
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Will we ever escape 1990's pop culture? (CNET's Open_Tab, Ep. 9)

hey everybody thank you for joining us on another edition of open tab I am Jeff Bakalar I'm hanging out this week with my first sidekick that I ever had on this show you were the one Raj owner mr. Roger Cheng from cnet news and runs our East Coast Department thanks for being here awesome to be here as always thanks for being here and then we have our intern extraordinaire mr. Jake roll how are you doing I'm doing well thank your having me back feeling good feeling very looking good you look healthy as you have been eating that's what I want to hear we feed our interns with here in turn you know we treat our interns well only the finest with knowledge and sustenance right right okay these fine gentlemen are going to be helping me discuss reminisce lament whatever you want to label this sort of overwhelming resurgence of 1990s pop culture that we've been experiencing full blast thousand miles an hour over the past I don't know five six seven a decade years that's going to be a lot of fun and the overarching topic for today's show yeah if you have a comment a question a thing something you want to get off your chest a limerick a haiku don't be bashful type that in the comments section below however you're watching the stuff and Jake will see it will see it will hopefully be able to talk to that so make sure you participate up let's let's talk about the the wrapping up of comic com yes right comic-con ended a couple weeks ago and the vibe that I got was that gamma calm wasn't that cool yeah right yeah did you guys is there any like little bit of news that came out of that thing that you were like oh least they're making another that bunch of trailers I mean look the biggest thing I don't know if it was the biggest thing was the biggest disappointment Navy was a was Pokemon goat yes Pokemon go panel they actually upgrade the panel to halt age was the big that's the biggest hole several thousand people packed in there someone is spread a rumor that they were gonna release a legendary pokemon for those players turned out the developers niantic went on they weren't really a prepared they just sort of gave some very big updates to the game in all are some problems and that was basically it they must have been sweat like yeah imagine you're backstage of the panel and there's 7,000 people they're all ready to eat whatever it is you're going to serve yeah and they're like oh no we only have like a marginal update to this app people must have flipped people must have lost their you know why and in I've been to comic-con a few times you are waiting in line for hours yet for our lakes in particular right been just an order that amount of time just waiting for that place so yeah yeah to bring in to bring nothing virtually nothing it's just yeah that is a bummer not great may that kind of set the stage for comica the biggest disclosure was that eventually be able to trade your Pokemon with other player oh that was worth the seven our way thanks no niantic oh that really work out of the best yeah its present it's uh that's crazy unfortunately that's kind of how it goes sometimes a comic con you know I usually there's some sort of big announcement or reveal and I think they were spread out a little bit but nothing really like rose to the top where at least you know when you're not on the ground in san diego and you get the sort of ripple effect out wherever you are something always services to the top right but nothing really happened this year where I was like oh man they're making a live-action you know race or that none of that no nothing blew me away I'm a lot it really expected I think the biggest surprise was Justice League coming out with a trailer given how early it is right only right right and that it didn't completely suck for well well lookie we'll see yeah I mean well no what do kind of no feel like the DC track record right right but not so hot not that great no maybe you don't want to turn that DC I get that first Batman vs Superman trailer people went bonkers over they did couldn't even see it if you didn't go to the event we're talking about it from month and how that movie turned out I mean and now with the Suicide Squad getting real I am getting ripped I'm sorry I know where we're going out of order here a little bit of like come on did you have any really high expedite eyes 2020 yeah which is where I'm coming from but like this trailer everything about this move the Joker has a tattoo that says Joker on yes kind of smacks you're trying a little too hard everyone else is like nah dude it's jared leto he's gonna rise above that now no no he did that rise he didn't rise at all not at all no no the first the worst part is I think they went and supposedly shot scenes to make things a bit more comical after realizing how dark Batman vs Superman would but if you read those reviews like none of them really speak to that man apparently didn't help at all like it's still pretty grim yeah and a little nonsense a lot nonsensical right so I've read reviews that call it like an untangled hot mess like ooh that's rough that's rough so the best thing that happened to me selfishly at a comic con is that our own Mike Sorrentino hooked me up I was kind of okay so I was freaking out over these limited edition neca Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures that were based off the arcade cabinet gay ass from the 90s let's bring a photo up of what Mike got me so he got me the set he got me the four turtles you see here if you ever played that arcade