who
would guys were you talking about today
I'll be talking about more home pod more
horizon I'm gonna be talking about sort
of stacking up the privacy aspect
privacy of the home pod relative to
Google home and Amazon echo we're
speaking of Amazon then was at the wired
conference yesterday where he got get
the first reaction from Amazon really I
do believe it was the first reaction I
just hesitated to say that in my story
because you never know you throw a
little shade one through a little shade
at after lotion
yeah we'll get into that very good
either lastly we'll touch upon the the
Comey testimony which is going on live
right now both CBS News and CNN covering
it lives if we check it out but you know
we'll just touch upon some of the
revelations that he laid out really on
about the the Russian hacks no I'm try
to stay away from politics too much so
good idea with that give any questions
about these topics let us know Brian's
gonna pick out the best well get to them
in 3 minutes and 59 seconds from 3 to
welcome to the 359 I'm Roger Chang I'm
Ben Fox ribbon smart speakers are always
listening to you so how secure are they
our own alfrid and compared the echo
Google home and home pod on privacy and
it looks like Apple comes out top at
least for now while they all encrypt the
voice recordings Apple takes the extra
step and anonymizing the data so it even
it doesn't know who's asking what which
is kind of useful if the government
comes knockin right um for instance
I believe our do or serve obligated if
there are legal reasons to give up some
of those recordings well not only that
but they also have those identifiers you
would hope to benefit customers yes they
are linked to your account so they're
there for yes it's a lot easier to
identify a user with their recording
right so if you have a Google home in
your house for instance it connects to
all your other Google services yep
Google Calendar Maps like it knows your
location but I can see why a lot of
people or certain customers might not
really like that that might make
something like the home pod less useful
for people yeah however if you are
interested in that additional layer of
security maybe the home pod is right for
you that's I mean that's my broader
question is like Apple is going to try
to sell this as a safer more secure more
private speaker is that something that
people care enough about that they'll
actually buy this as opposed to the
other speaker it comes at a steep price
point right so you're doing or even as
well it's got the tweeters
don't forget the tweeters but it's also
got privacy like is that enough to
justify the you know more the double the
price tag look I might argue that if
somebody is really paranoid or worried
about um you know you're smart speaker
listening in on you or you know getting
getting like government requests or
different things like that you're
probably not on the market for a smart
speaker so true I'm paying three hundred
and fifty dollars for a home pod versus
an echo or a Google home I don't know
that they're really going to get a
benefit from that extra privacy layer
right I'm speaking of the home part of
the reactor's the home pod I bet you're
at the wired conference yesterday with a
wired business conference right where
Amazon's head of devices Dave lip was
there and you really got sort of first
reaction from Amazon from Dave on the
whole pod What did he say
yeah we asked him it was a room of
reporters and we asked him full well
expecting that he was going to give a
or I'd say like I declined to say
anything and instead you know much to
Dave's credit he provided like a pretty
thorough response as far as why the home
pod is a very different product than the
echo you know there are two aspects to
that one of them is price Amazon
philosophically he said once to have the
echo be cheap enough that you could have
everywhere around your house that's why
they have something like the echo dot
for 50 bucks
whereas the home pot is three hundred
and fifty dollars so you're really only
going to buy one or maybe yeah yeah I
mean they position that as like your
main speaker right and that was the
other aspect was sound quality the echo
has reasonably good sound but it also
makes it really easy for you to connect
to other speakers so if you have a
personal interest for both speaker or
some other speed right Amazon makes it
much easier if you're going to spend for
a premium to your speaker that's it with
the home pod that's what you would get
okay lastly we want to touch upon
obviously games Kobe's testimony going
on right now we actually have a story up
sort of taking a look at some of his
comments on the Russian hacking efforts
and he called this massive effort it
went beyond the DNC actually affected he
believes hundreds maybe even thousands
of people individuals not just with the
government but charity organizations and
really so it seemed like is a lot more
widespread than we realized
but for more that and live coverage of
the testimony check us out and see that
Roger Tsien I'm Ben Fox Ruben thanks for
alright everybody that's a wrap on the
recording of the audio podcast thanks
for hanging out with us just taking a
look at the chat he had what we want to
get a shout out to the blue wind project
he says cuff when you wait until 1:00
a.m. to watch this because you're on the
other side of the world cuff so thanks
for pulling the egg you brain midnight
all for us we're realistic is really
happy to have much props team we will
try to live in it absolutely away will
do better right or or maybe this is to
help you fall asleep maybe you have
insomnia and we'll just talk we did Lee
slow turn this into an ASMR diet Danny
Green a boy Danny Green if you what's up
Danny he's saying what we're all
thinking if you're worried about people
listening to you go off the grid
that's right that's true don't buy I
mean you made that point you're not
gonna if you're worried about this stuff
I guess you're not buying all these
speakers yeah not only that but like
your smartphone has a mic on it yeah
camera so if you ain't always on you
that's way worse yeah I would say so
yeah I mean the phone isn't always
listening though right no that's
absolutely no that's I think that's what
has people freaked out
but technically these devices are always
listening for a wake word right yeah so
at the wired conference Wired's editor
Nick Thompson he was talking to Dave Lim
and had this fairly ridiculous idea that
wouldn't it be great if the echo was
always recording not just always
listening always recording so you would
actually have like if you got in an
argument ripped yeah if you got in an
argument with one of your kids or your
wife or whatever you could actually go
back and say like you know whatever
Alexa Alexa like what did I say three
minutes ago or so that's like a remedial
that's like a really basic foot step
towards a black mirror episode right
right brother the context but that's
basically an audio version of that I
like if I had water in my mouth I would
have done a spit-take where I would just
like that's a horrible idea
not yeah that's not a good I do not do
that did he say this sincerely it was a
joke or he in a very specific context of
wanting to find out like a whodunit
situation in my house it might be
helpful but like you're literally
creating like a security state within
the four walls of your yeah just so you
know like oh who broke the vase or
something like that Wow how did how did
lip respond I mean who's on typically is
like we are not always listening to you
you can imagine that it was like we're
only listening for awake where dress is
very like tight loop where Alexa is
constantly listening for yeah that word
and will delete if it doesn't hear it
over and over and over again so yeah no
I don't think you like the idea all
another quick shout out to a newbie Josh
it's our hits his first time watching
the show well hey Asha joining welcome
yeah man and let's go ahead and jump
back into the jet CJ Speicher
people need to hear the sound of the
home pod in order to want to buy it
that's an excellent point if there's
going to be like a new station at the
Apple Store with like a listening zone
where they can demo the Seymour property
instead of having to deal with the noise
have a go about living room that's it
like sort of the walls around as you
keep partner with IKEA yeah that's true
ooh uh yeah they put that in IKEA people
buy it totally right oh yeah
spending thousands of dollars or
furniture like well what's another 350
bucks so it's admittedly because it's an
apple product I know
thousands of people will buy this thing
oh yeah the sight unseen it's getting
out till December 30 lined up yeah so
they're they're gonna they're gonna get
sales regardless but I like that idea
okay key idea know the mountain zone oh
yeah I feel like they'll definitely need
to have something like that cuz it's not
gonna work in a crowded dam I mean none
of the other speakers really touted
audio fidelity that much like it's a
speaker it makes noise it's fine right
they they want you to tie it into your
pre-existing system but apples like no
no we got seven tweeters on a subwoofer
this thing's gonna this is going to be
doing four tweeters yeah which I don't
know what exactly what that means I mean
it's a Stoli I was a little nugget it
can always I was so looking I was
looking at some of the speaker
technology that's wrong that stuff's not
really new like a lot of other high-end
speakers have the ability to sense where
they are in the room and kind of like
adjust the sound so they broadcast out
as opposed to like broadcasting at the
wall so it's not Apple was like taking
some of these features that have been
around for a little while and sort of
wrapping them up in a nice bone that's
which is the Apple way again it's not
it's not necessarily new I would
definitely be curious to see what the
big-time audio people hear that like do
that we've got we've got some great
audio heavy hitters yeah yeah I'm gonna
need to get a get Steve on that
oh yeah get his expert ear yeah and tie
together because even at $350 it may not
really hit the level that you want it's
not gonna do audio it's not gonna be a
Bose speaker right no be the high-end
stuff going to be Bose I'm a Yamaha it's
gonna be Apple we've seen I mean is it
does anyone else remember those like
crystal clear desktop domi type speakers
that were out in the early aughts I
think I remember all of my friends had
these at college I'll try to pick up an
image of them but they were these like
clear plastic tubes they look kind of
suggestive but you could see the innards
of them and like the subwoofer looked
like what the home pod looks like now
and I think they were front they were
Apple speakers maybe a released co
manufactured by Apple I'm gonna try to
be mom Apple did by the way make
they this is not their first speaker
they did actually make another speaker
there's a dock for the iPod and
disappeared very quickly yeah but that's
it but I think that's the only other
like audio product that it's made you're
not kind of obviously the iPod but like
speaker wise here we go hang on up right
now is this it's suggestive looking
product yes anybody will hit the wrong
button there sound stick down stick
three-way are they still available