game they like heaven I don't think it was office except maybe Jake as he wasn't alive right you're right if you weren't alive you literally did not exist yet but that's fine and if you look real close they like have the button mappings of that is great detail did a really really good job with this thing and only the paintings even got sort of that digital like the bit mark yeah they did like is a pixelated sort of finish on the optimism and they're big they're like six inches it's oh yeah I i I'm in a safe place here where I can brag about this and people are like well that's cool aside from when I told my wife and she's like you should live here anymore so I'm glad to be in a safe place right that's nice no I got appreciate that I look at a little bit jealousy alright cool I could get someone jealous off my Ninja Turtle figures I'm in a good place um alright we're going to move along a little bit i want to talk a lot about you know we started off with like the sort of overwhelming sense of you know supplication with all these 1990s properties and we're kind of just going to like blow through a bunch of things here that are getting remade yeah having some sort of reimagining reboot from things that you know emanated from nickelodeon in the 90s or cartoons on network TV and then Andy's so let's kind of just like roll through what we got Brian feel free to just kind of start rolling through this stuff and we'll pick them off one at a time what do you have here first is it okay so this is the goose bumps that came out that came in South which'll hi I didn't even realize yeah I didn't actually know it's so neither what happened with this one it wasn't I saw it with some specialist and oh you saw I saw at school some friends and you know we're kind of into the friend I'd you watch on that foot Sarah but it wasn't anything special with a more comical take on it and Jack Black wasn't all that good huh yeah I feel like this what might have been one Jack like phoned in here perhaps I would call it all right next up is this still goosebumps oh no what do we have next year let's let's keep running down the line I like this because a lot of it okay so hey arnold is Colonel down excited about this so Jake super excited about hey arnold i was a cartoon from the late 90s and tell me what it was he alive I don't want old was this dude with a football-shaped head who preceded Stewie for family guy he's the first football shaped a cartoon character pioneer a pioneer the original football head right pioneer this time okay but he was just like a kid they went to school my got into trouble like had misadventures and stuff anyway comment on his football shaped head or know someone come over to your name I remember I feel like no Helga he'll call those the one who said it was like all with your head stupid yeah I should call them football head yeah all right yeah well what's crazy is like no one is ever like you should rise you doctor hey you guys normal shades don't work like he lived in like the the house like they like all the different borders from everywhere okay so there was like a very like crazy kind of mesh together interesting i wasn't a gigantic hey arnold fan but it was it was like towards the end of my nickelodeon career if you will alright let's move along there's Helga clenching a fist there what do we got next year okay they're making a movie i 27 I mean I'm sure right now breaking news breakingnews are gonna meet his parents yeah get under like the jelly what is he like an orphan or so his parents like we never really knew he was living with it i think it was his grim yeah is the grandfather and he was always country supposedly the first car to do with that yeah you look like a heavy topic that's a right football heads and familial issues a lot of different stuff got really intense stuff all right ah next up oh yeah we're looking at the you know and this is this is a screen grab on the left from x-men apocalypse and on the right is the x-men 1990s cartoon which is the best that is just the best okay thanks man so good ever hello damn good didn't it in and still play to land in it dan it and it looks like church bells put oh yeah really powerful stuff what a great cartoon so we're just you know referring to the fact that at least in apostle about some of them get the costume kinda got the nights I lost get the costume that's very close to the car what's the best 90's x-men costume on the right there though I'll tell you what it is I'll tell you whose it is I know it is starts with a gene aunty I gotta go with a gambit gambit bien look at him yep he's basically a one-note character but his costume is awesome and he's just ready to go with a deck of cards that dress up so good man you think they'll ruin that too they'll probably room said well that's in the that's in the cars ya see what is a giant 8am is not gonna know is that is that whose wasn't yet canyon was playing yet let's play gambit yeah gambit wasn't that buff no so we'll see I left the nigga comedy cuz he's actually pretty funny guy just really not a great mutiny I don't seems gambit I don't seem this gambit real quick who would be a better gambit don't see Brian brenell because mart wasn't Ryan Reynolds well he's Deadpool Deadpool man owns Deadpool now but I feel like he was gambit in one of those movies right no no he's good what are the Taylor's I forget which one was gambit in that Wolverine movie oh right yes it's terrible yeah his accent slipped in and out it was just not it was not a good experiment sure anyone could pull off a good camp at these days no that's tough Cajun accent it's tough yeah all right we'll let that want to calculating one yeah what else we got in the hopper here mr. bvg up on screen the Power Rangers now look I am full transparency was not a Power Rangers guy yeah neither was i I watched some of it I mean wasn't a huge fan I think the new reboots a little disturbing the especially the female suits with the breasts what really just weird why where else they gonna pull them they go they don't really need them i mean that's that's not really functional is it you rest are marine that's weird right you got a little socks on oh I think oh you're saying they're exposed to much all right interesting several people in the comments just keep reading people the power rangers yeah people love powering will do what the power rangers so like here's my thing about it right power rangers that show was a mess right right i was like a hot mess whether use like a lot of middle earth and it looked real bad well basically took footage from a japanese show right yeah it's real bad even like what was her name what's the woman's the evil woman reader alsa roof hey reza your good press that I even remember that yeah all rights reader repulsive that's pretty bad really I just been bad like what's going I said out those costumes for the most part look pretty badass yeah yeah and you're gonna tell me like oh now power rangers isn't campy and laying like I don't gotta show you come a very big jump it's a big it is it's a dark gritty reboot though like all of them are now going through dark gritty reboots a big dark I don't know alright themes like it's gonna be a drunk when he does right there's like hell happening behind them I mean I think for a lot of people that the appeal was the fact that it was campy it was fun it was a hot mess people like that exactly yeah p were like oh this looks really bad there like strings on everything there's like really all but that's why we liked it bashe yes I'm gonna keep that right yeah by the really bad effects I was like part of the charm like there was no way kids might like I was maybe twelve thirteen fourteen when that stuff came out none of us were like oh the production value super great on this is why we love the show I wasn't like that right oh there's a hot mess but like it's it's like ironically fun yeah right yeah give me a break with this new Power Ranger stuff I'm sorry in the channel if you really enjoy power rangers but i hope that story sort of laid it all out there for you what else we got i love this game that we're playing so this is trans oh this is a transformer so explain this Roger this is something yeah so yes even though it's an 80s cartoon it's getting its own kind of gritty reboot this just premiered yesterday actually on go 90 exclusively which first time anyway trivia first time I actually use go 90s okay what is gonna go 90 is the YouTube like mobile video app from verizon although you can get on any service on any phone okay uh and transformers is one of their exclusive shows oh this is a gritty reboot its mix of CG and cartoon it uses the essentially the plot from the ad show so it skips over all that Michael Bay mess and the show that I'm by wearing my optimus prime sure as you should be as you do on wednesdays exactly if you're if you're big 80s transformers fan this is supposed to be the answer to although Michael Bay woes you've had for the last few years you and you've had them at a lot of years I did endure there for a lot for a while now so you have all had Michael they was since the beginning since Michael Bay was born bad way yeah Brian there was a trailer for a certain Nickelodeon show with a certain hidden temple can we play that this is a legends of the hidden temple was a game show on Nickelodeon in the 90s or maybe early two thousand i saw reruns of it when i was watching Oh said everything we've have you heard of double dare do you know double dare that on a gas or whatever was ok getting loading and that was accurate a good that was good i got daredevil day like Marc summers yes and like all the physical challenges yeah how did you watch double dare like that I think your way Oh English we're my brother watching number double there I think I did or something boy don't work summers its host a show on Food Channel that's right the unwrapped yeah so if you see the show we're watching so now I do we know what kind of functional reboot this will sir I think it's a from Mike sorrentinos post about it I believe it is a VR experience gosh i'm not i hope it comes back and i'll be cool like I kind of caught the tail I know should we need to see it like live so what I'm hearing is that they're doing a sort of like linear story telling about the game show like they're using like the myth the mythos of the games like that lure telling a story which I mean all right I don't know why they're like gay barracudas coming I think I care enough about the backstory aim showed up well if it's a dr maybe I'll Karen yeah silver snakes what else was there blue barracudas silver snakes silver snake I want to say wolves without meru the maroon monkeys I orange monkeys you know I'm talking about there right ah Begley you can buy those shirts at like yeah I feel like Kenya yeah like hot topic oh yeah it's like one of those songs all never fly nature yeah yes you'll never see it um so this is this begs the question right guys like is it too much are they are they are they playing to our nostalgia factor too much is it too much overkill like we just saw ghostbusters we just saw this is it is it too much to handle now you know we've never lived through this before we're like we're in our 30s and you know sort of