apparent good buy them now everything
guys anybody remember these I don't I do
now I mean it's obviously not identical
but like it's kind of raining in my head
thinking about what the home pod might
sound like and maybe reminiscent it's
obviously this is not an Apple speaker
like I originally kind of thought it but
they went really well with those old
IMAX that you could get yeah similar
actually lecture they still look kind of
cool enough I'd want them in my house
but not the subwoofer is the subwoofer
for other thing for a look like
something I don't use to cook I don't
they just yeah sure will go cook made
you think about something else but yeah
sorry periscope you can't see this uh
they just kind of reminder you go over
they just kind of remind me of the what
the home pod may be leaning towards
these days uh let's go back into the
chat Danny Green is asking can you talk
to the echo while it has sound playing
and have it respond I think you said the
home pod does yeah obviously that's a
yes that was an early nature and it's
it's still not perfect obviously but
yeah yeah you've been able to since day
one I believe you've been able to die I
think you start with the home part
though the home pod can definitely do
they mentioned Phil Schiller mentioned
that on stage and yes you can do that
with the echoes right the echo is
getting better about triggering I know
that like it's gotten to the point now
where I can watch an echo commercial and
it doesn't trigger yes oh yeah yeah Dave
limp talked specifically about that
yesterday he said that you know they're
working on the commercial stuff or
interested as to how they do that though
because they still say her name right
and I'm curious to what the production
procedure is I'm just interested in
hearing about her just figuring out that
it was coming from the television to a
certain extent I think was one aspect
that he said one of the follow-ups that
I didn't get
- was that if you say the name in the
middle of a sentence it doesn't trigger
as much as it used to I've noticed in my
ona using the echo so I think that they
have actually improved some of those you
know false positives or whatever you
want to call it again still not perfect
still yeah well perfect but I've
definitely noticed that because it used
to be get to that Boeing was like crap
another ad and I'd like to try to cover
her cover she like wrap your arms around
it's like it's cylindrical how does that
I'm just sitting there like Shh no tears
wait you have a dot or the actual I have
a dot I'm all right yeah that's easier
yes you're tomorrow Betty you try to
like yeah Buffalo abroad act like a tag
it with a pillow be like just go nurse
ratchet on it oh man all right
we're obviously off our rocker here and
getting towards the end of the week yeah
what what can be expanded on in the coma
hearing before we wrap it up for the day
where we what was a revelation uh in
terms of the the hacks yeah uh I mean a
lot of that stuff like we I mean look a
lot of that stuff has been kind of run
through I think the fact that he became
aware of the connected cyberattacks run
around the late summer 2015 which is
right around when Trump announced he was
running for president is interesting
like the timing of it is basically since
the start
he's been aware of you know he was aware
of this other cyber attacks and as he
said during the podcast the the level of
the attacks were you know really
considerable and you also presented the
fact that you know really no doubt 100%
the Russia was involved yes which I know
we've been hearing a lot about in you
know the media but it's definitely good
to see like it's coming from this was
from Comey source right on the record at
a Senate hearing yeah so that kind of
added a lot of credibility to those to
that conversation as far as you know is
this happening or isn't it happening
yeah you know the former FBI director
very clearly and concretely said yeah
yeah Russia was involved
they were trying to influence the
election one good thing that I did hear
about that was as far as he could tell
Russia didn't or there was no
influencing or changing of the actual
votes you know so there was no like
like on election day of the votes
themselves which Trump did was a relief
prompt to confirm to Co me that he'd
there were no hookers so there's that
there were no hookers in Russia yeah he
was not involved with any hookers in
Russia really talking about the PP das
es he talked about he talked about did
he did talked about it he addressed it
so all right sorry international
audience we couldn't help result you're
kind of obligated it says something yeah
we can't we'll influence what's going on
in the tech world we're sure our s yeah
and we can't take our eyes off of it
right now the testimony is pretty
literally can't they have it on every TV
in the damn office right and and my
computer yeah all right on that note is
probably a good place to wrap it up for
the day and the week and the we yeah
yeah did a good week has a week busy
week a home pod week yes lots of Apple
today or this week thanks to everybody
who's been putting up with all the
little technical full pods as I get this
new system kind of up and running it's
been nice to be on not only YouTube but
now livestream and periscope as well
yeah that's been a lot of fun and we're
gonna keep doing that going forward so
thank you for putting up with us yeah
yeah thanks for watching alright if you
liked anything you saw or heard here
check us out on CNET our podcast is also
available on iTunes TuneIn stitcher
SoundCloud Feedburner and Google Play
Music see y'all next week see ya
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