having things come back around I don't know how do you feel about it you know it's I'm fine with it yes if it's getting me more or say transformers or right actually I hard presses see any of the route that's the other reboots like really care about but yeah I mean if it gets me somebody that the classic shows I want it or i watch the kid I mean okay with that yeah that's that's fine yeah i mean i feel it's so like for me you know obviously the ninja turtle stuff they were seeing right now I think that kind of is that your bug me the wrong yeah a little bit I don't know why I mean I guess I know why I just didn't feel like then you sure as I grew up with but that's okay right maybe the mic help Michael bathing soil stuff a little bit as well I don't know uh you know that that's just sort of something that I have a problem there's a certain sort of like I don't know legacy that you have this memorized you have I'm totally okay with new things yeah we're definitely at the point where nothing is sacred now right we sort of to accept that right these reboots are all gonna happen that whether or not you like got no new ideas in Hollywood so you find it is there a reboot though that if it did happen you would you would just lose it um I'm a huge fan of animaniacs okay see Animaniacs come back that's right you'd be into that a lot of people in common term presently that one also an even match was a big poppa backhoe and dot love their adventures man so I've heard they so they recently reunited as a cast I didn't know that man Real ID no no no so they did a Q&A that's pretty cool that's pretty I feel like I would really be into a ren and stimpy everything I know they tried to bring it back I want to say they tried to do it maybe eight years ago no wonder to that I know it's on hulu town who that's good to know there was some they were something like so I don't know rough about that show I remember when that when that cartoon was on I just remember being like oh let's Brian not for me no I mean right nor be like that's graphic even for a part to me yeah it was pretty intense yeah but I was a fan was a really big fan what about is there is there something sacred that if they they redid you'd be like no no this could never happen I'm kind of like that with a bug ranch a little bit you don't want them to bring about hell once I enjoyed the ax really it was good and like all grown up was like okay yeah but like it wasn't anything yeah good and like rugrat impaired that was the movie yeah I was ok with that like if it stays tube like and they mix with like the wild thornberrys i think it was i don't know that's what we're gonna wrap it but i think that show was like so good like it's like in its prime back then sure yeah there's a reason why i got and they tried to bring it back and it didn't steal yeah i mean i look at it like going back to the transport i'm a huge transformers finisher but I go back and watch those cartoons that they're pretty terrible yeah they're bred plot-wise they make no sense you can see all kinds of weird animation errors you can see where they start cheap dad on on the effects and just like what let's reuse that background again I love it it no I mean but that's why I'm like nothing's sacred and I'm okay with these rubies recourse yeah so I do think though if they if they I realized back to the future will get me oh did a hundred percent oh yeah unless unless like the studio ownership the crater still own the rights to it for now so we should were sampling that I kind of waited net to wait it out basically for them basic it off I think it's reasonable to assume it I believe the two with the director and the writer robert zemeckis Zemeckis and Bob Gale Gale yeah I think are pretty adamant against the reboot which is good on them yeah we're not selling you know like we don't like money you know on money stay integrity I could respect integrity totally I got to interview of not Zemeckis um alan silvestri the composer oh yeah and Bob Gale on back to the future day actually was that last year yeah and we can talk about stuff like that but you could tell like they were not over it do you know like they were still very much into the fact that back to the future is very much important and a part of the zeitgeist they were there they were still very psyched I would still be living in a moment totally I was part of that totally yeah alright we're going to try something a little new on today's show it's a little different let us know if you like it or not in the in the chat we're going to go with something that falls in line with a little bit of like hey it's five o'clock somewhere sort of theme we're going to present to you our weekly geekly cocktail okay this week let's keep it in line with an materials we've concocted a ninja turtles mutagen all right this is one shot malibu rum one shot as Roger fills up his glass one shot of melon liqueur and one shot of pineapple juice shout out to cocktail 365 on the blog spot for the recipe they also have drink recipes for each of our favorite superheroes so in the all the ninja turtle so you should check out their site we don't have this here right now are the right ingredients we're not the right ingredients but if you want to like make this and tell us what it's like obviously if you're old enough to drink yes let's let's try it out and and let us know what you think but just i like i like the ingredients i like what that drink looks like on paper but I don't know green compression green drinks can be either either right I tend to stick with the brown was speaking of green drinks ladies and gentlemen we had to stay somewhat sober so except for me yeah except for Roger who's about seven deep right now so we wanted to have a different green non-alcoholic drink and we have one from the 90s right here it's serg remember surge was a commercial show right here surge is one of our producers brian van Gelder's it's his favorite drink from the 90s he got his hand on this 1997 iconic can remember this freaking cartoon what was going on a cartoon this commercial what was going on in this commercial Armageddon they're like Armageddon have you been to the street with the couches on it now you gotta race across the couches to get soda water to get the green juice anyway I don't know what that was going on but what is going on right now is we're gonna try this alright well look at least this one's relatively new because it's still fizzed when it opened up that's comforting look at that green goodness oh it's back in stores hello Brian tells really appetizing it's disgusting hear you you're not gonna know uh-huh okay so I got the second cup there you go there we go coming prepared right oh don't mix I'm not mixing we can t with what church that is he like that's blur recipe for disaster too yeah that actually might create a the best blows of chemical reactively four loko isn't it yeah it is that that's bad that is bad that's right all right I work you're playing along at home cheers to your surge dreams and ambitions cheers Cheers let's try this hot mess out it's not the worst know sometime lesson with us right okay it's actually not it's like mountain dewd yeah the mountain dew that's kind of the magnet like we're all like this is okay is not that bad now do for st. Patty's Day yeah yeah cuz it's like a turbo like I don't know if you can see this cannot bright green can you see how turbocharged green this is it is I sanely great almost like edge it's awesome it looks nuclear yeah this looks like what turned the turtles into them this is what is crazy hmm alright yeah I'm switching back to us I wasn't the worst that wasn't the best all right we got it we got to get a new a new drink for next time yeah you taste us so let's pop over to our live questions and comments Jake what do you have for us are people losing their minds over 90s nostalgia in the comment section for us chicken surge yeah not so much about sherry desert yet but a lot of people are really asking about 90 s a bunch people asked us if we could talk about you do what I do thank you oh that's card game yeah everyone I remember you you who owns that I don't really good question yeah it aired I remember it it for me it ran kids WB because it be block there was a card game that came around so right after Pokemon there's a pokemon i think digimon yo yugioh there's also same family like shows that they stole from japan a new purpose for the American army like slap the Western a sticker change all the names translated everything I think excised out any Content that was inappropriate and it started selling stuff and it worked was popular films by underbar games from the elements yeah yeah home interi school are no arrest I don't know if they're planning any kind of I don't think nothing was ever popular enough to get back yeah I come back yeah I don't maybe it still going on I don't know does anything surprise you anymore now what else are we are still actually going on power what power rangers are squirming right would it be like outside of the reboot no I was like I'd like this how our Rangers show like there's some power range it's just 300 it like still no no it's been running I don't know if it's running now but it had been right for like 20 years huh they basically just take a show from Japan repurpose it right and there's like a million of about five tree there's like a new blush out here yeah and they all set interesting all right anything else you watch out there a lot of people saying animaniacs and this was a special negotiation yeah reminded me a little bit of a kind of pinky in the brain a bit definitely the brain is another good one then I was a huge tailspin darker oh yeah duck tail a whole block of Disney shows was just angle is it a very solid 93 knew what was up man what else does is that it a bunch people on face when we're talking about danger mouse samurai X Voltron have it I think dan you're messing with Voltron ladies which thinking also just got reboot on net that sound I think danger mouse is also on netflix people were saying that okay and your mouse is also older okay it's also amazing but they look pretty much they were keeping it to that scope today alright cuz that's where you're keeping in that's what we wanted yeah yeah so so thanks for for commenting this is good this is great guys yeah I think I got like all the 80 s and 90 stuff off my chest I think I'm good for at least two more days until you start ups and open that box with your change me Ninja Turtles right oh I can install the way but it all over again I cannot it's gonna it's gonna be a special to me that you like a periscope live on ice cream duty ya know they're staying where they belong in the house they cannot touch your wife to light I'm sure Steve if I that's why they're hidden because they weren't hidden may be gone they to be in the trash that's going to do it for our show today thank you so much for joining us another big thanks to Roger to de Bryan in the control room and everyone watching at home Bell on youtube or livestream wherever you're getting it thanks for getting it have a very fun and save weekend keep the conversation going in the comments and we'll see you next time
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